IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Saturday, 2011-05-07

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DocScrutinizercheck for example kmail, for an inspiration what modest is lacking01:20
MohammadAGor thunderbird01:21
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_rdIs it possible to upgrade freetype in the CSSU or would that break other apps? Navit has an issue with a bug in the freetype library (2.3.9) shipped with PR1.3.17:44
_rdsee also (under N900 notes)17:44
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Jaffa_rd: entry is the place to start18:56
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_rdJaffa, are you suggesting to open a bugreport which requests the upgrade of freetype?22:25
Jaffa_rd: Well, ideally a bug report for the bug in the PR1.3 freetype library. With a comment saying that an upgrade as part of the CSSU fixes/might fix/hopefully would fix it...22:26
_rdok, sounds good. Which is the right product to open the bug against?22:29
_rdDesktop Platform (?)22:29
_rdMaybe Core is even better.22:30
_rdJaffa, does that look ok: ?22:40
povbotBug 12215: freetype bug prohibits to build navit against shipped shared library22:40
Jaffa_rd: sounds about right22:40
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