IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Saturday, 2013-03-23

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Estel_hey, freemangordon, why aren't you there :   ...yet?16:45
Estel_Considering how work there progresses, it looks like dream coming true16:46
Estel_can't believe I've missed this thread before16:46
Estel_(hint: Maemo rebased on debian squeeze)16:46
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discopigi saw that hread too Estel_, it seems like it would be amazing16:52
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freemangordonEstel_: I guess I still don't like the idea of spreading the resources :)17:39
kerioi'm not quite conviced that it's doable17:40
freemangordonand honestly, I don;t see what is the final goal17:41
keriofreemangordon: updated everything17:42
freemangordonkerio: everything what?17:42
kerioall the things!17:42
freemangordonsee what has happened with pixman17:42
kerioyeah, that's why it's not quite doable imo17:42
freemangordondo you think it is the only package to be broken in upstream?17:42
freemangordonI am not sure the approach "lets upgrade everything and hope it will work" is the correct one17:43
freemangordonI believe the approach taken by CSSU is more sane17:43
kerioto be fair, upgrading everything to get a list of what's broken is also a noble effort17:44
freemangordonkerio: this would be a nightmare17:44
* kerio adds the debian squeeze armel repos and dist-upgrades17:45
freemangordonwish you luck17:45
kerioecho squeeze free non-free >> /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y dist-upgrade #yolo17:45
keriobecause #yolo is both a twitter hashtag and a shellscript comment! :D17:46
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DocScrutinizer05[Whois] discopig is ~discopig@unaffiliated/discopig (pig)18:13
DocScrutinizer05[Whois] discopig is a user on channels: #maemo #maemo-ssu #meego #mer #nemomobile18:13
DocScrutinizer05[Whois] discopig has been online since 2013-03-21 16:13:57.18:13
DocScrutinizer05[Whois] Estel_ is ~Estel@Maemo/community/contributor/Estel- (Piotr Jawidzyk)18:13
DocScrutinizer05[Whois] Estel_ is a user on channels: #maemo-meeting #maemo-ssu #mer #nemomobile18:13
DocScrutinizer05[Whois] Estel_ has been online since 2013-03-21 13:01:54.18:13
Raimufreemangordon, what's happened with pixman, then?18:17
kerioRaimu: a bugfix or a change of some sorts in pixman caused problems with other packages when pixman was updated18:18
kerioand pixman is fairly important18:18
keriofreemangordon: is 0.29.2-2+0m5+0cssu0 safe to upgrade to?18:19
RaimuUh, something beyond those two graphical glitches I reported?18:20
RaimuI'm using 0.29.2 and so far everything's good.18:21
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freemangordonRaimu: i meant the performance regression21:00
freemangordonkerio: It should be, I am using it on my "main" device, no problems so far21:01
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lufIs someone using new libxml2 2.8.0 from cssu-devel?22:21
freemangordonluf: recently I did apt-get upgrade, so I guess yes, I am using it :)22:22
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luffreemangordon: good to know ...22:24
lufBTW what about some meeting?22:25
freemangordon15:50 <freemangordon> merlin1991: which reminds me... when will be the next meeting?22:27
freemangordon<merlin1991> well next thursday or later22:27
luffreemangordon: IT seems like two weeks old conversation :D22:28
freemangordonluf: well, pester merlin1991, I am all for meeting too :). There are tons of new things ;)22:28
luffreemangordon: I'm quiet lazy last 2 weeks ... so I can't pester anyone22:29
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luffreemangordon: are you planning to upgrade Xorg on N900 ?22:47
freemangordonluf: hmm, never thought about that :)22:50
freemangordonluf: though I guess we can "upgrade" to 1.722:51
freemangordonfrom 1.6.9922:51
luffreemangordon: that I ment ...22:53
freemangordonluf: what;ll be the gain?22:54
freemangordonluf: we are about 20-30 commits before 1.7 release22:55
luffreemangordon: no idea. I'm just asking as I read history ... and you mentioned it with pixman ...22:55
freemangordonluf: AIUI this is the only major thing we're missing, the fix for abusing pixman22:56
freemangordonluf: but I forward ported the workaround to 0.29.2, it seems to work, so...22:58
luffreemangordon: doesn't it slowdown the pixman?22:59
freemangordonhmm, I don;t think so23:00
freemangordonluf: BTW I expect major microb rendering speedup from new pixman23:03
luffreemangordon: when you plan to release new microb?23:04
freemangordonluf: we have a pile of new stuff on the plate, lets have new CSSU-T and CSSU-thumb out first23:04
freemangordonso I guess for the next after new -T23:05
freemangordonhmm, I hope chem|st still wants to maintain -S23:05
luffreemangordon: ahhh ok. :(23:05
freemangordonluf: does not matter to hurry. though I might rethink for -thumb23:06
freemangordons/does not matter/makes no sense/23:06
infobotfreemangordon meant: luf: makes no sense to hurry. though I might rethink for -thumb23:06
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luffreemangordon: :)23:08
luffreemangordon: what is the reason to still have -T and -thumb? What has to be done before switch to thumb with -T?23:09
freemangordonluf: kernel23:10
freemangordonluf: and agreement :)23:10
luffreemangordon: hopefully the kernel upgrade is going in near future ... (at least with thumb patch).23:21
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