IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Thursday, 2011-02-10

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DocScrutinizer(makes me high) I'd prefer less hard drugs, like sniffing gasoline or smoking crack04:45
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Sc0rpiusthis Modest in tree view mode is beautiful06:40
Sc0rpiusand the first window (account selection)06:40
Sc0rpiusis not needed anymore and it's not shown06:40
Sc0rpiusall accounts in one screen06:40
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Dhraakelliantree view mode?07:07
Sc0rpiussomething like this:
Sc0rpiusyou have all your accounts in one window, no need to select each accounts07:19
Sc0rpiusthe accounts are expandable/collapsable, like their subfolders07:19
Sc0rpiusthe first screen (where you select the account) is skipped in this mode since it's redundant07:20
Dhraakelliando we get the same thing once inside the individual folders?07:25
Sc0rpiusyou so07:26
DhraakellianI'd love to have actual message threading07:26
Sc0rpiusno, same thing07:26
Dhraakellianso I could stop salivating over KMail Touch07:26
Dhraakellianwhich looks really, really interesting07:26
Dhraakellianbut is reeaally slow and still a tad buggy07:26
Sc0rpiusyou mean threaded view like Gmail does?07:29
Sc0rpiusI would never do that, at least not the way Gmail does. I have threads of 500 messages.07:29
Sc0rpiusone click and bye bye phone, dataplan, battery, etc.07:30
Dhraakellianno. ew07:31
DhraakellianI don't like GMail's threading (at least, not from when I last used it—I don't know if it's improved)07:31
DhraakellianGMail's threading means that I have to read an entire thread at once or have inaccurate read/unread stats07:32
Dhraakelliannah, I want nested threading in the message list07:32
Dhraakellianand the next/previous buttons in the actual message view to act accordingly07:32
Sc0rpiusnow something like this, can be done:07:32
Dhraakellianyeah, KMail on the desktop does it07:33
Sc0rpiustree view of messages07:33
Dhraakellianas can Thunderbird and a whole host of other clients07:33
DhraakellianI think KMail Touch does flat threading in the message view07:33
Sc0rpiusbut in such a tiny screen I wonder how it would look07:33
Dhraakellianand the next/previous button(s?) don't respect threading (yet?)07:33
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Dhraakellianheck, I'd settle for flat threading in the message list07:34
Dhraakellianbut I want to be able to read by threads07:34
Sc0rpiusyou mean just grouping the messages with same subject?07:34
Sc0rpius(or same similar subject discarding Re: Fwd: etc)07:34
Dhraakellianwell, a little more complicated than that, since in-reply-to field in the headers has something to do with it to, iirc07:35
Dhraakellian(although I don't remember what the actual field is called)07:35
Dhraakellian(nor exactly how it works)07:35
Sc0rpiuswell I could think about it07:36
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mardyDocScrutinizer: about my comments, yesterday08:56
mardyDocScrutinizer: I wouldn't call it FUD, and I didn't say that Matan's injected some malware08:57
mardyDocScrutinizer: I'm saying that my gut feeling is that no one except Matan knows the details of that code08:57
mardyDocScrutinizer: which is very bad, because no one can develop on top of that08:57
mardyDocScrutinizer: so, my suggestion is: let's take the code out, I'll reimplement those features which I understand, and leave the re-submission of the other patches to Matan08:58
mardy(or anyone who cares about them)08:59
mardyDocScrutinizer: about keyboard navigation, I personally don't see the benefit, because I only take the keyboard out when writing some text, but that's my personal preference, so I don't object to keyboard navigation a priori09:00
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JaffaSc0pius: A tree view for conversations would probably take too much space; however a "conversation view" which at least grouped the messages like a vertical concertina should be doable, cos the headers would already be there (at least within a single folder).09:37
Jaffa(I know he's not here, I'm remembering this for later ;-))09:37
JaffaSc0pius: How does one only send & receive a single account now?09:37
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BCMMmy keyboard LEDs don't light; could it be an SSU thing?12:59
BCMMalso, what's the sysfs interface so i can see what happens if i turn it on manually?12:59
BCMMactually, all the leds stopper working. i've had this before...13:02
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JaffaBCMM: Maybe ?13:04
povbotBug 11905: Charging led not working13:04
Jaffa(Yeah, I know he's gone)13:04
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ZogGBCMM, hey13:15
BCMMgood day13:16
JaffaBCMM: Maybe ?13:16
povbotBug 11905: Charging led not working13:16
BCMMi remembered this problem; had it with the pr1.3 update too13:16
ZogGi dunno why but i still didn't got any single bug with CSSU13:16
BCMMbetween installing an ssu and doing a proper battery-out reset13:17
ZogGthere was one when it didn't charged phone but i don't think it's CSSU releated at all =)13:17
ZogGJaffa, btw as i installed CSSU i don't need community enabler right?13:17
BCMMby the way is there anything special about taking the battery+sim out, or does that just work because it ensures you don't put the battery back too fast?13:17
BCMMincidentally, /sys/class/led was empty aprt from the vibrator13:20
BCMMif somebody else thinks it's a CSSU bug, maybe it's something that's triggered by the reboot after ssu installation? i got it after pr1.3 installation13:20
BCMMmaybe i should comment on the bug13:21
ZogGBCMM, it doesn't matter if it's fixable, as if it is it should be fixed in CSSU so it would be nice to have it there13:26
ZogGi mean bug report, not bug itself13:27
ZogGand i wonder why all time settings are lost if i take battery out and change sim, i understand if they don't have battery to track time but my timezone and so on is lost as well what is kinda silly13:28
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DocScrutinizerZogG: indeed15:22
DocScrutinizerand no, I don't really tolerate this. They used a crappy backup battery cell, that is completely broken an virtually all devices after just 6 months15:23
DocScrutinizerit *should* power the RTC for at least weeks, or even months, without main bat15:24
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BCMM_what sort of cell? does it recharge, or just slowly flatten?16:15
BCMM_actually, that's probably a stupid question given the long life of decent lithium button cells and the extremely low draw of decent clocks16:16
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DocScrutinizerBCMM_: ot's a freaky LiIon, with like 2.5V max voltage17:00
DocScrutinizerIt *should* recharge17:01
DocScrutinizeralas it breaks instead, leaks, sucks...17:01
DocScrutinizersome users replaced it by a goldcap17:02
DocScrutinizerBCMM_: battery like  if you manage to get to datasheet of Seiko, they got compatible capacitors in same datasheet17:07
DocScrutinizer  <<this one17:11
BCMM_"compatible" in what respect?17:13
DocScrutinizerdrop-in replacement17:14
DocScrutinizer1/10 of buffer time, but 10000 times durability17:14
DocScrutinizerso maybe you only get days instead of one time some weeks buffering :-P17:15
DocScrutinizerbut you get those few days reliably for monts, and years, of removing mainbat on a frequent basis. While LiIon bupbat evidently 98% are dead after 6 month from manufacturing date17:16
BCMM_so they can leak and damage the n900?17:19
DocScrutinizerthey *do* leak. Damage potential unknown17:27
DocScrutinizerit seems LiIon hasn't exactly acid as an electrolyte17:28
BCMM_DocScrutinizer: i don't know a great deal about different battery chemistries, but i do know that the only requirement is that must have something fairly reactive inside :)17:29
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DocScrutinizerI think I recall organic acids in LiIon17:44
RST38hNo acids in LiIon17:45
RST38h"Liquid electrolytes in lithium-ion batteries consist of lithium salts, such as LiPF6, LiBF4 or LiClO4 in an organic solvent, such as ethylene carbonate, dimethyl carbonate, and diethyl carbonate."17:46
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BCMM_liquid electrolytes are still electrolytes, and therefore can short things out18:07
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Scorpiusstupid "script"18:10
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Sc0rpiusMax Users Record in #maemo-ssu: 51 on Wed Feb 09 16:19:07 201118:12
JaffaSc0rpius: Said some stuff to you earlier whilst you were offline. I can either paste you a log link or say it again ;-))18:13
Sc0rpiusboth options are ok18:15
JaffaSc0pius: A tree view for conversations would probably take too much space; however a "conversation view" which at least grouped the messages like a vertical concertina should be doable, cos the headers would already be there (at least within a single folder).18:16
JaffaSc0pius: How does one only send & receive a single account now?18:16
JaffaThat was it, I think18:16
Sc0rpiuswell to send & receive a single account you would go to the inbox or any other folder of that account and select send & receive from there18:21
Sc0rpiusand that would sync the whole account18:21
Sc0rpiusand about the conversation tree/view haven't thought too much about it18:22
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ZogGDocScrutinizer so it means i do have backup battery but it's just dead?19:55
ZogGhow can i check it?19:55
DocScrutinizerremove main battery for 60s. If after that your device asks to set time etc, then backup cell is dead19:56
DocScrutinizeractually dead as a stone19:58
DocScrutinizera backup cell in good condition should keep RTC running for at least several days, if not even months19:58
ZogGso it is dead20:00
DocScrutinizerexpected result20:00
ZogGand no guarantee on it?20:00
DocScrutinizeryu could try, but what'S the use? you get new crap that is dead in summer20:01
DocScrutinizerthere's something fundamentally broken with these backup LiIon cells20:02
ZogGыщ ш пщ фпфшт фтв фыл ащк туц зрщту сщя ше луузы сщььштп20:02
DocScrutinizeryou can of course return your N900 for refund20:02
ZogGi'll demand n9 instead20:02
DocScrutinizerthat won't work20:02
ZogGor full cost when i bought it20:03
DocScrutinizerthat won't work either20:03
ZogGthose high tech specs with such stupid small detailes =)20:03
DocScrutinizerin Europe at least20:03
ZogGlike this battery, software managment of main battary, no chrger not usb, front cam with no use, bluetooth and wifi no go =)20:03
ZogGas law says they need to give me back full price i bought it or more if the prices up20:04
ZogGit's like you have gucci pants but underwear with holes =)20:05
ZogGshame on nokia20:05
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DocScrutinizerwell, seems you're in a lucky area of this planet then. Here in EU you get charged for usage per week when you return20:05
DocScrutinizerZogG: shame on Seiko. How could Nokia know those cells are all crap at time of manufacture that breaks just 6..12months later?20:06
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DocScrutinizerAt OM we used same cells, and had same issue :-P20:07
DocScrutinizerso maybe Nokia *could* have known20:07
ZogGwhy didn't you tell nokia?20:07
DocScrutinizerthey didn't ask :-P20:07
DocScrutinizerand I started a micro poll on Neo Freerunner owners some months ago, which resulted in like 70% of devices had a broken cell, and these were all older 6 months, while of the remaining 30% good ones most were quite new20:10
DocScrutinizeranyway Nokia never advertised or even specified the existence and performance of any backup cell in N900, so it's quite hard to make them accept any liability to do anything about it20:11
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togglesDocScrutinizer: ha! thanks!! i always thought it was a sim issue, never thought to question the battery..20:16
DocScrutinizerprobably a typical mainenance error: you MUST NOT keep LiIon cells floating at max charge voltage. Nevertheless that's *exactly* what all the bupbat circuits do for charging those cells20:21
RST38hYIou are STILL discussing LiIons? Hm20:22
DocScrutinizeraynway, bottom line: get a goldcap and swap it for the friggin LiIon Mg/Fe cell. Like found here: -> forget about the issue20:22
DocScrutinizer>>  Long cycle life: More than 10,000 times charge/discharge cycle <<20:24
DocScrutinizerwhile LiIon has cycle life of 100..200!!20:25
DocScrutinizereven when treated nicely20:25
DocScrutinizerthe main bat has 500..1000 minimum, DARN20:27
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