IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Thursday, 2011-08-04

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psycho_oreosheh I wouldn't have the link on me, but I'm sure a quick search through the public log might help. I believe freemangordon was wanting the sources for the patched Qt framework used for the various updates incorporated into cssu13:43
psycho_oreoshe found out that the Qt framework in cssu was binary only. My guess is that he's wanting to suggest adding improvements to the cssu.13:44
psycho_oreosThen there was this other thread (most likely completely unrelated to the one aforementioned) on tmo about vertical hildon-home which is based on cssu13:44
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psycho_oreosand speaking of the devil ;)14:18
freemangordoncheck ssu QT on gitorious ;)14:19
psycho_oreos:o both are here ;)14:19
freemangordonand who's the devil :D ?14:19
psycho_oreosfreemangordon: is this improvement in regards to portrait hildon-home? or something else? just out of curiousity14:20
MohammadAGoh cool!14:20
freemangordonsomething else14:20
psycho_oreosoh I was speaking about you a moment ago to Jaffa. I don't know if he was listening or not but I remember you were wanting to speak to MohammadAG and he didn't respond :)14:20
MohammadAGone question though14:20
psycho_oreosfreemangordon: *nods*14:20
freemangordonok, sorry14:20
MohammadAGqmake.conf is actually deleted on make distlcean14:21
freemangordondon't think so14:21
psycho_oreosjust trying to push your query up (i.e. escalate) in order to get matter resolved14:21
RST38hNew Maemo CSSU update? =)14:21
MohammadAGif yeah, we'll use sed in debian/rules14:21
MohammadAGthanks freemangordon14:21
MohammadAGjust interested, how'd you find it?14:22
freemangordonmake a debug build and surprise,surprise :)14:22
MohammadAGand all apps are working?14:22
freemangordonI don't have much to test with, so, don't know14:23
MohammadAGmerlin1991, ping14:23
MohammadAGI need to pull in 4.7.414:23
freemangordonit is 4.7.414:23
MohammadAGI recall it's 4.7.214:24
freemangordonchangelog lies :D14:24
MohammadAG4.7.4 is in x11-maemo14:24
MohammadAGnot the CSSU repo14:24
MohammadAGhmm, wait14:26
MohammadAGyeah, seems like it's actually 4.7.4, sorry14:26
freemangordonyep, no problem14:26
freemangordonOne thing to mention - widgets example consumes CPU in idle when on second stacked window (when you press Show various widgets)14:28
freemangordonSo maybe there are other bugs to smash, but ...14:29
MohammadAGI'll check14:29
freemangordonother examples behave normaly (besides webkit, but that is expected)14:29
MohammadAGRST38h, yeah, why not :)14:31
MohammadAGso Qt will be back to 4.7.4, meaning QtQuick 1.1 should work14:31
MohammadAGmeaning Harmattan Qt components can  be backported easily now14:31
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freemangordon...and have in mind I don't drink beer, but Jack Daniel's  :P :P :P14:33
arceanfreemangordon, congrats! :D14:34
MohammadAGI owe you a beer then :P14:35
freemangordonMohammadAG: I would recomment you to play a little with those optimisation flag ( I am sick of QT builds right now so won't do it) to see which exactly optimisation breaks things. The reason is :14:41
freemangordonOne of the differences between -O2 and -O3 is vectoriser, other is function inlining ,which may have performance impact14:42
freemangordonAnd also would recommend to cherry-pick all the commits from upsteram for src/gui/painting directory, there are several bugfixes there14:44
MohammadAGfreemangordon, FYI, 4.8 doesn't have the issue14:45
freemangordonhm, strange14:45
freemangordonso why we are not using it?14:45
MohammadAGcause it's a technical preview :P14:46
freemangordonahaa, OK14:46
freemangordonI was thinking does it make sence one to raise a bug for gcc14:46
MohammadAGunless the fix is going in the CSSU, not sure14:47
freemangordonBTW did you ever try to build QT outside scratchbox, in madde on Windows for example?14:50
freemangordonMaybe we should ask pali to try it, he seems like madde fan14:53
MohammadAGafaik it's the same rootstrap though14:56
freemangordonBTW i saw you've just pulled x11-maemo on gitorious. It won't build :D. Some symbian guy has removed n900audio plugin from build.15:06
freemangordonhere is the commit
freemangordonand you should restore src/gui/plugins/audio/audio.pro15:08
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freemangordonMohammadAG: I'll make a new MR fixing it in a minute15:21
MohammadAGsure, though it's building fine for now15:21
MohammadAGit got to webkit15:21
freemangordonit will break wne building packages ;)15:22
freemangordonDid'n I say I am sick of QT builds? :D15:22
MohammadAGoh cool, -nc will fix that ;)15:24
freemangordonDamn, gitorious is down because of my commit15:35
freemangordonThis cannot be true15:36
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freemangordon"Emergency reboot today at 14.30 CET  Due to some changes in Gitorious’ network infrastructure, we need to reboot the servers today at 14.30 CET. This should be completed before 14:35 – we’ll post an update here once we’re done."15:41
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* DocScrutinizer idly wonders what's state of cssu-stable now, and if the common sense about cssu-testing has adopted the paradigm of it not being a playground for cutting edge *improvements* that aren't needed for a "normal" system17:06
DocScrutinizerthe ill notion of cssu being an alternative OS version that's mainly targeted at replacing Nokia blobs by FOSS rewrites, no matter if the FOSS rewrite will integrate seamlessly into stock maemo, seems to spread all over the interwebs17:10
DocScrutinizeras long as usability and stability of cssu is worse than stock maemo, the whole cssu thing failed its purpose17:12
DocScrutinizerbut meh, I seem to have stated that before, and I'm not going into that lengthy discussion again, as it ends with recommendations about *me* doing anything about it, like posting masterplans to ML and stuff like that17:13
DocScrutinizermasterplans won't change common sense17:14
DocScrutinizerand obviously cssu already has entered the SHR-syndrome which is every devel cares about pushing in some more "cute patches" while QA and maintaining a stable branch got abandoned several months ago and never will get picked up again17:16
freemangordonAnd why you say  "usability and stability of cssu is worse than stock maemo" . Because I use it on my n900 with no ill effects and it is far more usable (i.e portrait thingy) than stock. My impression is that missing piece for CSSU to have "stable" branch was QT. Maybe I am wrong, now it is fixed so lets see.17:36
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merlin1991MohammadAG: pong17:47
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freemangordonMohammadAG: new merge request here
merlin1991omg freemangordon18:08
merlin1991raster fixed yayayayay18:08
merlin1991what's the other one about though?18:09
freemangordonfixes package build18:11
freemangordonreverts this
merlin1991at least from that commit msg it looks like that system changed and old dirs are not needed?18:12
freemangordonyep, looks like that, but sources are there18:13
freemangordonand debian packaging insist on n900audio.so18:14
freemangordonanyway, that was the easiest way build to be done18:14
freemangordonwe can remove those (if really not needed) later on18:15
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MohammadAGfreemangordon, we'll need to ship recompiled Qt Mobility packages if we ship 4.7.419:08
MohammadAG4.7.4 seems stable19:09
Damnshockhey guys19:16
Damnshockwill the email client support imap idle?19:16
merlin1991MohammadAG: you pinged me, what's up?19:20
MohammadAGgas prices19:22
MohammadAGDamnshock, if someone provides patches for it19:22
MohammadAGmerlin1991, can't remember tbh19:22
merlin1991MohammadAG: for imap idle there is a patch out there19:22
DamnshockMohammadAG: I remember there was a guy claiming he had successfully patched the client to allow imap idle19:22
merlin1991needs testing iirc19:22
Damnshockthat's why I was asking for it ;)19:22
DamnshockI would test but... my N900 is still at Nokia Care19:23
Damnshockit's been a month already :(19:23
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MohammadAGmerlin1991, offline imap? merged19:25
DocScrutinizerfreemangordon: in my book usability of a device that *forces* apps into portrait mode is worse than stock maemo where it's in landsacape and soesn't break when forcing it into portrait. As long as portrait mode brings new issues when trying to use the device in the classical way it is not ready for cssu19:25
MohammadAGdon't use forced portrait?19:26
DocScrutinizerfreemangordon: portrait mode isn't by itself an increase in usability19:26
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: haha19:27
DamnshockDocScrutinizer: that's debatable19:27
DocScrutinizermo it isn't19:27
freemangordonYes, why using forced portrait?19:27
freemangordonWithout it it is 100% as stock (excluding tasknav and portarited home)19:27
freemangordonsorry for typos19:28
MohammadAGthere's a gconf key for both19:28
DocScrutinizersee, when HAM is switching to portrait mode despite me holding the device in landscape, as son as I click on "details" for a package, I'd like to smash the device on the wall, if either device or wall would have any fault on that19:29
MohammadAGthat's a hildon bug19:30
MohammadAGI already said that19:30
MohammadAGand it's been present since PR1.2 or before19:30
DocScrutinizerobviously portrait mode got enabled on cssu without comprehensive testing if everything still is working in *landscape* after that19:30
MohammadAGyou just noticed it cause more apps have the portrait flag now19:31
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: I don't give a flying F*** if that's a hildon bug or some flea farting inside the device19:31
DocScrutinizerI never had HAM in portrait mode before I switched to CSSU19:31
DocScrutinizerand I fsckng don't like it in portrait mode19:31
MohammadAGadd it to the blacklist in the next version19:32
DocScrutinizerfreemangordon: so now it's clear about "usability", yes?19:32
freemangordonDocScrutinizer: Sorry but i cannot discuss right now (GF wants my attention ), will disagree soon.19:36
DocScrutinizerthe fsckng thing is *Community* SSU, not Developer experimental SSU19:38
DocScrutinizera single regression from stock maemo is enough to render the thing moot19:38
DocScrutinizerI have shitloads of regressions19:39
DocScrutinizerobviously developers contributing to cssu think "testing" means "let the users test for regressions, as my primary aim to introduce acme-mode to foo just works fine - CBA to test for regressions elsewhere myself"19:41
DocScrutinizerto make it utterly clear: there should go NO patches into cssu(-testing) that got build and "tested" (haha) less than 2 weeks ago. And those 2 weeks are sufficient only for patches that aren't supposed to have much impact on large parts of the system and nevertheless got thoroughly used and tested a lot by the original author prior to checking it in to cssu. For patches like portrait I'd think 4 weeks of quarantine and at least 519:46
DocScrutinizerdevelopers giving it a tough try during that timespan is minimum19:46
freemangordonI agree on that, but that is a matter of procedures, isn't it?19:47
freemangordon I don't get your point - please define "usability". And being a developer yourself - tell me when bringing new features does not bring regressions and new bugs?19:48
freemangordonI think I am very good developer, so fckng what? I am not god, neither are others . Are you?19:49
freemangordonWhat we are missing here (at least I am not aware of) is procedure to wollow19:50
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freemangordonI strongly agree there MUST be quarantine period to test new features, but checklist is lacking. And developer repo too. That is why TESTING CSSU is used for TESTING new features.19:51
freemangordonAnd having in mind my experience it does not matter how long and precise you test things in lab, there are always a bug or two not caught.19:52
DocScrutinizerfreemangordon: defining "testing" as "experimental" renders cssu in a useless state as it then failed epically to deliver *anything* usable to *community* so far19:53
freemangordonWhy useless?19:53
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DocScrutinizersimply because quite evidently nobody cares about cssu-stable19:54
freemangordonYour app manager bahaviour does not render the whole think useless, agree?19:54
freemangordondamn typos19:54
DocScrutinizerI strongly disagree19:54
DocScrutinizerit *is* useless to joe average user as long as such gross easily fixable regressions are to be found in cssu-testing and nothing at all is to be found in cssu-stable19:55
freemangordonAnd re stable - I am not the one to ask, sorry. Ask CSSU team members/admins.19:55
freemangordonI am not aware of the criteria testing repo to become stable.19:56
freemangordonBut anyway saying that CSSU team and CSSU contributors are a bunch of boys with no personal life and lots of free time, which they are using to put a pile of crap int CSSU... sorry, disagree19:58
freemangordonBTW is there a bug opened for your app manager behaviour?19:59
DocScrutinizerfreemangordon: wait a minute! you claim testing==experimental, and it's the admin's duty to fix issues in testing to move everything to stable? Sorry, this sounds completely odd20:01
DocScrutinizerand your ant abot devels not being "a bunch of boys with no personal life and lots of free time" actually as an excuse goes well inline with this ill notion about how development shall happen20:03
DocScrutinizerand your provocative query about a ticket sugests you think it's not any devel's duty to do anything about it without somebody opening a ticket against it20:05
freemangordonI am not claiming testing==experimental. Let me give you an example - before requesting a merge of initial portraited tasknav I was using it on my device (primary phone) for at least 3 weeks. After it was merged I think there were aditional time in which MohammadAG and maybe several others were using it.20:05
DocScrutinizerhell, if you define testing as an experimental repo, then wtf is the one that shall do the tests and open tickets?20:06
freemangordonNo bugs found until it go into users hands.20:06
freemangordonsorry, *went20:06
DocScrutinizerI'm all ok with that procedure20:06
freemangordonMy query is not provocative, it was today I heard for the first time such bug exists, honestly.20:07
DocScrutinizeranyway now it's up to me to announce "bbl"20:07
freemangordonask google? :D20:08
freemangordonahaaa, brb20:08
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freemangordonDocScrutinizer: Yep, reproduced the bug with app manager, will see if I can fix it.20:25
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freemangordonDocScrutinizer:: Cannot reproduce it with latest hildon-desktop on gitorioius.20:46
merlin1991DocScrutinizer: wich bug when going on details do you mean?20:58
merlin1991everything that comes from apm works fine for me, only the select connection dialog is portrait20:59
merlin1991err landscape ofc20:59
merlin1991DocScrutinizer: ?21:00
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merlin1991freemangordon: is the connection dialog from hildon-desktop?21:01
MohammadAGit's from icd, closed source21:01
merlin1991icd as in?21:01
DocScrutinizerfreemangordon: fine, so I will eventually update to recent cssu release, not without doing a proper complete backup prior to that, so I may eventually restore stock camera app and stock mail. Have I missed other forced "updates" that are actually switching complete apps for a re-implementation of debatable quality?21:02
MohammadAGInternet Connectivity Daemon I think21:02
MohammadAGI still don't get your problem with the camera app21:02
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DocScrutinizermerlin1991: I'll let you know eventually which bugs I find in most recent version21:03
freemangordonHe has forced rotation enabled ;)21:03
merlin1991I always forget about forced rotation :D21:03
merlin1991since imo it is a bad idea by design21:03
merlin1991if a developer intends to give you portrait mode then he sets the flag, if not, not21:04
freemangordonIt is designed as a tool for developers to test stock applications IMO21:04
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merlin1991gotta test the protrait desktop patches, and if it works I need proper portrait c&c next21:05
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: (camera) it's a core app, a really important app, and an app with *lots* of quality criteria. And it's not qualifying for a forced replacement, as no other part of cssu relies on the replacement to make cssu at large work. So it is a strictly optional package that can get installed by any user any time, from extras(-devel), nothing at all about cssu21:05
merlin1991(ofc it will "work" but I mean it by providing a smooth experience)21:05
merlin1991DocScrutinizer: afaik not from -dvel21:06
freemangordonMohammadAG: actually it seems there IS a bug in HAM, it rotates to portrait when phone is in landscape and you click on a group (in main screen)21:06
merlin1991hm I need to open a bugreport about camera21:06
merlin1991it lackst a stock feature21:06
freemangordonleaving guys, have a nice (day, evening)21:07
arceanMohammadAG: important fix
MohammadAGimo, a whitelist should've been implemented rather than a blacklist21:12
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, so, it got replaced, we can't go back from there, what's the problem with it?21:13
DocScrutinizerwith cam?21:13
DocScrutinizerjust what I said above21:13
MohammadAGmerlin1991, can you help reverse the 9 commits on hildon-home?21:14
DocScrutinizerclaiming a "we already messed it up, so let's keep it this way"isn't exactly a sane argument21:14
merlin1991MohammadAG: tell me what you want me todo and I'll do it to the repo21:15
merlin1991also finishing a bugreport atm21:15
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DocScrutinizeryou happily can continue to support it for updates, while not mandatorily replacing stock cam for new installs21:15
merlin1991Bug 1231821:15
povbotBug camera-ui open lid dialog has no close button21:15
merlin1991that bug has been bugging me the past few days21:16
merlin1991should be a quick fix though21:16
DocScrutinizerbug 99999: camera-ui is not really package that belongs to cssu21:17
povbotBug was not found.21:17
merlin1991DocScrutinizer: there's even a bug like that21:18
merlin1991err report ofc21:18
merlin1991bug 1220321:18
povbotBug CSSU forces immature camera-ui replacement on user21:18
DocScrutinizersounds like it's one of my bugs21:19
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, can you end the camera-ui doesn't belong in CSSU discussion?21:19
MohammadAGit can't be reversed21:19
merlin1991MohammadAG: he's right though about the fact that we can change the way camera-ui is installed in the next version to prevent the problem on new cssu installs21:20
povbotBug 12203: CSSU forces immature camera-ui replacement on user21:20
* DocScrutinizer fetching the pumpgun21:20
merlin1991looking for the get off my lawn achievement?21:21
MohammadAGmerlin1991, that'd be for stable, not -testing21:21
merlin1991MohammadAG:  ofc21:21
merlin1991but the sooner we add it the better21:21
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: no I can't. No, it can. And NO YOU MUST NOT perpetuate an error you did in the past, just because you think new users shouldn't get better stuff than old users that suffer from your error21:22
MohammadAGadd what?21:22
merlin1991moving the files in the package around and haveing a new install for it that in theory would achieve proper non replacing installation should not break funcitonality21:22
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: no I can't. No, it can. And NO YOU MUST NOT perpetuate an error you did in the past, just because you think new users shouldn't get better stuff than old users that suffer from OUR error21:22
merlin1991DocScrutinizer: srly, relax21:22
MohammadAGYeah, and you must not distribute Nokia binaries21:22
MohammadAGsuffer from WHAT21:22
merlin1991MohammadAG: but, we can change the package in such a way that it does not get rid of the original blob, which is everything doc talks about21:23
merlin1991hinting at it with the suffering too, meaning that the current camera-ui in the current cssu still replaces the nokia blob on install21:24
MohammadAGbugs are getting fixed, no one suffering21:24
MohammadAGmerlin1991, which version of modest do you have?21:24
DocScrutinizermerlin1991: indeed, that's all I ask for: get a "cp camera-ui.launch camera-ui.launch.backup"into pre-install21:25
merlin1991MohammadAG: I just booted the proper os, so wich commits should get reverted?21:28
DocScrutinizerand for the poor souls that already nuked their stock camera there's obviously an idiot out there who didn't care to properly set permissions of this file:
merlin1991all hail doc ;)21:29
MohammadAGmerlin1991, Mohammad Abu-Garbeyyeh pushed 9 commits to community-ssu/hildon-home:master master changed from bb23a2c to fb0f2d121:31
merlin1991all the bg shit?21:32
merlin1991MohammadAG: shall it revert each commit seperately or in one new commit?21:34
MohammadAGarcean_, what's the status on bug 12258?21:36
povbotBug Osso-pdf-viewer, broken toolbar ui in portrait mode21:36
MohammadAGmerlin1991, yes, and I'm lagging like shit21:37
merlin1991MohammadAG: kep on lagging and answer the 2nd question too :D21:38
arcean_MohammadAG: already fixed21:38
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merlin1991I've got the feeling my msysgit is pure crap21:38
MohammadAGarcean, and already released?21:39
MohammadAGmerlin1991, tbh, I don't mind, I just want those patches out of the repo asap :P21:40
arceanMohammadAG: no, only patched in CSSU repo21:41
MohammadAGmerlin1991, done with the reverts?22:04
merlin1991MohammadAG: had to go for dinner22:17
merlin1991doing them now22:17
DocScrutinizergrrr, signin to failing22:19
DocScrutinizerOOOH GREAT, this one wants my email account instead of my maemo nick22:21
merlin1991hm does one know how to decrypt you ssh key in .ssh and encrypt it with another password?22:23
vStonedid you even google that :p22:23
merlin1991vStone: I googled it like 5 times22:24
merlin1991but I'm a known google keywords failmaster22:25
merlin1991I even looked at the docs for ssh-keygen22:25
merlin1991hm I'm starting to wtf here22:26
merlin1991it just denied with bad passphrase even though I used that key file to ssh into gitorious22:26
vStoneseems to work fine here22:28
vStoneyou sure you didnt mistype your password :)22:28
merlin1991oh ffs22:29
merlin1991key file had permission 755 so it did ignore the file at some point but still ask me about the pw22:30
merlin1991and ofc blame it on bad passphrase and not no keyfile22:30
vStoneI'm sure you'll check your permissions first off next time ;)22:31
merlin1991hey I was trusting ssh-keygen to set proper permissions when creating the key22:31
merlin1991stupid inconsistent permission bs22:32
vStoneI think thats more of a umask thingie22:32
merlin1991well, keygen could check them after writing the key, right22:32
vStoneI'm sure somebody at openssh will mumble: patches welcome22:33
merlin1991but thanks for the help :)22:33
merlin1991MohammadAG: this is going to take a lil, reverting creates conflicts :/22:34
merlin1991MohammadAG: why are we reverting it though? (need to write a proper commit msg)22:36
MohammadAGcause it fucks up backgrounds22:36
MohammadAGit should allow the user to show/hide backgrounds22:36
MohammadAGinstead, it hides them22:36
merlin1991so it's broken, k22:37
MohammadAGFYI, we can revert up to a commit and then reapply the new commits again22:39
merlin1991that would break everyones copy22:40
merlin1991forcing a new clone22:40
merlin1991bad idea22:40
merlin1991MohammadAG: revert is in place22:52
MohammadAGmerlin1991, all 9 commits are reverted right?23:04
merlin1991it looks weird because the revert on the merge reverts everthing in the branch in 1 commit23:04
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merlin1991sadly git wizzard isn't enough to apply for a n950 :D23:11
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