IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Monday, 2011-05-09

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merlin1991thp: did you see already?13:45
merlin1991"thp hast du zu viel von dem zeug das du rauchst, hier einfach mal abgeben" LOL :D13:47
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thpmerlin1991: hehe ;) yep, i've seen that.14:36
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MohammadAGmerlin1991, I demand a translation!14:44
merlin1991in case you've got too much of the stuff you're smoking, send it to me14:45
merlin1991MohammadAG: ^ there you go :D14:45
Damnshockgood lord xD14:46
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MohammadAGmerlin1991, there?18:16
MohammadAGmerlin1991, get the last build and check out the news feed18:17
MohammadAGavatars to be more exact18:17
* merlin1991 haz avatars18:19
MohammadAGmerlin1991, animated ones18:22
MohammadAGmerlin1991, you didn't notice it did you?18:27
merlin1991the first avatar did blink18:27
merlin1991for a really short amount of time18:27
MohammadAGmerlin1991, fixed that already18:27
MohammadAGI should start the animation then set the pixmap :p18:27
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mase76hi MohammadAG! any news about the mediaplayer?19:06
MohammadAGwhat about it mase76?19:06
mase76changes since the avrcp?19:06
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MohammadAGI released it on tmo, sort of19:12
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MohammadAGI had a school project, which I've finished19:13
MohammadAG<MohammadAG> I had a school project, which I've finished19:13
MohammadAGso I started a facebook client project19:13
Sc0rpiusI could never crash Modest19:31
Sc0rpiusand I'm using it now 24/719:31
Sc0rpiusand I still have a Qt project in mind to code19:32
RST38hTry chinese charsets and huge attachments19:32
RST38hSeems to help crashing it19:32
Sc0rpiusI could try japanese, but I can't read chinese19:32
Sc0rpiushuge attachments hmmm let's see19:32
RST38hThat is not important for the purpose f this experiment!19:32
* RST38h cackles19:33
DamnshockSc0rpius: modest crashes for me19:33
Sc0rpiusdoing something specific Damnshock ?19:33
Damnshocknot that I recall19:33
DamnshockI mean, I cannot reproduce it sistematically19:38
Sc0rpiusbut when opening mails? scrolling through the mail list? going inside an account?19:39
Sc0rpiusanythingç helps :)19:39
Damnshocknot scrolling19:40
Damnshockmaybe going outside of an imap account19:40
Sc0rpiusand you're not using tree view mode I guess19:41
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* Sc0rpius goes to normal mode to try crash Modest19:51
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DamnshockSc0rpius: I'll pay attention next time it happens20:01
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paiburioMohammadAG: About that fix for bug 11990...20:11
povbotBug resize patch against PR1.3 hildon-home20:12
paiburioFixed the merge-request. Problem is, I suck at C, gtk, git and life in general:)20:15
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MohammadAGpaiburio, didn't notice the fix, I'll pull it in in a bit :)20:17
Sc0rpiusI finally could make a gdb work in scratchbox20:25
Sc0rpius(gdb crashes in scratchbox)20:26
Sc0rpiusand when it took 2 DAYS to figure out why "gdb7" wasn't loading symbols in /usr/lib/debug20:26
Sc0rpiusI finally realized it was looking them in /usr/local/lib20:26
Sc0rpiusactually /usr/local/lib/debug20:26
Sc0rpiusso I can see the coredumps now20:26
Sc0rpiusand it seems it always crashes in malloc so that's not very good20:28
Sc0rpiusit looks like there's memory leak in Modest 3.90 vieweing mails20:33
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DamnshockSc0rpius: that's not very good news :S20:46
Damnshockthey're rather scary, actually20:46
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Sc0rpius#4  0x41a23386 in camel_folder_info_new () at camel-store.c:95020:51
Sc0rpius950return g_slice_new0 (CamelFolderInfo);20:51
Sc0rpiusyeah, not very good.20:51
RST38hGot a stack trace of that Modest crash???20:57
Sc0rpius#1  0x41a123e0 in message_info_load (s=0x43e54bb0, must_add=0x43e54c10) at camel-folder-summary.c:243220:58
Sc0rpius2432mi->uid = g_strdup (theuid);20:58
Sc0rpiusyeah somebody post like 500 core dumps20:58
Sc0rpiusall of them are out of memory crashes20:58
Sc0rpiusin different points, but always calling a malloc() GLIB function (like that one, g_strdup)20:59
RST38hSc0rpius: There is one more possible reason for this crash20:59
RST38hSc0rpius: The g_slice_alloc() heap got corrupted due to an extra free to the wrong address21:00
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Sc0rpiusor a double free21:04
Sc0rpiusit's wrong the second time21:05
Sc0rpiusbut anyway:21:05
Sc0rpius 8406  1019 user     S    32004 12.9  8.4 /usr/bin/modest21:05
Sc0rpiusit started like 5%21:05
Sc0rpiusI go to an account the first email21:05
Sc0rpiusI click next next next next21:05
Sc0rpiusand it increases21:05
Sc0rpiusI'm not sure that's normal21:06
Sc0rpiusso maybe a lot of free()'s are missing...21:06
RST38hSc0rpius: I think there is a fenced malloc() version for Linux. It will keep track of malloc/free and warn you21:13
RST38hA moment21:13
RST38hSc0rpius: Try eFence first:
RST38hSc0rpius: Then dmalloc:
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RST38hThese will all have malloc() precision though, but not g_slice_alloc(). You may want to put some instrumentation into glib/gslice.c:g_slice_alloc() for more precise tracking21:16
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Sc0rpiusthat's what I was thinking21:38
Sc0rpiusrunning modest like:21:38
Sc0rpiusroot:/home/user/MyDocs# grep modest /usr/share/applications/hildon/modest.desktop21:39
Sc0rpiusExec=GSLICE=always_malloc /usr/bin/modest21:39
Sc0rpiusso GSlice always use malloc()21:39
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Sc0rpiusthat's how I'm running it right now21:39
Sc0rpiusall crashes are in g_strdup and derivates (like g_strdup_vprintf), g_slice_alloc/g_slice_alloc0,21:40
Sc0rpius950return g_slice_new0 (CamelFolderInfo);21:44
Sc0rpiusall crashes are in instructions like that.21:44
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RST38his there a common root for all crashes in the stack trace?21:46
RST38hlike, the same function in camel that leads to all the crashes?21:46
Sc0rpiusit's always in camel functions21:47
Sc0rpiusbut I think only camel uses GSlices21:47
RST38hSc0rpius: Ok, how about running camel with efence or dmalloc?21:52
RST38hOr maybe putting our own reference counter into g_slice_alloc / g)slice_free ?21:53
RST38hShould I write one, quickly? :)21:54
Sc0rpiusI could use dmalloc22:15
Sc0rpiusthe funny thing is, it never crashes on me22:15
Sc0rpiusI wonder if people that get the crashes are running 10 thousand background programs or something22:15
RST38hSc0rpius: I am running XTerm, Phone, Conversations22:16
RST38hSc0rpius: Shouldn't crash it.22:16
RST38hSc0rpius: Probably has more to do with the Modest run time and the mailbox sizes (my POP3 mailbox is 400+ messages, as Modest never deletes them)22:17
Sc0rpiushow often you have your Modest to check your mails?22:18
Sc0rpiusMy Inbox is 13036 right now22:19
Sc0rpius13036 messages22:19
Sc0rpiusnever crashed22:19
Sc0rpiusok wow22:34
Sc0rpiusthe most crashes are in camel_folder_info_new()22:34
Sc0rpiusthe function that's supposed to free them22:35
Sc0rpius                if (aspriv->iter)22:35
Sc0rpius                {22:35
Sc0rpius                        /* Known memleak22:35
Sc0rpius                        camel_store_free_folder_info (aspriv->iter_store, aspriv->iter); */22:35
Sc0rpiushas it commented, but why?22:35
Sc0rpiuswell one of the functions that do it22:36
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JaffaSee who wrote it and saend them an email~? :-)22:40
RST38hKNOWN memleak? :)22:43
Sc0rpiusanyway if the memory leak is in tinymail22:53
Sc0rpiusI don't get why people say their stock Modest 3.4 doesn't crash22:53
JaffaMaybe the PR1.3 source isn't the one we've rebased on22:54
JaffaMaybe it's got a workaround22:54
MohammadAGJaffa, it isn't22:58
MohammadAGwe went from 3.4 to 3.922:58
Sc0rpiusI have a strong suspicious of a memory leak in tny_camel_store_account_get_folders_default() everytime it refreshes the folder list (it seems it's not freeing the previous list)23:02
Sc0rpiusmost of the crashes are when camel ask for memory to the folder list23:02
Sc0rpiusI could patch tinymail thinking this is the cause of the leak but I have to know why 3.4 works23:02
Sc0rpiusand it's still pretty sad I can't crash it23:04
RST38hmultiple refreshes of large mailbox views maybe?23:05
Sc0rpius        if (!iter || priv->cant_reuse_iter) {23:20
Sc0rpius                if (!refresh && CAMEL_IS_DISCO_STORE(store)) {23:20
Sc0rpius                        iter = CAMEL_DISCO_STORE_CLASS(CAMEL_OBJECT_GET_CLASS(store))->get_folder_info_offline(store,  "", flags, &ex);23:20
Sc0rpius                } else {23:20
Sc0rpius                        iter = camel_store_get_folder_info (store, "", flags, &ex);23:20
Sc0rpius                }23:20
Sc0rpius        }23:20
Sc0rpiusthere... think: if iter IS NOT null and priv->cant_reuse_iter is true23:20
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Sc0rpiusiter gets a new value without freeing the last one.23:21
Sc0rpiushmm no actually no23:21
Sc0rpiusif ("!iter" hmm23:21
RST38hwhy? it definitely overwrites the old value23:21
Sc0rpiusyes it's an OR (||)23:22
Sc0rpiusand it crashes in camel_store_get_folder_info23:22
Sc0rpiuseventually in the g_slice_new023:22
RST38hso, why not "if(iter) g_slice_delete(iter);" or something to this effect, forboth branches?23:23
Sc0rpiusRST38h, are you back to stock Modest 3.4 or are you still using CSSU 3.90?23:23
RST38hStill using CSSU - I am lazy and persistent23:23
Sc0rpiusthere's a camel_store_free_folder_info_full() since iter is a struct that points to several strings that have to be freed as well23:23
Sc0rpiusand it's never called.23:23
RST38hSounds like the thing to call23:24
Sc0rpiushow often do you get the crashes?23:24
JaffaMohammadAG: Indeed, but maybe there's a fix on the 3.4 branch which isn't on the mnainline and so not in 3.923:25
RST38hOnce every few days23:26
RST38hSeems to be related to the time of use and the activity of use (i.e. number of going back and forth between screens)23:26
MohammadAGI wish achipa would push the new libqtm sources already23:33
MohammadAGI need to push a new CSSU update23:33
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merlin1991what's in the new update?23:37
merlin1991or rather what will be in the new update?23:38
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merlin1991MohammadAG: ^23:46
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MohammadAGmerlin1991, recompiled libqtm packages, new hildon-home, camera-ui fixese23:59
merlin1991reconmpiled libqtm fixes what?23:59

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