IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Monday, 2011-02-14

GadgetoidJust managed to screw up HAM, just by installing Faster Application Manager00:01
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JaffaGadgetoid: Auto-remove malarkey?00:26
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kennaeis there some kind of roadmap for the SSU?01:01
kennaewhat to except01:02
merlin1991kennae, you expect europeans to slep at this time, but then again we're developers :D01:08
kennaeI never sleep this time and im european :)01:10
* MohammadAG whistles around01:10
thpkennae: don't think there's a roadmap. mostly just people scratching an itch and harvesting for useful patches that we can integrate :01:10
MohammadAGno, no roadmap (yet?) :P01:11
kennaeany neat changes coming in the near future?01:11
MohammadAGI don't see a need for one tbh, but I've never planned a roadmap so...01:11
dotblankI wonder how much more open we can get maemo now01:11
M4rtinKbtw, how is the media player rewrite going ? :)01:15
MohammadAGgreat for a one person job, I'd appreciate help tbh :P01:16
M4rtinKI'm unfortunately already far too busy with my little navigation app :)01:18
dotblankis the code on Gitorious01:19
kennaeive tried maybe four map apps for n900 and all of them suck :P01:19
dotblankkennae, the smooth maps app is good01:19
kennaemaybe ill check it out01:20
kennaeno need for one atm really01:20
M4rtinKwell, I'm open to suggestions :)01:21
MohammadAGnicolai rewrote the display plugin :D02:03
merlin1991mappero is nicolais project, right?02:05
MohammadAGnot sure :P02:05
merlin1991hm nope02:07
merlin1991damn it, I thought it's his02:07
merlin1991MohammadAG, is the media player code somewhere?02:13
merlin1991ah found it02:14
MohammadAGgitori... k02:14
MohammadAGhold on02:14
MohammadAGlet me push02:14
merlin1991dotblank, in case you're still searching for it :D02:14
* merlin1991 wants better playlist support than the stock mediaplayer02:16
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MohammadAGthat's what's missing atm02:19
MohammadAGMafw Playlist02:20
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MohammadAGandre__, should we have a component for control panel applets?03:09
andre__MohammadAG, I don't know if we *should*, but if you want one I can create it. plus maybe a general component?03:37
MohammadAGandre__, well, the control panel has a lot of applets, creating a bugzilla component for each would be tiresome03:38
MohammadAGandre__, could you add a component for Hildon Control Panel applets?03:39
MohammadAG"hildon-control-panel applets"03:39
* andre__ is not really sober but can try his best <evilgrin>03:39
andre__MohammadAG, adde03:40
MohammadAGandre__, thanks :D03:43
MohammadAGX-Fade, can you give the repo a kick?04:06
MohammadAGit didn't import osso-applet-display and osso-applet-notificationlight04:06
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ZogGMohammadAG ping15:58
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thpman, another idea for a h-d patch..18:03
thpMohammadAG: what do you think about that^? acceptable for cssu? maybe even as default? ;)18:06
Jaffathp: I was thinking of looking at doing something similar.18:10
Jaffathp: I'd support that as the default.18:10
kennaeshould be even faster imo18:10
kennaebut looks good and i support it too18:10
JaffaDoesn't materially affect the usage of the device, still looks shiny, is consistent with MeeGo and improves user experience.18:10
Jaffathp: code exists? Quick raise a bug and link ;-)18:11
thpyep code exists, but it's like commenting out stuff..18:11
thpshould I just remove the commented out code in the patch?18:12
thpi mean, we have the old code in the git repository if anybody wants to go back18:12
JaffaYeah, keeping stuff commented out is heinous in version control systems18:12
lcukthp, thats a bad flicker on rotation!18:13
lcukI remember so many people shouting at me for glitches like that18:14
lcukthp, there are probably many hidden gems inside commented out code.18:14
thpone issue is vsync. the other that it seems to reconfigure the window *after* the first part of the rotation (afaict)18:14
Jaffalcuk: There's already a bad flicker on rotation, of course ;-)18:19
Jaffathp: Does it still use the composed-snapshot and mutate approach?18:20
Jaffathp: If anyone can make it ace, you can. I'll have a stack of beer (or N8s ;-)) for you...18:21
w00t_Jaffa: I'd prefer the beer18:22
Jaffaw00t_: But Symbian will have "continual improvement".18:22
JaffaOf course, so will Maemo. Muwahahaha.18:22
thpJaffa: it's pretty trivial if you look at it ;)18:23
thpwhat's the "mutate" approach?18:23
Jaffathp: i.e. it mutates an image of the window with transforms rather than rendering the window. Then the window repaints under the covers18:24
Jaffathp: making it be in the right state by the time the animation's finished.18:25
Jaffathp: Worrying amount of code being cut out...18:25
thpyes, i think that's how it works (tested this by setting the duration to 2000 msec and charging the device and watching the charging indicator animation)18:25
thpJaffa: the code being cut out is the black rectangles that are used for fade-to-black stuff (I think.. ;p)18:26
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thpnext up will be
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thpstill have to think of closed source non portrait capable apps, though20:30
lcukthp, have to think about the OSS apps too20:32
lcukif a large fraction of them act like mediaplayer then its going to frustrate rather than improve20:32
thpyep, it will probably be optional anyway20:33
lcukw00t_ did something similar with a short shell script20:34
lcukafaik that rotated everything20:34
lcukdid you find the portrait launcher btw?20:34
thpnope, didn't look that deep yet20:35
thpatm it's just brute-force overriding the forecast and portrait flags20:35
lcuktheres lots of variation possible with the HD engine :) happy to see more digging being done20:36
thpso the launcher portrait code already exists?20:36
lcukit started to go through testing20:37
thpis it easy to enable it?20:37
lcukI have it on my machine20:37
lcukits on a gitorious repo20:37
lcukhold on, lemme see where20:37
thpthe cssu one or a different one?20:37
lcukdifferent, this was before cssu20:38
lcukI pointed MohammadAG towards it right at the start when he was looking at HD20:38
lcukbut there was no real infrastructure or knowledge to support merges etc20:39
lcukmaybe its more practical now :)20:39
thpwas that considered for an official ssu or something?20:40
lcukthp it was started by one of the collabora guys to see how feasible it was.20:41
w00t_I think I saw someone working on a portrait launcher20:42
w00t_I'll look later20:42
w00t_little busy atm20:42
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trbsWould the cssu project look at updating the base system on the longer term ? (possibly trying to rebase on squeeze for example?)23:55
MohammadAGif it doesn't break anything23:56
trbsok cool, i'm assuming this will be far from trivial specially when trying to not break stuff (possibly almost impossible due to problems with closed sources bits?)23:58
trbsbut i wanted to ask how far something like the CSSU could go for maemo/n90023:58
trbsbtw our project is on my mind to contribute, if/when/etc i'll have spare time i would love to contribute23:59
trbsi love my n900 and it would be nice to make it (even) better :)23:59

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