IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Wednesday, 2012-05-16

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merlin1991hm any ideas how I'd cut the content of a text file up to a specific line into another file?03:02
merlin1991(on the commanline that is)03:02
infobotmerlin1991 meant: (on the commandline that is)03:02
merlin1991hm awk did the job ( awk "{ print \$0 } \$0 ~ /LASTVALIDLINE/ { exit }" file1 > file2)03:21
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* merlin1991 had a look @ the clock-ui code03:27
merlin1991there is going to be some massive refactoring03:27
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DocScrutinizerrefactoring is never a bad thing to consider06:17
DocScrutinizermerlin1991: how about setting a "tainted" flag to version-string whenever installing anything from cssu-devel?06:27
DocScrutinizerto avoid the otherwise usual "my desktop acts up on me! CSSU. please help... [bla bla blub] [more blabla] [minutes (or hours) later] Oh by the way I installed HD-act-up from cssu-devel, could it be related?"06:30
DocScrutinizerwe probably need a simple system-fingerprint tool, giving us a concise summary of state of user's installation (which versions of relevant pkg installed, from where)06:33
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_freemangordonDocScrutinizer, do you mind to rephrase a bit your warning on cssu-devel thread on TMO, Stuff like "half-baked" ,"there is no support" , etc.09:07
DocScrutinizerwell, I'm open to any suggestion. I already anticipated there'll be objections ;-D09:08
_freemangordonPlus, this repo is not meant for developers, but for users who wish to help testing changes still not in "-testing"09:08
_freemangordoni.e. stuff commited on gitorious (bugfixes, etc)09:09
DocScrutinizerI definitely want avoid drifting into a situation like we see it with extras-devel now09:10
_freemangordonagree, but you know what caused that situation ;). I hope we wan't do the same with CSSU09:12
DocScrutinizeractually I'm not all that clear about what caused that situation09:12
DocScrutinizerstill pondering09:13
_freemangordonBTW I really meant rephrase, your statement is just too strong and partially incorrect09:13
DocScrutinizeryes, and I said I'm open to ANY suggestion09:13
_freemangordonit was caused mainly because KP was stuck in extras-devel with no way to promote it in extras09:13
DocScrutinizerjust please try to consider my intention09:13
_freemangordoni do understand it09:14
DocScrutinizerI knew it been a too strong and partially incorrect statement when I posted it09:14
DocScrutinizerand I'm more than happy to change it to a *better* wording09:15
_freemangordonwell, change it then :P09:15
DocScrutinizeryes, and I said I'm open to ANY suggestion09:15
_freemangordonthe truth is there is at least one package (modest) in -devel repo with a bugfix to a critical bug, and several others with bugfixes to major bugs09:16
_freemangordonnah, your english is way better than mine, plus I am still having my first coffee for the day :D09:16
DocScrutinizeron reasons for extras-devel mess: I think users' natural fascination of bleeding edge stuff done a good deal in making a "standard repo" out of extras-devel09:17
_freemangordondisagree, it was KP and a pile of sattelite applications09:17
DocScrutinizer(first coffee) same here :-D09:17
_freemangordoncould be wrong of course09:17
DocScrutinizerthe slightly strong wording been driven by my experiences with e.g. hostmode and no warning whatsoever could keep _all_ noobs from messing with stuff they don't understand. A stronger wording may reach the minds of a higher percentage of those noobs - the savvy will analyze even incorrect warnings and classify them the right way09:20
DocScrutinizera warning "this is for devels only!" won't stop more than 5% of noobs from messing with stuff09:22
amiconnIf it's not for developers it shouldn't be called 'devel' imo09:22
DocScrutinizeramiconn: good point09:22
* amiconn thinks of this much like the debian system: stable - testing - unstable09:22
DocScrutinizerin that sense each user daring to give an untested pkg a shot already joined the class of devels09:23
amiconnI'm by no means a linux developer, but I'm running debian unstable on my main box. From time to time I'm complaining about major breakage, but I know that it may happen and I have to deal with it. It's called 'unstable' for a reason.09:24
DocScrutinizeranyway my offer stands: I'll happily change wording to any better suggestion you may come up with - don't worry about your english, I'll rephrase it so I can stand for it anyway09:25
amiconn(last occurrence was two days ago, when broken dependencies removed 'ifupdown')09:25
_freemangordonDocScrutinizer, ok. First - it is not meant for developers, but for end-users willing to help QA candidates for next -textng09:26
_freemangordonsecond - usually it is not half-baked, as there is rare totally new stuff in CSSU, adclock will be an exclusion09:27
DocScrutinizer(ps: keep in mind my option to change wording might diminish with answers to the post in that thread)09:27
_freemangordonand THERE IS support, be it on the thread or here09:28
DocScrutinizerok, I'll rethink and change it according to your objections09:28
_freemangordonthere could be regressions of course, but that is what QA is for09:29
_freemangordonetc., etc.,09:29
DocScrutinizeronce coffee kicked in ;-)09:29
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DocScrutinizerarcean: hm?17:08
arceanwrong window :D17:08
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freemangordonmerlin1991, ping20:36
freemangordonmerlin1991, hard times ahead :D. I need kernel-cssu project on gitorious20:37
merlin1991uh oh20:37
freemangordonkernel-cssu? how does it sound?20:37
merlin1991well it's the black magic thumb kernel so dunno20:38
freemangordonno, it will be only ine kernel, and as we discussed with DocScrutinizer, there will be an sysfs entry for enabling thumb errata20:38
freemangordonwhich will be disabled by default, so if ome day a decision is taken CSSU to include its own kernel, there will be no problem20:40
merlin1991I just hope you find a init script that fires early enough to set it brefore anything thumb starts20:40
freemangordonthere is one, the same that bootmenu uses20:41
freemangordonmerlin1991, also have in mind that "core" system libraries won't be thumb-compiled, after all we need maximum performance for memcpy and such20:42
freemangordononly memory/disk space hungy stuff (like Qt, gtk) and those that are always active (hd,hh, etc) will be. At least that is the plan20:44
infobotfreemangordon meant: only memory/disk space hungry stuff (like Qt, gtk) and those that are always active (hd,hh, etc) will be. At least that is the plan20:44
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freemangordonPali, ping21:05
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amiconnIs there a reason why the thumb fixes couldn't be permanently enabled?21:30
amiconnAlso if this is thumb2, there should be no performance impact from using it for everything (since thumb2 can mix thumb and arm instructions) afaik21:31
amiconnActually the opposite might happen, because more code fits into the cache21:32
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freemangordonamiconn, enabling thumb errata workaround slows down the CPU and that would have negative effect if there are no thumb-compiled binaries21:36
amiconnIs this workaround described somewhere?21:36
freemangordonyes, all over the internet21:37
freemangordongoogle for "errata 430973"21:37
freemangordonin effect it flushes BTB on every context switch21:39
amiconnAh ok21:48
* amiconn wonders how much performance this actually costs21:48
amiconnWild guess: a few percent21:49
freemangordonyeah, from my end-user POV I don't see much of a difference if any21:52
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RaimuAny benchmark software that one could use for at least some crude measurement?22:15
freemangordonRaimu, let me first make the kernel :)22:15
RaimuYes, Sir!22:16
freemangordonwhy is that? seriously, to test now performance degradation because of thumb errata workaround, you have to use latest Pali's u-boot and KP4922:17
RaimuYeah, I'm not in a hurry. :)22:18
RaimuJust thinking out loud.22:18
Raimufreemangordon, by the way I got rid of multiboot finally after our short chat one day.22:22
RaimuNo migration pains anymore, heh.22:22
freemangordonand? how is u-boot?22:22
freemangordonaah, yeah22:22
RaimuNo comment yet. :)22:23
freemangordonbtw which kernel do you use?22:23
freemangordonwell, now you have (hopefully) latest u-boot, you can install KP49 modules and bootimg and test how is the performance with thumb errata workaround enabled22:24
freemangordonNFC what benchmark to use22:25
RaimuYup, thanks.22:26
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