IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Saturday, 2011-06-18

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JaffaMorning, all12:10
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Damnshockmorning Jaffa13:29
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thopiekarhi.. is it possible to downgrade from the cssu?14:28
fatphilhow common is it for people to just make a backup, reflash the original software, and restore their backup?14:31
thopiekarhmm haven't thought about that :D, thanks fatphil14:32
thopiekarjust got my N900 yesterday..14:33
fatphiltreasure it! ;-)14:40
fatphilI think there have been downgrade issues with CSSU as it has to replace standard components, and it doesn't do them in a way that can put them back on downgrade. It seems to be an active topic of discussion here.14:41
lcukfatphil, the CSSU is the same as most linux upgrades14:49
lcuktry downgrading any update from ubuntu or debian even etc14:49
lcukyour suggestion for reflash is perhaps the most logical :)14:49
lcukif you are taking backups it is a reasonable one too14:50
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Damnshocklcuk: it's not only like linux upgrades but any OSç15:24
Damnshockthey are planned as an upgrade, not the other way around ;)15:24
fatphillcuk - yes, it's because it's like an upgrade rather than being a new package. You can remove a new package if you decide you don't like it.15:33
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