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iluminator101 | how do i install community ssu maemo on my n900? | 09:33 |
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chem|st | wo did the new camera app? | 12:03 |
chem|st | the whitebalance and iso are messed up | 12:06 |
Damnshock | chem|st: that kinda doesn't help | 12:07 |
Damnshock | report a bug explaining how and why they're messed up | 12:07 |
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chem|st | Damnshock: just take a picture... I file it | 12:14 |
chem|st | Damnshock: kinda nice... do I file it against general? as it does not show within the M5 cssu stack!? | 12:17 |
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thp | chem|st: file it against general and it can be reassigned when needed | 16:49 |
thp | better a bug filed in the wrong category than not filed at all | 16:49 |
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merlin1991 | chem|st: also nicolai did the new ui | 17:46 |
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