IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Monday, 2011-06-06

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chem|stjust did some cam testing here is the result19:06
chem|stwhoever is interested19:06
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the_lordHi! I'm getting Memory not accessible, unable to save content on my camera, any ideas?22:47
the_lordI'm trying to use the internal 32Gb memory22:47
merlin1991the_lord: try rebooting the phone22:54
the_lordmerlin1991: been there, done that22:54
merlin1991no result, weird22:54
merlin1991fixed it for me last time22:54
the_lordthere's 2 options in the "Memory in use", Root Volume and internal storage22:55
the_lordI have a mmc card plugged, but not formatted, it has meego on it22:55
the_lordbut neither option works22:55
merlin1991well mmc doesn't work due to meego, but internal "should" work22:58
merlin1991can you save stuff like notes to the internal storage?22:58
the_lordmerlin1991: yes, already tried fsck'ing mmcblk0p122:58
the_lordbut before fsck I could create docs and save images22:58
merlin1991I'm sry, but besides checking mmcblk0p1 and rebooting I can't give much tips (didn't look at camera-ui source yet)23:01
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fatphilwhat does 'mount' say about the partition?23:46
fatphilis it 'ro'?23:46
fatphilDid we ship fsck with the device, I forget?23:47
fatphilIf it's a FAT partition, policy was "don't let the user fuck^H^Hix it using s/w Nokia ships", that way we remain blameless. However, you can mount them on your PC and f*ck with them from there.23:50
fatphil(there were additional reasons too, which reminds me, I need to rewrite a fsck utility at some point in the next millennium)23:51
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