IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Saturday, 2013-03-16

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DocScrutinizer05merlin1991: ping01:08
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merlin1991DocScrutinizer05: pong03:03
DocScrutinizer05good evening :-)03:04
merlin1991moin :)03:04
DocScrutinizer05I investigated a ssh problem03:04
DocScrutinizer05it turned out it been no ssh problem ;-D03:04
DocScrutinizer05M4rtinK and Sixwheeled had no passwd record on vcs03:05
DocScrutinizer05and this whole infra is a huge POS03:06
DocScrutinizer05your ssh key as you enter to garage textbox gets stored to db(ß) and then gets deployed to ~/.ssh/auth*keys of several machines by a cronjob every 15min03:07
merlin1991known to be like that03:08
DocScrutinizer05nfc who nuked the passwd records for those 2 guys on vcs03:08
merlin1991huge pos03:08
DocScrutinizer05there been $HOME for both, with stale numeric userID for owner03:09
DocScrutinizer05I brute force added passwd records for both, and it seems to work now03:10
DocScrutinizer05echo "martink:x:11063:1004:,,,:/var/www/homedirs/users/m/martink:/usr/local/bin/" >>/etc/passwd03:11
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luffreemangordon: had you benchmarked the pixman?09:16
lufI'll try to benchmark libxml2.8 this weekend. If anybody has some skill with it. please share it (don't hesistate if I'm connected or not. I'm watching IRC log ;) )09:19
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Raimu-XDarn, after installing the new libpixman two widgets lost their desktop graphics.11:28
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RaimuRecaller's red/green light vanished and TouchSearch's button graphics all went.11:30
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Estel_merlin1991,  care to update rmo cssu to reflect state of mirror?13:52
Estel_just curious about plans, will current version land there, or you're waiting for next one?13:52
Estel_I mean cssu-testing13:52
kerioat this point, and considering that we control rmo, we might as well push 7.3 with the new glibc13:54
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freemangordonarcean: did you do what wrote ^^^? mce has nothing to do, it is h-d that misbehaves IMO.15:36
freemangordonluf: no, I didn't15:37
freemangordonyou'll try to benchmark libxml? why?15:38
freemangordonarcean: aaah, you fixed that, great15:40
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* freemangordon wonders does it make sense to try to upgrade cairo as well16:37
merlin1991Estel_: I'll throw the current version in as soon as the import works again17:02
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Estel_merlin1991,  afaik import works again?18:30
merlin1991only for devel18:30
Estel_report that, they might have forgotten ;)18:30
merlin1991they know ;)18:31
freemangordonSkry: what would be the benefit?19:14
freemangordonarcean: will you put latest h-d in cssu-devel?19:28
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freemangordonmerlin1991: sorry to bither you, but what is the current situation with cssu repos?20:05
merlin1991repo import itself works, but the gargage group --> upload rights mapping doesn't20:06
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Estel_hey, have cssu changed something about the way packages are installed?23:22
Estel_on my 2nd device, when installing many packages, I got dpkg errors due to podtint scripts tryung to optify /usr/doc/foo23:22
Estel_and being unable, due to file non existent23:23
Estel_then, dpkg leaving package uncoonfigured, due to postinst script error23:23
Estel_I'm pretty sure it wasn't the case, when I installed same packages in my 1st device23:23
Estel_and count of problematic packages is in hundreds23:23
Estel_for every such package, I have either risk ignoring postinst script errors, or touch /us4/doc/foo for everyoffending package23:24
Estel_of course, replace foo with package name23:24
Estel_just to give it something to optify, and shut the fuck up dpkg23:24
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Estel_if it's cssu doing, I would call it regression. Can't think of anything else23:25
kerioEstel_: stock fremantle deletes /usr/doc/foo23:31
Estel_kerio,  I don't get your point?23:32
kerioso it's a bug maybe, not a regression23:32
Estel_my point is that before, such optifying error wasn't excuse for dpkg to leave unconfigured23:32
Estel_regression, if dpkg acts differently now and sabotage installation23:32
Estel_as I need to type "touch" and paste /usr/doc/fobarx1234...23:33
Estel_100 times23:33
Estel_to install big bunch of packages23:33
kerioidk, worksforme23:33
Estel_to be precise, I need to install them analyse 12341234 lines of errors, and touch docs...23:33
Estel_OK, thats valuable info23:33
Estel_could you please, for example23:33
Estel_try reinstalling23:33
Estel_from top of my touchlist23:34
Estel_and confirm that problem doesn't apply to you?23:34
Estel_kerio ^23:34
Estel_so wtf?23:35
Estel_where to look for reason? I haven't installed any fubar on that 2nd device23:35
keriowhat the hell, why was it installed?23:35
Estel_why the fuck dpg fails when postinst script fails to optify something from /usr/doc/ ?23:35
keriooh, it wasn't23:35
kerioi see23:35
infobotEstel_ meant: why the fuck dpkg fails when postinst script fails to optify something from /usr/doc/ ?23:36
Estel_maybe it's not a blocker, but fuckin irritating nevertheless, installing packages takes 6x times more time now23:36
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merlin1991Estel_: we didn't touch dpkg23:50
merlin1991nor apt (except the fix for hidden packages)23:50
* Estel_ nods23:52
Estel_then I'm clueless wtf23:52
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