IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Sunday, 2011-05-01

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thpMohammadAG: it's not hard to suck at the Gtk C API. it's damn difficult/verbose :)15:14
thpMohammadAG: btw, does that s60v5 mediabar thingie still exist somewhere? linky maybe?15:14
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MohammadAGthp, s60v5 has it built in15:38
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thpi wonder if something like "swipe from left" (as in the browser for cursor mode) could be implemented from right and used to activate the bar, system-wide16:03
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macmaNhow far away is the connection chooser from having portrait support?21:13
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thpmacmaN: the one with 3g/wlan connections?22:23
macmaNyeah thp22:23
macmaNjust noticed today offlining in portrait FAPMan how annoying it is to have that pop up several times in short time in another view22:24
thpmacmaN: it works fine with forced portrait mode for me. for "normal" mode, it depends on a) someone setting the required flags on the dialog (requires source access) or b) someone implementing black-/whitelisting of portrait-ability for closed apps22:24
macmaNoh the chooser is closed source?22:25
thpi'm not sure22:25
macmaNme neither, thought id throw the question out, was in the middle of some other stuff22:25
thpanyway, forced rotation works fine for me in combination with the rotation lock applet22:25
macmaNi think id like to stay off the forced portrait for now, but since whitelisting isnt there yet either i guess ill just have to live with it.22:26
thpthat's fine too. it's not forced portrait, though (mistyped that above). it's forced auto-rotation22:26
macmaNyeah i got the pt22:27
macmaNi took a look today how to get MyDocs/Podcasts off tracker22:27
macmaNhaving that solved, i just had to repeat to myself this is the best phone out there right now22:28
macmaNif there was a company that would try to come up with a new hardware device for maemo5 + cssu, id seriously apply for a job there22:29
macmaNor find a way to get into that22:29
macmaNi guess meego is the next best thing..22:30
macmaNfeels like it will just take too long mature22:31
* macmaN done soapboxing22:31
thpi'm curious what meegoconf will bring. there were some talks about LG demoing something22:33
Jaffathp: Hopefully more than just more "prototypes"22:33
macmaNsaw the blogpost22:33
JaffaIntel demo prototypes. SE demo prototypes. TI demo prototypes. NVidia demo prototypes.22:33
JaffaBored of prototypes.22:33
JaffaMeeGo needs a mass market consumer electronics vendor "stat"22:33
* Jaffa did this rant already (see tomorrow's MWKN ;-))22:34
thpSE = sony ericsson?22:34
* Jaffa nods22:35
JaffaInterestingly the link is no longer present:
thphehe ;) they pulled it?22:38
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JaffaMirroed at
thpJaffa: yep. it was more like getting meego to run on existing devices that run android?22:41
macmaNguys, is there some comprehensive document on android vs meego, what the difference is22:42
macmaNfrom consumer, developer, device mf pov22:42
macmaN(are there any other significant parties?)22:43
macmaNlets say someone wants to bring a mobile product up to market and some android fanboi screams "lets do android!". how would i argue for meego?22:44
macmaNfanboi is team member, like me*22:44
macmaNmy head currently has "its pure unrestricted linux, therefore you can just plain do more and do better. in a certain x length of time-term view"22:46
thpmacmaN: well, on meego you can basically use everything from linux userland, including all the usual x11-based stuff. with android, you are (mostly) restricted to their own java-based API. exceptions are of course possible (i.e. c/c++ for opengl es games, also a port of qt exists to android)22:47
Sc0rpiusAndroid is not very good22:47
Sc0rpiusI mean I have an Android tablet and it's fun, but there's no real multitasking22:48
Sc0rpiusthey are "frozen" when you change from one application to another22:48
macmaNwe recently bought a galaxy tab with my woman to finally see close up what android is all about22:48
Sc0rpiusand the applications are randomly closed if another needs the memory22:48
Sc0rpiusit's a different model22:48
Sc0rpiusthe Samsung Galaxy Tab is the best tablet I've ever seen SO FAR and that includes iShit22:48
macmaNi thought initially that im ready to switch from n90022:48
macmaNthen thp put out his videos of portrait mode :)22:49
Sc0rpiusthe N900 is way too powerful22:49
macmaNthen came the cssu and then i learned how to qemu n900 binaries on my i5 box over nfs22:49
Sc0rpiusI wouldn't move though I have the best of every world (N900, Android Tablet, Windows laptops, Linux desktops)22:49
Sc0rpiusI hear there's gonna be a Meego tablet22:50
Sc0rpiusnow that's something I'd look forward to22:50
macmaNand now i have no desire *at all* to move from n900 anymore, now that the open media player etc is coming22:50
Sc0rpiusyeah N900 is cool22:50
Sc0rpiusI don't really care about the lack of applications, if I need something, I code it :P22:51
macmaNthat too. but there's so much stuff already.22:51
macmaNconboy is the killer app for me22:51
macmaNwith gpodder now recently22:51
macmaNsleepanalyzer just joined the fray22:51
macmaNoh, and OPERA22:51
macmaNi am so unhappy fennec is just lagging SO far behind on launch speed22:52
Sc0rpiusAdobe should give us a 10.x flash plugin :(22:52
Sc0rpiusfennec is too slow.22:52
Sc0rpiusI'm fine with microb22:52
macmaNi gotta figure out an approach for encrypting homedir on n900, then id really miss firefox sync22:53
macmaNdoesnt power-kernel have dmcrypt?22:54
Sc0rpiusno clue22:54
Sc0rpiusI use the stock omap kernel22:54
macmaNi switched to power-kernel i *think* for ocing22:55
macmaNand ipv6 and crypt support i think22:55
macmaNhrm, should i start bootstrapping prefix on the n900 at 11pm22:56
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