IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Saturday, 2012-12-08

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Palimerlin1991, freemangordon, can you include package rtcom-messaging-ui-portrait to next -testing/thumb cssu metapackage?12:53
Paliit is already in devel and it adding support for portrait mode for messaging (if forcerotation or whitelist is enabled)12:54
Paliit is arch independent package, contains only css text files12:54
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tadzikwhere does this whitelist live?13:09
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keriotadzik: transitions.ini13:22
tadzikI have no /white/ in any of my transitions.ini*. Is there some docs on how should it look like?13:25
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keriotadzik: install the latest hildon-desktop and it'll be magically reset13:35
tadzikthe latest being the one in -devel? I have the fresh cssu-testing13:35
keriotadzik: it should be the one in the latest -testing, -Tmaemo613:36
tadzikI'm on -Tmaemo6, according to "About Community SSU"13:36
keriothen idk13:37
tadzik"reset" as in "it will modify my transitions.ini"?13:37
kerioit'll install the default transitions.ini13:37
kerioit's not marked as a configuration file afaik13:37
tadzikhm, odd13:38
tadzikwell, I guess I'd care once I install the portrait conversations :)13:38
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gregoakerio: transitions.ini is a conffile here. I got a prompt during the last upgrade, and: dpkg-query -W -f='${Conffiles}\n' hildon-desktop | grep transitions.ini15:09
keriogregoa: hm15:14
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freemangordonthe only thing that still needs to be implementd it "end currend task". But it is trivial16:59
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jonwilnice job :)17:21
freemangordonthanks. now I need to find someone to test it :D17:21
jonwilgot anything else on your "things to look at cloning" list?17:21
keriofreemangordon: ^_^17:22
jonwilAll the things I have tried to clone have turned out to be too complex17:22
jonwilso I have run out of things to play with17:22
keriojonwil: join #maemo-nexus7 and start cloning fremantle17:23
jonwilheh, don't care about Nexus7 (as I dont own one :)17:23
jonwilonly care about N90017:23
keriohmm, what's the most powerful keyboarded device released to the general public so far?17:23
infobotkerio meant: hmm, what's the most powerful keyboarded smartphone released to the general public so far?17:24
Sicelonone, i suppose17:24
kerioSicelo: i'm thinking motorola milestone17:24
Siceloat least N900 is not it, heh17:24
keriothe droid 417:25
Siceloi don't know anything about that moto. only know about N90017:26
keriobut it's only evdo/lte/gsm17:26
keriofucking USofA17:26
Sicelooh my17:27
jonwilGive me a device with the hardware power of the RAZR MAX HD, the looks of the Galaxy S II, the software openness of the GTA04 and the keyboard and touch-screen of the N900 and it would be the most awesome phone I could imagine17:30
kerio>looks of the galaxy s217:30
jonwilhey thats why its a wishlist and not an actual device :P17:31
kerioit's not even a wishlist17:31
keriofor the same reason you can't have "time travel" in a wish list17:32
tadzikwhat's so good about the touch screen of the n900?17:33
kerioit's resistive17:33
keriotechnically i think that it's possible to have hybrid resistive/capacitive touch screens17:33
tadzikimplementation details aside, is there any advantage besides "I can use anything as a stylus"?17:34
kerioit's a lot more precise17:35
kerioalso gloves17:35
jonwilI recon though that the Galaxy S2 (the US variant with the flat touch buttons and not the international variant with the big square physical button at the bottom) is one of the most beautiful devices ever produced. Better looking than the Galaxy S3 and definatly better looking than any iPhone released to date17:35
jonwilwell actually its not perfect when viewed from the back17:36
jonwilbut from the front its good17:36
jonwilheck, give me a phone with the front and thinness and sides of the S2 and the back of the iPhone 5 and it would be even more beautiful looking :)17:38
jonwilonly failing of the S2 in the looks department is that bump in the rear17:39
jonwiland the non-shiny crappy material they used for the back case17:39
Siceloirregardless of OS?17:39
freemangordonok, "End current task" is there, too :)17:40
jonwilI haven't had enough experience with different OSs to be able to say which one looks the best17:40
freemangordonmerlin1991: ping17:41
jonwilin terms of phones that exist and that have physical landscape QWERTY keyboards, the N900 is far from the worst-looking one that exists17:42
jonwilIt seems like there is an unwritten law that android phones with physical keyboards must be made to be seriously ugly17:45
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Siceloi definitely like the looks of the N900.. maybe i'm biased, lol.17:52
tadzikit would be nice if the back was flat :)17:56
keriowtf is DMA in powertop?17:58
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merlin1991freemangordon: pong18:36
freemangordonmerlin1991: powerkeymenu replacement should be ready :)18:37
freemangordonneed someone to review the code (if possible). Also the licenses are missing, etc.18:38
freemangordonbut functionality-wise it should be 100% ready18:39
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keriofreemangordon: is it a rewrite from scratch?18:53
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arceanfreemangordon, nicely done :)19:56
arceanis it available in cssu-devel?19:56
Paliluf, merlin1991, freemangordon, I'm going to push this change to cssu-devel21:06
merlin1991Pali: go ahead, afaik luf gave you the green light some time ago21:07
Palinow finaly I'm able to connect from desktop ubuntu pulseaudio to maemo pulseaudio and send stream21:07
PaliI'm pushing also some small changes for ke-recv (disable autostart of osso file manager when usb device is mounted & option to enable/disable dhcp/dns server for usbnetwork)21:17
kerioPali: what's "pc suite mode" there?21:22
keriothe actual pc-suite mode, or just g_nokia loaded?21:22
kerioif you enable the automatic usb networking from ke-recv21:25
Paliwhen pc suite mode is enabled21:25
Paliyou should use only GUI21:26
kerioi see21:26
keriowhat's started in pc suite mode, anyway?21:26
keriosoftupd, phonet-at and?21:26
Palifirst is stopped mass storage with scripts21:26
Palithen is called some script21:27
Paliand start some daemons like softupd, obex, phonet-at ...21:27
kerioi see21:28
keriowtf, isn't obexd a bluetooth thing?21:28
keriothere's also syncd in the daemons that are started21:28
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Palidaemons needed for pc suite22:13
Paliobex is for obex file transport (you can expore files via Window Explorer with installed Nokia PC Suite)22:14
Paliobex is not only for bluetooth, but also for IR and USB22:14
Pali(maybe there is also via network...)22:14
Palibut useless for linux users where is ssh...22:15
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kerioi see22:25
keriobut i thought obexd was always running22:25
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freemangordon_Pali, why disable file manager when usb device is connected?22:55
keriofreemangordon_: because it's really, really annoying22:59
kerioand it's also a departure from the stock UI behaviour22:59
freemangordon_Kerio: what? Why annoying? Also, check the stock behavior whe uSD is mounted23:00
kerioit opens up the file manager when you put the cover back?23:00
keriocool, let's disable that too23:00
keriobecause it's dumb23:00
freemangordon_Also, I want to hear from Pali :-P23:01
freemangordon_No, it is not23:01
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Palifreemangordon_, it freezing when my usb flash device in usb host mode is connected23:04
Palionly sometimes it not freeze23:04
Paliand next problem is that it show annoying message that No supported device was found when choosing some usb host mode23:05
freemangordon_pali: well, lets fix hostmode or whatever is causing the problem, not limit the functionality :-(23:05
freemangordon_Or introduce a timeot to workaround it, it really does not make sence do differ with uSD mount process23:06
freemangordon_(sorry for the typos, using my n900)23:07
Paliit is bug in osso_filemanager23:08
PaliI really have no idea why it freezing23:08
freemangordon_In frontend or in backend, as backend is FOSS?23:08
Palievery other application working, only osso file manager freeze when ke-recv call to open it23:08
PaliI do not know, I have no idea how to check if some library or binary freezing23:09
freemangordon_However, lets investigate what happens.23:10
freemangordon_I bet we can find a workaround if not a solution.23:11
merlin1991btw freemangordon_ does the powerkey replacement still leak?23:16
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freemangordon_Merlin1991: afaik no.23:22
freemangordon_Didn't run valgrind though, will do it ofc23:23
freemangordon_Did a simple tests, heap size remains constant23:23
freemangordon_merlin1991: btw it is a re-write, not REed23:25
freemangordon_And my code rarely leaks :-)23:26
merlin1991and how sure are you about complete feature parity?23:27
freemangordon_I tested them.23:28
freemangordon_Everything i could think about23:29
freemangordon_Didn't tested signal path in .xml, but afaik it is not used23:29

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