IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Friday, 2012-12-28

DocScrutinizer05I probably should re-read it, periodic schedule expired for doing so00:00
DocScrutinizer05and I tell you I hate IMAP. One PC shows that PM, while I'm reading it the other PC filters/moves same msg to "tmo-notifications" dir, and on next poll on this PC the msg vanished while me reading it >:-(00:02
DocScrutinizer05IMAP meant to simplify multi-client, but in fact everything but single-client tends to become a major PITA00:03
kerioDocScrutinizer05: multi-client but not at the same time00:05
DocScrutinizer05gives me headache00:09
DocScrutinizer05diconnected IMAP, subscribed directories, shits-n-whistles00:10
DocScrutinizer05and pretty easily you delete mails on server and each client \o/00:12
DocScrutinizer05what a mad insanity is THAT?00:13
merlin1991DocScrutinizer05: that's why my filter are serverside00:36
merlin1991hooked the filtering into the MDA so no client side moving/messing/madness00:37
DocScrutinizer05that however means I need to duplicate all dirs serverside as well, and can't have different dirs on particular PCs00:37
merlin1991that's true :D00:37
DocScrutinizer05's BS00:37
DocScrutinizer05insane concept00:38
DocScrutinizer05I mean, I as well can use a webmailer then00:39
* ShadowJK has serverside filtering too00:39
DocScrutinizer05how da F I tweak IMAP to mimic plain good ole' POP?00:41
keriotell your client to download mail and delete it on the server, i s'pose00:43
DocScrutinizer05the latter is exactly what I DONT WANT to do00:44
DocScrutinizer05and which I seem incapable to teach friggin IMAP about: *never* delete shit on server00:45
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DocScrutinizer05at least not without my explicit consent00:46
keriothen don't delete shit00:47
DocScrutinizer05meh, shutup when you got nothing to contribute00:47
DocScrutinizer05sorry, pissed00:47
* ShadowJK would say that "Don't delete stuff" is advantageous to not having stuff deleted :D00:48
DocScrutinizer05yeah, and a real insider advice00:49
DocScrutinizer05the point is: IMAP deletes mail on my local PC00:50
DocScrutinizer05which is an absolute nogo00:50
ShadowJKWell the whole point of imap is that you don't have local storage, or at most have a local cache of the remote contents, and that you have the exact same view on all clients00:50
DocScrutinizer05the whole point is I *WANT* local storage00:51
ShadowJKthen don't use imap00:51
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DocScrutinizer05the mailer server doesn't offer POP - now your turn to give advice00:51
DocScrutinizer05I don't use IMAP just because I love bitching00:53
Sc0rpiusIMAP deletes mail in your local PC?00:54
Sc0rpiusit doesn't do that to me00:54
ShadowJKI don't use any clients that does local storage :/00:54
Sc0rpiusunless I delete the mail in the server of course00:54
DocScrutinizer05great, how did you set up your mailer client?00:55
Sc0rpiusI don't use web based email accounts00:55
Sc0rpiusyou set folder as "offline folders" then if an email gets downloaded it stays there forever00:55
Sc0rpiusthat's enabled by default by ANY Microsoft client00:55
Sc0rpiusbut if you use thunderbird, you have to set it per folder00:55
DocScrutinizer05and when one clinet delets or just moves such mail to another dir, it vanishes on all other clients still00:56
Sc0rpiusthat also avoids the redownloading of the email every time you click on it00:56
Sc0rpius(which is very tedious)00:56
Sc0rpiusif the email disappears from the server it is deleted in every client of course00:56
Sc0rpiusbut why would you delete an email in the server that you don't want locally?00:56
DocScrutinizer05I'm already using offline IMAP00:56
Sc0rpiusI meant that you still want locally00:57
Sc0rpiusthe server is like the repository of emails and your backup server actually.  Every email should be there00:57
DocScrutinizer05that's not the question00:57
Sc0rpiusyou're using it wrong :(00:57
Sc0rpiusyou want IMAP to be like POP300:57
DocScrutinizer05the point is >>IMAP deletes mail on my local PC<<00:57
Sc0rpiusand they are so different.00:57
Sc0rpiusONLY if you delete the mail!00:57
Sc0rpiusand if you're deleting the mail, you ARE DELETING THE MAIL00:57
Sc0rpiusthat's why I say you're using it wrong00:58
DocScrutinizer05and if you're telling me same shit 10 times, you did it 10 times more than I need it. Since we've been there 30 min ago00:58
Sc0rpiusso you want an email exchange protocol that when an email is deleted in the server it's still there in the clients that downloaded them?00:59
DocScrutinizer05I have to use IMAP since there is no POP available00:59
Sc0rpiusthen start writing your RFC.00:59
Sc0rpiusPOP is obsolete and very insecure, it had to disappear.00:59
Sc0rpiusin this age emails are supposed to be on the servers, not the client.  Since broadband speeds are not fast enough we need still cache.  That's why offline folder options exist01:00
DocScrutinizer05IMAP is insecure since it deletes mails from my local PC01:00
Sc0rpiusbut the principle stays the same: mails belong to servers, not clients01:00
DocScrutinizer05I beg to differ01:00
Sc0rpiuseventually (and this is the part I hate) IMAP will disappear too01:00
Sc0rpiusand we all have to use web based mail accounts01:00
DocScrutinizer05I hope so01:00
Sc0rpiusand there will be no mail clients01:01
Sc0rpiusjust browsers01:01
DocScrutinizer05no, I'll use pigeons then01:01
DocScrutinizer05or run my mail server on my PC01:01
Sc0rpiusyou can do that right now01:01
Sc0rpiusmany people do01:01
* ShadowJK downloads emails to his server with fetchmail01:02
Sc0rpiusand install a POP3 daemon01:02
ShadowJKso I can run it through procmail and spamassassin01:02
DocScrutinizer05it's a PITA since then I have to forward from one PC to the other, via POP01:02
ShadowJKthen serve it out over imap through vpn01:02
DocScrutinizer05or smtp01:02
Sc0rpiuspay your own domain and then install all the daemons you want in an Amazon E3 instance01:02
Sc0rpiusyou can't use your home connection for that since your IP must be registered as dynamic01:03
DocScrutinizer05and how does that help with that IMAP-only mailserver ?01:03
ShadowJKyou can send through isp smtp still01:03
Sc0rpiusinstall POP3 in the instance and configure all IMAP accounts you have to forward to your account01:04
DocScrutinizer05there's no forwarding service on that IMAP server01:04
ShadowJKOr use fetchmail to fetch from those accounts and feed it through procmail to @docscrutinizer or similar01:04
Sc0rpiusyeah you can use fetchmail to fetch mails and then via procmail store it in your Maildir01:05
Sc0rpiusthough I have to admit I love IMAP01:05
Sc0rpiusand I really hated POP3.01:05
Sc0rpiusbecause a hard disk crash means = all mails lost.01:05
DocScrutinizer05your suggestions clearly indicate that IMAP is a broken-by-design protocol01:05
Sc0rpiusa stolen laptop = all mails lost.01:05
Sc0rpiuswith IMAP = no matter what, when or where you have your mails at your finger, even in your phone!01:06
ShadowJKI used to have Maildir over NFS, instead of Maildir over imap :-)01:06
DocScrutinizer05Sc0rpius: I got my mails on 3 different clients locally, so no server HDD failure will kill them01:06
DocScrutinizer05Sc0rpius: ooh, tell me that again in a mail I can receive in airplane01:07
DocScrutinizer05tell me how to do complex greps over 500.000 mails on server01:08
Sc0rpiusssh to it?01:08
DocScrutinizer05ok so I need a own server, IMAP, ssh, for what?01:08
Sc0rpiusthat's what I do @ work.  ssh, cd Maildir, egrep blablabla01:08
DocScrutinizer05to deal with somebody saying "POP needs to vanish"01:09
Sc0rpiusPOP already vanished :/01:09
DocScrutinizer05all my other accounts work on POP just fine01:09
DocScrutinizer05many freemailers don't even offer IMAP01:10
DocScrutinizer05*all* offer POP01:10
Sc0rpiusGmail who rules the world01:12
Sc0rpiusonly offer IMAPs01:13
Sc0rpiuseverybody else will follow01:13
DocScrutinizer05since that's google01:13
DocScrutinizer05only fools follow google01:13
DocScrutinizer05and of course google offers only services that keep their usrs online as often as possible01:14
DocScrutinizer05how else would google track them, and spam them01:14
merlin1991hm I run my own smptp/imap and I'm happy with it01:15
DocScrutinizer05I guess you have identical mail setup on all your devices, even N900?01:16
Sc0rpiusI configured Gmail to read all my accounts and I just IMAP them and I'm very happy with it01:16
DocScrutinizer05sure, and google is *very* happy with that X-P01:16
DocScrutinizer05google is the only mail provider that explicitly says they will analyze each single mail they forward01:17 ;-)01:18
DocScrutinizer05so much for the superior security of IMAP over POP01:19
DocScrutinizer05well, anyway it seems to stop IMAP shit from occasionally erasing mails from my local PCs, I need a patched mail client01:20
DocScrutinizer05btw it's not unheard that *mail providers* delete mails in your account01:22
DocScrutinizer05by timeout, storage limit, but also to 'revoke' unpleasant mails they want make disappear.01:23
DocScrutinizer05hooray for IMAP that allows to actually erase those mails from all your PCs' HDDs as well01:24
* DocScrutinizer05 suspects Amazon delivers their e-books via IMAP as well01:25
DocScrutinizer05at least they can do same shit, delete books from your reader, no matter you've already paid for them01:25
Sc0rpiusthat would be like... 1 book for me01:26
DocScrutinizer05sorry, call me old fashioned and silly, I don't like such concept01:26
Sc0rpiusI still buy "paper" books01:26
DocScrutinizer05not for books and not for mails01:26
DocScrutinizer05now honestly: receiving a mail with a 10MB inline data, that I want to use on my laptop and on my PC. I need to recover the space on server though. How am I supposed to move that mail to MyDocs on one PC and keep it from vanishing on the other device 3 minutes later?01:30
DocScrutinizer05or make that 15,000 old mails that I want to move to archives on 2 PCs01:32
Sc0rpiusa 10 MB mail is a mail that should have not existed01:32
Sc0rpiusmail servers should limit mail data to like 1 MB and force people to upload their big attachments somewhere else and put the link in the mail and that's it01:32
DocScrutinizer05your "should" and "should not" starts to annoy me01:32
DocScrutinizer05you seem to be one of those who think when they forbid large mails, nobody will send large mails to them anymore01:33
Sc0rpiusin your case you have to copy the mail in every PC after you delete it from the server.01:33
Sc0rpiusBEFORE you delete it, I mean01:33
DocScrutinizer05the world won't ask what you thin "should" or "should not" be01:33
Sc0rpiusthe idea of forbidding large mails is to avoid clients stalling downloading a big mail when maybe you have 20 mails after it more important that you won't see01:34
Sc0rpiusactually the world thinks more like I think01:34
Sc0rpiusmost mail servers limit mail data to like 10 MB actually.01:34
DocScrutinizer05indeed, at least most people seem to share that one particular notion01:35
Sc0rpiusif you try to send something bigger you get an SMTP error01:35
DocScrutinizer05funny enough that's almost only thing they share01:35
Sc0rpiusheh not really01:35
Sc0rpiuslike I said, most people who doesn't use web based mails use IMAP01:35
Sc0rpiusmost workplaces have IMAP only, so if you want to read your work's mail, IMAP is your only choice01:36
DocScrutinizer05I'm not going to continiuue that debate with you, I don't like people forcefeeding me their better concepts by trying to abolish or forbid what *I* want01:36
Sc0rpiusthat means the world still thinks like me01:36
Sc0rpiuswhat you want is for everybody to go back to the 70s01:36
Sc0rpiusand sorry that's not gonna happen01:37
DocScrutinizer05I tend to get insulting after a while during those discussions, so I better go afk01:37
Sc0rpiusthe future is cloud computing, everything in servers, clients will be just keyboards, screens and a network card, no hard disks01:37
Sc0rpiusnot even game consoles will have games locally01:37
DocScrutinizer05what I want is anybody doing anything???? now you're starting to really sound stupid01:37
Sc0rpiuseverything is going where you don't wanna go01:38
Sc0rpiusI'm only suggesting you should ADAPT01:38
Sc0rpiusit's your problem if you don't want to01:38
DocScrutinizer05THAt WILL NOT HAPPEN!01:38
DocScrutinizer05stop suggesting stuff to me!01:38
DocScrutinizer05I'm not going to continiuue that debate with you, I don't like people forcefeeding me their better concepts by trying to abolish or forbid what *I* want01:39
ShadowJKIt's kinda funny, the feature you're using of pop3 is stuff that mail clients bolted on as a hack to try emulate imap when using pop :-)01:41
Sc0rpiusthe "keep mail on servers" thing right?01:41
Sc0rpiusthat's a hack.01:41
ShadowJKyeah, and especially ability to delete mails without deleting them on server, when using pop301:42
Sc0rpiusthe RFC says you should delete the mail the very instant you download it.01:42
Sc0rpiusbut yeah, at the time those clients took advantage of the weakness of the protocol01:42
ShadowJKIt reminds me of the secondary backup function my server does, every mail that it ever fetches gets copied into a big mbox. So, in theory I can "replay" the stream if incoming emails in case I accidentally delete something or lose something :-)01:43
Sc0rpiusI actually grin when I lose an email.  It's my excuse to say "I never got that" at work01:44
DocScrutinizer05heard this bullshit about lean clients and whatnot first time 20 years ago. Still not seeing it in real life01:48
ShadowJKWell we had to wait for the lean and mean quadcore i7 to run the javascript first01:49
DocScrutinizer05since no sane company will store their documents in a cloud, not even in a pink pony cloud01:51
DocScrutinizer05and sooner or later each time they tried to roll that shit, the people finally noticed it's introducing a single point of failure01:51
DocScrutinizer05which, to make matters wors, is not under their control for this BS cloud nonsense01:52
DocScrutinizer05IMAP my ass, probably any CIFS mount was smarter than this abomination02:02
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ShadowJKcifs and nfs mount to maildir emulates imap pretty well :-)02:05
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DocScrutinizer05I wonder if Poettering... NAH *shuddder*02:09
Sc0rpiusthere are LOTS02:11
DocScrutinizer05admittedly POP3 is kinda old and from a better world, but with a few augments it still works today. IMAP anyway obviously is not the alternative, rather an even worse complementary protocol02:11
Sc0rpiusof companies using Google BUsiness and all its private documents in Google Drives02:11
Sc0rpiusbut LOTS of companies, not just one, not just 100,  it's THOUSANDS02:12
DocScrutinizer05and there a BILLIONS of flies eating shit02:12
Sc0rpiusactually the company that I'm working for wants to migrate everything to Google Apps for Business02:12
Sc0rpiusbut I don't think they will, not because it's not a good idea (it is)02:13
Sc0rpiusit's because it is very expensive02:13
Sc0rpiusmost universities around here have moved the students and teachers accounts to Google Apps since it's free for educational entities02:14
DocScrutinizer05yeah, probably almost as expensive as a security manager had been, so your company didn't think they need one as well02:14
DocScrutinizer05well, selling milk I probably also wouldn't bother about security02:15
Sc0rpiusso if you're a student of, I dunno, Colorado State University, your student account is in Google and not in your university racks02:15
Sc0rpiusI think almost every university in the states had migrated to Google Apps02:15
DocScrutinizer05you think I give a shit about silly students?02:15
Sc0rpiusso like I said, everything is going cloud02:15
Sc0rpiusit's just an example, I'm not gonna name thousand of companies that have migrated to Google Apps and not having any email/docs/calendar/etc infrastructure at all02:16
DocScrutinizer05every idiot is going cloud, agreed02:16
Sc0rpiusidiot is having to pay operations manager / engineers $100,000 a year when you can pay Amazon E3 for like $25 a month02:17
DocScrutinizer05the companies I worked for last 5 years wouldn't allow you to log in to intranet from at home02:17
DocScrutinizer05for security reasons02:17
Sc0rpiusthat's stupid, because telecommuting is very important these days02:17
Sc0rpiusthat's why most decent companies give very secure VPN solutions (even with USB dongles and whatnot) to their employees so they can log in from home02:18
Sc0rpiusmy gf works for HP02:18
DocScrutinizer05yeah sure, you're so smart and big business soooo stupid02:18
Sc0rpiusand she has a USB dongle + VPN software in her laptop02:18
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Sc0rpiusok, Hewlett-Packard is not big02:18
DocScrutinizer05no, they're using a VPN02:18
Sc0rpiusI'm assuming VPN when you say "log in to intranet"02:19
DocScrutinizer05anbd probably some integrity guard software on the laptop02:19
Sc0rpiussince you said "INTRANET" by definition that's not Internet-routable, uses private IPs, and you need VPN.02:19
DocScrutinizer05actually I know they do, since we use HP stuff02:19
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Sc0rpiuswhere I work for is not that big but we have VPN as well02:19
Sc0rpiusa simple PPTP connection02:20
Sc0rpiusactually you can't even read mails from home without firing up the VPNs first02:20
DocScrutinizer05Sc0rpius: you're boring me. I'm not a silly co-student of yours02:20
Sc0rpiusok, but you have to admit you are VERY old fashioned and you are hating what's coming in the future02:21
Sc0rpiusand also, you don't want to be educated02:21
Sc0rpiusbut you should embrace it02:21
Sc0rpiusit's not bad02:21
DocScrutinizer05you're very self confident and telling me you can tell the future02:21
Sc0rpiusyou can read all about it everywhere you want: slashdot, digg, engadget02:22
DocScrutinizer05and I don't give a shit about your notion of what's the future like02:22
DocScrutinizer05and if I should or shouldn't embrace it02:22
Sc0rpiusok, then go use UUCP to getch your mails.02:23
DocScrutinizer05see, I'm still around and living, and using modern technology, probably longer than you are alive02:23
Sc0rpiusno, sadly you're not older than me02:23
Sc0rpiuscome on I've used PDP-1102:23
Sc0rpiusyou were a kid by then02:23
DocScrutinizer05so what?02:24
DocScrutinizer05the time the first PDP-8 hit the market I actually wasn't grown up02:24
Sc0rpiusstop being so grumpy, embrace IMAP, since it's gonna disappear in the next 5 years and we all are gonna stuck with those stupid web based mail accounts02:24
DocScrutinizer05stop giving me advice, I won't take it. I'll beat you with it eventually02:25
merlin1991no logon to intranet is rather silly htough02:25
merlin1991ah shit I'm like 2 pages late02:25
DocScrutinizer05merlin1991: I said "from at home2 and implied "from my own PC"02:26
DocScrutinizer05and you won't find a sane company with IP assets that allows loging in to intranet with your own stuff, no matter if from at home or even bring to office02:26
DocScrutinizer05au contraire, you might get fired for *bringing* a laptop02:27
Sc0rpiuswell my brother works at EMC02:27
Sc0rpiusand that's nasty, they hijack all your SSL connections02:27
Sc0rpiusso you think you're establishing an HTTPS connection to some place but no, you have a middleman finishing your SSL and starting a new one to the final place02:28
Sc0rpiusand that stupid "middleman" computer decides if that place you wanna visit is safe or not02:28
Sc0rpiusit could be your bank account and they are logging EVERYTHING02:28
Sc0rpiusat least they tell you when you sign the offer letter.02:28
DocScrutinizer05no, they tell you every day when logging in to internet02:29
DocScrutinizer05not intranet, INTERnet02:29
Sc0rpiusyeah I guess when you open the browser they hijack whatever DNS domain you try with a webpage saying all the rules and an "OK I accept" button at the end02:30
DocScrutinizer05i.e when you tell that man in the middle that you want to access internet02:30
merlin1991well it is simply silly to use the company network for anything private (what do we have our n900s for?)02:30
Sc0rpiusyes exactly02:30
Sc0rpiusthis is what he did02:30
Sc0rpiushe bought a 4G hotspot02:30
Sc0rpiushe bought another SIM card from AT&T02:30
Sc0rpiushe puts it there02:31
Sc0rpiusand he has a "personal private wifi network" in his cubicle02:31
merlin1991ew cubicle, I could never work in such a thing02:31
Sc0rpiuswell: office02:32
Sc0rpiusI don't know I have never gone to his office02:32
merlin1991 anybody got a guess what he/she means by "This is not latest release bug." ?02:33
merlin1991btw DocScrutinizer05 did I understand correctly, that you ideal mail setup is a server that has all mails slammed into one place and each client downloads to a local cache applying his/her own filtering/sorting independend of the storage on the server?02:35
Sc0rpiuswell looks like the N900 was an extremely popular phone in India.02:35
Sc0rpiusI guess hxka means that bug was not present in the previous release02:36
DocScrutinizer05merlin1991: exactly02:36
DocScrutinizer05since a) my clients are not uniform, b) I want local mails for security and redundancy, easy management of local filters and searching in big volumes via mail client, and for access to all that info while in airplane or otherwise not online02:38
merlin1991hm you could (ab)use imap for that, ie in thunderbird you could set up copy filters that filter the mail out of the (imap)inbox into local (non imap) folders02:39
Sc0rpiusbut that client has to read that mail first02:40
DocScrutinizer05and pop3 serves perfectly for that purpose, while that one openmoko mail server forces friggin imap on me02:40
Sc0rpiusand that would be  a problem02:40
DocScrutinizer05merlin1991: that's exactly what happens when I download a mail to second PC now, and it vanishes on first PC02:40
merlin1991s/filter/copy filter/02:40
infobotmerlin1991 meant: hm you could (ab)use imap for that, ie in thunderbird you could set up copy copy filters that filter the mail out of the (imap)inbox into local (non imap) folders02:40
Sc0rpiusI have all my emails available on a plane using IMAP, that's not the problem.02:40
merlin1991ah I had copy in already :D02:41
merlin1991DocScrutinizer05: how can it vanish if you copy and not "move" the mails?02:41
DocScrutinizer05ooh, copy, yeah maybe that would work, though doubles local storage needed for single purpose to make imap happy02:42
merlin1991DocScrutinizer05: I'm sure you can tweak thunderbird to only keep headers of the imap mails02:42
merlin1991and not keep a full "local" copy for things in the imap folder02:42
DocScrutinizer05I'm not using thunderbird02:43
merlin1991well maybe your mail client can too :D02:43
merlin1991I guess Kmail then?02:43
DocScrutinizer05might be possible for other clients too02:43
DocScrutinizer05alas all experiments with that account endanger the mails on server02:44
DocScrutinizer05one wrong setting and pooof 250,000 mails gone02:44
merlin1991I'd test it with a temp account ;)02:45
DocScrutinizer05yeah, temp account on a mailserver with imap :-S02:46
merlin1991why not xD02:46
DocScrutinizer05because it's friggin annoyance and time consuming02:46
DocScrutinizer05that's not a reason, but a concern02:47
merlin1991you could say the same about email in general02:47
DocScrutinizer05or in short: a major PITA02:47
DocScrutinizer05all I planned to do was moving my mail form old to new laptop, while keeping the old one active as backup02:48
DocScrutinizer05you could do such migration as your fulltime job02:49
DocScrutinizer05when finished, start all over again with next OS release ;-P02:49
DocScrutinizer05old PC has kmail1.12.2, on new one I had to downgrade from kmail2 to 1.9.10 since that new shit doesn't work02:51
DocScrutinizer05google for akonadi and weep02:51
DocScrutinizer05I'll go for copy and removal of mails older than some days02:56
DocScrutinizer05though I'd like to nuke that IMAP crap out of our solar system02:56
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kerioDocScrutinizer05: btw, i can't believe thunderbird doesn't have a setting to "never delete anything that the server tells you to delete"10:04
luffreemangordon: it seems quite ok with libpng NEON backporting :)10:30
freemangordonluf: good. BTW I was unable to reproduce bluetooth bug here. Though OPP transfer rate was some 1KB/s.10:47
freemangordonluf: re NEON lipng - did you find some benchmarks?10:50
freemangordonthough we miss obex module in osso-gnome-vfs2, so enabling ^^^ does not help much. but at least file manager accepts obex://[xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx/ as location11:00
freemangordonjon_y: hm?11:01
jon_y[xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx] looked like ipv6 :)11:02
freemangordonno, this is BT address11:02
jon_yI was experimenting with dns64 and nat64, latter didn't go too well11:02
jon_ymac address?11:02
freemangordonsomething like11:03
jon_yI'm curious if the n900 kernel support virtual adapters11:03
jon_yany ideas?11:03
jon_yerr, I mean vlan11:04
freemangordondon;t see why not. though I am not sure the kernel is compiled with that option enabled11:04
jon_yok, maybe kp has it11:04
freemangordoni doubt11:04
jon_ywould it be too much if I asked config.gz be compiled in? :)11:05
freemangordonask Pali11:05
jon_yok, I will11:06
jon_yPali: what do you use for developing uboot and building kp?11:06
Palijon_y: ubuntu11:06
jon_ystock ubuntu?11:07
Paliarm-linux-gnueabi-gcc cross compiler11:07
jon_yoh, any debian derivative will do?11:07
freemangordonsearch for open_folder11:08
freemangordonI wonder if that will solve USB hang issue11:08
Palijon_y, I'm using Kubuntu (but core packages are same)11:09
jon_yok, I assume this is the standard soft float toolchain?11:10
jon_yjust add -mthumb for thumb?11:11
keriooh, i don't know if the kernel compiles nicely with -mthumb11:11
freemangordonforget -mthumb for 2.6.2811:11
keriofreemangordon: why, what's the issue?11:12
jon_yobviously this is for running with kp11:12
jon_yfor kernel, I just want framebuffer11:12
keriowell, KP's got framebuffer i think11:12
jon_ywon't it show a bootup log instead of the 5 blinking dots?11:13
keriooh, you want fbcon11:13
jon_yerr, yeah that11:13
jon_yI can't really tell them apart since I haven't actually play with it yet11:14
jon_yjust look for fbcon and make it built-in right?11:14
jon_yif it is just that, I'm going to install debian NOW :)11:15
kerioyou need to boot with the appropriate parameters ofc11:15
keriohm, maybe not actually11:16
jon_yare they not part of the built in command line?11:16
jon_yI'm already using uboot, so it is just cloning the boot config right?11:17
keriojon_y: apparently you just have to modprobe fbcon early11:17
kerioso i assume that compiling it in gives you an even earlier console11:18
jon_yah, even simpler11:18
kerioPali: how would one load a module early on in the boot process?11:21
jon_yI remember there was an init file that controlled the boot video11:22
keriothe boot video is run by hildon-welcome11:22
keriothe dots are hildon-startup-progress11:23
Palikerio, install kernel-power-settings and add module to /etc/modules11:23
kerioboth are uninstallable cleanlyish11:23
Palikerio, or create new /etc/event.d/<file> and add here modprobe module11:23
jon_ykerio: is there a way to disable both without uninstalling?11:24
keriojon_y: sure, change the appropriate files in /etc/event.d/11:24
keriothere was a line you had to disable to uninstall hildon-startup-progress cleanly11:26
jon_yhmm, disabled the blinky dots but putting fbcon in /etc/modules don't seem to work11:29
jon_ydoes /etc/modules or /etc/event.d/hildon-* run first?11:30
keriomaybe you also have to specify that you want the console there11:30
jon_yneed to add console=tty0 or something in the kernel command line?11:31
keriotty1, if we're to believe backupmenu11:32
jon_yok, will try later11:32
freemangordonobex gnomevfs backend :)11:36
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jon_yPali: how do I append kernel cmdline?12:45
jon_yITEM_CMDLINE seem to mean replace the entire cmdline12:45
Palijon_y, where?12:45
jon_yin the uboot .item file12:45
Paliyes, ITEM_CMDLINE will replace in-build kernel cmdline12:46
Paliyou cannot append to cmdline which is hardcoded in zImage12:46
jon_yok, co copy /proc/cmdline and modify appropriately?12:46
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jon_yPali: any idea what ttyMTD is?12:51
keriojon_y: tell me if you manage to make it work12:53
jon_yok, trying now12:53
keriojon_y: apparently ttyMTD,log is for mtdoops12:54
Paliyes ttyMTD is for oops logs12:55
jon_yworking, blacks out after the blinking dot kicksin12:55
kerio"log" is the name of the mtd partition12:55
keriojon_y: neat, what did you change?12:55
Pali"console=ttyMTD,log" selects the MTD named "log" for mtdoops.12:55
jon_yin uboot, add console=tty112:55
kerioand modprobe fbcon?12:55
jon_ythere was already a console=tty012:55
jon_yyeah, and that too in /etc/modules12:56
jon_yso, can enough kernel boots destroy the log partition?12:57
keriojon_y: enough oopsies12:57
freemangordonluf: seems obexftp is fully supported in ossofilemanager/ossognomevfs2, we just need to tweak obex gnomevfs module to use BT4 dbus api12:57
jon_ykerio: well, kernel is good now, so no need to do that until I need to debug :)12:58
kerioi wonder if that logging increases battery usage12:59
kerioi mean, the fb console12:59
jon_ywell, probably less than writing to nand12:59
keriothere's nothing written to nand13:01
kerioexcept in case of an oops13:01
Palijon_y, what are you trying?13:01
jon_ydoes that include crashing when messing with modprobe?13:01
kerioi suppose so13:02
jon_yPali: I'm good that fbcon is working13:02
jon_ynow I'm just messing about13:02
keriofreemangordon: neat, for obex exploring?13:03
freemangordonwe just need to change dbus api for newer bluez13:04
freemangordonon an FOSS module13:04
freemangordonthat one used to be supported in maemo413:04
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jon_ywithout console=ttyMTD,log, no messages at all13:10
jon_yneed to double check13:10
DocScrutinizer05jon_y: kerio: Pali: you're not going to nuke mtdoops, are you?13:18
PaliI did not touch mtdoops13:19
keriono one is doing shit doc13:19
DocScrutinizer05mtdoops *always* been around, and NO it doesn't need any significant amount of energy13:19
Palifreemangordon, do you know state of portrait keyboard?13:20
jon_ykerio: what is your /proc/cmdline?13:28
kerioinit=/sbin/preinit ubi.mtd=rootfs root=ubi0:rootfs rootfstype=ubifs rootflags=bulk_read,no_chk_data_crc rw console=ttyMTD,log console=tty0 snd-soc-rx51.hp_lim=42 snd-soc-tlv320aic3x.hp_dac_lim=613:29
jon_yok, odd, my boot messages no longer show13:29
freemangordonPali: state as in?13:32
freemangordonwhat I know that something works in portrait, never tried it13:32
jon_ykerio: sadly, the boot messages no longer shows13:46
jon_ywhich is to say weird as hell13:46
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luffreemangordon: cool :)14:53
luffreemangordon: can you be more descriptive what you enabled/installed? I'll add it to my TODO14:54
luffreemangordon: libpng - no benchmark. I haven't backported it yet. Just I took a look into sources. However it's just some read_filter support so I don't know if it helps a lot.14:58
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DocScrutinizer05\o/ quiet times are ober, never again 2h silence on any maemo related channel15:17
DocScrutinizer05over even15:17
freemangordonluf: I installed osso-gnomevfs-extra15:23
freemangordonluf: changed #if 0 to #if 1 here
freemangordonand modified om-dbus.c(osso-gnomevfs-extra), function om_dbus_get_dev_list to enable fake devices15:27
int_uaDoc: isn't it because of winter?15:27
DocScrutinizer05[general notice] regarding channel moderation of users starting with es and ending with l_ PRETTY PLEASE immediately contact any of the channel moderators jaffa, chrashanddie/teotwaki, chem|st, merlin1991, mohammadag. Preferably those that are already online and most recently active. PLEASE do NOT contact me!15:29
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: estel still banned?15:31
freemangordonaah, ok15:31
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freemangordonluf: maybe it does not worth the effort to backport NEON if it will gain 1%-2% in speed. I think it is better if you find some benchmarks before doing so, so we can assess if it makes sense. I'll try to find too15:42
freemangordonthis is for 1.2. unfortunately this is neither upstreamed nor verified/tested aiui15:49
freemangordonit is said there we should gain 20-25%15:50
freemangordonluf: you can check that one too:
povbotBug 462796: was not found.15:55
DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: ack16:16
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mark_g44Hi. is offline, also mirror: is offline. Is there any working mirror ? I need scratchbox for amd64 (I have deb files on my hdd, but only for i386 :/)16:31
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luffreemangordon: this neon patch is totally different from upstream :(16:37
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lufI'll try both and we'll see.16:38
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DocScrutinizer51mark_g44: ping merlin1991 or thedead144016:45
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DocScrutinizer05or teotwaki, resp check mirror if SB is there16:47
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DocScrutinizer05mark_g44: we got some backups, but none of them is "public" right now16:48
DocScrutinizer05official maemo migration will take a few days longer, and it's unclear yet if SB guys, Nemein, HildonFoundation Board negotiated something for SB future16:49
DocScrutinizer05merlin1991: we got SB backuped on your server??16:50
DocScrutinizer05oops, one ? is enough16:50
DocScrutinizer05could you share a link for mark_g4416:52
merlin1991not publicly avaiable16:52
DocScrutinizer05maybe allow ftp?16:52
merlin1991no ftp on the server :D16:52
DocScrutinizer05or send it as mail attachment? ;-P16:53
mark_g44hmm, I'll install 32bit debian on my pc16:53
merlin1991hmm how do I create a user for sftp only?16:53
int_uamerlin1991: thumbs up for no ftp :)16:53
DocScrutinizer05errr, login shell sftp?16:53
merlin1991without login16:53
merlin1991like drop.maemo.org16:54
DocScrutinizer05sorry, no admin here16:54
merlin1991ah shit I just realized I only have the scratchbox mirror locally, sorry16:54
int_uaBTW, merlin, do you have the backup of this backup?16:55
mark_g44ok, I'll install 32bit debian, because I have i386 debs on my hdd16:55
DocScrutinizer05sorry guys, need to get some shopping done before council meeting16:56
merlin1991hm bit I do have the files in var/cache/apt/archives/ on the server16:56
merlin1991mark_g44: which packges do you need? (the sb on the server is harmattan, so there might be some fremantle stuff missin)16:57
* merlin1991 just relalized, that that mean the gcc tolchain is missing then16:57
mark_g44packages needed for linaro toolchain gcc 4.7.216:58
mark_g44scratchbox-core scratchbox-libs and scratcbox-devkits*16:58
mark_g44around 250MB16:58
DocScrutinizer05:-/ no SB on
DocScrutinizer05anyway shows you might contact thedead1440 if in a pinch17:00
merlin1991ping me when you got them so I can remove them again17:00
DocScrutinizer05merlin1991: is that any useful stuff to host on cloud-7 ?17:01
merlin1991I have no idea about the license on them17:01
merlin1991so I wouldn't do that17:01
DocScrutinizer05I don't give a ....17:02
merlin1991most of them are probably gpl and I have no source17:02
mark_g44merlin1991: Thank You17:02
mark_g44downloading now17:02
merlin1991well probably all of them17:02
DocScrutinizer05mompl, please don't take it down yet17:02
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merlin1991mark_g44: I'm currently booting my laptop, should have the missing devikts for fremantle there17:03
mark_g44ok, devkit doctools is missing :/17:06
mark_g44git and svn17:06
DocScrutinizer05merlin1991: I could oull then into
merlin1991mark_g44: atm I'm uploading the rest17:12
merlin1991mark_g44: you don't really need git and svn17:13
mark_g44merlin1991: Big Thanks17:13
merlin1991they provide git and svn inside sb, but at least the git package is so outdated, that it foobars newer repos17:13
merlin1991or throws random errors17:13
merlin1991I usually do svn and git stuff from outside scratchbox17:14
mark_g44Should I install scratchbox-toolchain-cs2009 and other toolchains for linaro gcc472 ?17:15
merlin1991nope you don't need that if you drop in the linaro toolchain17:16
freemangordonmark_g44: what are you trying to do?17:16
mark_g44I want only install the newest linaro gcc4.7.2 toolchain on my debian 64bit17:17
merlin1991arf upload speed here SUXX17:17
merlin1991oh just realized, devkit doctools is 132Mb that could be the reason aswell :P17:18
mark_g44I'll install 32bit17:18
merlin1991nah I've started it17:19
merlin1991I'll finish it17:19
mark_g44it's no problem for me17:19
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DocScrutinizer05please toss the filenames in PM so I can pull to cloud717:19
freemangordonmark_g44: in case you find it useful:
merlin1991oh shit, up speed 50kb/s17:21
freemangordonnot the latest 4.7.2, but still17:21
merlin1991mark_g44: depending how fast you need this I can upload it tonight17:21
merlin1991I didn't realize my up speed here is that bad17:22
mark_g44merlin1991: ok, no problem17:22
DocScrutinizer05up is always a pain17:22
merlin1991yeah but 50kb?17:22
merlin1991that's an insult17:22
mark_g44freemangordon: I readed it and I had it17:23
mark_g44the newest is 2012_09 :)17:23
mark_g44from merlin1991 repo17:23
merlin1991mark_g44: freemangordon put the files there ;)17:24
mark_g44I know :)17:25
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DocScrutinizer05anyway, really need to run now17:32
DocScrutinizer05cya folks17:32
freemangordonmerlin1991: 2012_09 is broken17:59
freemangordonmaybe I should remove it17:59
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mark_g44merlin1991: Now I'm on debian 32bit and installing scratchbox :)19:11
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lufmerlin1991: scponly ("shell" for allowing only sftp/scp and no login)20:23
freemangordonluf: did you see my explanations ^^^20:23
lufmerlin1991: it also support chroot but it needs more time ...20:24
luffreemangordon: I see nothing after my last reply.20:25
kerioluf: it needn't to support chroot, really20:26
kerioopensshd can do that for you20:26
lufI saw that.20:27
lufThanks. I'm adding it to my TODO.20:27
freemangordonluf: which one? as obex ftp will be lots of job ;)20:28
luffreemangordon: obexftp ...20:29
lufIt'll be nice to browse remote devices using obexftp.20:30
lufSo easily ...20:30
freemangordonsure. I hope i'll be able to give a hand there20:30
lufFeel free to focus on the kernel and glibc + thumb. It's great and huge job.20:31
lufI know I'm slower ... but it's not so important ;)20:31
freemangordonBTW i tested yesterday with 2 differents stacks (Tosh/IV?) and 3 drivers (toshiba, broadcom, widcomm). no problem with OPP20:32
luffreemangordon: it has to be something specific.20:32
freemangordonluf: exactly because you are slower, I hope I will be done with kernel/glibc by the time you need help with obexftp :P20:33
lufmerlin1991 prepared test environment for me where it fail so I have to find some time and find the reason.20:33
luffreemangordon: It's possible. In that case your help will be welcome :p20:33
freemangordonI m interested in having working obexftp too20:34
freemangordonnext step could be ssh :D20:34
lufwhat? ssh over BT? It's working ...20:34
freemangordonno, browse ssh in ossofm20:34
freemangordonand smb20:35
freemangordonyou know smb:/// ssh:///20:35
freemangordonseems like the code is there20:35
freemangordonbut disabled20:35
luf:) Maybe there is a good reason for it. We'll see.20:36
freemangordonaiui they didn;t finish it because they we out of time20:37
freemangordonthey == nokia20:37
freemangordonand luf(the bluez man) was not there :P20:37
luffreemangordon: I'm not bluez man :p20:38
lufI'm just lazy man ...20:38
ShadowJKAlso it used gnome-vfs and upstream dropped smb20:39
luffreemangordon: .arch armv7-a - is this ok for N900? from asm code in libpng ...20:39
ShadowJK(it was present in Maemo4)20:39
freemangordonShadowJK: yeah20:39
freemangordonluf: that's perfect20:40
freemangordonluf: do cat /proc/cpu20:40
freemangordonShadowJK: any clue what is used in modern distributions?20:41
freemangordonfor smb in nauilus20:41
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luffreemangordon: - has support for more bpp but I don't know asm to put it into the upstream code :(20:45
freemangordonluf: what?20:45
freemangordonluf there are 3 patches20:45
freemangordonluf: this patch is against our version20:46
freemangordonit should apply cleanly20:46
freemangordonluf: search for +--- a/pngrutil.c20:47
luffreemangordon: but I trust more the upstream version.20:47
freemangordonluf: but you have to backport it20:47
luffreemangordon: upstream version has support only for 3bpp and 4bpp (this patch has also 1bpp, 2bpp, 6bpp and 8bpp.20:48
freemangordonaah, i got what you meant20:48
luffreemangordon: I'm mostly done with backporting.20:48
freemangordonluf: well, we risk either ways20:49
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freemangordonso I think it is safer to use the patch made agains our version20:49
freemangordoneven if it is buggy, we can fix it20:49
luffreemangordon: I hope upstream is more tested than this chromium patch.20:49
freemangordonluf: maybe, but with different version20:50
lufIt's not a problem.20:50
lufI red the code ...20:50
freemangordonalso, neon code is not included in tar.gz on libpng site20:50
freemangordonBTW check the last change of that code, it is a couple of months ago20:51
luffreemangordon: are you sure about it? I didn't check if it's included.20:51
freemangordonyes, I am20:51
freemangordonluf: but you'd better check it too20:51
freemangordonluf: I a pretty ok with ARM asm, if there is some bug, I think I can find and fix it. there are some 200-300 instructions after all20:52
luffreemangordon: ok.20:53
freemangordonluf: did you look here
povbotBug 462796: was not found.20:53
lufNo valid patch files were found in the attachment.20:55
freemangordonluf: seems mozilla is using (plans to use) the same CodeAurora code20:56
freemangordonluf: what?20:56
freemangordonof course the patch is fo mozilla, but it should be easy to get the real code from it20:57
lufIt can't show diff. I see the code now.20:57
lufBTW didn't you mention some problem with vectorized ...?20:57
freemangordonluf: only when gcc does it. this is hand-crafted code20:57
freemangordonluf: aah, i see, those are not .patch files, but source code20:59
freemangordonit is even easier for us then20:59
lufBTW the bugzilla code is the same as the previous link (just contains also zlib neon patch)20:59
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freemangordonBTW neon in zlib should work for us too. though I am not sure if libpng is using its own or system zlib21:00
freemangordonluf: seems that  CodeAurora code works after all. And as it supports wider range of bpp, i'd say - go fo it :D21:02
freemangordonplus it wont need backporting21:02
luffreemangordon: ok. I wasted another hour or two of my life :D21:02
freemangordonluf: aah, sorry for that :(21:03
lufMy wrong decisin ;) So don't worry ;)21:03
luf... be happy21:03
freemangordonluf: BTW ^^^ are only my thought, feel free to do whatever you want :)21:03
luffreemangordon: I know but it seems it's the better way from my point of view too.21:04
freemangordonluf: well if you are convinced too...21:04
freemangordoneveryone is happy :D21:05
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freemangordonarcean: did you see the bugreports on TMO?21:13
freemangordonfor h-d that is21:13
luffreemangordon: do you know if this "#if defined(__ARM_NEON__)" is defined or I have to define it manually?21:20
freemangordonluf: I think you have to define it21:21
freemangordonluf: BTW do you mind to create neon branch on gitorious and to push your changes there21:37
freemangordoni'll have some free time tomorrow21:37
lufWho knows :D21:38
freemangordonwho knows what?!?!21:38
lufIt's answer for your question ;)21:38
freemangordonluf: noone knows if you mind? :D21:39
lufsure ;)21:39
freemangordonaah, i see21:39
freemangordonhowever, if you push your changes tomorrow i'll try to run some benchmarks and tests21:39
infobotfreemangordon meant: however, if you push your changes, tomorrow i'll try to run some benchmarks and tests21:40
lufOk. I have some weird troubles now with compiling so who knows if I push it ...21:40
freemangordonluf: does not matter21:40
freemangordononce you got sick of it, push the code on gitorious, i'll take it from here21:41
lufAssembler source seen but `CCAS' is undefined21:41
lufAny hint?21:41
freemangordonMFC what is that21:41
freemangordonmaybe you need to include AC_PROG_AS21:41
freemangordonor something21:41
freemangordonin or who knows where21:42
freemangordonin some autotools script21:42
lufaaah I see.21:42
freemangordonfor example21:42
freemangordonluf: it is AM_PROG_AS21:44
lufYes I went throught.21:45
freemangordonaah, ok21:45
lufThe message was more descriptive.21:45
lufBut I can't believe it's so simple :)21:45
freemangordonluf: but please. commit .S and changes to .c code in a different commits21:45
luf(just curious)21:46
freemangordonit is easily readible when you splict code changes in parts21:46
lufas you wish ;)21:46
freemangordon*more easily21:47
lufIf I remember it :)21:47
freemangordonwell, it is not critical21:47
freemangordondoes it compile now?21:47
lufNot fully because some build obstructions. I also add the change into diff ...21:48
* freemangordon is afk21:49
lufWhat is afk?21:49
lufYes it's go through configure part but I made a mistake in patch ;)21:50
infobot[afk] Away From Keyboard21:51
lufHey it's magic. You're away from keyboard and drop a message here. What input device are you using?21:52
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DocScrutinizer05yohoho folks, how's life?22:13
keriofairly decent22:21
lufIt's great next year nearly behind me :D22:22
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lufHmmm any idea how to benchmark libpng with enabled NEON optimization?22:38
keriofreemangordon: is zlib also thumbified?22:40
lufIt seems it's working here :)22:40
lufBut no measurement ...22:40
luffreemangordon: I push the changes to the git (to the master).23:00
luffreemangordon: ... libpng ...23:00
luffreemangordon: I checked the presence of the _neon function in the .so files23:01
keriofreemangordon: libpng uses zlib, you should thumbcompile that too23:01
lufkerio: don't be so hurry ;) I'm going to check the NEON opt in zlib ...23:02
keriowtf, zlib has NEON too?23:02
kerioisn't it for floats23:02
povbotBug 462796: was not found.23:02
kerioluf: <323:02
lufkerio: what is less then 3? :D23:03
kerioyour ability to accept gratitude without snarky remarks23:04
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* DocScrutinizer05 idly wonders if mgedmin could teach povbot to parse URLs and not nag with nonsense when a URL evidently isn't pointing to bugs.maemo.org23:33
freemangordonluf: why in master?23:39
freemangordonkerio: neon is SMD23:39
freemangordonno matter int/float23:39
freemangordonsame as MMX/SSE23:39
kerioi see23:39
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luffreemangordon: because it's cool.23:47
luffreemangordon: zlib upgrade + neon?23:48

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