IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Sunday, 2011-03-13

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sanedI have a feature request against hildon-desktop regarding zooming in-out01:07
sanedwhere should I post about it?01:07
sanedI was perusing the source of hildon-desktop and -home, but can't find any references of callers for hd_render_manager_zoom_in/out01:08
sanedI'd like to change the zoom_out :)01:08
sanedwell.. more properly would be to change *when* to zoom out... zoom out itself works fine01:08
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thpsaned: file a bug, submit a patch :)10:57
sanedyeah, I'm looking into that. I posted on TMO, cssu thread10:58
sanedand trying to study the code, but am not a gtk dev10:58
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merlin1991Jaffa: what's the status on the clokas?17:21
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Jaffamerlin1991: I need to forward it to X-Fade18:04
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TurboVomitcan i report a bug here ?20:41
MohammadAGwhy not use
MohammadAGit helps us track bug reports so they're not forgotten20:41
TurboVomitwell i tried but i can't connect20:42
TurboVomitand i'm not sure how to explain the problem20:42
TurboVomiti'm french20:42
MohammadAGfire away20:42
TurboVomitexcuse me ?20:43
DocScrutinizer51go ahaed20:43
TurboVomitthe screen doesn't shutdown20:43
TurboVomiti have to do it manually20:44
TurboVomitouch... i hope you see what i mean20:44
DocScrutinizer51you have set a timeout for screen dimming in settings-screen?20:45
TurboVomit10 seconds20:45
DocScrutinizer51maybe you are running an app that disbles screen autodim, e.g. xchat?20:45
TurboVomithuum...nop, nothing20:46
DocScrutinizer51well, I dount it's a classic bug. as nobody reported anything like that yet20:47
TurboVomiti reboot and it's ok...20:48
TurboVomitshame on me ...20:48
TurboVomithumhum, fortunaly i don't wrote it on the bug tracker...20:49
DocScrutinizer51yeah, asking here first is a good idea :-)20:50
TurboVomitwe can use the media player in portrait mode20:51
TurboVomitit's a little bit strange but it work20:51
TurboVomitangry birds work in portrait mode with no bugs20:51
MohammadAGyeah, media player is closed source, can't fix that20:52
TurboVomitclosed source ? really ?20:52
MohammadAGyou might be interested in the open source rewrite, ETA for it unknown though20:52
BCMMthe new rotation locking applet is cool, but why does it only lock in landscape mode?20:52
TurboVomitthat's why it sucks20:53
MohammadAGBCMM, not all apps support portrait, and I've yet to figure out how to lock to portrait20:53
BCMMMohammadAG: ah, ok. thanks20:53
MohammadAGagain, you might be interested in
MohammadAG(post is quite old)20:53
MohammadAGand so are the screenshots, it looks awesome now20:54
BCMMMohammadAG: is it ready-ish for actual use?20:55
MohammadAGBCMM, tbh, I use it instead of the stock player as is now20:55
BCMM(i mean, by the standards of somebody who already uses extras-* stuff)20:55
MohammadAGonly creating the initial playlist is slow20:55
MohammadAGif you use the stock player to create a playlist, it's quite fun to use this in portrait mode20:56
BCMMMohammadAG: "MAFW as the backend so as not to break compatibility" - does that mean it'll work with stuff like shake2control?20:56
BCMM(if that's a stupid question, it's because i have no idea how that communicates with mediaplayer)20:56
MohammadAGBCMM, yes20:56
MohammadAGboth media players can co-exist and talk to each other actually20:57
TurboVomitthat must be a lot of work20:57
MohammadAGI usually run both at the same time in case something "breaks"20:57
MohammadAGand I just added this in
MohammadAGfor the fun of learning QML20:57
BCMMMohammadAG: what do you mean by "talk to each other"?20:57
JaffaMohammadAG: Doesn't the package result in replacing the stock media player? (That happened to me with Qt Creator)20:58
BCMMare they controlling the same "daemon"?20:58
MohammadAGJaffa, that's Qt Creator's fault20:58
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MohammadAGyou can run the binary alongside the mediaplayer's binary20:58
JaffaMohammadAG: Ah. Why does Entertainment View keep dancing it from one side to the other?20:58
MohammadAGBCMM, backend, yes20:58
MohammadAGJaffa, never used Windows Media Center I guess?20:58
MohammadAGIt does that every 1 minute, I just reduced the timeout for now20:58
MohammadAG(for testing)20:58
JaffaMohammadAG: Ah20:59
BCMMMohammadAG: apt-cache search mohammad doesn't see it; what's the package called?20:59
MohammadAGthere's no package lol20:59
MohammadAGthere's a binary ^20:59
BCMMoh, it isn't in extras-*?20:59
MohammadAGI'm not sure if I should upload it20:59
MohammadAGto -devel at least21:00
BCMMMohammadAG: why not?21:00
MohammadAG(probably out of user/ sections)21:00
MohammadAGBCMM, it lacks some things21:00
BCMMmeh, what would be the harm?21:00
MohammadAGassigning a playlist after a reboot for example21:00
BCMMpeople wouldn't have to use it21:00
BCMMwoah, it's quite a bit more responsive21:01
MohammadAGexcept when making the playlist, again21:02
MohammadAGI've yet to learn about QThreads21:02
MohammadAGand I'm not sure if I should use the trick the stock player uses21:02
JaffaMohammadAG: What do you mean by the "assigning a playlist after a reboot" and "making the playlist"?21:02
JaffaAh, what does it do?21:02
BCMMMohammadAG: what "trick" do they use?21:02
MohammadAGit adds the item you selected to a playlist21:02
MohammadAGthen sees what number it is in the list21:02
MohammadAGit adds all other songs21:02
MohammadAGthen moves the song you selected to the number it is in the list21:03
MohammadAGthat way, playback starts quick, then the playlist's done21:03
MohammadAGmy mediaplayer currently makes the playlist then starts playback21:03
MohammadAGand making the playlist is done by iterating over all items in the list21:03
BCMMhuh, there are indeed a couple of bugs in this :)21:03
MohammadAGso the UI blocks for like 3-5s then starts playback21:04
MohammadAGI love the Share feature I added though21:04
MohammadAGI really hated having to open file manager to send a song21:04
BCMMoh wow21:04
TurboVomitsend a song ? we can do that ?21:05
BCMMwhat's your legal status? are you within range of the RIAA?21:05
MohammadAGBCMM, symbian phones do it21:05
BCMMwow, that's surprisingly cool21:05
MohammadAG(from the mediaplayer)21:05
BCMMi would've expected that to be a feature no corporation would put in by themselves...21:06
BCMMwhere is "share via service", though?21:06
MohammadAGCepiPerez mentioned that using the Gtk dialog caused Qt apps to segfault21:06
MohammadAGso I didn't bother to try it21:06
BCMMi thought there was a single API which would pop up a "share via *" box21:06
JaffaFor portrait lock, looks like hildon-desktop/src/mb/hd-comp-mgr.c might be the right place? Specifically hd_comp_mgr_should_be_portrait and hd_comp_mgr_may_be_portrait. Probably the latter always returning true?21:06
MohammadAGJaffa, the latter always returns true when forceorientation=121:07
MohammadAGforcerotation* my bad21:08
MohammadAGTurboVomit, in the rewrite yes (sorry, I didn't reply faster)21:08
TurboVomitwhy some apps work with no bug in portrait ?21:09
Sc0rpiuswell programmed21:09
MohammadAGgood coding by Nokia21:09
TurboVomitlike sygic gps or sunvox or colour flood ?21:09
MohammadAGAngry birds has the best coding imo21:09
TurboVomitangry birds work well in portrait21:10
MohammadAGthey probably did it that way so it works on all screen resolutions without major coding (android, Symbian, etc..)21:10
TurboVomitthey can't do that with iphones21:10
JaffaMohammadAG: Ah. Is assume_requested == forcerotation?21:10
BCMMMohammadAG: hah, playback doesn't stop when you close the application21:10
MohammadAGyes, but the screen resolution differs between maemo and symbian21:10
BCMMi like that21:10
MohammadAGBCMM, main view -> tap title bar -> settings21:10
MohammadAGJaffa, don't think so, no21:11
MohammadAGforcerotation just overrides portrait_supported21:11
MohammadAGor is_portrait_supported, can't remember21:11
Sc0rpius <-- this is nuts21:11
BCMMSc0rpius: that's... improbable21:12
BCMMthat real?21:12
Sc0rpiusyes it is21:12
Sc0rpiusthe ferry is above the building21:12
MohammadAGJapan I guess?21:12
Sc0rpiusin Otsuchi to be exact21:12
JaffaMohammadAG: Ah, no - I can see hd_transition_get_int(...forcerotation...) in hd_comp_mgr_may_be_portrait for short-circuiting to false21:12
Sc0rpiusis there a way to have the desktop in portrait or not yet?21:13
MohammadAGJaffa, yeah, if it's 1 it always returns to false21:13
MohammadAGSc0rpius, CTRL+SHIFT+Blue+L21:13
MohammadAGfor the lulz, not that usable really21:13
Sc0rpiusit orked21:14
Sc0rpiuseverything is messed up but it works21:14
MohammadAG I made a concept in less than 5 minutes21:14
MohammadAG(changed max resolution size in hildon-desktop for the hildon-home container)21:14
MohammadAGJaffa made an algorithm21:14
MohammadAG(which is quite excellent FWIW)21:15
MohammadAGwhether it's easy to code/implement is beyond me though21:15
MohammadAGbtw, the concept isn't photoshopped or anything, it's a screenshot from on-device21:15
JaffaMohammadAG: Which one? The one which refits (so turns into or the one which swaps x/y coords and might try squishing a bit?21:16
BCMMthat's a proof-of-concept, not a concept21:16
lcukJaffa, that one example, why can't you just r90 the items and retain overall position21:17
MohammadAGJaffa, hmm, think I missed the second one, though that sounds good too21:17
MohammadAGBCMM, whatever :p21:17
Jaffalcuk: That's the second one I mentioned21:17
MohammadAGbtw BCMM, mafw itself isn't bad21:17
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BCMMMohammadAG: what *is* it, exactly? does it have a daemon or what?21:18
MohammadAGit's a backend21:18
MohammadAGtechnically, it does all the playback21:18
BCMMi mean, which processes is decoding audio when i close your media player and it keeps going?21:18
JaffaFor portrait lock, looks like hildon-desktop/src/mb/hd-comp-mgr.c might be the right place? Specifically hd_comp_mgr_should_be_portrait and hd_comp_mgr_may_be_portrait. Probably the latter always returning true?21:18
Jaffalcuk: And the one currently coded in
BCMMah, i see21:19
MohammadAG 1594 user     48596 S <  /usr/bin/mafw-dbus-wrapper mafw-gst-renderer21:19
BCMMso similar principle to MPD, only with video playback and more gstreamer?21:19
MohammadAGyeah, and radio21:19
BCMMwhat is the last tinypic thing?21:19
MohammadAG(and UPnP, haven't read that code though)21:19
MohammadAGBCMM, it shows how Nokia's implementation made us think mafw sucks21:20
MohammadAG2nd thumbnail is Nokia's media player21:20
MohammadAG4th is mine21:20
MohammadAGtheir player shows Information not available, mine gets metadata properly21:20
MohammadAG(from mafw, I didn't use bad tricks to get ID3 data manually)21:20
lcukJaffa, the physics view and many other rendering things I have done are iterative - that is they calculate overlap within a set of components and attempt to adjust and wiggle and move themselves away from them21:21
lcukthe net effect is that all the components end up jostling but ultimately settling on a stable pattern21:21
Jaffalcuk: Yeah, that would be best.21:21
lcukthat is how physics view in original liqbase worked21:21
BCMMMohammadAG: that doesn't look like any task switching mode i recognise...21:22
BCMMoh, it's cropped isn't it21:22
TurboVomitexcuse me but, what is mafw ?21:22
BCMMmedia application framework whatever21:23
BCMMoh media application FrameWork21:23
MohammadAGBCMM, zoomed in21:23
JaffaMohammadAG: What's the best way of testing hildon-desktop replacements?21:23
BCMMMohammadAG: ... how?21:23
MohammadAGJaffa, dpkg -i & killall21:23
MohammadAGBCMM, CTRL+SHIFT+S as of latest CSSU21:23
merlin1991I wanted to clean my glasses, but instead I broke them :/21:24
TurboVomitthat's why i don't clean mine21:24
merlin1991yay for 5.15 dioptres without proper glasses21:25
BCMMMohammadAG: now it's a *proper* compositing window manager :)21:25
MohammadAGBCMM, there are lots of patches from the guy who made that21:26
MohammadAGsadly, they got lost on gitorious21:26
MohammadAG(no one was interested in them apparently)21:26
MohammadAGhe even has a patch that resizes home screen widgets, though I never got that to work for some reason21:26
MohammadAGthere's one that makes the task navigator use plugins, with a circular task nav21:27
merlin1991MohammadAG: is still a "nightly" build or should I build myself from sources?21:27
MohammadAGmerlin1991, nightly21:27
MohammadAGI still have the nightly-update script that updates it straight from the N900 :p21:27
MohammadAGhooray for scp21:27
MohammadAGoh and the guy made the home screen portrait afaik21:28
BCMMbtw, anyone know how far off portrait task-switching is?21:28
MohammadAGdone, by the same guy21:28
MohammadAGbut it uses XRandr21:28
MohammadAGwhether or not it'll be included as is is still something I'm thinking about21:29
BCMMthe one-column task switching mode would be perfect in portrait21:29
MohammadAG(I haven't tested it yet)21:29
MohammadAGon that note21:30
MohammadAGis there a way to clone a repository up to a certain commit?21:30
* MohammadAG pokes merlin1991 21:30
lcukBCMM, having the scale adjustable at runtime would be better21:30
lcukie, it needs configurator!21:30
merlin1991MohammadAG: yes, im sure there is, but why would you want to?21:30
merlin1991why not clone the full thing and then branch of at the commit you want to base your work on?21:31
MohammadAGmerlin1991, cause he restructured hildon-desktop later on in his work21:31
ArkenoiI think the best way is to have 2 completely independent desktop setups for landscape and portrait21:31
MohammadAGthat's the same isn't it? :P21:31
Arkenoitricky to configure the first time but looks best later21:31
MohammadAGso how do I revert back to a commit?21:31
BCMMi mean, even unmodified, with windows sticking off the edge of the screen, taskswitcher=1 is actually quite useful when rotate via ctrl-blue-shift-l21:31
merlin1991that's possible too but not the git way :D21:32
merlin1991correct way would be21:32
merlin1991clone repository21:32
merlin1991checkout commit you wan21:32
merlin1991and develop in that new branch :)21:32
JaffaArkenoi: Yes, but the existing setup should provide a basis for that setup.21:32
merlin1991of you can clone repo and reset to commit21:32
merlin1991but that's weird todo :D21:32
MohammadAGReceiving objects:   0% (79/13434), 20.00 KiB | 1 KiB/s  <- fun !21:33
merlin1991okay :D21:33
merlin1991btw reset would be21:33
merlin1991git reset --hard COMMITYOUWANT21:33
merlin1991to just load a few would be21:34
merlin1991git init21:34
merlin1991git remote add repo21:34
merlin1991git fetch COMMITYOUWANT21:34
merlin1991then checkout that commit21:34
merlin1991create a branch21:35
merlin1991and be happy :)21:35
merlin1991that way you would only "clone" everything needed for that commitpath21:35
merlin1991(I guess that's what you want atm)21:36
merlin1991MohammadAG: too much git spam? :D21:37
MohammadAGnah, too slow cloning21:38
merlin1991well do the init && remote add && fetch && branch thing21:38
MohammadAGso how do I get to 3479724832a93cad82c6715003910ac7f23eab2b again?21:39
merlin1991then you would clone as little as possible21:39
MohammadAGoh, you said a lot21:39
merlin1991cd empty dir && git init && git remote add NAME REPO && git fetch 3479724832a93cad82c6715003910ac7f23eab2b && git checkout 3479724832a93cad82c6715003910ac7f23eab2b &&  git branch AWESOMEBRANCHNAME && git checkout AWESOMEBRANCHNAME21:40
merlin1991that's be the way :)21:41
MohammadAGmohammad@mohammad-i5laptop:~/testportrait$ git fetch git:// 3479724832a93cad82c6715003910ac7f23eab2b21:41
MohammadAGfatal: Couldn't find remote ref 3479724832a93cad82c6715003910ac7f23eab2b21:41
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merlin1991ah crap21:42
* merlin1991 got lost in the system how git works and mixed refs and commits21:43
MohammadAGmust be cause of the glasses21:43
merlin1991you'll have to find the nearest tag or clone the full branch,21:43
MohammadAGwell, I cloned the full branch21:44
MohammadAGnow how do I reverse back to a commit? :)21:44
merlin1991git reset --hard commit21:44
saned2git reset --hard commithash21:44
saned2you'll lose everything from that commit on21:45
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MohammadAGfails to build21:50
MohammadAGoh well, was worth a shot21:50
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Arkenoiwhat about keeping track of applications that knowingly fail in portrait mode and maintaining blacklist?21:51
JaffaArkenoi: It'll be the other way round: a whitelist of closed source applications which support it, despite claiming not to21:53
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JaffaMohammadAG: I seem to have the start of a portrait lock working.22:05
JaffaMohammadAG: Although you'll have to change the orientation lock from being a boolean (and how on earth would the UI work in the status menu? Can an item open a picker?)22:05
MohammadAGJaffa, I was thinking tap to lock to landscape, or hold to lock to portrait22:06
MohammadAGthough that might not be intuitive22:06
JaffaMohammadAG: Not sure that's an intuitive UI. It could just rotate, I guess.22:06
MohammadAGsomething that would be totally awesome, is an iPhone-like slider22:06
MohammadAGyou know, the one it uses for on/off, but for 3 items22:07
JaffaOh, yeah.22:07
MohammadAGI'm not sure if Gtk has that22:07
MohammadAGor if it can be done manually with gtk (probably can, but over my head)22:08
* Arkenoi still has issues with default conversation theme in portrait mode, even after "conversion" script. For some obscure reason it is just ok for SMS, but still scrolls horizontally for jabber. Even more strange, once viewed SMS conversation, jabber ones back to normal.22:10
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TurboVomitthe virtual keyboard is hard to use in portrait mode22:30
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ArkenoiTurboVomit, and has no national localizations22:31
TurboVomitArkenoi:  what do you mean ?22:31
TurboVomitmine is in azerty22:31
JaffaOne of you using FastSMSEvo ?22:32
ArkenoiTurboVomit, no cyrillic at least22:33
TurboVomitoh ok22:33
ArkenoiI guess it incorporates changes to main layout but provides no alternative one22:33
TurboVomitmine is exactly the same but with really small buttons22:33
merlin1991MohammadAG: 2part button?22:39
TurboVomitwhat is not open source in maemo ?22:41
MohammadAG<infobot> well, openness is
merlin1991MohammadAG: actually whatabout having the lock lock to the current position22:45
merlin1991so if in landscape lock to landscape22:45
merlin1991and if the phone is in portrait lock to portrait :)22:46
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merlin1991MohammadAG: I'm in love with the mediaplayer22:49
merlin1991pictures of the videos :)22:49
merlin1991also read the lines above too :)22:50
MohammadAGI did22:51
MohammadAGstill thinking how that'd work :P22:51
MohammadAGI mean, how would one lock to portrait in the desktop22:52
MohammadAGdoh wait22:52
MohammadAGJaffa thoughts?22:52
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TurboVomitgoodbye friends23:01
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merlin1991hm MohammadAG in your mediaplayer should the song selection based on artists work already?23:02
MohammadAGmerlin1991, it's totally broken23:03
MohammadAGalbum view works though23:03
merlin1991ah okay :)23:04
merlin1991I guess you're happy about merge requests?23:04
lcukmerlin1991, I think it depends on how close to the project it is23:04
lcuka merge request to add kilyie minogue videos to startup process might not got down as well as others for instance.23:05
lcukkylie *23:05
merlin1991wtf the playlist went mad23:05
lcukspeaking of such madness, did anyone ever make a startup animation controller app?23:05
MohammadAGthey did? :)23:05
merlin1991well first I tried artist view, didn't work, then I did all songs and started one wich didn't give me a playlist, now I selected an album with 3 titles23:06
merlin1991started playing first title and showed me title 1 of 3 but didn't want to show me playlist when I tapped the album art23:06
merlin1991then after about a min of playback it switched to title 2169/2258 and I have every single song in the playlist :D23:07
merlin1991actually every songe twice xD23:07
MohammadAGslow callback23:08
MohammadAGthe stock mediaplayer handles this quite well23:08
MohammadAG"No connection to server", then stops working23:08
merlin1991now I made the playlist in stock player and run it in yours :P23:09
merlin1991btw the repeat does not have repeat single, is that a mafw or a mediaplayer limitation?23:11
merlin1991(since it's not in the stock player either)23:11
MohammadAGI fixed album view so it creates a playlist23:13
MohammadAGit does that well now, but segfaults after some seconds23:13
MohammadAGmerlin1991, it can be tricked23:13
MohammadAGit's a mafw limitation23:13
MohammadAGand I actually have an idea on how to fix it23:13
merlin1991that's one feature I really miss in the stock player23:13
merlin1991sometimes when i listen to a playlist I just want to repeat that single title a few times before going on :D23:14
MohammadAGstore current index, if the index changed and repeat single is on, go back one index in the playlist23:14
MohammadAGactually, just start the previous song, no need to store current index23:15
MohammadAGsince on shuffle, mafw actually stores the playlist23:15
MohammadAG(which is why shuffle only shuffles the list once, it's the same if you play it twice)23:15
merlin1991also the listing of the titles in an album has no now playing button, intentional or just current situation?23:15
MohammadAGalso, I'm lagging a lot23:16
merlin1991eew aboutqt dialog is not portrait ready23:16
* merlin1991 needs a desktop file23:19
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MohammadAGmerlin1991, no, not intentional23:23
MohammadAGmerlin1991, about Qt isn't parented :(23:23
MohammadAGmerlin1991, did you notice the whole mediaplayer can be used with the keyboard?23:23
merlin1991nope had it closed23:24
merlin1991currently searching for the stock .desktop file to copy paste and edit for a new and awesome shortcut :D23:25
merlin1991holy shit23:25
merlin1991I just noticed you can "zoom" in xterm23:25
* merlin1991 learns something new every day23:25
DocScrutinizermerlin1991: errr how?23:26
MohammadAGmerlin1991, I just used
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, volume keys23:26
DocScrutinizeraaah, xterm23:27
MohammadAGyay segfault23:27
DocScrutinizersorry, I read xchat23:27
MohammadAGthis is getting annoying23:27
merlin1991hm what does the mimetype in a .desktop file do?23:27
MohammadAGhandle supported filetypes, I just copied the default .desktop file :P23:28
MohammadAGi.e those files can be opened with this app23:28
DocScrutinizeralso check version=1.023:28
DocScrutinizernot that it matters too much23:29

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