IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Friday, 2011-11-25

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* merlin1991 finally found the time todo the changelog00:46
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ThreeMnot yet online merlin1991 ?01:03
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merlin1991ThreeM: what do you mean?01:16
ThreeMwhen is the changelog online?01:17
merlin1991I'm doing it atm :D01:17
ThreeMahh :)01:17
ThreeMthx for that :)01:17
merlin1991as in I just finished checking the sources to make sure everyhting goes in and now I'm writing the wiki page :)01:18
merlin1991it takes quite some time to go through every changed package and check is some change sneaked in that isn't otherwise noted down in the changelogs in the source .D01:19
ThreeMbig changelog this time?01:19
merlin1991not really01:20
merlin19917 source repos have updated01:20
merlin1991it's up
ThreeMthx :)01:24
ThreeMim the first one how read it :)01:25
ThreeMahh nice: modest/tinymail  Several crash fixes.01:26
merlin1991you can easily see wich changelog entries were done by me01:27
merlin1991mine have the table alphabetically ordered xD01:27
merlin1991now I just need Mag here so  I can push him to push the hildon-home sources so I can do that part too01:29
ThreeMhe is a bit busy in the last time01:30
ThreeMbut hey, we still get updates :)01:30
merlin1991and I have to find out why the maemo autobuilder tries to completely fsck my compile of qt01:30
merlin1991need to fix that to get the bloody stable out01:31
ThreeMsadly i have no idea of development01:31
ThreeMi would like to contribute to, but i cant :(01:31
merlin1991testing is contributing too01:35
merlin1991and you can always participate in the meetings on friday01:35
ThreeMhmm maybe im looking into it :)01:37
ThreeMtesting is quite hard, cause im using my n900 as productive device. when something goes wrong and im not reachable than it can be expensive for me01:38
merlin1991so you're practially waiting with upgrades to see if they're stable01:39
ThreeMi haven any problems with the updates till now01:40
merlin1991in the beginning of cssu we had a few updates that did break stuff :D01:41
ThreeMhmm witch was the first cssu i have installed.... i dont know :)01:41
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ThreeMhmm, when i use backup with backupmenu, the risk for testing is quite less or?01:42
merlin1991I never used backupmenu nor checked what it actually does01:43
merlin1991so I can't tell you :/01:43
ThreeMit copys rootfs and optfs to sdcard01:44
ThreeMand ofcouse restore it01:45
ThreeMor is there a possibility to do ca complete backup of the device?01:46
merlin1991rootfs + optfs should be enough01:48
ThreeMso i would like to be a tester. anything special i got to know? any standards for testing or so?01:49
merlin1991you are a tester if you have cssu installed :P01:50
merlin1991and when you use the latest version you can voice your opinion on that "stable" state of components in the meetings01:50
merlin1991everything we deem stable goes into the stable cssu01:50
merlin1991wich will come avaiaible when I fixed that fsckd build01:50
ThreeMah, so, expect me on the meetings :)01:51
merlin1991every friday 17:00 utc01:53
ThreeMgood time for me01:53
ThreeMmaybe that will improve my english too ;)01:54
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merlin1991DocScrutinizer: I'm about to just upload the fsckd src and not use the builder alltogether02:14
DocScrutinizergo for it02:15
DocScrutinizerno friggin one else can use builder either02:15
* merlin1991 curses into autobuilders general direction02:15
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* DocScrutinizer asks what's builder's general direction so he knows which side of toilet to stand to piss in some particular general direction02:16
merlin1991DocScrutinizer: wherever you don't want him, that's where he stays02:18
DocScrutinizerwell while I visited bathroom, I idly pondered: NNE, seems about correct for Germany to builder02:19
DocScrutinizermy bathroom is naturally optimized02:19
merlin1991DocScrutinizer: meeting tomorrow is happening02:21
DocScrutinizerwhat friggin meeting?02:21
merlin1991cssu :D02:21
* DocScrutinizer shrugs02:22
DocScrutinizerwasted my time 2 times02:22
DocScrutinizerthere's no 3rd chance02:22
merlin19912 times?02:22
merlin1991afaik we only failed once02:22
DocScrutinizer1st time was no big success story either02:23
merlin19911st time we decided what goes into stable02:23
DocScrutinizeryes, but an hour+ late02:23
DocScrutinizerwith 50% of participants expected02:24
DocScrutinizer2nd time was an *eepic* fail02:24
merlin1991I was in berlin, and had no control over my schedule :/02:24
DocScrutinizer3rd time you need to bribe me02:24
merlin1991DocScrutinizer: there's going to be candy ;)02:25
merlin1991btw any idea what happened to X-Fade?02:25
DocScrutinizertry harder02:25
merlin1991he's completely gone02:25
DocScrutinizerhe ignores me since 6 months, so I dunno02:26
DocScrutinizerseems maemo isn't one of his pet projects (anymore)02:26
DocScrutinizereven mohammad is kinda gone02:27
DocScrutinizerand the icing on top: those guys have all the privileges to let us starve with patches not getting promoted, with access lists not getting any love...02:28
DocScrutinizer/msg chanserv access #maeomo-ssu list02:29
DocScrutinizerprivs on git and on repos: all the same02:30
DocScrutinizerif anybody knows he can't care anymore, he got the goddamn duty to hand over the hat to somebody else who can02:31
ThreeMhave you asked him about that?02:33
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Macermerlin1991: how is berlin ever since the fall of the wall?06:11
Maceris it a united Germany nowadays .. i don't understand how germany works06:11
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Lava_CroftMacer: the wall fell in bloody 198915:28
Lava_Croftbloody as in 'fucking' or whatever15:32
Lava_Croftto emphasive the fact that it was in 198915:33
ThreeMahh ok15:33
Lava_Croftbritish english, not american english15:33
Lava_Croftoreos are tasty15:34
Lava_Croftespecially the ones covered in chocolate15:34
psycho_oreostry deep fried oreos then ;)15:34
ThreeMthe chocolate once are a bit to much15:34
Lava_Crofti dont eat oreos anymore15:34
Lava_Crofttheir price/quality balance got lost15:34
ThreeMso get the one from discounter15:34
ThreeMother label, same taste15:35
Lava_Croftor better said, i started to realize the lack of a proper balance between the two15:35
ThreeMsmaller price15:35
Lava_Croftnaw, too sweet;)15:35
Lava_Crofti used to eat em a lot tho15:35
Lava_Croftat least we went from the berlin wall to the differences between american and british english on to oreos15:35
Lava_Crofthooray for us15:35
merlin1991and all that in #maemo-ssu15:48
merlin1991but yeah, Macer I didn't see much of berlin15:48
Lava_Croftmost of the HUGE building pit in the center of town is gone tho, i think15:48
Lava_Croftsome years ago when i was there, almost entire city center was one big pit15:49
DocScrutinizerhmmm, so what's the rant about "files gone from repo", merlin1991 ?16:40
MacerLava_Croft: yeah but i never really looked into how the reunification worked out ;)16:47
Lava_Croftit exists on paper quite nicely16:48
Lava_Croftbut in germany theres still a quite visible border16:48
Lava_Croftat least there was the last time i was there16:48
Lava_Croftwhich is like 6 years ago:P16:48
Lava_Croftbut i doubt much has changed16:48
Lava_Croftour family has had good friends in eastern germany since before the wall came down16:49
Lava_Croftof course its all freedom etc now, but eastern germany just remains the poor shitty part16:49
Lava_Croftdespite shitloads of money and intentions16:49
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merlin1991DocScrutinizer: here used to be an maemosec applet folder17:38
merlin1991good news, certman applets are there in the repo properly now17:55
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DocScrutinizergod news indeed, though... No more opportunity to bash lusers who disabled their Nokia SSU repo for no good reason :-D18:50
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amiconn*god* news? ;)19:32
merlin1991so who's around for meeting?19:36
DocScrutinizerme... not really19:37
merlin1991also ffs qt upload to stable repo stalled19:39
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* andre__ just lurking19:55
DocScrutinizerI admit it's kinda unfair I first pushed and bitched for a stable release, and now don't continue to do exactly that, but it seems the support is just too low to sustain this19:57
DocScrutinizerthe enthusiasm for this meeting was sub-par on the first one, abysmal on the second, and not existent on this third event19:59
DocScrutinizeralso there's been exactly one faintly interested applicant for vice-maintainer job and he never came back20:00
DocScrutinizerI think the whole project is rapidly entering limbo state20:00
DocScrutinizermohammad announced some qt frontend to maintain the testing branch, did I miss his eporting back on progress regarding that?20:06
DocScrutinizermy hopes were on Tmaemo1 and Smaemo1 we could start a huge bold announcement and so attract some contributors and more momentum, but this hope seems to be an illusion as well20:09
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merlin1991DocScrutinizer: S will come this weekend20:42
merlin1991I tried to upload it today, but my upstream kept interrupting midupload20:42
DocScrutinizerfriggin silicon gremlins20:44
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merlin1991arcean: ping23:42
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