IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Tuesday, 2011-03-15

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merlin1991reduced the size to 2048x2048 still black00:30
merlin19911024x1024 and still not working00:32
* merlin1991 got the feelin he's editing the wrong file00:33
MohammadAGmafw caches thumbnails00:34
merlin1991or maybe tracker needs todo something till it works, who knows00:34
MohammadAGwell, yeah, tracker00:35
MohammadAGls /home/user/.cache/media-art/00:36
MohammadAGyou'll be surprised00:36
* merlin1991 reboots device00:36
merlin1991btw do you think the segfaults when turning off comes from the cleanupcode, or some callback that fails?00:37
merlin1991hm still not working00:39
merlin1991now with a 512x512 image00:40
merlin1991maybe I'm editing the wrong image?00:40
merlin1991okay I removed the file in cache overwrote it with the smaller one00:43
merlin1991now it's not black anymore00:43
merlin1991so you did hit some texturesizelimit00:43
merlin1991I wonder where it went m00t00:43
merlin1991well stupid caching system00:48
merlin1991I never know when the image came from memory00:48
merlin1991because now the huge wtf size file is in place again and it works00:48
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chargenhowdy folks03:30
chargenis there a way to revert just modest to the PR1.3 version?  Seem to be having some CPU/battery life issues after installing the community ssu03:30
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AsiQuemorning... just saw how the camera app looks at portrait... damn it looks bad...!10:24
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RST38hDon't run it in portrait then10:25
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AsiQueI know.... i just wanted to take a portrait picture today... and the screen looked like hell...10:33
AsiQuethere is still a plan for blacklisted apps right?10:33
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thpAsiQue: newest cssu features a "lock into landscape" mode in the system menu11:10
thpor rather status menu.. system menu is the power button one i thin11:11
AsiQuei know... just wasn't thinking of it at theat time :-)11:18
AsiQueanyway it wasn't a complint or something...11:18
thpAsiQue: i think a blacklist (or whitelist) is planned11:19
thpAsiQue: and if camera rotates, you probably have "forcerotation" enabled, so you signed up for some breakage ;)11:19
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MohammadAGmerlin1991, fixed artist view for 0 or 1 albums12:04
MohammadAGit was tricky, sort of, had to listen to dbus events from the stock player to see how it did it12:05
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MohammadAGmerlin1991, artist view fixed for all13:03
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chargenis there a way to revert just modest to the PR1.3 version?  Seem to be having some CPU/battery life issues after installing the community ssu13:22
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Lava_Croftfinally got my CP-40814:23
merlin1991MohammadAG: awesome14:35
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archebytehi all..19:59
archebyteI am trying to gather/create documentation related to cssu.20:00
MohammadAGmost of the stuff's documented on the wiki :D20:01
archebyteI think there is still room for improvement :)20:02
archebytehere's the question: can the ssu be uninstalled via HAM? is it possible? advisable?20:02
archebytewell, I would never advise anyone to uninstall the ssu, of course.. :)20:04
archebytebut just want to know if it was possible and what would be the steps involved.20:04
MohammadAGno, it can't20:05
MohammadAGit's a system update20:05
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archebyteI see. just like the PRs.20:06
MohammadAGtechnically, they are PRs :P20:07
archebyteright. :) so the only way to revert to PR1.3 would be to flash it?20:08
MohammadAGwell, you can always downgrade packages manually20:08
merlin1991currently you can also remove the cssu metapackage, remove the repo and install the original pr metapackge20:09
archebyteor more technically, would removing the repos and force-installing the affected system-packages work?20:09
MohammadAGbut that's kinda hard, you need the old version numbers and I don't have those20:09
merlin1991but I'd call that method "unsafe"20:09
archebytecool.. thanks guys. I will update the FAQ on the wiki.20:22
archebytewhere can I get more information about what other components (repos) are going to be included in gitorious in the future? I am curious about the process. Is there a formal request to Nokia to opensource other components?20:27
archebyteI don't know about the history.. but it'd be nice to know how hildon-desktop/home etc were released.20:28
MohammadAGthey were open from the start20:30
merlin1991archebyte: some code comes from other code lies on the garage, but everything that is being hacked on was open from the start (or got rewritten from scratch)20:30
archebytewow.. that's a lot of activity going on at maemo.gtorious.. is that most likely driven by Nokia?'20:34
mirakelsFeature request for the cssu changelog page: it would be nice to add the release date to each release!20:34
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merlin1991mirakels: good idea, I'll add that20:37
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archebyteI think it would be good idea to add detailed screenshots of each step in the installation to the wiki's Installation section. any objections? I will do a flash to PR1.3 before installing the CSSU.20:44
merlin1991or you could ask this guy for permission:
merlin1991and use his screenshots :)20:46
archebytethat "guy" is me :)20:47
archebyteI'll do it..20:47
merlin1991ah okay, how should I know :P20:48
MohammadAGI knew I forgot something20:49
MohammadAGHAM with new backgrounds20:49
* MohammadAG facepalms20:49
merlin1991well maybe that Mustali (archebyte)20:49
* merlin1991 should read more carefully20:49
MohammadAGoh well, there's always maemo1420:49
merlin1991MohammadAG: whatabout stickynotes with each added feature that you don't forget them with the next update? :D20:50
MohammadAGsticky notes fail for me20:51
MohammadAGchances are I forget where the note is20:51
merlin1991marker on the screen? *evil*20:51
MohammadAGQML's ListView is weird20:52
merlin1991I see some future blog post from MohammadAG, back in 2011 I did buy 10 new screens because I followed some douches advice to note stuff with marker on my screen20:52
MohammadAG2012 won't happen20:53
MohammadAGyou know why?20:53
MohammadAGcause I made my calendar skip to 2013 instead :D20:53
merlin1991int overflow?20:53
MohammadAGheh, I remember lcuk's liqcalendar bug where it skipped a random day last year (I think)20:54
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merlin1991ye he skipped my brithday if I remember right :D20:59
JaffaAnnounce: soon we'll have a new Council and they'll be taking on CSSU sponsorship.21:07
JaffaThis gives everyone more flexibility than you already had to say "sod off Jaffa"21:07
JaffaBut, should free up more time for actual patches. Muwahahaha21:08
MohammadAGJaffa, :(21:08
Lava_Croftcompletely not on topic:
Lava_Croftfun nontheless!21:09
JaffaMohammadAG: I'll be as annoying as ever, promise ;)21:11
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JaffaTalking of which, I think the approach for orientation doesn't work in reality; we thought about it at the wrong level.21:12
MohammadAGyay(?) :P21:13
MohammadAGhow come?21:13
MohammadAGoh btw21:13
MohammadAGI tried the CSSU on a new device21:13
JaffaLeading to that bug when phone is internally locked to portrait21:13
MohammadAGand got the apt-get autoremove bug21:13
JaffaOh, interesting.21:14
MohammadAGthis is how I did the install, it came with 51-1 (PR1.1.1?)21:14
JaffaWhat was the mp-fremantle-...-pr before CSSU?21:14
MohammadAGI upgraded to PR1.321:14
MohammadAGthen installed the CSSU21:14
MohammadAGgeneric, global21:14
MohammadAGthis is an out of the box device, not a flashed one21:15
MohammadAGthough /dev/mtd1 states it had 41-1 IRELAND somewhere in its lifetime21:15
Lava_Croftwhat's that bug?21:15
MohammadAGit autoremoves stuff21:16
Lava_Croftstuff that instantly looks important when you see the pkg name?21:16
MohammadAGin my case, libqt4-declarative, skype, modest widget, etc21:16
Lava_Crofthavent encountered that21:16
Lava_Croftthat's a sour one21:16
MohammadAGit's a weird one21:16
Lava_Croftthat too21:16
MohammadAGbut it happens on some devices21:16
MohammadAGnot all of them21:16
Lava_Croftwhat i mostly noticed after CSSU install is weird too21:16
MohammadAGand there are no proper reproduction steps21:17
Lava_Croftmplayer cli streaming radio (shoutcast) from xterm now quits making sound when i unlock the device21:17
JaffaMohammadAG: So, going back to an older PR through reflash. Maybe country specific might do it?21:17
Lava_Croftsay, you have it in your pocket, streaming radio, you get it from the pocket and want to use it21:17
MohammadAGJaffa, I'm thinking those users SSU'd to PR1.321:17
Lava_Croftit stops sounding the stream, it didnt do so before cssu21:17
MohammadAGthen we released the CSSU months later21:17
MohammadAGotoh, I always flash new PRs21:18
MohammadAGso reproduction steps might be:21:18
MohammadAGflash old firmware21:18
MohammadAGSSU to official 1.321:18
MohammadAGinstall CSSU21:18
* Jaffa nods21:18
JaffaSounds reasonable21:19
JaffaI should be able to try that tonight21:19
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MohammadAGi wonder what the metal hook-like thing on the back is21:19
MohammadAGright under the hinge for the kickstand21:19
MohammadAGit came out on my device21:19
JaffaMagnet maybe for cover on/off?21:20
JaffaDoes /media/mmc1 unmount when you take the cover off now?21:20
MohammadAGit always did21:20
MohammadAG[22689.296264] mmc0: cover is closed, card is now accessible21:21
JaffaDoes it now you've lost the hook-like thing?21:21
MohammadAGwithout the black piece21:21
MohammadAGI have it21:21
Lava_Croftheh MohammadAG21:22
Lava_Croftdid you lose it too?21:22
MohammadAGdidn't lose it, it just doesn't stick on21:22
Lava_Croftfrom the inside of the backcover21:22
Lava_Crofta small black metal hook21:22
Lava_Crofti came off when i once again dropped my N90021:22
Lava_Crofti keep it in place with a folded piece of paper21:22
MohammadAGnever dropped mine21:22
Lava_Croftso there's no space inside the N900 for it to go from its position21:22
MohammadAGthis is a 2 month old battery cover21:22
Lava_Croftit is fastened in a rather shitty way tho21:22
Lava_Croftby nokia21:22
MohammadAGthe old one lost the kickstand magnet21:22
Lava_Croftit's reminiscent of the USB connector21:22
MohammadAGbut what's the hook for21:23
Lava_Croftrather shitty engineering im not used to from nokia21:23
Lava_Crofti have no idea21:23
MohammadAGseems like it's cosmetic21:23
Lava_Crofti was wondering that21:23
Lava_Crofti dont think it is21:23
Lava_Croftit makes no sense to put a piece of metal like that for cosmetics21:23
Lava_Croftcertainly not on a N90021:23
MohammadAGcould be protecting the inside from dust21:23
MohammadAGthe hinge has a noticeable gap now21:23
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Lava_Croftisnt is the piece of metal that the hinge magnet should stick to?21:24
Lava_Crofthmm no21:24
MohammadAGas I said, I found no real reason for it to be there21:24
Lava_Croftim not looking at it right now, picturing it from a few days ago21:25
Arkenoiah, i lost it too21:25
Arkenoia few months ago21:25
Arkenoino difference noticed21:25
Lava_Croftwell, i just cant believe it's there just for the sake of looking pretty21:26
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Lava_Croftsomeone suggests it might be the spring for the hinge21:33
Lava_Crofthe seems to be pretty sure21:33
RST38hThe following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:21:33
RST38h  modest-home-applet21:33
RST38hUse 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.21:33
MohammadAGthnk I should depend on that...21:34
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JaffaMohammadAG: Stops the back plate from flexing?21:56
JaffaMohammadAG: Yeah, but why's RST38h getting that.21:56
Lava_CroftJaffa: thats what I said21:59
Lava_Croftit's the spring that keeps the backside stand either closed or open21:59
Lava_Croftoh thats not what you said21:59
Lava_Croftgogo lav21:59
RST38hYou should really copy ALL PR1.3 depends22:05
RST38hBecause otherwise there is always a possibility something will get autoremoved22:05
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Stecchinowhat is a sure way to check the cssu is installed?22:11
merlin1991dpkg -l mp-fremantle-community-pr22:15
Stecchinomerlin1991: ii  mp-fremantle-community-pr         0  << I'm assuming this means it's installed?22:19
Stecchinomerlin1991: aren't I supposed to have a about cssu in settings?22:20
merlin1991and if you tell me the version number too I can even tell you if it's the current one :)22:20
Stecchinomerlin1991: says version 022:20
merlin1991uh oh22:20
Stecchinoknown issue?22:21
merlin1991nope, but it means that the installation process failed somewhere while / after running the cssu enabler22:21
StecchinoI'm reinstalling mp-fremantle-community-pr22:22
merlin1991I bet you'll get a few errors22:22
merlin1991just a guess into the blue, do you have modified hildon desktop installed?22:22
Stecchinonot that I know22:22
merlin1991okay, now it's getting interesting :)22:23
StecchinoI have catorise-menu. Don't know if that might be it22:23
merlin1991usually m-h-d is the problem that the cssu install fails22:23
Stecchinoinstall didn't fail22:23
Stecchinorebooting now22:23
merlin1991the version of mp-fremantle-community-pr should be 20.2010.36-maemo13 if it's installed properly22:24
Stecchinonow its fine22:25
Stecchinohave the about in settings now as well22:25
merlin1991did you even run the community - ssu enabler from the app menu?22:26
Stecchinowhich transitions.ini gui editor is recommended?22:26
Stecchinomerlin1991: I did22:26
Stecchinodon't remember any error22:26
StecchinoI did see an error in the faster-app-installer log about qtm-* stuff being autoremoved22:27
Stecchinobut don't think that is related22:27
Stecchinoprobably due to me removing qtm-exaples recently22:27
merlin1991I'd say nano/vi to edit transistions.ini ;)22:28
merlin1991I didn't test any of the guis, and they were all made by people not from the cssu team (afaik)22:28
Stecchinomerlin1991: did that, but tried the gui because it was not working22:28
Stecchinothe settings plugin seems to work great22:28
Stecchinodo you guys plan something similar for Harmattan?22:29
merlin1991meego/harmattan should have enough proper official support that there is no need for a cssu22:30
MohammadAGno, it shouldn't have a PR package so people can easily upgrade system packages22:31
MohammadAGi.e PPA-like system22:31
JaffaRST38h: But being able to remove stuff no longer needed can be considered a "feature" for advanced users.22:31
Stecchinowell, harmattan not being meego (though marketing surely did a good job making everyone believe that) and most of that team disbanded after the release I think you'll find a SSU will be required22:32
MohammadAGSc0rpius, any plans to send an MR?22:32
JaffaMohammadAG: Flashing PR1.2 now22:33
mirakels@merlin1991: thanks for adding the release dates to the Changelog!22:39
mirakelsBut one other thing, when the number of release grow, the best bits (e.g. information) will be at the bottom of the page. Wouldn't it be better to put the latest release on top?22:40
merlin1991well that's a matter of taste, either you say hey I have a navigation on top and this way I can scroll trough the timeline how it happened22:42
merlin1991or you say I want newst information at first glance22:42
merlin1991dunno wich way is better22:42
StecchinoMohammadAG: just read the irc-logs. I might have hit that autoremove bug22:43
mirakelsI think when the page isn't to log it's fine to have then the latest release on top. But when the page grows I prefer it the other way around.  I could imagine the page will be split in multiple pages if the number of release really goes up.22:43
mirakelsBut maybe others can show their opinions.22:44
JaffaMohammadAG: Wireless is broken, so updating on spare N900 not working <sigh/>22:48
MohammadAGheh, no worries22:49
JaffaMohammadAG: Or the repos are FUBAR. Both are likely, TBH22:49
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Sc0rpiusyeah I will send it today23:21
Sc0rpiusfirst I have to figure out how to merge that branch with my master branch23:21
MohammadAGgit merge?23:24
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JaffaMohammadAG: Is the metal hook to do with deteing lens cover position?23:31
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Sc0rpiusyou should blame Red Dead Redemption and Tekken 6 online on PS3 that's why I have taken so long :(23:50
Sc0rpiusand also work23:52

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