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aapo | I would like to see newer glib on maemo5. Because many system/non-system package uses it (apt-cache showpkg libglib2.0-0), it triggers lots of rebuilding. I think only way for it is CSSU. What I can do for this happens? | 14:50 |
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andre__ | how to rebuild closed packages? | 15:26 |
aapo | I haven't yet checked how many of those are closed (any other way do that but manually?) | 15:30 |
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Pali | isn't glib open source? | 16:00 |
merlin1991 | Pali: glib is open source but closed source packges use glib too and might not be forwardcompatible | 16:04 |
Pali | its bad... | 16:04 |
aapo | apt-cache policy `apt-cache showpkg libglib2.0-0 | uniq | tail -n +9 | head -n -5 | sed 's/,.*//' | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g' ` | 16:05 |
aapo | big list of text | 16:05 |
Pali | aapo, all closed source packages are on: http://wiki.maemo.org/Fremantle_closed_packages | 16:05 |
Pali | you can check what all is problematic | 16:06 |
aapo | Pali, I don't know easy way to check which one of this list are using glib | 16:06 |
aapo | hmm, but now I have list of *each* package using glib -> which packages are in both list | 16:07 |
Pali | i posted on tmo some scripts for generating open/closed packages in parseable format (which also generated that wiki page) | 16:08 |
Pali | if wiki is bad format, you can use some scripts to diff with apt-... output | 16:08 |
aapo | wiki format is not bad. oneliner for comparing duplicates for two sorted lists? | 16:11 |
aapo | (got it: merge, sort, diff) | 16:14 |
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aapo | (I meant merge, sort, uniq, diff) | 16:23 |
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aapo | wiki lists 355 closed packages, and 197 depend on libglig | 16:29 |
aapo | if they are not working with newer libglig (with maemo-pathces), this will not work in near future | 16:30 |
aapo | just for note: http://pastebin.com/eSHBmcUg | 16:31 |
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Pali | nice list | 16:45 |
Pali | you can try to install new glib and test if maemo working... | 16:46 |
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bindi | gah | 17:28 |
bindi | what is the tweak to enable hardware accelerated menus etc? | 17:28 |
bindi | i remember seeing it in the maemo wiki, can't find it anymore.. | 17:28 |
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aapo | how about SDL-mixer to the CSSU? http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?p=1154840 | 18:36 |
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Raimu | bindi: You must mean this: http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=73315 | 18:53 |
Raimu | bindi: It's there in the first message. I suppose you can't be talked out of it by stating that it's horribly unstable in general? | 18:54 |
bindi | no | 18:55 |
bindi | it was a single line you added in transistions.ini or something | 18:55 |
bindi | and i remember being warned about unstable :p | 18:55 |
Raimu | Yes, yes. Read the first message, it's there somewhere. | 18:56 |
bindi | ah | 18:56 |
bindi | lets see | 18:56 |
bindi | ah yes, found it | 18:56 |
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bindi | never had a problem with it | 18:57 |
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Lava_Croft | same here, never any problems | 20:02 |
Lava_Croft | i think MohammadAG tested with it too | 20:02 |
Pali | merlin1991, any news about osso-pdf-viewver l10n package? | 20:12 |
merlin1991 | nope | 20:13 |
DocScrutinizer | bindi: I shouldn't disclose this, but: gconftool -s -t str /secrit/run faaaaaaaaaaast | 20:14 |
DocScrutinizer | with exactly 11 "a" | 20:14 |
DocScrutinizer | you'll be amazed ;-D | 20:14 |
bindi | bullshit :p | 20:14 |
DocScrutinizer | WSEGL_UseHWSync will ADD an average latency of ~0.5hw frames per buffer refresh AIUI | 20:18 |
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