IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Monday, 2011-06-27

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Atariihey does CSSU affect the bleeding edge wifi drivers? will I need to reinstall them after CSSU installation>00:06
Atariithanks :)00:13
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merlin1991MohammadAG: wich part of maemo is responsible for automounting sd cards?03:29
merlin1991I feel like adding ext support :D03:29
MohammadAGke-recv, someone beat you to it03:30
MohammadAGfind the patch on bugzilla03:30
MohammadAGor gitorious03:30
merlin1991well I guess I'll review that patch then03:30
MohammadAGactually yeah, bmo03:31
MohammadAGnot git03:31
merlin1991and see if it's a cssu candidate03:31
povbotBug 8179: ke-recv cannot work when  /home/user/MyDocs is ext3 partition (here solution)03:32
MohammadAGit is, just that no one gave it a shot03:32
povbotBug 7153: Built-in MMC scripts only support FAT-formatted03:32
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, thoughts on adding it to the CSSU?03:33
merlin1991the files in question are gpl03:52
merlin1991actually I'll write yet another patch04:05
merlin1991since those patches eiter assume ext4 or ext3 for type 83 partitions04:05
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: sounds good on first take07:03
DocScrutinizerclearly system related07:04
DocScrutinizergive it 4 weeks test quarantine on at least 5 devices, then if it's stable07:05
DocScrutinizercan go cssu07:05
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DocScrutinizergeneral rule: a patch needs *testing* on at least 5 volunteers' devices, for *several days* or even weeks, before you pester general public with it07:31
DocScrutinizer*THIS* patch however needs carefull review and evaluation as it can bootloop your device07:33
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lardmanhas anyone else noticed terrible slow downs when you connect to the interweb using CSSU>12:43
lardmanI'm guessing it's something to do with apt-worker, but the device is completely un-interactive so it's hard to know what's causing it12:44
lardmanI need to do some debugging12:44
fatphilI think I saw an apt-worker process just spinning several times. (I'm very rarely on WLAN, this was a while back and my memory's hazy)12:45
lardmanthis is also when I start a gprs connection12:45
fatphilI don't think I'12:49
fatphilve ever enabled GPRS. my contract's a ripoff12:49
BCMMhow can i install CSSU in scratchbox?12:51
MohammadAGI only build armel packages12:53
MohammadAGlardman, haven't noticed any extra lag when connecting12:53
MohammadAGunless skype's causing it12:53
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lardmannot connection lag, but as soon as it's connected that's it, device is unresponsive for a minute or two12:53
lardmanI'll do some logging and see if I can work out what the problem is12:54
fatphilI just kill the errant process with extreme prejudice. It's never done me any harm.12:54
lardmanI can't know what it is though as the device is unresponsive ;)12:55
BCMMMohammadAG: was the armel comment a reply to me?12:55
MohammadAGandre__, can you tag with the CSSU?12:56
povbotBug 7153: Built-in MMC scripts only support FAT-formatted12:56
fatphillardman - can you SSH in over USB, and run ps/top/etc.12:56
BCMMMohammadAG: so no CSSU in scratchbox?12:56
MohammadAGBCMM, only armel scratchbox12:57
lardmanfatphil: possibly, depends whether I can then get it to connect to gprs too, anyway I'll do some digging and report back12:57
andre__MohammadAG, anybody can I guessed?12:57
BCMMMohammadAG: am i right in saying that there is an issue with using X with armel scratchbox?12:57
MohammadAGandre__, true, I just don't know the tags you use :P12:57
MohammadAGyes BCMM12:57
andre__MohammadAG, click the "Keywords" word in that bug and see what will happen ;-)12:57
MohammadAG(though the new Harmattan SDK works in ARMEL, idk why)12:58
andre__probably "community-fremantle" or so12:58
BCMMMohammadAG: ah. in that case, how would one go about debugging a CSSU hildon-desktop crash?12:58
MohammadAGBCMM, build hildon-desktop from the git repo, shouldn't take a minute12:59
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BCMMMohammadAG: oh, i've been thinking about this all wrong, haven't i.... there's no reason that i couldn't just use CSSUs hildon-desktop on a pr1.3 install, is there?13:00
MohammadAGthanks andre__ :D13:00
MohammadAGBCMM, nope, where does h-d crash though?13:01
BCMMMohammadAG: task switching in alt-tab mode. #1226613:02
BCMMoh, thought there was a bot that linked those.
povbotBug 12266: hildon-desktop crashes when switching from fullscreen application to notification13:02
MohammadAGthere is, but you have to use bug 12266 ;013:03
povbotBug hildon-desktop crashes when switching from fullscreen application to notification13:03
BCMMah, ok13:03
BCMMMohammadAG: (note that the initial report appears to be misssing a step)13:04
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merlin1991thp: ping20:08
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