IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Tuesday, 2011-04-12

MohammadAGshould be under Nokia N90000:00
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merlin1991true it's there00:00
merlin1991but kinda weird00:00
merlin1991also the ui seems laggish as hell with treeview enabled00:01
MohammadAGseems faster to me :P00:01
MohammadAGI use Nokia Messaging though00:01
merlin1991nah scrolling trough the tree lags00:02
Sc0rpiusmerlin1991, in Modest, (sadly), the Sent folder is a local N900 folder00:04
Sc0rpiusso look for it in your "N900 folder"00:04
Sc0rpiusit's the way it's coded, not my fault :S00:04
merlin1991yeah found it there, but since scrolling trough the tree lags for me, I did disable tree view for now00:04
MohammadAGscrolling's fast for me, I'll gladly blame... umm, tracker? yeah, tracker should be fine00:05
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merlin1991I blame mail for exchange ;)00:06
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Sc0rpiusI'll check that lagging00:07
Sc0rpiusit doesn't lag heavily to me but I think I notice that it scrolls a little slower through the account names than the folder names00:08
Sc0rpiusI mean if you have several pages of folders (like me) it scrolls very very fast00:08
merlin1991I have 3 accounts00:09
Sc0rpiusbut when it reaches an account (that has "Last updated: blabla") it goes a little slower until it disappears from the screen00:09
merlin19911 mail for exchange 1 pop3 and 1 impa00:09
merlin1991and I see all 3 most of the time when scrolling00:09
Sc0rpiusI'll do some tests later (disabling the Last Update label to see if that's the cause)00:10
merlin1991I'll do the camera-ui wiki page tomorrow00:10
MohammadAGmerlin1991, I'm lowering your paycheck00:11
merlin1991less than 0 means I have to pay you now00:11
merlin1991MohammadAG: bug in your mediaplayer00:15
MohammadAGit's not released? I know00:15
merlin1991starting itself in portrait works00:15
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merlin1991strating it in portrait from the original mediaplayer applet fail to start00:15
merlin1991screen rotates h-d fake screen comes00:16
merlin1991then it closes again00:16
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MohammadAGmerlin1991, wfm01:16
merlin1991wanna have a vid?01:17
MohammadAGI believe you lol01:17
MohammadAGdbus-monitor --session | grep -A 4 mediaplayer01:17
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MohammadAGdbus-monitor --session then01:20
merlin1991actually not empty, but when I pipe it it's empty01:21
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merlin1991dbus-monitor --session | grep -A 4 mediaplayer > bin.txt01:25
merlin1991creates an empty file01:25
merlin1991but when I run it without piping it does do some output01:26
MohammadAGmerlin1991, you did click the applet after running the command right?01:27
merlin1991running dbus-monitor --session | grep -A 4 mediaplayer I get some output01:29
merlin1991but when I run dbus-monitor --session | grep -A 4 mediaplayer > bin.txt01:29
merlin1991the file is empty01:29
merlin1991any xterm magic to fix that?01:33
MohammadAGno idea :P01:34
quidammerlin1991: what are you trying to do with grep there?01:43
merlin1991grep stuff01:43
merlin1991and it indeed greps stuff01:43
merlin1991but when I try to pipe the output the resulting file is empty01:43
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quidamdoes the output get printed instead?01:44
merlin1991it just goes missing01:44
quidamtry tee or named pipes for texting01:44
merlin1991what does tee do again?01:46
merlin1991nvm found it01:47
merlin1991quidam: for some reason piping the dbus-out into a file and greping no that works just fine01:50
merlin1991I can even pipe that grep output into other stuff01:50
merlin1991jsut dbus-monitor | grep | x doesn't work01:50
MohammadAGmerlin1991, that's not even requesting the applet01:51
MohammadAGare you sure you clicked the applet and it's not hanging?01:51
merlin1991I clicked the applet01:51
MohammadAGdo other applets work?01:52
merlin1991got the typical black screen of qt app starting01:52
merlin1991(rotated to portrait)01:52
merlin1991and then bam it's gone01:52
MohammadAGwhich applet is this?01:52
merlin1991stock one01:52
merlin1991I have no other one01:52
MohammadAGstock one doesn't use LaunchApplication01:52
MohammadAGso I'm stumped :S01:52
MohammadAGstock one uses DBus activation, the black window shouldn't show01:53
merlin1991click on the part where the album is01:53
MohammadAGi did01:53
MohammadAGit opens the mediaplayer then now playing window01:53
merlin1991does that too01:53
merlin1991when I'm in landscape01:53
merlin1991in portrait it fails for unkown reasons01:54
MohammadAGyou mean desktop is portrait?01:54
MohammadAGor do you turn the device before clicking it?01:54
merlin1991turn the device before clicking it01:54
merlin1991there is no portrait desktop :D01:55
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MohammadAGCTRL+SHIFT+FN+L = lies :P01:56
MohammadAGmerlin1991, both situations work :S01:56
MohammadAGwait umm01:56
MohammadAGyou mention the screen rotates?01:56
merlin1991yes it rotates01:57
MohammadAGso the UI starts01:57
merlin1991and then drops again01:57
MohammadAGso it's segfaulting01:57
MohammadAGwill look into it (idk how though) tomorrow01:59
MohammadAGgotta sleep now, school tomorrow :P01:59
MohammadAGbefore I go02:00
MohammadAGis anyone getting signed into skype then getting Authentication failed?02:00
merlin1991lemme try02:00
MohammadAGlol never knew there was a skype-installer package02:01
merlin1991no works just fine02:02
MohammadAGxD it's empty02:02
MohammadAG/opt is full02:04
MohammadAGmight explain it02:04
MohammadAGyep that was it, night again :)02:07
merlin1991night :D02:07
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the_lordHi! is there any way to activate portrait mode for the desktop?04:14
the_lordSc0rpius, good work on the tree view in modest04:15
Sc0rpiusand there is a way to activate portrait mode for the desktop04:17
Sc0rpiusbut I forgot04:18
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barzamthe new version of the CSSU is working fine (as usual), great work guys!11:11
MohammadAGcontributions to that are welcome11:22
JaffaMohammadAG: Should go under Community_SSU/Features/ ?11:24
MohammadAGJaffa, can it be moved?11:26
MohammadAGJaffa, I'm thinking of releasing a prealpha of the mediaplayer today11:28
MohammadAGalso thinking of changing the PC Suite error message in HAM, it's kind of useless with the CSSU11:30
* Jaffa nods11:31
* Jaffa was trying the media player again today11:31
JaffaSeemed to be a shuffle all songs bug in that when it finally updated the count of the number of songs in the playlist, it was only about 1,200 out of over 2000 tracks11:32
JaffaIs there a timeout on the MAFW response or something?11:32
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Damnshockis that true??!?!?!11:44
Damnshockgood lord, how I missed those settings in the camera11:44
DamnshockI hope this weekend I can test them11:44
MohammadAGJaffa, no, the stock player iterates over all songs in a different way I think11:47
MohammadAGit gets the total number then goes over the first 100, second 100, etc11:47
MohammadAG(100 was a random value in my example)11:47
meceoh.. new cssu today it seems :)11:50
barzamscreen rotation really messes up the camera though11:50
MohammadAGmece, yesterday11:51
meceok, well it was after the daily update check :)11:52
mecehow is shuffle implemented btw?11:52
meceit has it's own shuffle method?11:53
MohammadAGbut for shuffle all, I use qrand() to set the initial song11:54
mecea lot of media players seem to make a mess out of shuffling11:54
meceI found an interesting bug with the stock media player11:55
MohammadAGit uses the same route, I know11:56
MohammadAGif you go back, then forward, it doesn't actually shuffle11:56
mecewell that's ok imo11:56
MohammadAGI might implement repeat and shuffle outside mafw later on tbh11:56
mecethat's not the bug I was referring to11:56
MohammadAGI want a single repeat option11:56
MohammadAGor simply patch mafw and make it part of the CSSU11:56
meceI like that you can go forward and back in a shuffled list11:57
mecebut anyway to the bug I was referring to11:57
mecewhen I select an artist that has a few albums and click shuffle all11:57
meceif the first song, alphabetically, is very large, that song will always be the first to play.11:57
meceI figure it's because it randoms from the list before more than one song is selected.11:58
meceseems it does add songs to list and pick one at random, but doesn't bother to wait for more than that first big song to load to the list, and since the list is only 1 song long, it picks that one. Every time.11:59
MohammadAGoh, is it the same in stock?11:59
MohammadAGcause that's how my mediaplayer behaves, I fixed it only for shuffle all (for now at least)12:00
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meceI was talking about stock12:00
MohammadAGthen I'll fix it in my rewrite12:01
MohammadAGJaffa, do we have a FAQ page?12:01
JaffaMohammadAG: Moved to
JaffaMohammadAG: An installation FAQ at
MohammadAGwhat about a troubleshooting FAQ?12:01
meceaw crap. I should not have taken a backup now. This is going nowhere!12:02
MohammadAGsome users have problems with gconftool when it registers schemas, values are reset to 012:02
JaffaMohammadAG: And the whole Features section needs a rewrite IMHO
JaffaMohammadAG: When does this happen?12:02
MohammadAGNo idea12:02
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MohammadAGit seems to be user specific12:02
JaffaMohammadAG: I'd probably put in in the Installation FAQ for now12:02
MohammadAGbut it affects everything replaced with gconf12:02
MohammadAG(osso-applet-display was reset to 0 (or 1) for 2 users)12:03
MohammadAGthey ended up with 1 button for brightness, but that was two months ago12:03
MohammadAGAnother one would be
MohammadAGsee the quoted post12:03
MohammadAGI'm adding a check to the status menu so if the value is 0 or -1 it defaults to 6 or something12:04
rantomIf I may say something. I tried the RAW, as pressing R from keyboard, got nothing. How should this be visible?12:04
MohammadAGShift + R12:05
MohammadAGR != r12:05
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rantomMohammadAG: Ah, alright, thanks, that solved it12:05
rantomPEBKAC, nothing else :)12:06
MohammadAGno worries :)12:07
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mecewhat the huh? have I got some bad packages or why does it want me to "use pc suite"?12:11
Jaffamece: Check the "Problems" tab12:11
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JaffaMohammadAG: Did you get to the bottom of the specific libqt4-test version dep, btw? I couldn't find the package (on my commute) which was having the explicit dependency12:12
meceheh libqt4-test12:12
mecejaffa, thanks12:12
MohammadAGJaffa, python2.5-qt412:12
mecethat's a a problem12:13
MohammadAGAlthough the package description states that:12:13
MohammadAGYou need to install this package explicitly ONLY if you wish to tinker with Python yourself.12:13
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MohammadAGI don't get why it doesn't depend on >=12:13
mecemakes no sense.12:13
meceachipa's not around it seems12:14
JaffaMohammadAG: So Khweeteur shouldn't be depending on python2.5-qt4, because it pulls in more than it needs to; and python2.5-qt4 should have a specific version dependency12:16
MohammadAGJaffa, shouldn't*12:17
meceKhweeteur was the only application that was removed when I removed libqt4-test..12:17
MohammadAGJaffa, but Khertan says he can't promote the application if it depends on what it needs12:18
MohammadAGimo, that's an issues with the interface12:18
MohammadAGSee this for example
JaffaMohammadAG: What does he mean he can't promote it? Is there a bug report? If so, we can shout at X-Fade ;-)12:22
MohammadAGJaffa, basically, if your app depends on something that has missing dependencies, you can't promote it12:23
MohammadAGlibqt4-core is preinstalled on all devices12:24
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mecewell the update went as planned :)12:30
mecethe cssu update turned on my bluetooth O.o12:34
JaffaMohammadAG: But isn't that handled by the "device repo" stuff that's in Packages?12:40
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MohammadAGJaffa, should, isn't I think12:41
thpMohammadAG: posted a view preview of the latest cssu task switcher + open media player:
MohammadAGthp, hmm, why did the Falling song fail to play?13:29
thpMohammadAG: actually it did play (the radiolab podcast that you hear in the beginning)13:29
thpi guess there was just a short delay while loading the playlist13:29
thpalso, i'm not using the latest version13:30
MohammadAGloading the playlist is something I should improve13:30
MohammadAGthe stock player gets the size (lets say 400), makes 400 items and inserts them with empty strings, iterates over every 30 items, then edits the existing items13:30
MohammadAGin fact, I'm thinking of doing that, should improve speed...13:32
thpyou can still optimize later - after the first release :)13:32
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ArkanoiD-oh shi~~~.. application manager says i should update community SSU via cable13:40
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MohammadAGcheck the problems tab13:40
mececuriously photoviewer has smaller thumbnails in portrait mode13:40
meceArkanoiD-, libqt4-test perhaps?13:41
ArkanoiD-MohammadAG, nothing there!13:41
thpArkanoiD-: when the upgrade confirmation shows up, touch the details button, then navigate to the problems tab13:42
thpArkanoiD-: if it's qmlviewer, you can upgrade it manually via apt-get install and then do the rest of the upgrade via h-a-m13:42
MohammadAGthp, any ideas how I could calculate what to iterate over?13:43
MohammadAGassuming everyone has over 30 songs is bad13:43
thpMohammadAG: can you get the item count?13:43
MohammadAGint songCount = playlist->getSize();13:44
MohammadAGnow I just have to call
MohammadAGwith from and to being +30 every time13:44
thpkeep a "remaining" count and then grab min(remaining, 30) in every iteration13:46
thpor did i misunderstand that question?13:47
ArkanoiD-mece: yep. is apt-get upgrade safe in this situation or should i try different way?13:48
meceArkanoiD-, you need to remove the package13:52
meceArkanoiD-, khweeteur will go with it, if you have it13:53
ArkanoiD-mece: so apt-get upgrade is not recommended at this point?13:53
ArkanoiD-nope, must be something else13:53
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ArkanoiD-had to go anyways13:54
MohammadAGthp, looking into it13:58
MohammadAGapt-get upgrade is safe, unsupported13:58
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* ArkanoiD- wishes fam will replace stock slow application manager forever somedays14:00
thphmm conversations ui is closed, right?14:03
MohammadAGthp, yes, the conversations themselves are CSS14:07
thpdidn't we have fixes in the bugtracker or somewhere?14:11
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* Damnshock thinks you should only use "apt-get upgrade" when you are ready to deal with it14:14
rantomthp: You mean this?
povbot`Bug 11976: viewing sms conversations in portrait mode without horizontal scrolling (patch)14:15
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thprantom: exactly :)14:21
thpso bug 11976 depends on the "patch" utility becoming available in the cssu or working around that in some other fashion14:29
povbot`Bug viewing sms conversations in portrait mode without horizontal scrolling (patch)14:29
merlin1991random outbursts of your evil inner self?14:34
MohammadAGthp, get the nightly and see the performance boost14:35
merlin1991morning btw :D14:35
MohammadAGmorning merlin1991 lol14:35
thpMohammadAG: more like "daily" ;)14:35
MohammadAGcan be hourly at times :P14:35
Damnshockperformance boost? where?14:36
thpand all those vkb bits are also closed :/ only but that doesn't seem to have been updated since chinook times14:36
thpor even earlier14:37
MohammadAGDamnshock, mediaplayer, not CSSU related :P14:37
merlin1991so how did you pimp the performance?14:37
MohammadAGbtw, thp, keeping remaining count isn't necessary14:37
MohammadAG    for (int x = 0; x < songCount; x = x+30) {14:37
MohammadAG        if (x > songCount) {14:37
MohammadAG            playlist->getItems(x, -1);14:37
DamnshockMohammadAG: that doesn't matter as long as you provide me with a binary to test ;)14:37
thpMohammadAG: works well :)14:39
thpMohammadAG: so about that conversations css patch problem - should we ship the patch utility via the cssu?14:40
MohammadAGno reason not to14:40
thphmm on the other hand.. as it's css.. can't we just rewrite the patch to be something that we simply append to that file?14:42
DocScrutinizer   if (x > songCount) { ??14:44
DocScrutinizershouldn't that be <14:44
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rantomBtw. This probably has already been asked but Idk the answer. Is the CSSU going to provide a portrait-QWERTY-vkb keyboard to Maemo 5? MeeGo is open, afaIk, and thus that could be used for it? I'd personally recommend it14:49
thprantom: with forced rotation, you already get it, but we would need to tweak the layout for it to become usable14:50
rantomthp: Yep, I know that. Thanks though. Forced rotation though causes also battery-drain, am I right?14:51
rantomSince its meant for testing, not active usage14:51
Damnshockguys, I just set the "tree view" option in the email app14:52
MohammadAGumm, no, why would it cause battery drain?14:52
Damnshockand it just crashes14:52
MohammadAGDamnshock, update to 14.114:52
rantomHmm, I thought it did14:52
DamnshockMohammadAG: on my way!14:53
rantomWell, thanks anyways. Reading tmo doesn't always seem to be the answer :p14:53
MohammadAGno keyboard planned14:53
rantom(Unless you want to have your brains tortured)14:53
thprantom: i'm using it day-to-day. you can use the status area button to lock it into landscape when you don't use it14:53
rantomMohammadAG: Yeah, I thought so. Don't really care anymore, since MeeGo is in my plans (moving to it pretty much ASAP)14:54
rantomthp: Ok, thanks for the info14:54
Damnshockwere the rootfs problems solved? I'm updating qt packages14:58
merlin199114.1 fixes modest crashes and optifies qt packaages14:58
rantomOh right, I meant to ask, about modest. Wasn't it supported for portrait? I can get it to rotate with CTRL+Shift+R but not automatically14:59
Damnshockthanks merlin1991 :)14:59
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rantomSorry to ask for old implementations but can't find these anywhere, for now :(14:59
Damnshockrantom: modest works for me in portrait mode15:01
Damnshockno problem so far15:01
rantomHmm. Something is wrong then in my end, since I can't get 5-9 desktops to appear either.15:01
MohammadAGno, modest doesn't have portrait mode yet15:02
MohammadAG(without forced rotation)15:02
Damnshockoh, sorry, i didn't understand you rantom15:03
rantomDamnshock: No problems15:03
DamnshockI'm using forced rotation here15:03
rantomMohammadAG: Thanks for verification15:03
Jaffathp: Interesting idea about appending the CSS15:04
thpJaffa: done and works :p will attach it to the bug report15:05
thpalso have been thinking about using css @import which makes the changes to the files very small and shouldn't hurt in case the target file isn't found15:05
thplines that are deleted are simply set back to their default values as defined in css15:05
Jaffathp: sounds sensible, adding the @import in postinst means it can point to properly packaged files15:06
thpyep, and then we can simply upgrade the packaged files without having to deal with patching/unpatching/updating the affected files15:07
* Jaffa nods. All manner of shiny.15:07
thpit simply becomes a postinst thingie of "grep for that import statement, and if it doesn't exist, echo >> it in there"15:07
JaffaNext up: the whitelist for "core" forced rotation without changing transitions.ini15:08
thpJaffa: can think of a package name for the "customizations"? rtcom-messaging-ui-fixes or something/15:10
thpdon't really want to have "fixes" in the package name if we can avoid it15:10
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JaffaOr rtcom-messaging-ui-portraitsupport (bit long)15:29
thpJaffa: ok, i'll document that on the bug page. no time to implement it m yself today15:29
thpJaffa: please check for any conceptual errors:
povbot`Bug 11976: viewing sms conversations in portrait mode without horizontal scrolling (patch)15:38
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Jaffathp: ta.15:53
Jaffathp: looks good15:53
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ZogGagain i have Cssu update with backup option and when i go for backup and go back to update window in ham i get back to backup and so on16:09
ZogGthp, hey16:09
ZogGthp, is there option to patch hildon to get option to open windows in background?16:09
thpZogG: open windows in background?16:10
ZogGthp for example i'm in some tweeter app and i open browser, and instead of getting to microb i still stay in twitter app but microb is opening in background?16:12
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normaltuskerhey all16:20
normaltuskerdid any of u notice an issue with modest not displaying correctly in modest or is it just me?16:21
normaltuskerand if it is just me, can somebody please help me take a screenshot in the portrait mode keeping the keyboard open16:21
thpZogG: hmm look in the matchbox2/hildon-desktop code. should be possible16:29
ZogGit was more like if you could look into it if you have time =)16:31
ZogGi'm just loser16:31
thpZogG: nah, not really.16:32
ZogGso you don't have time =))16:32
thpeveryone has time. it's just the willingness to allocate time :p16:33
thpi wouldn't scratch my own itch, as i don't  need that feature personally16:33
thpit also sounds like a "nice to have, but not really necessary" feature to me16:33
DocScrutinizerindeed, with MHD your 'original window' is just a ctrl-bs away16:35
DocScrutinizerand probably I'd hater the cluttering of context menus with another item "open in background"16:37
DocScrutinizermodified hildon desktop, or simply "the desktop that comes with cssu"16:37
ZogGDocScrutinizer no you don't have too. it would add option just for apps that need it by default16:39
thpZogG: as DocScrutinizer said, switching back to the old window is very easy16:40
thpZogG: also, instead of queueing up many windows to be read later, "processing" the pages one by one would also reduce the amount of concurrently running tasks16:41
ZogGi prefer to read whole reddit or tweet feed or rss first and than read news i choose16:41
thpZogG: then ask your rss reader/twitter client authors to add an option to "queue up" urls and open them all at once at the end16:42
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ZogGthp, =)16:43
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Lava_Croftis microb always launching the bookmarks window when launching Web hardcoded?17:38
Lava_Croftor can i change that somewhere in some rather hard to locate config17:38
Lava_Croftlast update to CSSU working rather well, MohammadAG17:42
Lava_Croftapart from already reported bugs17:42
Lava_Croftnot fond with transitions.ini being overwritten tho17:42
Lava_Crofteven tho i didnt find any new things in it17:42
MohammadAGit always gets overwritten17:42
MohammadAGwhether there were changes to it or not17:43
Lava_Croftsafety precaution?17:43
MohammadAGwell, that's how Nokia made it17:43
MohammadAGand kind of yea, what if someone broke their transitions17:43
Lava_Croftill just believe the first option and act like i never heard about what you said about how nokia made it17:44
Lava_Croftthat way it makes sense to me17:44
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DamnshockI usually don't like when an update overwrites my config17:45
Lava_Crofti dont like it, but i can understand why its done17:45
Damnshockin rpm theres a %config(noreplace) option for files17:45
Lava_Croftpacman renamed to config.pacnew17:45
DamnshockLava_Croft: It's only valid if you don't expect that config file to be changed17:45
MohammadAGdpkg asks if it should overwrite a config file actually, it's just missing on maemo17:46
DamnshockLava_Croft: pacman installs the config file as name.pacnew17:47
Lava_Croftlike i said17:47
DamnshockLava_Croft: thought you said it changed the file17:47
Lava_Croftmaybe it wasnt clear i meant changing the new config file name17:47
Lava_Croftinstead of the old one17:47
Lava_Croftsince i didnt state which config was changed:>17:47
Damnshockhehehe na, you were fine, my bad17:47
Lava_Croftanyhow, pacman is <317:47
Lava_Croftlast night i installed Mint XFCE on my netbook17:48
Lava_Croftthe current RC runs on debian base too, quite neato stuff17:48
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ArkanoiD-tree view in modest is nice, but i still do not care about "transport" part, so it could be auto expanded. also if there is no mailboxes under MfE (calendar sync only), why show it?19:14
ArkanoiD-and i still need 4 taps to get to inbox, it just looks prettier19:16
Sc0rpiusMfE and Nokia Messaging are plugins of Modest, not part of Modest19:18
Sc0rpiusso they are handled differently, that's why you see them like that19:19
Sc0rpiusif you have only IMAP accounts for example, you would love the tree view mode :P19:19
Sc0rpiusMfE and Nokia Messaging plugins are closed by the way, not open source19:22
Sc0rpiusin normal mode (not tree view), you still see MfE in the accounts window, right? (the first window you get when you open Modest)19:23
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ArkanoiD-Sc0rpius, yes19:34
ArkanoiD-but being closed does not mean we cannot ignore it?19:34
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rantomArkanoiD-: From what _I_ know there might be legal issues, if you edit the closed code. And whether it can be edited is a completely different thing19:51
Sc0rpiuswell he doesn't mean to edit it19:52
Sc0rpiusbut to ignore it in the list19:52
rantomIgnoring closed parts? Sure, why not19:52
Sc0rpiusbut since it is not ignored in the accounts window... I dunno...19:52
Damnshockhow would you edit a closed code?19:52
Sc0rpiushehe he means to ignore it *only* if there are no mailboxes19:52
Damnshockchanging the binary itself?19:52
rantomAh, alright19:53
Sc0rpiusyeah you can always disassemble it and patch it with ARM instructions, but that's not legal of course19:53
rantomDamnshock: Well... Idk19:53
Sc0rpiusthat's a "crack"19:53
Sc0rpiuswe don't do that19:53
Sc0rpiusidk = I don't know19:54
rantomYeah. Good example would be the patch for Conversations portrait-view19:54
rantomBut honestly, I'm just repeating what I've read, I don't know more than that19:54
MohammadAGidk = i don't know19:55
rantomDamnshock: FYI :p19:55
Damnshockrantom: I just thought it was LDK rather than idk19:56
merlin1991 MohammadAG shouldn't that be done by h-d?19:56
MohammadAGmerlin1991, it is done by h-d19:59
MohammadAGthe signal should be sent by libhildon, but we're not using a GtkWindow19:59
merlin1991can't we patch libhildon so it works for qt apps too?20:00
MohammadAGactually, we can patch it so there's a method to take an XID (and an X Display), that way you only need to call this->winId() and QX11Info::Display()20:02
MohammadAGbut, no use, you'd need to push the libhildon to the autobuilder, so we need the CSSU in the builder20:03
merlin1991ah shit20:03
MohammadAGanyway, it's a two line change from libhildon's code20:03
merlin1991same problem as with qt :/20:03
merlin1991or cups :/20:04
ArkanoiD-well, so how does the plugin work -- do you mean that it is not possible to know from modest if there are mailboxes or not? given the fact it is the modest that visualizes what's inside (after switching to tree view mailboxes inside "plugins" also got "tree" look) it seems unlikely20:04
merlin1991MohammadAG: how do I get the caller object in a qt slot?20:04
ArkanoiD-i even think it might be possible to "extract" default inbox "from the deep" and make it available on the top view :-)20:05
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thpMohammadAG: wouldn't it make sense to make "bool take" a parameter of takeScreenshot()20:09
thpjust in case someone wants to reuse that code and also needs to remove the screenshot20:09
thp..and that seems like something that many Qt developers targetting maemo 5 and requiring good integration might want to copy'n'paste :p20:10
MohammadAGthp, well, that means I'd need to have another method to be called by QTimer :P20:11
MohammadAGmerlin1991, why do you want to do that?20:12
merlin1991got a stack of tcpservers listening on several ports20:12
merlin1991calling in to the same slot when a new conneciton arrives20:12
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merlin1991wich is one thing about qtcpserver I don't like20:13
merlin1991why on earth can it only listen on 1 port?20:13
MohammadAGwhy are the strings wrapped with QString() in there...20:13
* MohammadAG slaps past coding skills20:13
merlin1991I wonder if I should cast here: QTcpServer *server = sender();20:14
merlin1991yep I have to, invalid conversion from QObject* to QTcpServer*20:14
MohammadAGshouldn't that be QTcpServer *server = QTcpServer::sender()?20:16
merlin1991that's the slot20:16
merlin1991where the qtcpserver calls into20:17
merlin1991so it's actually QTcpServer *server = qobject_cast<QTcpServer>(sender());20:17
merlin1991I think i should have designed that part of the app diferently20:18
merlin1991it's not exactly oop atm :D20:18
merlin1991push stuff from several servers into 1 funciton by using signals xD20:18
merlin1991and casting the senders to what I need xD20:18
merlin1991tbh this looks sooooooooooooo bad:
merlin1991I just did hit the borders of my model20:23
MohammadAGmerlin1991, shouldn't one server work for all?20:32
merlin1991you need one server for each port afaik20:32
MohammadAGlol that sounds silly20:33
MohammadAGand memory wasting20:33
MohammadAGoh well20:33
* MohammadAG commits mediaplayer changes and prepares to refactor20:33
merlin1991hm I wonder if you can do something like "delete this"20:34
Lava_Croftnew build, MohammadAG ?20:36
MohammadAGLava_Croft, nah, changing a lot of code20:38
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MohammadAG Lava_Croft22:05
MohammadAGlet's hope that doesn't break shit, merlin1991, feel like testing? :P22:05
merlin1991MohammadAG:  always ;)22:06
merlin1991just testing trough my qt crap atm though22:06
merlin1991MohammadAG: is it upped?22:11
MohammadAGmerlin1991, yes22:15
MohammadAGa mer-like approach for the icon :P22:20
merlin1991MohammadAG: updating and testing now22:22
merlin1991anything specific I should test?22:22
MohammadAGif everything works22:23
MohammadAGalso the hanging on now playing button pressed shouldn't happen now22:23
merlin1991I'll test it :D22:23
merlin1991hm starting a new album started on the 2nd title22:25
merlin1991I did click the 2nd one :P22:25
MohammadAGdamn you22:25
MohammadAGI started looking at the commit22:25
merlin1991seems to work22:27
merlin1991and starting it portrait from the applet works now22:28
MohammadAGmerlin1991, add like 600 songs to now playing22:30
MohammadAGfetching the playlist should now be fast22:30
* MohammadAG is considering caching that list22:30
merlin1991hehe I'll pwn it22:30
merlin1991nah I totally pwnd it22:31
merlin1991it's DEAD22:31
merlin1991added 1195 songs22:31
merlin1991ui was dead22:31
MohammadAGI think I'm ready for the 0.122:31
merlin1991yeah ui is fail22:32
merlin1991in all sonsgs lists I have title22:32
merlin1991in now playing not22:32
merlin1991and going back is like impossible22:33
merlin1991I get the mediaplayers is not reacting, wanna killall question22:33
merlin1991I cant eve get to the list from now playing by pressing the album art22:33
MohammadAG<merlin1991> added 1195 songs22:33
merlin1991all songs22:34
merlin1991click first one22:34
merlin1991I hvae 1195 on my device xD22:34
MohammadAGdon't kill it btw22:34
MohammadAGoh so you clicked shuffle all?22:34
MohammadAGadding songs is done in the same thread22:35
merlin1991I clicked the first title in all titles22:35
MohammadAGor clicked a song, same thing22:35
merlin1991yeah but now that all songs are added the now plaing ui is just useless22:35
merlin1991nothing works22:35
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MohammadAGyeah, same thread22:36
MohammadAGthink I need to move it to another thread22:36
mase76MohammadAG: i did some more tests with the mediaplayer. it does not try to go online, for example when opening an internet radio stream. and gpodder cannot play an epidode with it. when trying, nothing happens.22:38
MohammadAGhey mase7622:38
MohammadAGmase76, mime_open isn't implemented22:39
MohammadAGright now, it just activates the window22:39
MohammadAGas for going online, isn't there a Qt method for that22:39
mase76i think so.22:40
mase76avrcp is perfect. but the player has to be opened. maybe the developer of the mp widget can add support for avrcp. just a check if the player is open. if not the widget handles the event.22:42
MohammadAGQt Mobility...22:43
mase76btw: is there any advantage programming with qml instead if native qt?22:44
MohammadAGfaster coding of good looking UIs22:46
MohammadAGeasy to learn for web devs22:46
mase76but no better performance?22:47
MohammadAGcons: interpreted language, high memory usage22:47
mase76that is what i wanted to know.22:47
MohammadAGcan't say better, no22:47
mase76i programmed qt some time ago. no reason to use qml then.22:48
mase76and what environment? qt-creator, only an editor, or anything else. i only used an editor like geany before.22:50
mase76and before that i used kdevelop.but i am with gnome now.22:51
MohammadAGquick performance benchmark:22:52
MohammadAG0.0 CPU usage while the screen's locked22:52
MohammadAG0.5 CPU usage when unlocked and slider not visible22:52
MohammadAG2.5 CPU usage when the progress bar slider is updating22:52
MohammadAGRAM usage:22:54
MohammadAG6.9MBs on now playing window with playlist fetched22:54
MohammadAGshoots to 11.9MBs with the QML view22:54
mase76today i tried qt-creator with madde. not very friendly. but i can run and debug directly on the device.22:55
MohammadAGCPU usage goes to 20% on the transition from right -> left / left -> right22:55
MohammadAGthis is why I suggested this feature with the charger + tv-out :P22:55
MohammadAGnot friendly?22:55
mase76my meaning. but i tested only about 20 minutes.22:56
mase76do u use it?22:56
MohammadAGnot for packaging, but for editing sources it's epic22:58
mase76do you think, the player programmed with qt would take more resources?22:58
MohammadAGit is in Qt22:58
MohammadAGRAM usage is a bit higher22:59
MohammadAG3.9 vs 6.922:59
mase76qt? i thought it is qml.22:59
MohammadAGonly the entertainment view is QML22:59
MohammadAGthe rest is C++/Qt23:00
mase76and gtk? will it disappear from the device over the time? i ask, because many applications are rewritten with qt or qml.23:00
MohammadAGGtk can't disappear, hildon uses Gtk and Qt's theming engine uses hildon23:01
mase76i am not sure which way to go. i have some qt experience. i wanted to learn gtk+ now, better gtk+mm for c++. but now i think, qt is the better choice for the n900, isn't it?23:05
MohammadAGimo, yeah, Qt's the way to go23:17
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mase76thanks for the info.23:22
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