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luf | freemangordon: ping | 13:44 |
luf | more than 20 hours of overtime put me into offline mode during weekend ... | 13:46 |
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wirr | hi all... is there a roadmap for ssu available somewhere? | 14:13 |
luf | wirr: I'm not sure I'm the right person but I saw something on WIKI. However it's volunteers project so very often it depends what the developers want to work on. | 14:15 |
luf | wirr: Why are you asking? (what is the motivation for the question) | 14:15 |
wirr | luf: I'm wondering about the state of various projects I came across the wiki: opensource preinit script, bme replacement and so on... | 14:18 |
wirr | luf: OTOH, I'm wondering if we can see a completely OSS maemo in a not-so-distant future | 14:18 |
luf | wirr: I'm afraid it's the best to search through this IRC history (at least I haven't write the wiki pages yet). | 14:22 |
luf | wirr: I don't think there will be completely OSS maemo in near future (if ever). | 14:23 |
luf | But if you want to help with this you're welcome. | 14:23 |
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wirr | luf: I'm a network engineer, no coder, but if I can help with testing or anything... | 14:24 |
luf | wirr: I'm sure it helps too. Stays here or take a look to history of this IRC you'll find some requests ... Or let's ask kerio when you see him. He's the most active tester with a lot of enthusiasm. | 14:29 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | opensource preinit? hmmm | 15:08 |
DocScrutinizer05 | bme replacement? prolly not in CSSU any time soon | 15:08 |
DocScrutinizer05 | generally speaking, we're trying to host optional alternatives that would look bad practice or are plain impossible to distribute via extras repo. We however won't force those alternatives, but make them optional whenever possible. If not possible, odds are they won't come with CSSU if they are not clear bugfixes | 15:11 |
DocScrutinizer05 | and even for bugfixes, the severity of the fixed bug has to clearly outweigh the risk we're introducing by swapping a component | 15:12 |
DocScrutinizer05 | honestly, for bme-replacement I don't see that yet | 15:13 |
DocScrutinizer05 | wirr: but anyway, yes Pali and freemangordon already published first prereleases of a bme-replcment-set | 15:14 |
wirr | Doc: thanks... there have been some people running it successfully for some time, isn't it? | 15:23 |
luf | wirr: no idea how much successfully, but let's ask kerio ;) | 15:24 |
DocScrutinizer05 | bme-replacement? well, some 2 users using it since some 2 weeks | 15:24 |
DocScrutinizer05 | subject to updates/pfixes every other day right ATM | 15:24 |
DocScrutinizer05 | I'm pretty sure Pali and kerio have it installed and using it. freemangordon probably too | 15:26 |
DocScrutinizer05 | dunno who else | 15:26 |
wirr | ok.. thanks guys for all the info! | 15:26 |
tadzik | I used it for a few days, it was fine | 15:26 |
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MrPingu | I was using only the status-applet in conjunction with Nokia-BME, seemed fine | 15:43 |
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freemangordon__ | luf: hi | 15:47 |
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freemangordon__ | luf: I hope you know eds :). It seems that every single proces using the addressbook has heap usage > 2MB | 15:48 |
freemangordon__ | hildon-status-menu has 2 plugins using abook, nad h-s-m heap usage as > 5MB | 15:48 |
freemangordon__ | luf: do you have any idea what is going on? | 15:49 |
freemangordon__ | luf: actually it is not per process, but per instance, if we have 2 instances, then heap usage > 4MB | 15:54 |
freemangordon__ | on my device, ~250 entries in the phonebook | 15:55 |
luf | freemangordon: I'm afraid I don't know eds enough to answer your question. | 15:56 |
freemangordon__ | luf: I need an idea, not an aswer :) | 15:56 |
luf | But usually there is factory which is called trough DBus so I have no idea why it needs so much heap. | 15:56 |
freemangordon__ | luf: in /home/user/.osso-abook/db the is log.00000001 file. Any clue who creates that file and what format it is? | 15:59 |
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luf | freemangordon: maybe index file. But I'm not sure. I have to take a look into code. | 16:52 |
luf | And I'm short on time right now :( | 16:53 |
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kerio | wirr: i've been using Pali's bme replacement for a bit now | 18:13 |
kerio | wirr: no problems at all with the latest version | 18:13 |
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kerio | (also using the replacement battery applet) | 18:14 |
kerio | wirr: it's not really CSSU material, i'm afraid | 18:14 |
kerio | unless there's a way to add the modules to the omap1 kernel, and even then it's a stretch | 18:14 |
kerio | it would still be strictly optional, battery charging *is* a big deal | 18:15 |
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wirr | kerio: thanks - i think I'll give it a try next weekend. i assume I'd be useful if I post bug reports to the forum? | 20:20 |
kerio | wirr: i suppose so | 20:20 |
kerio | keep syslog enabled | 20:20 |
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