IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Sunday, 2011-01-30

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Sc0rpiusthis is like a "PR1.4" made by the community?00:18
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ml-mobilesomething like that00:19
JaffaSc0rpius: Not quite as big as PR1.4 yet. More the start of something which - if people help out - could be as big as a PR1.4 or PR1.500:19
psycho_oreosnot there yet but its aim is to be something like that00:19
Sc0rpiusthat's über nice00:19
JaffaSc0rpius: MohammadAG likes PR1.3.3.7 ;-)00:20
Sc0rpiusyeah but I mean, it's kinda the idea00:20
JaffaAnd I'm *really* going to bed.00:20
Sc0rpiusfor example, this release fixes the hildon-desktop bug that tops CPU?00:20
psycho_oreoslol Jaffa nite :D00:20
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Sc0rpiusI "fixed" it myself recompiling it since it was already fixed in git00:20
Sc0rpiusbut they didn't push that in PR1.3 (weird)00:20
JaffaSc0rpius: correct.00:20
psycho_oreosSc0rpius, I believe so yes, I think that was fixed originally by matan00:20
Sc0rpiussee? that's enough for me to install it00:20
Sc0rpiusit was already fixed when I pulled the source code from the repository00:21
Sc0rpiusI should install this00:21
* Jaffa likes that; and the Modest quoting patches00:21
JaffaProper quoting, attribution & signature positioning! Woohoo.00:21
Sc0rpiusModest needs so many modifications00:21
JaffaSc0rpius: Source is all there; and now we have an easy means to deliver it00:22
Sc0rpiuseverybody hates it but I think it can be a powerful mobile email client00:22
psycho_oreosat the same time it needs more developers :)00:22
Sc0rpiuspage not found heh00:22
JaffaSc0rpius: Agreed. It's poor, but it's better than nothing. And better than starting from scratch00:22
Jaffapsycho_oreos: Thanks00:22
* Jaffa shouldn't type URLs from memory when it's bed time ;-)00:22
psycho_oreosJaffa is way past his sleeping time :p00:22
psycho_oreosJaffa, nw00:22
Jaffapsycho_oreos: It took me far too long earlier today to do 1998 - 54.00:23
Sc0rpiusit actually "works" for me. It reads my email when I'm connected. It doesn't support IDLE imap command, but it's ok00:23
Sc0rpiusactually maybe with IDLE support the battery would run out faster00:23
Jaffapsycho_oreos: And I miscounted 7 mugs as 8 and had to go back and make a new cup of tea for myself.00:23
Sc0rpiusso it's ok if it's polling every 10 minutes or so00:23
JaffaSc0rpius: Indeed.00:23
psycho_oreosmy lack of sleep will soon bite me, I stayed up overnight after drinking a big long black coffee at 2130hrs00:23
psycho_oreosJaffa, lol better than coffee I bet :) coffee is just pure evil00:23
JaffaSc0rpius: Some better support for conversation/grouping and Google's intepretation of IMAP (i.e. "Delete" == archive, "Move to [Gmail]/Trash" == delete)00:24
Sc0rpiusright now what bothers me the most is that it only polls the inbox and not other folders, and that subfolders can't be hidden00:24
Sc0rpiusthat's another thing00:24
JaffaHmm, one thing which should be easy: if you only have one account, don't show the account selection scren00:24
Sc0rpiusthe "special folders" should be customizable00:24
Sc0rpius"Sent Items", "Sent", in every account I have has a different name00:25
* Jaffa grins.00:25
Sc0rpiusso I'm gonna install this00:26
* Sc0rpius fetches his N90000:26
psycho_oreosiirc that hildon cpu eating bug was because of widgets and probably autodisconnect right?00:27
Sc0rpiuslet's do a backup first, backupmenu = unbeatable00:27
Jaffapsycho_oreos: There was a bug in hildon-desktop where if you used sub-menus in the applications menu, it ate CPU randomly00:27
psycho_oreosI remember what'sthatthingymajighandle had it mentioned on his page00:27
Sc0rpiusit had something to do with submenus00:27
Sc0rpiusdoes any one of you suffer from keyboard peeling?00:28
psycho_oreosJaffa, ahh I wasn't sure about that one. Mine was to do with the extortion amounts of widgets running on my hildon-desktop00:28
Sc0rpiusmy space bar is almost white now :(00:28
psycho_oreosI do, my backspace is the worst, next to that are the home keys00:28
psycho_oreoseither way I think matan fixed that up and made mhd package. That was later integrated into the now hildon-desktop on cssu00:29
Sc0rpiusI tried to "paint" it with those markers you use to write onr CDs00:29
Sc0rpiusbut didn't work00:29
psycho_oreosI think they are enamel based paint, maybe several layers too at that.. I was thinking of manually replacing the entire keyboard if I can't replace a single key00:30
Sc0rpiusright now in the meantime I put some tiny black insulating tape to avoid further peeling and (most importantly) to avoid the brightness that comes from the backlight through the hole00:32
psycho_oreosI haven't put anything on top of mine yet, if it gets really annoying I may as well replace the keys/keyboard00:33
Sc0rpiusyeah, if you can find a replacement...00:33
psycho_oreosbut yes I can see the little backlights, they are somewhat annoying when you wanted more dim keys00:33
psycho_oreosI was thinking of fleabay, then I thought of some nokia parts outlets online.. if all those fails I'll head for nokia care00:34
Sc0rpiusI have a BIG HOLE in the space key so the backlight is annoying00:34
Sc0rpiusit's almost the size of the whole key!00:34
psycho_oreosyeah I can imagine that would be very annoying, mine is roughly 1/4 for backspace00:35
Sc0rpiusit showed me errors00:56
Sc0rpiusbut errors that should have not matter with the installation00:57
Sc0rpiusI mean the enabler gave me an error because one of my repositories doesn't exist anymore...00:57
psycho_oreosweird, which repository was that?01:00
Sc0rpiusI had the mozilla repository because I once installed a beta of Firefox (fennec)01:00
Sc0rpiusbut it shouldn't matter that the repository doesn't exist anymore, anyway it aborted the installation01:01
Sc0rpiusI deleted the repository (it didn't work anymore anyway) and I'm gonna try agian01:01
psycho_oreosyeah that repository isn't important, weird how it can influence the outcome unless if the browser is still there but then again01:01
Sc0rpiusnow I get a database is locked by another process, and I don't have any pkg manager loaded01:03
psycho_oreosfennec is still being maintained btw :) I don't know if its actively maintained or is it just some automake bot which does its usual cron task but building it according to the dates01:03
psycho_oreoswhat about the CPU process?01:03
psycho_oreoslike how much load?01:03
Sc0rpius98% idle load 1.10 average01:03
psycho_oreosweird, its mostly idling01:04
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Sc0rpiusyeah, this time looks that it's working01:04
Sc0rpiusmaybe the app. manager was still running, but in the background or something01:04
psycho_oreosI also noticed something a little erratic when installing that package as well, I still have fennec installed but it always gives me nightly builds which coincidentally appeared on my update list along with the community pr, when I specifically wanted to update community pr ham also went and updated fennec. I suppose its something like dist-upgrade process01:05
psycho_oreosthat's what I'm thinking but with 90% idle its a little weird01:05
psycho_oreosmaybe even apt-worker, have you got conky/load-applet handy?01:06
Sc0rpiusit's installing now, 2.24 MB01:08
psycho_oreosthere we go :)01:08
psycho_oreosI guess patience is still needed :D01:08
ecksunhow come ctrl + backspace doesnt switch applications anymore?01:09
Sc0rpiusnow it's restarting01:11
psycho_oreosecksun, weird it should, if not there's an xml that you can tweak it with01:11
ecksunwhere? :)01:11
ecksunthats the single most important feature on the phone :/01:12
psycho_oreoshang on lemme find it01:12
Sc0rpiusok dne01:13
psycho_oreosecksun, /usr/share/gconf/schemas/hildon-desktop-keys.schemas <-- if needed be I can pastebin the contents of that file01:13
Sc0rpiusand yeah ctrl - backspace doesn't work anymore01:13
ecksunSc0rpius, why?01:13
Sc0rpiusgood question, I'd have to look at the source01:13
ecksunis it because of the ssu?01:13
Sc0rpiushold on01:14
ecksunit seems to be in that file psycho_oreos01:15
Sc0rpiusok in the schema for ctrl_backspace: <default>0</default>01:15
Sc0rpiusshouldn't that be "true" ?01:15
Sc0rpiusor 101:15
ecksunit says true for me01:15
Sc0rpiuscan't be, it's type "int"01:15
Sc0rpiusoh I'm looking the one at the navigator01:16
Sc0rpius<short>Enable ctrl+backspace shortcut</short> <-- that one is "true"01:16
ecksunyes, mine to01:16
psycho_oreoshang on I'll paste it if it helps. It works in my case and I'm sure I don't have mhd installed01:16
psycho_oreosmodified hildon desktop, the package by matan which enables `alt tabbing' iinm01:17
ecksunokay, is that included in the ssu?01:18
Sc0rpiusthe ssu has the original hildon-desktop with the last patches01:18
Sc0rpiusbut it should work01:18
ecksunyes, i guess should is the operating word01:18
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psycho_oreosfunnily enough hildon-desktop package that was provided by cssu does have that file mentioned, so I'm presuming it was installed along with the package itself01:19
Sc0rpiusso it overwrote it?01:19
psycho_oreosmost likely yes01:20
Sc0rpiuslemme extract the previous one I have from the backup let's see if I can see a difference01:20
ecksundiff :)01:21
psycho_oreosdiff -y :D01:22
ecksunoh, nice, i usually use vimdiff for that01:22
ecksunkilling hildon-desktop should have it reload the file?01:22
psycho_oreosI presume so yes01:23
ecksunor is it dbus that needs to be restarted01:23
Sc0rpiusI don't have /usr/share/gconf/schemas/hildon-desktop-keys.schemas in PR1.301:24
Sc0rpiusjust ./usr/share/gconf/schemas/hildon-desktop-views.schemas01:24
psycho_oreosthey are the exact same thing lol01:25
psycho_oreosah wait01:25
Sc0rpiusnot the same01:25
Sc0rpiusI don't have the "keys" one01:25
psycho_oreosnot quite, yeah one is keys the other is vies01:25
psycho_oreosI just picked that up lol my bad.. hmm you could I suppose manually add that in, restart hildon-desktop and see if it works01:25
Sc0rpiuswhat should we add?01:26
psycho_oreosjust add the file missing from your setup with the pastebin of mine, make sure of course to trim off the unnecessary header and footer junk first :)01:27
Sc0rpiuswhere's your pastebin?01:27
Sc0rpiusI think I missed that01:27
ecksunyeah, me to01:27
psycho_oreosoops my bad01:28
psycho_oreosmy time for another cup of coffee is definitely knocking on my doorsteps :)01:29
Sc0rpiushmm it's the exact same file01:30
psycho_oreoswait the keys is the same as views on yours?01:30
psycho_oreosthat's really messed up :x01:30
Sc0rpiusno no01:30
Sc0rpiusthe keys I have (from ssu) is the same you have01:31
Sc0rpiusbut my ctrl-backspace doesn't work01:31
psycho_oreosahh bugger01:31
Sc0rpiusand this:01:31
Sc0rpiuslooks like a typo (backAspace)01:31
Sc0rpiusbut maybe not01:31
ecksunnice catch, will try editing01:31
psycho_oreosdiff says the same from both? hmm01:32
psycho_oreosI'll paste the other file then, I don't think the other is that particularly useful but I'll pastebin it anyway01:32
Sc0rpiusthe problem is "keys"01:32
Sc0rpiusI don't have diff on my N900 hehehe01:33
ecksunhow do you mean "keys"?01:33
Sc0rpiusthe hildon-desktop-keys.schema file01:33
psycho_oreosdiff can be obtained from qa-tools iirc or maybe actually from coreutils-gnu01:34
ecksunpsycho_oreos, but ctrl + backspace works for you?01:34
psycho_oreosyeah its /usr/bin/gnu/ so that's coreutils-gnu01:34
psycho_oreosecksun, yup01:34
ecksunwhat have you done that we havent01:34
psycho_oreosI just did dpkg -l| grep modified and I got: rc  modified-hildon-desktop                             3.2                              Modified Hildon desktop for Fremantle01:35
ecksunhmm, interesting01:35
psycho_oreosthat seems to be the most relevant one.. I did remove that prior to install (note the flags, its meant to be ii as installed but it has rc instead)01:35
Sc0rpiuswell I can replace hildon-desktop with the one I always use01:35
ecksunwhat does rc mean then?01:36
psycho_oreosnfi lol01:36
* psycho_oreos googles01:36
psycho_oreosA status of 'rc' signifies that the package has been removed, but that the configuration files remain (afaik -- however I haven't been able to find any doc to double-check). You can use 'purge' as an option to either dpkg or apt to remove these files also, if you wish.01:36
Sc0rpiusyeah I replaced hildon-desktop with the one I compiled and everything works again01:37
Sc0rpiusecksun, you could install that hildon-desktop everyone has (mhd)01:37
Sc0rpiusand we should file a bug01:37
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psycho_oreosseems like it wasn't exactly the thing MohammadAG said humpf :|01:37
Sc0rpiussince ecksun found the bug, he should file it!01:37
ecksunSc0rpius, did you just confirm its a bug in hildon-desktop from the cssu?01:38
Sc0rpiusyes it's confirmed01:38
ecksunhavent filed a proper bug report before :01:38
Sc0rpiussince hildon-desktop.launch from PR1.3 also works01:38
psycho_oreosinteresting, a dpkg -L modified-hildon-desktop yields rescue stuff01:40
ecksunwow, i have search for that flag for quite som tag01:41
ecksunhmm, how is it generally regarded if i mention that you confirmed it in the bug report sco?01:42
ecksunis it bad ettiquett?01:43
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Sc0rpiusyou don't need that, they always try to reproduce the error01:43
Sc0rpiusand it's fairly easy to hit it01:43
BCMMpsycho_oreos: OK :)01:44
psycho_oreosok so one needs to reinstall mhd after or just remove it and it'll work? I haven't installed mhd and it works01:44
psycho_oreosBCMM, thanks, saves me the `mouse-o-rama' effect ;)01:45
Sc0rpiuswhat's the filesyze of your /usr/bin/hildon-desktop.launch ?01:45
BCMMpsycho_oreos: i have "ii  modified-hildon-desktop", as you say01:45
Sc0rpiusif it's 463,372 then ctrl-backspace doesn't work!01:45
psycho_oreos-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 463372 2010-12-31 08:56 /usr/bin/hildon-desktop.launch01:45
psycho_oreosBCMM, yeah ii indicates installed afaik01:46
Sc0rpiusand your /usr/bin/hildon-desktop points to maemo-launcher?01:46
psycho_oreosbut mine it has rc01:46
Sc0rpiusor points to mhd?01:46
BCMMpsycho_oreos: so "dpkg -r modified-hildon-desktop" worked for you, and doesn't leave you bootlooping with no hildon-desktop installed?01:46
Sc0rpiusmaemo-invoker actually01:46
Sc0rpiuslrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 22 Jan 29 18:39 /usr/bin/hildon-desktop -> /usr/bin/maemo-invoker01:46
psycho_oreosSc0rpius, going to check that soon01:46
psycho_oreosBCMM, no no bootloops01:46
BCMMis the advice on removing MHD here correct?
psycho_oreoslrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 22 2011-01-26 00:46 /usr/bin/hildon-desktop -> /usr/bin/maemo-invoker01:47
Sc0rpiusand your ctrl backspace works?01:47
Sc0rpiusthat's weird01:47
ecksunin which repo is MHD?01:47
psycho_oreosmatan's own repo01:47
ecksunbecause that was the way you recomended i fix the issue for now, right? :)01:47 and iirc01:48
psycho_oreosthere's a wiki entry for that01:48
psycho_oreosSc0rpius, yes lol01:48
BCMMecksun: matan has is own01:48
ecksunfound it, thx01:48
BCMMwow, i'm much too slow, sorry01:48
psycho_oreosI'm not sure exactly what else have I changed, if needed be I can just dump my dpkg -l but I have way too many stuff installed01:49
psycho_oreosBCMM, I wouldn't recommend that last post on purging, purging will remove the conf files, not a good idea I think01:49
BCMMpsycho_oreos: why not? surely the new package comes with it's own config files?01:50
psycho_oreosseems like alterego corrected what I said: <alterego> purge will only remove config files that are installed with the package. | <alterego> If the appâ creates config files at run time then they're not guaranteed to be removed.01:51
psycho_oreosBCMM, well it seems like users here are facing issues with no Ctrl+Backspace tabbing capability01:51
BCMMwell, of course - how would dpkg know what an app creates?01:51
psycho_oreosI have mine as rc which meant that I only removed it rather than purging it as well01:51
BCMMis it configured with the same gconf stuff?01:52
psycho_oreossome apps may have it predefined.. usually with placeholders but yes if they create their own new variants, it won't get covered01:52
psycho_oreosI presume so but I can't say for certain now that there's two users, one used mhd and the other a custom hildon-desktop are facing same issues with no Ctrl+Backspace01:53
psycho_oreosI'm presuming if one loses Ctrl+Backspace functionality one can still install mhd ontop which may need to be installed via --force01:54
psycho_oreosand he's up to like 3.3 on mhd01:54
psycho_oreosSc0rpius && ecksun any news/updates on the issue?01:55
ecksunim trying to install mhd atm01:56
psycho_oreosyou may need to --force it if dpkg refuses to overwrite01:56
ecksununable to install :(((01:56
psycho_oreosit may cause problems when updating to newer CSSU stuff but you can then later remove that package01:56
ecksunyes, i see this as a temporary fix01:57
psycho_oreostry dpkg -i --force all <file>.deb01:57
psycho_oreosits a nasty hack that I used01:57
psycho_oreosI'm pretty sure it just overwrites the schemas01:58
ecksunis there no similar parameter with apt-get ?01:58
ecksun-f didnt work01:58
psycho_oreosthat's where it was overlapping with hildon-desktop01:58
psycho_oreoshumm not sure, I could look for one01:58
ecksunnvm, i will just wget the deb01:58
psycho_oreos--force-yes  Force yes; This is a dangerous option that will cause apt to continue without prompting if it is doing something potentially harmful. It should not be used except in very special situations. Using force-yes can potentially destroy your system! Configuration Item: APT::Get::force-yes.01:59
ecksuni dont think it will override, but will try01:59
ecksunnope, didnt work02:00
ecksunwtf, errors while processing wget02:00
psycho_oreoshumm bugger, wonder if you could parse arbitrary command through -o.. I'm not sure what arbitrary commands are available for apt-get to force it.. or it should be able in the very least parse that command to dpkg.. iinm apt-get is just dpkg frontend02:01
psycho_oreoswhat sort of errors?02:02
ecksuni used dpkg -i --force all02:02
ecksunas you described02:02
ecksunwel, none, kinda02:02
ecksun1 sec02:02
psycho_oreossomething is broken, you forced the install of mhd right?02:02
* psycho_oreos hopes you didn't force some other thing02:02
ecksunyes i did02:02
ecksunwell, i want wget :P02:03
ecksunexit status 2 doesnt say much, does it02:04
psycho_oreosI think I might know why, those were the deps but because you didn't install the deps it just installed the relevant stuff for it which made dpkg think that you have installed relevant deps but you haven't.. humm remove mhd and install deps first02:04
psycho_oreosapt-get install wget rescue-boot02:05
psycho_oreosthen dpkg -i --force all /var/cache/apt/archives/modified-hildon-desktop_3.3_armel.deb02:05
ecksunseems to work better02:06
ecksunwee, worked right away02:06
ecksunmany thanks psycho_oreos02:06
psycho_oreosthose deps were installed and ultimately dpkg complained less about it when forced to install mhd?02:06
psycho_oreosahhh! a sign of relief! nw.. time for someone to bug confirm and issue a fix :D02:07
ecksunindeed :)02:07
ecksunbtw, which ones are the main developers for the cssu ?02:07
ecksunare you one of them ? :D02:07
psycho_oreosMohammadAG is one02:07
psycho_oreosI'm just a lab rat/script monkey ;)02:08
ecksunyes, i have understood that :) (that mohammad is one, not that you arent=02:08
ecksunlab rat/script monkey02:08
ecksuni would have liked to have that on my CV02:08
ecksunwould look nice02:08
psycho_oreosmight even tell the potential employers you had specialties with zoo animals :)02:09
ecksunnow there is just one problem02:09
ecksunwhat was I doing before i ran into the ctrl + backspace problem?02:09
psycho_oreoszapping little rats and hoping they won't die so you can keep zapping them/ teaching monkeys how to script so they can one day retaliate against homo-sapiens :D02:09
psycho_oreosnot sure *scrolls up*02:10
ecksunnothing, apparently :)02:10
psycho_oreossheehs :p02:10
psycho_oreossheesh even02:10
ecksunbtw psycho_oreos , big thanks to you, have managed to help me solove all my problems today :)02:11
psycho_oreosecksun, no worries, hopefully you now have learned something new and can tell other users how to fix it in the future :)02:11
ecksunyes indeed02:11
psycho_oreosSc0rpius && BCMM: updates?02:11
BCMMSc0rpius: when HAM can be bothered02:12
psycho_oreosI swear I never knew it would turn out like this, I now have this train of thought is my wrong doing that caused you guys to have this :|02:12
BCMMdamn, why do i keep doing that with highlights?02:13
psycho_oreosBCMM, you are still installing CSSU I suppose?02:13
BCMMpsycho_oreos: HAM keeps saying "operation failed"02:13
BCMMso i'm retrying because i know it just does that sometimes02:13
psycho_oreosprobably a good idea is to type the first few letters of the actual nick that you want to talk to and press tab :)02:13
BCMMpsycho_oreos: yeah02:13
psycho_oreosBCMM, weird how it would say that hmm02:13
BCMMit keeps just ending up at the HAM main screen02:14
psycho_oreosoperation failed could also mean somewhere or something is messed up/broken02:14
psycho_oreoswhat about the logs? anything useful?02:14
BCMMpsycho_oreos: i expect there is just an apt-worker from a previous ham instance running02:15
BCMMthat's usually what breaks it02:15
BCMMoh, there we go02:15
BCMMit did something02:15
BCMMi'd forgotten that it sometimes sits at it's main screen without a progress meter or anything02:15
psycho_oreosBCMM, it should be noted that when installing CSSU there is a bit of a lag after clicking on install file and after the actual enabling02:16
psycho_oreosin my case I had load-applet showing 100% for ~20seconds iirc before it dived down. Sc0rpius mentioned he had 90% idle which meant the CPU was hardly used before the Community SSU enabler icon appeared02:17
BCMMwould the category under which the enabler appears for catorise users by an appropriate addition to the wiki?02:17
psycho_oreosit'll be under All the last I checked :/ categorise doesn't know where to place it I think02:18
BCMMit put it in system for me02:18
BCMMofc it's in all, everything is in All :)02:18
psycho_oreosI didn't see it in System lol, I could be just skimming things too quickly02:18
psycho_oreosthat plus like I said, lots of apps02:19
ecksuncould you list the same packages thats listed in HAM with apt?02:19
psycho_oreosso much apps that I had to get categorise-GUI from extras-devel and to sort some of it out.. some categories still requires scrolling :|02:19
psycho_oreoshumm not sure, could check.. normally apt-cache would but they usually want a param02:20
ecksunyes, but apt-cache lists libs and stuff aswell, i was thinking only the stuff visible in the gui02:20
psycho_oreossadly those plus categorising it would probably require one to do hack up some scripts02:21
psycho_oreosI personally think that's why they have that fancy apt-worker02:21
ecksunwell, i have nothing against scripting, but i have no idea what to search for02:22
psycho_oreosironically synaptic (another GUI apt-get like frontend) also does the same thing02:22
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psycho_oreosthat's afaik, there might be some tools that may do it but I somewhat personally doubt it02:23
ecksunbut isnt the separation of "real" applications and packages something maemo-specific?02:23
ecksunit has to be some sort of flag or something in the package meta-data02:23
ecksunperhaps sections: user ?02:24
psycho_oreosnot sure what you mean by "real" applications... applications are all packages basically, even libraries, firmwares, et02:24
ecksunyes, i dont really know what ham considers "real" either, i was just refering to the ones that normally shows up in HAM02:25
ecksunlibs etc are excluded02:25
psycho_oreosyes there are flags when you for example use dpkg -I file.deb. You see there's all these metadata tags.. It isn't maemo specific apart from the icon file embedding into tag02:26
psycho_oreoserr metatag02:26
ecksuni see02:27
psycho_oreos<< is seriously showing signs of fatigue lol... soon will be cringing on either coffee or even worse, sleep02:27
ecksunand i just realised i have no way of knowing how the guis behave, havent actually used one :)02:27
ecksunomg, no, SLEEP!02:27
psycho_oreosI need to stay awake however :) I managed to stay awake overnight by drinking that big cup of long black a few hours before midnight (bad mistake but oh well)02:28
ecksuntimezones are confusing :P02:29
ecksunits just over midnight here02:29
psycho_oreos <-- if you're that keen :) this is dpkg -I output of a random dpkg file I found on my xubuntu02:29
psycho_oreosSun Jan 30 10:29:31 EST 201102:29
ecksun0130 012937 < psycho_oreos> Sun Jan 30 10:29:31 EST 201102:29
ecksunyes, when i did the same thing with apt-cache i say Section: user/something02:30
psycho_oreos1:30 am and I don't know what the remaining stuff are :)02:30
ecksunif i recall thats somewhat related02:30
ecksun0130 is the date02:30
psycho_oreosthat would be yes02:30
ecksun01-30 01:29:3702:30
ecksunneeded a small timestamp when i used my p99002:30
ecksunpofajsdpo fjas02:31
psycho_oreosyou must be getting tired too hahahahaha02:31
ecksunkinda, have been trying to figure out programing contest questions all day02:31
psycho_oreosoooh.. it was such a bitter fight till the very end02:31
ecksunyou wouldnt know the diffrence between bt-hid-scripts and bit-hid-scripts2?02:31
psycho_oreosmachines=1 humans=002:31
psycho_oreosbluetooth HID scripts?02:32
ecksunyes, i guess02:32
ecksunbut the descriptions are the same02:32
psycho_oreosthat was a really wild guess lol02:32
psycho_oreosdespite different filenames02:32
ecksunit seems bt-hid-scripts is a newer version02:33
ecksunmake sense :/02:33
psycho_oreoslol seems like Sc0rpius is dead, he must have relegated his role to bedtime02:33
psycho_oreosand BCMM is hanging there but must be wearing out too02:34
psycho_oreos<< probably starting to get hallucinated02:34
BCMMupdate worked here02:34
psycho_oreosooh so you're actually alive! lol02:35
BCMMpsycho_oreos: yeah, just got sidetracked while i was waiting for the reboot02:35
psycho_oreosit almost seemed like a two way conversation between me and ecksun02:35
BCMMalt-tab works fine too02:35
psycho_oreosBCMM, without installing mhd or installing mhd as what ecksun did?02:35
BCMMi did "apt-get remove modified-hildon-desktop"02:35
psycho_oreosbut you didn't install afterwards?02:36
BCMMapt-get actually exited with an error part-way02:36
BCMMbut i think that's because the hooks for updating menu entries can't work without hildon-desktop running?02:36
psycho_oreosmight be due to conficting files02:36
BCMM(which had stopped)02:36
psycho_oreosconflicting even02:36
BCMMluckily, i was logged on by ssh, so i just started hildon-desktop manually and tried again02:36
BCMMand it worked fine02:36
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BCMMnow is just need some email02:37
psycho_oreosnot sure, I guess it has to do with schemas which initially was overwritten because the same files existed in the hildon-desktop and removing mhd would remove the same files to be used by hildon-desktop02:37
psycho_oreosyup always handy to have alternative ways of accessing :) at least we're not dealing with complete newbies here :D02:38
psycho_oreosI'd get massive heart attack if you guys panicked and asked for step-by-step howto lol :D02:38
psycho_oreosnow whilst you guys have CSSU installed, do you guys also face the same issue as I do? random crashes?02:40
ecksunnot yet02:40
ecksunand I have had HAM open for quite a while now02:40
ecksunhowever I just noticed gnome wants to sync something with my phone02:40
ecksunwhat did i just sync? :D02:41
psycho_oreosI'm hoping I'm the only one sort of, because I also convinced you guys to get CSSU :p02:41
psycho_oreoslol, its all automatic ;)02:41
ecksunyou did?02:41
ecksunyeah, way to convinient02:41
psycho_oreossort of :p02:41
ecksunIm used to hacking in hours to get something like that working02:42
ecksunbut it would have been nice to know what happened02:42
psycho_oreosI don't mind hacking away as well when I'm in the mood.. but I'm not sure exactly what happened.. and it gives me big grief that I must act like the techs at Apple,"We don't know what happened, but it now works like magic."02:44
ecksunoh, those bt scripts were the exact oposite of what i wanted, I wanted the n900 to become a hid, not to connect hids to it02:44
psycho_oreosthe scripts wanted to enslave the n90002:45
psycho_oreosahh well it sounds all good that you guys are now enjoying CSSU, or so I hope02:47
ecksunyes indeed, however I havent noticed anything different02:47
* psycho_oreos now thinks of collecting brownie points to show off to Jaffa lmao02:47
ecksunexcept ctrl + backspace that is02:47
psycho_oreos<< is definitely becoming a resident nutcase at this rate.. probably the aftermath of caffeine02:48
ecksunbut you only have 14 hours to go till bedtime02:49
psycho_oreosnot quite, 10 hours to be precise02:49
psycho_oreosgotta make sure I keep a nice and good sleep habit for work even though I'm more of a night owl02:50
ecksunah, then whats the problem?02:50
psycho_oreosgotta keep good sleeping habits (insanely hard when night owl seems to be more fun) irregular sleep patterns and well yeah, general caffeine usage.. I guess I could use this caffeine as an excuse to correct my body clock then02:51
ecksunit was long ago I gave up on good sleeping habits02:52
psycho_oreosthen again I probably won't last without another shot of caffeine02:52
psycho_oreoslol I tried to give up good sleeping habits but work prohibits me and plus because I don't work in my ideal/dream job as yet I can't really ask for shift change.. just prefer to have it in the morning and get it over and done with02:53
ecksunyes, indeed02:54
ecksunbut currently Im studying, and fortunatley most lectures begin after lunch02:54
ecksuni have no idea how to spell that :/02:54
psycho_oreoslol I have aspell with this xubuntu :D rather handy at times02:55
ecksunxun@njord:~$ man aslepp02:55
ecksunNo manual entry for aslepp02:55
psycho_oreosman woman02:56
ecksunnope, doesnt work :(02:56
psycho_oreoss2167028@Shrike:/var/cache/apt/archives$ man woman02:56
psycho_oreosNo manual entry for woman02:56
psycho_oreossadly there's no manual pages on how to treat one lol02:57
ecksunthe world would be so much simpler02:57
psycho_oreosif we're all unisex? :D02:57
ecksuninteresting idea02:58
ecksunjust think of the space it would save, no need for separate public bathrooms02:58
psycho_oreosnot really lol, where's the fun in that when we can spawn like viruses :D02:58
psycho_oreosironically if we were all unisex we'd make this redundant:
psycho_oreosI love that binary clock :D03:14
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psycho_oreosand.. on that note I am seriously considering another shot of coffee.. nitro!03:45
Sc0rpiusok I found something else that's weir04:07
Sc0rpiuswhen I click on a desktop web bookmark, it opens two windows: Web (the one with all the bookmarks) and the website from the bookmark04:07
Sc0rpiusand that's really annoying, am I the only one?04:07
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ecksunyes, i can confirm that04:11
ecksunhowever only if you doesnt have the bookmark window open alreaedy04:11
Sc0rpiustoo bad :(04:12
ecksunbug report! :)04:12
Sc0rpiusecksun are you still using SSU hildon-desktop?04:18
Sc0rpius'cos I just read something like:04:18
Sc0rpiusgconf-schemas --register hildon-desktop-keys.schemas04:18
Sc0rpiusand reboot04:18
Sc0rpiusI'll try it04:18
psycho_oreosoh he was hiding from me :p04:19
psycho_oreosyou lol ;)04:19
Sc0rpiusoh I was watching a VERY BAD MOVIE called "Monsters"04:19
psycho_oreosI thought you were dead, relegated yerself to the bed :D04:19
Sc0rpiuswell, I wanted to die while I was watching that04:20
psycho_oreossounds interesting04:20
Sc0rpiusok I'm back to SSU hildon-desktop04:20
psycho_oreosalmost reminds me of grave of the fireflies04:20
Sc0rpiusnow let's try gconf-schemas --register04:21
Sc0rpiusnow kill -SIGHUP04:21
Sc0rpiusnow testing04:21
Sc0rpiusand it works04:22
psycho_oreosif that doesn't work try what ecksun and BCMM did, installing mhd ontop lol04:22
Sc0rpiuscan you try guys try it?04:22
psycho_oreosthat might even be a smaller fix04:22
psycho_oreoserr shorter way to fixing it04:22
Sc0rpiuswell I had my own version of hildon-desktop so I replaced it, but I found this workaround04:22
ecksunSc0rpius, no, Im not, thats true04:23
Sc0rpiusand I replaced the original hildon-desktop, and I can see it works04:23
ecksunSc0rpius, i mean im not using the community ssu hildon-desktop anymore04:23
Sc0rpiusnow I can test the hildon-desktop from CSSU (I couldn't live without ctrl-backspace)04:23
Sc0rpiuswell you can use it now04:23
ecksunwhat what04:23
ecksunhow about ctrl + backspace then?04:24
Sc0rpiusnone of the keys worked, not only ctrl-backspace, also ctrl p (screenhot)04:24
Sc0rpiusit works now04:24
BCMMassuming CSSU uses the same alt-tab patches as MHD, then if alt-tab doesn't work, you simply need to set some gconf settings04:24
ecksunwhats changed?04:24
Sc0rpiuswith: gconf-schemas --register hildon-desktop-keys.schemas04:24
Sc0rpiusI registered the file04:24
ecksunoh, i see04:24
Sc0rpiusI read it in the bug report of ctrl+p (screenshot), same problem, different key04:24
BCMMi haven't seen any docs for CSSU's hildon-desktop, so i suggest you consult the MHD docs04:24
Sc0rpius(I don't use MHD)04:25
psycho_oreosyeah he has custom hildon-desktop :)04:25
Sc0rpiusyup, I compiled it myself :)04:26
Sc0rpiusbut right now I'm using (testing?) hildon-desktop from CSSU04:26
psycho_oreosI guess I'm up for the challenge, *goes to purging mhd* and reinstalls hildon-desktop from CSSU to see if he can replicate the issue that was once faced by all three04:27
Sc0rpiusyeah and after you face the bug, fix it with gconf-schemas04:30
Sc0rpiusI filed the desktop shortcut bug, since it's really annoying04:32
psycho_oreosseems like what I just said I did made no effects lol04:38
psycho_oreosI still could alt tab even after purging modified-hildon-desktop and reinstalled hildon-desktop04:39
psycho_oreosseems like I need to force install older version of hildon-desktop (i.e. pre-CSSU version)04:39
Sc0rpiusmaybe your file is already registered04:45
Sc0rpiusW: Conflicting distribution: fremantle-1.2 Release (expected fremantle-1.2 but got )04:45
psycho_oreoslol that wasn't helpful that output, seems like it has problems with own detection04:46
psycho_oreoshmm I'll just have to give it all a try, gonna force downgrade and remove community-pr04:47
Sc0rpiusin your /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hildon-application-manager.list04:48
Sc0rpiusextras-devel says fremantle or fremantle-1.2?04:48
Sc0rpiusthis is what I got and it's getting errors now:04:48
Sc0rpiusdeb fremantle-1.2 free non-free04:48
Sc0rpiusI think it should say fremantle lemme try that04:49
psycho_oreosI don't have extras-devel enabled but my extras points to fremantle-1.304:49
psycho_oreosI mean I have the entry in HAM but its not enabled04:51
psycho_oreosok lmao I broke alt tab.. yay! I'm such a lunatic!04:52
psycho_oreosnow I'm going to get that back04:52
psycho_oreosI'm sure with extras-devel I didn't specifically specify fremantle-1.3 I just specified fremantle04:54
Sc0rpiusyeah that fixed it04:54
Sc0rpiusit's weird 'cos it has been working fine all this time04:55
Sc0rpiusand last time I used it was last week04:55
psycho_oreosyup reinstalled it actually did nothing with alt tabbing, its still broken04:55
Sc0rpiusalt tabbing you mean ctrl backspace?04:56
Sc0rpiusok now04:56
Sc0rpiusgconf-schemas --register hildon-desktop-keys.schemas04:56
Sc0rpiusand then kill -SIGHUP the pids of hildon-desktop04:56
psycho_oreosI'm sure Ctrl + Shift + X,P, etc won't work as well but just for the sake of it I'll do that04:56
Sc0rpiusnah they won't04:56
psycho_oreosfyi in between reinstalling hildon-desktop from nokia's repository and installing mp-fremantle-community-pr which ultimately reinstalled hildon-desktop I also did that kill -SIGHUP `pidof hildon-desktop` to experiment04:57
psycho_oreossadly those other key bindings do work except for alt tabbing04:59
psycho_oreosI now also have a screenshot of my messed up desktop lmao :) I normally have 9 home screens. After downgrading hildon-desktop I now only have 405:00
psycho_oreosyup the functionality of alt tab is restored05:02
Sc0rpiusI'm dealing with the autoremover that is not letting me install anything05:03
Sc0rpiusapt-get autoremove05:03
Sc0rpiuswhen I try to install something with faster application manager (fapman)05:03
Sc0rpiusit shows me an error that the autoremover failed05:03
psycho_oreosI think autoremove only removes stuff that has been installed05:04
Sc0rpius(it always try autoremove before installing anything)05:04
Sc0rpiusbut since it's executed everytime you try to install something...05:04
psycho_oreoshmm a litle wierd05:05
Sc0rpiusit's working now05:05
psycho_oreosmaybe some other package wasn't cleanly installed hence the fall over?05:05
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psycho_oreoshave you ever had 9 desktops enabled with icons and widgets on some/most of them?05:09
psycho_oreoserr.. nokia coins them as home screens05:10
Sc0rpiusheh no I just use 4 desktops05:11
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psycho_oreoslol if you ever do and you had to downgrade hildon-desktop, better use something like activity manager and backup yer settings or you get a messy home screen :)05:13
psycho_oreos <-- ftw :p05:18
BCMMpsycho_oreos: heh, nice05:21
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Sc0rpiuswow you have too many widgets05:23
Sc0rpiuseven if they are spawned in 9 desktops!05:23
psycho_oreosSc0rpius, that's how I torture hildon-desktop :)05:24
Sc0rpiuswhat are all those white circles in the systray?05:24
Sc0rpiusand do you use a japanese IDE or something? now that's weird05:25
psycho_oreosfar left? that's binary clock :)05:26
Sc0rpiushahaha now that's nerd05:26
Sc0rpiuslemme see if I can figure it out hmmm05:26
psycho_oreosadvanced clock thingy I think its called05:26
psycho_oreosthe chinese word on the far right and bottom of the `systray' is stroke order, allows me to input chinese characters, albeit a little poorly as its aimed for Cantonese rather than Chinese imo05:27
Sc0rpius12:58:17 ?05:28
Sc0rpiusI've heard cantonese and mandarin are only different in pronunciation, the writing is the same and only two: simplified chinese, traditional chinese05:28
psycho_oreosSc0rpius, yup05:29
Sc0rpiusif that's the time, it took me like 5 minutes to read it, so it wouldn't be precise for me hehe05:29
Sc0rpiusso do you speak mandarin or somethine?05:30
psycho_oreosyeah Cantonese has like 6 different tones from what I've heard as opposed to 4 for Chinese. Cantonese people and Taiwanese people tends to prefer writing in traditional chinese whereas in China they are trying to adopt simplified chinese. However the stroke order software when I tried inputting the correct stroke order for `I' doesn't turn up right05:30
Sc0rpiustraditional chinese is way too hard to write05:31
psycho_oreosit takes patience, practise and persistence to get used to reading binary clock :) I was more or less the same but I'm getting better slowly :)05:31
psycho_oreosmandarin is my main language even though I suck at it ._."05:31
Sc0rpiusmaybe you left China too young heh05:32
psycho_oreosand yeah I write mostly in traditional mandarin, I can't really understand much of simplified chinese05:32
psycho_oreoss/China/Taiwan/ :)05:32
psycho_oreosparent's choice, oh well05:32
Sc0rpiusoh ok05:32
Sc0rpiusI see05:32
psycho_oreosand I also know bit of Japanese as well lol05:33
psycho_oreostoo bad maemo doesn't really support Japanese well so again bit of let down but meh05:33
wmaroneit supports it ok, but it requires a little too much hacking :/05:33
psycho_oreosJapanese? there's ime for that?05:34
psycho_oreosthat's news to me, I've only seen cantonese and chinese UI, never seen Japanese UI05:34
psycho_oreosand those cantonese as well as chinese UI are in extras-devel05:34
wmaronekimitake ported a separate version of mscim05:35
wmaroneand added anthy05:35
psycho_oreosanthy? nice :D05:35
wmaronethere's no japanese language file though05:35
psycho_oreosanthy is the one I use on my xubuntu desktop + scim05:35
psycho_oreosas in no UI for it?05:35
wmaroneno global japanese text05:35
wmaronethe input works in two ways depending on your setup05:36
wmaroneeither via the VKB input if the GTK_IM_MODULE isn't set05:36
wmaroneor directly by hitting ctrl+space (if configured)05:36
wmaroneif it is05:36
psycho_oreosinteresting I guess Ill need to poke at those. I really want to install these stuff and see how well they work :D05:36
wmaronethe japanese one works quite well, but isn't compatible with most of the chinese ones due to the mscim conflict05:37
wmaroneand the Qt connection isn't perfect05:37
wmaronei'd love to see them merged and cleaned up, but I don't know enough about the projects in quesiton05:37
psycho_oreosheh I guess overlapping use of characters.. granted there are Japanese kanji that means the same in Chinese hanji but not all fo them05:38
wmaronewell, not overlapping use of characters05:38
wmaronethe software packages directly conflict05:38
wmaroneI'm sure anthy and the chinese modules could all be made to work with the same mscim, like they do on desktop Linux installs05:38
psycho_oreosall the more merrier reasons as to why I should get my head around those05:39
psycho_oreoswmarone, thanks for the input I'm gonna poke around those I hope after I finish re-setting up my home screens lol and making sure I backed them up05:41
wmaronehave fun05:41
psycho_oreoswmarone, I probably won't lol ;)05:41
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ScorpiusN900aren't you guys noticing a battery drain?05:48
ScorpiusN900and Xorg above 2% of CPU use05:49
* psycho_oreos has the device plugged to the computer.. also running rd mode as well05:49
psycho_oreossoon enough I'll know if its bad once I take it into real test environment :)05:50
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ZogGsuddenly i see more people over here =)06:09
psycho_oreosmore people are being invited to test, plus they wanted those bug fixes so its pretty much a win:win situation here :D06:11
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ScorpiusN900it seems the only bug I can find right now is the desktop shortcut bug06:27
psycho_oreosinteresting, I guess I'll have a poke at that once I get the mscim stuff going, plus messing around with locales06:36
ScorpiusN900are you a developer psycho?06:39
psycho_oreoswmarone, I didn't quite find the japanese equivalent to the UI locales I mean chinese has their own UI locales but one as yet for japanese such as App menu, ham, etc06:40
psycho_oreosScorpiusN900, no, just a lab rat/script monkey06:40
Sc0rpiusI see06:42
psycho_oreosSc0rpius, got a handle for bugs and source for that fix? neither of those are mandatory as I'm simply noting credits and sources to you instead for the temporary workaround on that hildon-desktop bug06:54
ScorpiusN900in the open bugs06:56
ScorpiusN900look for the ctrl shift p bug06:56
ScorpiusN900I read all the comments and then I realized is the same problem and I applied the same workaround they put there06:57
psycho_oreosno no I meant for the ctrl+backspace bug, I'm going to add you as credits for the temporary workaround solution :)06:57
psycho_oreosthe same as for ctrl+backspace? o.O06:57
ScorpiusN900well I ripped it off from the workaround for the ctrl shift p bug hehheh06:57
ScorpiusN900since it's the same bug, applies for all hildon-desktop key shortcuts06:58
ScorpiusN900a developer has the credit for that06:58
ScorpiusN900I think I have battery drain but not sure06:59
psycho_oreosahh I see06:59
ScorpiusN900maybe I've been using the phone today too much06:59
ScorpiusN900but it's already on half06:59
psycho_oreosit'll be harder for me to measure how much extra usage I'll be copping due to all these new stuff I've just installed :) in some ways I don't think the excess battery consumption is related to CSSU but then again its hard to say when I haven't done my own homework07:01
psycho_oreoshahaha woot, Chinese (zh-TW) now I'm going to be bashing my head in because I won't know much of Chinese07:10
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psycho_oreoswmarone, what I meant was something more like N900-il8n-jp_JP. There's ones for bg_BG, ca_ES, el_GR, hu_HU, km_KH, ko_KR, pt-br, zh_CN, zh_HK, zh_TW ironically but no japanese. I wonder why :D07:31
wmaroneno idea07:58
wmaronenot too many Japanese N900 users I suspect, the device isn't even being sold in the country07:59
* psycho_oreos snickers at the potential thought that maybe they frown on inferior device07:59
psycho_oreosthough I do recall it was being demoed07:59
wmaroneit's basically better than every existing device08:00
wmaronesoftware wise08:00
wmaroneintegration with the existing Japanese systems is nonexistent though08:00
wmaroneI think it gives users more capability than Softbank or DoCoMo are willing to ever permit08:00
wmarone(despite working perfectly on their networks)08:01
* psycho_oreos goes to find that blog lol08:03
wmaroneevery japanese handset is locked down hard, so the hardcore linux geeks over there do like the N90008:03
wmaronewhere is it...08:04
psycho_oreosyeah they don't have SIM cards, they're a little like the mobile phones sold over at stateside, using cdma or whatever :)08:04
wmaroneno they do08:04
wmaroneSoftbank is all GSM08:05
wmaroneDoCoMo's fOma network is 3.5G08:05
wmaronethat's why Softbank has the iPhone08:05
psycho_oreosstill its weird even with small amounts of users they won't make themselves comfortable with the maemo interface :)08:07
psycho_oreosi.e. they are willing to put up with the English UI08:08
wmaronewell, computing is so full of English they're used to it08:09
wmaroneespecially something otherwise completely unavailable08:09
psycho_oreosnot so much for other asian countries I bet :) koreans, chinese (people from china of course) seems to incorporate their own il8n rather than putting up with English :)08:10
psycho_oreosthen again I don't even know if such devices were sold there08:10
wmaronethe device was at least sold into China08:11
psycho_oreosand its quite a shame really for no il8n jp_JP support until someone ports it :/08:11
psycho_oreosthe device was made in Korea :) I bet they would have sold it as well08:11
wmaronethe korean market is really strange08:13
wmaroneand probably yet another place where the power given to end users is more than they would permit08:13
psycho_oreos <-- :D08:13
psycho_oreosthen again korea is a booming area, they plan to compete against the japanese08:14
wmaroneso does everyone08:14
psycho_oreoslol @ pic08:15
psycho_oreosthey're definitely into it08:16
wmaronesaw that back in august08:16
psycho_oreosyou found the locales for ja_JP?08:20
wmaronethe cafe08:22
psycho_oreoser I mean the locale this time round :) I've found an old copy that I suppose I could have a poke :)08:22
psycho_oreos <--- :D08:24
psycho_oreosthat's the translated page of the author's08:25
wmaroneI can read it :)08:27
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psycho_oreoswmarone, ping09:29
* wmarone is messing with OpenWRT at the moment09:44
psycho_oreoswmarone, oh I thought you were checking out that file, maybe not, you might have already installed it, etc lol09:46
psycho_oreosoh well09:46
wmaronenah, I just replaced my wifi router and loaded openwrt on it09:46
wmaroneso I'm playing around with options and configuring it09:46
wmaronemuch better than dd-wrt09:47
psycho_oreosand one probably won't need to worry about licensing too when it comes to openwrt09:48
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Mvpbillyanybody here?10:20
Mvpbillyanybody here?10:24
psycho_oreosthat's twice you repeated the exact same question10:24
Mvpbillywhat is this ssu update?10:25
psycho_oreosits a community based SSU, made by community for the community10:25
Mvpbillystill dont get it10:29
Mvpbillysorry.. noob here =)10:29
psycho_oreosprobably not suitable for you then ;) its where bug fixes that were meant to be normally provided by nokia but they didn't deliver and hence the devs in the community (as n the fixes it and gives affected users with a fixed version instead10:32
psycho_oreosall the core nokia packages such as hildon-application-manager, hildon-desktop, hildon-statusbar-menu, etc, etc10:32
Mvpbillyhave u installed it?10:37
Mvpbillyhow is it?10:39
psycho_oreossome things work somethings don't, I haven't bothered checking every other thing because I don't use other fixed applications much and wouldn't have a clue about the listed patched bug10:40
JaffaMorning, all10:46
psycho_oreoshello Jaffa :)10:46
JaffaSomeone needs to clean up the dupes of bug #11813 (and we need MohammadAG to push the fix :-))10:46
povbotBug Screenshot with Ctrl + Shift + P broken10:46
psycho_oreossadly he isn't here10:47
JaffaBug #11827 and #11828 are both  dupe of #11813, and there's a workaround on there10:49
povbotBug Ctrl + backspace doesn't work10:49
* Jaffa goes swimming10:52
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MohammadAGmorning all12:34
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th3hatemorning mag13:03
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merlin1991holy crap, this channel got crowded15:16
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JaffaMohammadAG: You're a popular man :)16:27
JaffaMohammadAG: A few good bug reports already. A few dupes of bug #1181316:27
povbotBug Screenshot with Ctrl + Shift + P broken16:27
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ZogGit's the most wierdest thing17:24
ZogGJaffa, ctrl+shft+p does work for me17:30
merlin1991for me it works too, but I reregistered the gconf schema, since I had no shortcuts at all after installing the cssu17:31
ZogGi didn't do anything actually =)17:34
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Sc0rpiushow many people were in this channel before?17:52
Sc0rpiuseverybody says it's crowded now17:52
merlin199110- 1517:53
Sc0rpiuskeys were broken for me, but after a registering of the schema and a kill -SIGHUP they started working17:53
Sc0rpiusoh I see17:53
Sc0rpiusMax Users Record in #maemo-ssu: 33 on Sun Jan 30 07:26:51 201117:53
Sc0rpiusbut what annoys me the most, is the bug in desktop shortcuts :(17:54
merlin1991do they work again for you, or are they still dead17:54
Sc0rpiuskeys? they work17:56
Sc0rpiusbut the installer should do the schema registering for you if you don't want 300 people in this channel17:56
merlin1991lemme grep my logs, I'm pretty sure Mohamad added that like week ago17:57
Sc0rpiusnice, then it only needs to be pushed17:58
Sc0rpius'cos I downloaded CSSU yesterday17:58
merlin1991probably only needs to be pushed17:59
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Sc0rpiusisn't very weird the bug when you click a desktop shortcut?18:02
merlin1991what do you mean?18:03
JaffaSc0rpius: The "Web" window and the browser itself?18:07
Sc0rpiusthat one18:07
Sc0rpiusit opens two browser windows instead of one18:07
JaffaSc0rpius: I suspect DBus monitoring a clean PR1.3 and the CSSU one might reveal it18:07
JaffaSc0rpius: Well, for me I get the window as if I'd launched Web directly; and the browser opening to the window in question18:08
Sc0rpiusyeah that's what I get18:11
Sc0rpiusbut the windows focused is always the "Web" one18:11
Sc0rpiusit wouldn't be less annoying if at least the other one would be focused :P18:11
Sc0rpiusanyway I think this project is great18:12
Sc0rpiussomehow my Modest feels lighter, and faster18:12
JaffaIs there a chanop around?18:13
* Jaffa suggests: /topic - release early, release often || FIX FOR DESKTOP SHORTCUTS:
povbotBug 11813: Screenshot with Ctrl + Shift + P broken18:13
Sc0rpiusMohammad is the only developer working on this project?18:16
JaffaSc0rpius: Not exactly.18:19
JaffaSc0rpius: thp and I have both submitted merge requests in gitorious18:19
JaffaSc0rpius: Currently Mohammad is the only coordinator18:20
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Sc0rpiusI see18:23
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Sc0rpiusok I think the problem is20:09
Sc0rpiusmethod call sender=:1.118 -> serial=212 path=/com/nokia/osso_browser;; member=top_application20:09
Sc0rpiuswhy is it calling the top_application member? that would just bring the bookmark window up and that's exactly what we don't wnat20:09
Sc0rpiusif you issue:20:09
Sc0rpiusdbus-send --system --type=method_call /com/nokia/osso_browser
Sc0rpiusyou'll get the Web window20:10
Sc0rpiusthe weird thing is that hd-bookmark-shortcut.c looks right to me20:10
* Sc0rpius digs a little more20:10
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Sc0rpiushd_bookmark_shortcut_activate_service (priv->url);20:12
Sc0rpiusthat hd_utils_launch_task I guess it shouldn't be there20:12
Sc0rpiusI'll try it later without that line to see if it fixes my problem, in my head, it shouldn't be there20:12
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Sc0rpiusI think I fixed it21:10
Sc0rpiusat least in scratchbox21:10
Sc0rpiusI'm gonna try it in my N90021:10
Sc0rpiusand it's done.21:15
Sc0rpiuswell I fixed that hildon-home and updated the bug case so a developer can confirm and push my proposed patch or something21:20
Sc0rpiusin the meantime I couldn't live with two browsers opened all the time I tapped a shortcut21:20
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JaffaSc0rpius: Have you got a gitorious account?21:34
Sc0rpiusno I don't think so21:43
Sc0rpiusbut I've cloned the whole project :)21:43
Sc0rpiusin my scratchbox21:43
Sc0rpiusthat way I can fix things I can't live without while I wait the developers for official patches :)21:44
pillaris there some wiki page explaining the updates?21:45
Sc0rpiusthe wiki in the topic?21:45
Sc0rpiusthere's a changelog link in there21:45
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pillaryeah thanks, found the changelog link now too21:46
Sc0rpiusI really like this, and I insisit, my Modest feels faster21:46
pillaryeha I like this a lot too, hope it takes off21:49
Sc0rpiusit will, since we have no other option21:49
Sc0rpiusPR1.4 will never happen, Nokia already abandoned us21:49
Sc0rpiusI hope if this gets big enough, Nokia will open the stuff is still closed21:49
Sc0rpiuslet's see21:52
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JaffaSc0rpius: Best way of getting patch merged: get a account (free); clone the community-ssu/hildon-home repo to your personal space. `git push' your fix there and make a "merge request"21:56
JaffaSc0rpius: Of course, since the patch looks nice & trivial, merging it directly from the bug report is also very likely to happen :-)21:56
Sc0rpiusso that basically means we should forget about Maemo and go to Meego? that's nonsense21:57
Sc0rpiusMeego will never be a complete Linux distro like Maemo and that's what we want I think21:58
wmaroneit won't?21:58
Sc0rpiusand it's terribly slow in a N900 so far.21:58
wmaroneI don't know why people say that, IIRC meego is intended to be forked and used for whatever purpose...21:59
andre__Sc:rpius, depends on what you want to compare with. MeeGo Handset itself is not usable yet on *any* device. Not specific to N900 :)22:00
Sc0rpiusi wish I could have a ./configure line that makes everything exactly as it is in the N90022:05
Sc0rpiuseverything gets build in /usr/local and with maemo-invoker support disabled22:05
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Sc0rpiusI wonder if I can get a list of desktop widgets via command line22:19
Sc0rpiusI should fix some things that annoy me from Modest22:21
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Sc0rpiuswell everything is working as expected so far23:00
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BCMMthe updated modest doesn't have portrait reading mode does it?23:14
Sc0rpiusno I don't think so23:15
Sc0rpiuswhat I really need in modest is a collapse/uncollapse (sp?) thing for subfolders23:16
Sc0rpiusI just can't browse over 500 folders I have23:16
BCMMSc0rpius: woah.23:16
BCMMSc0rpius: doesn't modest have to ask the server about each of those in turn every time you check mail?23:17
Sc0rpiusbut the "root" folders are just like 1023:17
Sc0rpiusI hope it doesn't23:17
Sc0rpiusI hope it justs polls the inbox23:17
Sc0rpiusbut I'm not sure.23:17
BCMMoh, looks like CSSU hildon-desktop has the same notification crash as MHD23:17
BCMMmeh, minor problem23:17
Sc0rpiushow ps aux | grep modest | grep -v grep | awk ' { print $1 } ' | xargs kill -SIGHUP23:17
Sc0rpiushow can ps aux | grep modest | grep -v grep | awk ' { print $1 } ' | xargs kill -SIGHUP23:17
Sc0rpiuserr sorry sorry23:18
Sc0rpiushow can you reproduce that notification crash?23:18
BCMMSc0rpius: sorry, i know your talking about modest in the main chan, it's what reminded me23:18
Sc0rpiussince MHD and CSSU hildon-desktops are both mantained by MohammedAG...23:18
BCMMSc0rpius: get a notification, and then alt-tab for a bit23:18
BCMMwell, ctrl-backspace, in alt-tab mode23:18
Sc0rpiusok let's see23:18
BCMMi don't know if it requires that you are in a fullscreen app beforehand23:19
BCMMby notification, i mean one of those things that appears on the task switcher when you get mail or SMS23:19
BCMM(and so on)23:19
Sc0rpiusyeah the orange ballons23:21
BCMMor blue23:22
Sc0rpiusI have never seen them blue23:23
Sc0rpiuscan't reproduce it...23:23
Sc0rpiuslemme try again23:23
BCMMSc0rpius: depends on your theme23:23
BCMMSc0rpius: can i help with the notifications by highlighting you?23:23
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Creteilhi all23:24
BCMMactually, that's a stupid idea when #test has a bot for that, nm23:24
BCMMSc0rpius: do you have hildon-desktop configured to provide alt-tab emulation?23:24
Sc0rpiusI can press Ctrl-Backspace if that's what you mean23:24
Creteildon't know if it's due to the ssu installation but the keyboard sequence 'ctrl-backspace' doesn't work anymore ... Does someone have an idea of what I can check ?23:25
Sc0rpiusCreteil there's a fix for that23:25
CreteilSc0rpius, ok, where is it ?23:25
Sc0rpiusas root: gconf-schemas --register hildon-desktop-keys.schemas23:25
Sc0rpiusand then kill -SIGHUP hildon-desktop (or reboot)23:25
CreteilSc0rpius, ok, let me chack right now ...23:26
Sc0rpiusBCMM: ctrl-backspace == alt tab?23:26
BCMMSc0rpius: i mean, there is gconf key that makes ctrl-backspace behave like alt-tab would in a typical window manager23:27
BCMMhold down ctrl, and then each backspace advances by one window23:27
Sc0rpiusoh interesting, but no I don't have that23:27
BCMMyou release ctrl to select that window, no screen-tapping required23:27
Sc0rpiusand I think it's faster ctrl-backspace once and then tap23:27
Sc0rpiusI see23:27
Sc0rpiusbut no I don't have that23:27
BCMMSc0rpius: ah. well, that crash is when using that, you see23:28
Sc0rpiusI see23:28
CreteilSc0rpius, it's ok, thanks for the fix ...23:28
BCMMalso, which one is faster depends if you were just tapping or keyboarding23:28
BCMMand you can still use it the normal way by just not holding ctrl too long23:28
CreteilBCMM, I like this idea ...23:28
BCMMCreteil: if you're using CSSU, you have the feature! you just need to set a gconf key for it23:29
BCMM(there's no GUI to enable it)23:29
Sc0rpiusand it crashes just when you get to the notification window or exactly when you press the key if you have a notification pending?23:32
BCMMSc0rpius: you can't get to the notification window, even when it's functioning correctly23:32
BCMM(i think this is to prevent even more crashes)23:32
BCMMSc0rpius: not sure exactly when it happens23:33
CreteilBCMM, give me the command line to activate it please ...23:33
BCMMi have the feeling that any press of ctrl-backspace *can* cause it, when a notification is active23:33
BCMMSc0rpius: actually, just now it crashed when i selected a window to move to and released ctrl23:34
BCMMCreteil: i think it uses the same patches as MHD, so have a look at the MHD docs23:35
BCMMsince CSSU doesn't seem to have docs for it's hildon-desktop mods yet23:35
CreteilBCMM, ok ...23:35
BCMMCreteil: you need to set /apps/osso/hildon-desktop/key-actions/ctrl_backspace_in_tasknav to 523:35
JaffaBCMM: There's a bug about notifications (can't remember if it was you who raised it). More info would be good :-)23:36
CreteilBCMM, ok, just changed the value from 0 to 5 right now ... let me check if it work ...23:37
Sc0rpiusI would have to test it23:39
CreteilBCMM, thank's it work properly :-)23:39
Sc0rpiusmaybe it crashes in hd_task_navigator_rotate_thumbs23:39
Sc0rpiusI can see (in the code) that it rotates the thumbnails while you keep pressing backspace (holding ctrl)23:40
Sc0rpiusI guess i can test it in the scratchbox, let's see23:40
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Sc0rpiusit doesn't crash...23:49
Sc0rpiusand the notification always stay at last, it never rotates23:49
BCMMSc0rpius: yeah, taht's what i have23:50
BCMMSc0rpius: but then, when i release ctrl to zoom to the selected window, hildon-desktop dies23:50
Sc0rpiusI think when you release the ctrl it crashes?23:50
Sc0rpius'cos I think it crashed hehehe23:50
Sc0rpiuswow now I can't change windows23:50
BCMMSc0rpius: how does scratchbox work? can i upgrade to CSSU using basically the same procedure as for my device?23:50
BCMMSc0rpius: if it crashes, you'll know. no windecos or status area23:51
Sc0rpiusit should work yes, but I didn't that. I have retrieved each project using git, compiling it, and installing it over whatever I have (PR1.2/1.3 mixture)23:51
Sc0rpiusI have changed so many things it doesn't have a name anymore :)23:51
Sc0rpiusyeah it crashed, let's see why23:52
Sc0rpiusit crashes with an error23:52
Sc0rpiushildon-desktop[16874]: GLIB CRITICAL ** GLib-GObject - g_object_get_data: assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed23:52
Sc0rpiusbut I'm looking exactly why it happens23:53
Sc0rpius(I can always type "hildon-desktop" and recover all functionality since it loads again)23:53
BCMMSc0rpius: huh, you have to do that? on my device, hildon-desktop respawns23:55
BCMM(automatically, with windecos only being gone for about a second23:55
Sc0rpiuswell in the device maybe it respawns23:55
Sc0rpiusit is not respawning in scratchbox23:55
Sc0rpiusbut it's ok23:55
Sc0rpiusit's not relevant for a possible fix23:55

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