IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Wednesday, 2013-03-06

lufkerio: ou're right. Maybe I should go to the bed ...00:00
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T_Xluf: hm, the workaround on #11957 does not seem to work for me. maybe it's actually a different bug, hm00:06
lufT_X: maybe not.00:07
T_Xit still announces the address of the usb0 device00:07
T_X(or I did something wrong, possibly)00:07
lufT_X: put the comment into the bug. Hopefully Pali will take a look on the bug.00:07
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Palihere are prepared patches for 1) persistent /etc/fstab 2) auto fsck 3) auto filesystem detection:00:11
PaliI did not tested it yet, only commited changes00:12
Palikerio, you already saw some parts, now there are all patches ^^^00:12
lufPali: auto fsck? When is it started? Is user informed somehow?00:13
kerioluf: it's preening00:13
kerioPali: that shit won't work for me at all00:13
lufkerio: what's "preening"?00:14
Palisame as on desktop, called with arg which decide if fsck is needed or not00:14
Paliall options are configurable00:14
lufPali: That's good but do you start auto_fsck during boot when no info for user (just booting N900 for very long time)?00:15
kerioPali: you're making the assumption that $HOME_TYPE is either ext3 or ext4 there00:15
kerioother fscks don't have -p00:15
Palifsck.vfat has it too00:15
keriook so you're assuming that $HOME_TYPE is either ext3, ext4 or vfat00:16
kerioand why are you bothering with $HOME_TYPE, just call fsck00:16
keriothe problem you had **COULDN'T** have been caused by ext3/ext4 confusion - fsck.ext3 and fsck.ext4 are both symlinks to e2fsck, which doesn't differentiate behaviour according to the name of the called binary00:17
Palikerio, because once when I called fsck it detected my ext3 /home partition as ext4, fsck forced ext4 check00:18
Palithen kernel mounted it as ext3 and wrote errors00:18
Paliwhen it was monting (as ext3 which was specified in fstab) it tried to do some recovery00:19
keriowithout any changes in options, done with tune2fs, you can mount an ext3 fs as ext3, write to it, umount, mount as ext4, write to it, umount, mount as ext3 and it'll still work00:19
Palibut that failed because it was unable to do something with ext400:19
Palifsck converted something in my home to ext4 and ext3 kernel module called some ext3 recovery functions00:20
Paliand then it was damaged00:21
keriothere's no such thing as an "ext3" file system00:21
keriothere is such a thing as an extfs filesystem, an extfs filesystem with journal, an extfs with journal and extents00:22
kerioe2fsck doesn't make mistakes such as **add extents to the options of the filesystem**00:22
kerioit's not a mount option, it's stored in the superblocks00:22
kerioi'm not even sure why i'm discussing this - e2fsck doesn't give a shit about argv[0]00:24
kerioso your claim that it somehow had a different behaviour because it was called as fsck.ext4 is bogus00:24
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andre__Pali, pong00:53
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luffreemangordon: I have the point where deny to thumb obex:/// ;)01:08
luffreemangordon: I think I also see the point where to make the thumb for obex:/// (but it's for another day).01:09
lufmerlin1991: ping01:10
lufmerlin1991: please create on new repo for hildon-thumbnail01:11
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freemangordonluf: great01:32
luffreemangordon: I only have the point where to deny ...01:33
freemangordoneven better :D01:35
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luffreemangordon: it's not better. I'd like to see thumbnail support for obex:// ;)01:37
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freemangordonluf: imagine the traffic and the delay. also thumbnails are stored on the device afaik01:38
lufYes. So it's created only once.01:44
luffreemangordon: ^^^01:44
luffreemangordon: because it's tested on file modify time ...01:45
freemangordonluf: hmm, and what about videos?01:46
luffreemangordon: It's too far.01:46
luf... now01:46
freemangordonluf: BTW I really hate remote directory thumbnails, because of windows. It just does not feel right, not to say that it eats all the bandwidth. Which is not that big for BT01:48
freemangordonbut it is up to you :)01:48
lufYou already have thumbnails fore remote fs (except BT - it seems there is some missing support in gvfs)01:49
freemangordonluf: ok, ok :)01:49
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luffreemangordon: Hmmm, obex needs to be mounted to read the file info ... error The specified location is not mounted02:15
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jon_yhey, anybody know how to disable desktop auto-rotate?13:10
jon_ythe gconf don't seem to work anymore13:10
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jon_yhi, anyone know why desktop_orientation_lock is no longer taking effect in the latest hildon-desktop?14:17
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DocScrutinizer05gconftool-2 --set /apps/osso/hildon-desktop/ui_can_rotate -t bool false15:12
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luffreemangordon: The ***** Nokia put both gnomevfs and gvfs. While hildon-fm is using gnomevfs (I have to check), hildon-thumbnail is using gvfs (where is again old implementation of obexftp) :(20:03
freemangordonooh, come on :(20:05
freemangordonluf: can;t we use one and the same for both?20:05
luffreemangordon: I have to check. But if the only one then gvfs ...20:06
freemangordonluf: is it better? or still supported?20:16
luffreemangordon: gvfs is replacement for gnomevfs.20:19
freemangordonluf: ok, makes sense then20:20
luffreemangordon:  but it seems to be to far for me :(20:20
luffreemangordon: as I think. nearly whole rewrite of libhildonfm.20:25
freemangordonmakes no sense if that is the case20:25
lufI'm not keen enough and I don't want to invest so much time.20:25
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luffreemangordon: I'll disable obex thumbnails now and put into my todo to fix gvfs obexftp ...20:41
luffreemangordon: btw smg support is disabled in gnomevfs same as in gvfs in Fremantle20:42
freemangordonluf: smg?20:44
* luf headdesks20:51
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lufAny idea when should the meeting start?20:53
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Palimerlin1991: ping21:05
freemangordonluf: meeting?21:06
luffreemangordon: title: .... | Next meeting 06.0321:06
freemangordonooh, ok :)21:06
merlin1991arcean isn't online yet21:07
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freemangordonmerlin1991: ^^^21:11
lufLet's begin :D21:11
merlin1991arcean: ping21:12
arceanwow, it's meeting time :D21:12
infobotmerlin1991 meant: yep21:12
merlin1991so where did we leave last time=21:13
infobotmerlin1991 meant: so where did we leave last time?21:13
freemangordonI left in the middle :D21:14
merlin1991ah yeah we had a huge list of new packages, but didn't talk about the kernel because wiki was foobar21:15
lufugh I promised the fix for obexd (and forgot very very fast) :D21:16
freemangordonmerlin1991: maybe we should go through that assessment now21:17
merlin1991I think so21:18
freemangordonwell, lets the rock-off begin :)21:19
lufPali: all that patches are in KP52?21:19
freemangordonPali: merlin1991: I suggest to first go through not-assessed patches21:19
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merlin1991good idea21:20
Paliluf, yes table is from kp52 git tree21:20
freemangordonmerlin1991: someone should edit the table, mind to be that one?21:20
merlin1991my system drops connection all the time, I'd rather have someone else that21:21
freemangordonPali: what about you. I am very sleepy and tiread and afraid that I will overlook something21:23
Paliok, then postpone this to next meeting21:24
freemangordonPali: why?21:24
freemangordonok, I'll edit the table21:24
freemangordonfirst one - anti-io-stalling.diff21:26
freemangordonPali: iirc ^^^ is not enabled in KP, correct?21:26
luffreemangordon why skipped ?21:27
Palianti-io-stalling.diff is enabled21:27
freemangordonluf: this is upstream21:27
freemangordonooh, it is missing 'Y'21:28
Palibut this patch change ABI and kernel version string21:28
Palimaybe we should include it without changing version string21:29
lufok. BTW I'm affraid I don't know enough about these patches to vote :(21:29
freemangordonPali: isn't it included in Nokia kernel?21:29
freemangordonPali: what is the risk, besides joikuspot?21:30
Palido not know21:31
lufPali: also what is a plus?21:31
Paliluf: official linus bugfix patch21:31
Palifor .2821:31
lufluf: not sure if I can call it plus :D21:31
lufwhat does it fix? (any bug report/improvement in battery life ,,,)21:32
freemangordonmerlin1991: cssu-thumb repo is broken, I guess something with mime type21:32
merlin1991how "broken"?21:32
freemangordonmerlin1991: clicking the .install file from microb opens it as text file21:33
freemangordonPali: for how long that patch was included in KP?21:34
merlin1991I know I'd forget some mime-type when I fixed the mime types21:34
freemangordonmerlin1991: can you fix it now?21:34
merlin1991I'm on it21:35
merlin1991trying to find out the right mime-type21:35
Palifreemangordon: kp1321:35
freemangordonyep, since forever21:35
freemangordonI think we risk too much if we don;t include it21:36
freemangordonall KP testing was with this patch included21:36
freemangordonPali: agree?21:36
Paliok, but version string?21:36
Palichange it to .10 or not?21:37
Paliversion string is set in Makefile21:37
freemangordonI don;t see a reason why not change it. The worse thing is a broken joikuspot, which has waay better FOSS replacement21:37
freemangordonanyone else to comment?21:38
arceani would include the patch with new version string21:39
Paliif we change version string we also change path to modules21:39
Paliand some maemo scripts has hardcoded "omap1" somewhere21:40
Palikernel-power has some hacks for /sbin/preinit21:40
PaliI have prepared patches for /sbin/preinit and whole getbootstate package but this is not ready yet21:40
Palifreemangordon, for now I'd rather not change version string21:41
freemangordonPali: hmm, makes sense21:41
merlin1991freemangordon: fixed21:42
freemangordonwell, ok then, include it without .10, ok?21:42
freemangordonmerlin1991: tahnks21:42
luf+1 without version change21:43
freemangordonok, I'll put a note21:43
freemangordonok, anti-io-stalling.diff21:46
freemangordoniirc this patch is supposed to improve the responsiveness, I guess it safe to include it21:48
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freemangordonok, marking it as Y21:49
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freemangordonnext - ARM_6066_1_Fix_BUG_scheduling_while_atomic_swapper_0_0x00000002.diff21:51
freemangordonupstream patch, I think we should include it21:52
freemangordonthough i am not sure n900 is hit by the bug:21:54
freemangordon"This patch fixes the preempt leak in the cpuidle path invoked from cpu-hotplug."21:54
Palipatch backported by luke-jr21:55
luffreemangordon: no clue here21:55
freemangordonwell, I guess it's been in "production" for long enough to be assumed safe21:57
luffreemangordon: that's nearly all from KP51.21:57
freemangordonPali: cpu-hotplug does not seems like something that will get called on n900 :)21:57
Palihm, I think that this patch is not needed...21:58
Paliluke-jr is on #maemo21:58
freemangordonwill you ask hi about it?21:59
freemangordonor we'd better invite him here22:00
merlin1991guys, I have to go afk for 30 mins or so, can you go over the patches in the meantime? (I can't really comment on them anyway)22:00
freemangordonmerlin1991: we'll try :)22:00
freemangordonPali: leaving it as it is, until we have more info from Luke-Jr22:01
freemangordonnext, block2mtd-yoush.diff22:01
luffreemangordon: plaease make a note info from Luke-jr requested :D22:01
freemangordonluf: ok22:02
luffreemangordon: can someone describe it a little bit?22:02
freemangordonPali: honestly, I was always wondering if that patch makes it better or worse, any clue?22:02
freemangordondev->mtd.writesize = 2048;? wtf is that supposed to mean22:03
PaliI know what it is22:03
freemangordonI guess it is better to not include it, unless Pali has an idea what is this patch doing22:03
freemangordonPali: ?22:03
Paliblock2mtd is driver which allows you to simulate mtd device from regular file22:04
freemangordonooh, I see22:04
freemangordonis that used during normal work?22:04
Paliand to simulate our real n900 nand for ubifs, that mtd device must have writesize 204822:04
freemangordonis that related to nandsim?22:05
Palibut I have no idea who needs to simulate nand mtd device on n900 from regular file22:05
Palinandsim creating virtual mtd device in RAM22:05
freemangordonoh, yes, right22:05
Paliblock2mtd mapping regular file as mtd device22:05
lufPali: is it additional module?22:06
PaliI have some patches prepared for upstream kernel which allows you to choose writesize22:06
Paliluf, yes22:06
freemangordonwell, lets include it then, I dont see that insmoded by default22:07
luf+1 to include22:07
freemangordonnext: bluetooth_scheduling_while_atomic_bug_fix.diff22:11
lufhow long in KP?22:11
freemangordonlong enough22:13
freemangordonit is again by Luke-Jr, but I guess the patch is simple enough to nod need him22:13
freemangordonI'd say - include it22:14
freemangordonPali: what do you think?22:14
Paliok, include it22:15
Palithis could really fix possible problem22:15
freemangordonPali: I guess all bq drivers are no22:16
infobotfreemangordon meant: Pali: I guess all bq patches are no22:17
Paliwe do not want bq drivers in cssu22:17
freemangordonok, marking them as N22:17
Paliadd note that bq27 driver must be disabled also in rx51_defconfig22:18
luffreemangordon: isn't P like Postpone better?22:18
Palibecause it *is* in 2.6.28 kernel22:18
freemangordonPali: hmm, wait, there are some apps using it22:20
freemangordonincluding conky afaik22:21
Palibq27x00_battery cannot be modprobed when bme is running22:21
freemangordonPali: which patch is stock bq driver?22:21
Palino patch22:21
freemangordonoh, true22:21
Paliit is in tarball22:21
freemangordonwell, why change config file then?22:22
freemangordonIs it build with stock kernel?22:22
Palikernel power has enabled it in rx51_defconfig22:22
freemangordonah, I see22:22
Paliin some rx51 patch22:22
freemangordonI'll put a note that we have to disable it in config file too22:23
freemangordonnext: dm-loop.diff22:25
freemangordonhmm I guess this is module22:26
freemangordoninclude it then22:26
luf+1 to include modules.22:26
Paliyes loopback module is usefull22:27
freemangordonnext: dspbridge.diff22:27
* freemangordon hides22:27
freemangordonI am not really sure what to do with that22:28
Palicreate proper DEB packages for 720p playback22:29
Paliand then we can include it into cssu :-)22:29
freemangordonas maybe it is a bit risky, I had at least one crashing DSP report that MIGHT be because of that patch22:29
freemangordonPali: hehe22:29
freemangordonPali: will do , someday :)22:29
Paliok, so postpone this patch :-)22:30
freemangordonthat patch is backwards-compatible with the stock codecs22:30
DocScrutinizer05we might use a few testers to configure *new* rmo and see how our fixed hashsums etc work out (btw autobuilder might work too on it ;-D )22:31
PaliDocScrutinizer05, nice to hear :-)22:31
Palifreemangordon, I did not have any problems with DSP22:32
freemangordonPali: re 720p .deb - what about harmattan TI binaries?22:32
freemangordonPali: are you on harmattan TI DSP bins?22:32
Palinokia ignored our question, so we can ignore nokia :-)22:32
DocScrutinizer05so who's going to volunteer using new repo?22:32
Palihm, I need to check22:32
freemangordonPali: I guess it is merlin1991 to decide :)22:33
freemangordonPali: can you check it now?22:33
freemangordonfiledate of baseimage.dof22:33
* merlin1991 is back22:33
Palifreemangordon, baseimage has date 2010-02-1622:34
DocScrutinizer05merlin1991: \o/22:34
freemangordonPali: yep, stock22:34
Palisize 122622022:34
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PaliI will install harmattan binaries22:35
Paliin next days22:35
freemangordonPali: I'd say - include it, if there are reports for regression, we can remove it or fix it22:35
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freemangordonnext: enable_smartreflex.diff22:38
freemangordonthat one is tricky :)22:38
freemangordonwe should consider either include or not all this OC/SR things as a bunch22:39
DocScrutinizer05nobody volunteering to test a repo that's supposedly hashsum fixed and with _nea_ _packages_ ?22:39
freemangordonI'd say "include them" as all this is disabled by default22:39
DocScrutinizer05_new_ even22:39
PaliDocScrutinizer05, now we have cssu meeting :-)22:39
merlin1991DocScrutinizer05: we're kinda busy atm ;)22:39
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: we are doing cssu-kernel-to-be assessment :D22:39
DocScrutinizer05sorry, not been aware22:40
lufWhat brings smartreflex?22:40
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: feel free to join, we are on your favourite stuff -OC and SR :P22:40
Palifreemangordon, are there any problems with smartreflex?22:40
Palireported some users reboot problems?22:40
DocScrutinizer05SR is deprecated by nokia, due to hw instabilities22:41
freemangordonPali: mau=ybe there is one device which has unstable DSP with SR enabled22:41
freemangordonbut it is disabled by default22:42
PaliI think that we can include it and disable it by default22:42
freemangordonit is disabled22:42
freemangordon(by default)22:42
DocScrutinizer05<freemangordon> Pali: I'd say - include it, if there are reports for regression, we can remove it or fix it22:42
DocScrutinizer05ok, that's too much for me22:42
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: this was for DSP patch22:42
freemangordonso far there are no such reports22:42
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DocScrutinizer05you're going to turn CSSU into *experimental*? fine! i'm going to deprecate CSSU for all normal users22:43
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: read the backscroll please22:43
DocScrutinizer05since that's only honest thing to do then22:43
PaliDocScrutinizer05, first it will be in cssu unstable22:44
merlin1991DocScrutinizer05: get off your horse and read everything22:44
DocScrutinizer05I'm busy with other stuff22:44
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: don;t deprecate CSSU then, ok?22:44
Palifreemangordon, in TI binaries there is no copying or license file...22:45
freemangordonPali: there is22:45
freemangordonin .debs IIRC22:45
PaliI unpacked deb files and nothing is here22:45
freemangordonPali: hmm, I remember there was22:45
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freemangordonsome (c) Texas Instruments22:46
freemangordonI'll mark for inclusion all of the OC/SR stuff, ok?22:47
freemangordonmerlin1991: ^^^22:48
merlin1991disabled ofc22:48
freemangordonit is22:48
freemangordonoh, wait22:49
freemangordonthat one preaks powertop22:49
freemangordonit reports NaN for the frequensy22:49
merlin1991not ok then22:50
freemangordonhmm, I am not really sure we should do that. On the other hand it is more or less only a visual glitch22:51
freemangordonok. will mark those with "n" with a remark that they break powertop22:51
freemangordonthough  wonder what will happen with our userbase22:52
freemangordonmerlin1991: what about enabed in -testing and disabled in -stable?22:52
merlin1991they'll just keep using kp anyways22:52
merlin1991because they want *everything*22:52
freemangordonyep, makes sense22:52
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freemangordonnext: ext4-data-corruption.diff22:56
freemangordonPali: I don't see the patch adding ext4 fs support, is it already present in 2.6.28?22:57
Paliyes, but disabled by rx51_defconfig22:58
freemangordonif we keep it enabled we should include that patch too22:58
freemangordonany concerns about having ext4 support?22:59
freemangordonok, marking this as 'Y'22:59
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Palimore people have ext4 on SD cards22:59
Paliso adding ext4 support is usefull23:00
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freemangordonnext: gentoo-fsfixes.diff23:01
luf+1 to add ext4 support.23:01
freemangordonWTF is that? :)23:01
freemangordonooh, some ext4 patches again23:02
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freemangordonmarking for niclusion, ok?23:02
Palisince kp1323:02
Paliinclude it23:03
PaliI bet that this patch is needed for previous ext4 patch23:03
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freemangordonnext: gethercharge.diff23:03
merlin1991.... what's that?23:04
freemangordonPali: I guess that one allows cUSB charging with g_ether loaded23:04
freemangordoncharging while USB networking23:05
Palinow looking at patch and it should do it23:05
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luffreemangordon: it's useful. I'm using it :)23:06
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Palibtw, there is better solution for that23:07
freemangordonwait, stock kernel does not charge while connected over USB network?!?23:07
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PaliI do not know if it is in .28 but in 3.x there can be set minimal MaxPower via defconfig23:07
freemangordonPali: better as in?23:07
Palifor all gadgets23:07
freemangordonPali: hat won;t make any difference in our case23:07
Paliyes, right23:07
Palibut include that patch23:07
freemangordonnext: iphb-matan.diff23:10
luf:) some desc?23:10
Paliiphb kernel module by nokia23:12
Paliand this is some patch by matan23:12
Palibut I do not understand what that patch doing23:13
lufPali: can you ask matan?23:13
Palino idea where...23:13
freemangordonluf: forget about that23:13
luffreemangordon: oh I forget whar are we talking about ? :D23:14
freemangordonbut I assume it is safe to include it, it is in KP since Thu, 15 Apr 201023:14
freemangordonok, marked for inclusion23:16
freemangordonnext: joikuspot.diff23:16
luf ??23:17
povbotBug 8715: iphb module dereferences NULL pointer23:17
Paliexternal module23:17
freemangordonok, including23:17
Paliluf, yes that patch23:17
lufSo we can put it into changelog or to the wiki ;)23:18
Palifreemangordon, add some note to that iphb patch23:18
Palilink to that bug23:18
freemangordonwill do23:18
freemangordonnext: kexec.diff23:19
freemangordonafaik kexec is broken23:19
freemangordonso we'd better not include it23:20
freemangordonPali: ^^^23:21
Palikexec is working, but you can kexec only some new 2.6.37 kernel23:21
Palibut I did not see anybody who is using it23:21
freemangordonPali: yep23:22
Paliso I do not see reason to include it...23:22
freemangordonPali: kstrtol.diff, "Needed for bq2415x_charger"23:22
freemangordonI guess we should not include that23:22
Palido not include it23:22
freemangordonnext: l2cap_parent.diff23:23
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lufI guess it's bluetooth patch ...23:23
lufCan I see the patch somewhere?23:24
freemangordonand by looking at the code, I'd say we should include it23:24
Paliluf, on garage kernel-power23:24
lufhow long in KP?23:25
freemangordon6 Feb 201123:26
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freemangordonnext: led_dbrightness.diff23:27
freemangordonhmm, anyone using that functionality?23:28
luffreemangordon: what's it for?23:28
freemangordonnot exactly sure, looks like some hack23:28
freemangordonPali: what do you think?23:29
PaliI do not know if it is needed23:30
Palimyabe no23:30
freemangordonluf: If I read the code correctly, this patch exposes LEDs digital brightness to sysfs23:30
freemangordonPali: ok, will not include it23:30
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luffreemangordon: +1 to not include23:31
freemangordonnext: mac80211_fix_allocation_in_mesh_queue_preq.diff23:31
freemangordonI think this one is needed23:32
freemangordonmarking for inclusion23:32
luf+1 for include - it should fix some bug23:33
Palimesh network is disabled in kp23:33
freemangordonPali: madde.diff23:33
freemangordonthis one is yours :)23:33
freemangordoniirc it is disabled by default23:34
Palido not include it23:34
Paliit is enabled by debian/madde.patch23:34
freemangordonPali: I guess I should remove it from the table23:35
Paliok, remove it23:35
freemangordonok, next23:35
freemangordonooh, I see23:36
freemangordonthis is a bugfix, lets include it23:36
freemangordonnext: mmcnames-fanoush.diff23:38
freemangordon"Fixing mmc device order before udev is started. Fanoush bootmenu "23:38
freemangordonguys: shall we continue the next time?23:40
freemangordonIn the meanwhile I'll assess all the remaining patches that are known to me or are made by me23:41
luffreemangordon: I can23:41
freemangordonluf: you can what? :)23:41
freemangordonto continue23:41
luf... continue the next time23:42
freemangordonaah, ok :)23:42
freemangordonlets stop for today, ok?23:42
merlin1991next time as in?23:45
lufmerlin1991: no clue. I can next week. I don't think I'll have a time tomorrow.23:46
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