IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Wednesday, 2011-01-19

merlin1991woha the history of hildon-desktop is weird00:07
merlin1991they merged 2.2.139 into master branched of for the 2.2.14000:08
merlin1991and had other work in master at the time00:08
merlin1991so the community ssu actually has changes that happened before 2.2.140 but are not part of 2.2.14000:09
MohammadAGguessed as much with bug 10613 affecting users00:10
MohammadAG(I'm assuming it's 10613)00:10
MohammadAGoh yes, 10613
povbotBug 10613: screen glitches on incoming call00:11
merlin1991I think git is playing tricks on me00:27
merlin1991git log pr1.3..HEAD gives me commits that are part of 1.3 :/00:28
merlin1991ffs they used git cherry-pick in hildon-status-menu00:38
merlin1991hm I love MohammadAG commit on hildon-status-menu00:42
merlin1991it practically reverts the last commit from upstream00:42
MohammadAGreally? :P00:42
merlin1991I think you fux0red your git commit there00:43
MohammadAGhow come?00:43
merlin1991I think you should have a look00:43
MohammadAGI see the same commit there00:43
merlin1991the commit before yours00:43
MohammadAGdon't keep the status area's background pixmap around00:44
merlin1991in your comit you rever everything that one did00:44
merlin1991was that on purpouse?00:44
merlin1991or did you simply commit a file that was from 1 commit earlier?00:44
MohammadAGsec, lemme check source00:45
MohammadAGguess you're right00:46
merlin1991when I saw that your commit removed a changelog entry I instantly thought there's something wrong there, so I checked :)00:48
MohammadAGI actually diff'd the old source I had against the new source00:49
MohammadAGdidn't think the one in the repos was also lacking the last commit00:49
MohammadAGso I applied the patch00:49
merlin1991guess you should push another commit that reapplies that commit00:51
merlin1991git cherry-pick aaebc1 --edit00:53
merlin1991a nice commit msg00:53
merlin1991and a push :)00:53
* merlin1991 moves on to hildon-home00:58
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merlin1991hm hildon-home is awesome01:13
merlin1991there are branched fixes01:13
merlin1991that are all reverted in the end01:13
merlin1991there's a fix that depends on too new libhildondesktop, and the other change is matans multidesktop patch that got reverted too01:14
merlin1991MohammadAG, where did you get the initial vte code from?01:19
MohammadAGmaemo repos, they're not on gitorious01:20
MohammadAGmatan's patch breaks hildon-home's wallpaper settings01:20
merlin1991moving on to modest, this is gonna be fun :D01:26
merlin1991hm I can't clone upstream modest, wtf01:30
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merlin1991I can't find out wich version of modest is in pr1.3 so this is my final finding:
MohammadAGmerlin1991, ii  modest                               3.4.8+0m501:45
MohammadAGFYI, modest's changelog is a complete mess, branch 3-4 was directly merged into 3.901:45
merlin1991my problem is that01:47
merlin19913.4.8 == what in the source? :D01:47
MohammadAGI also faced that problem01:48
MohammadAGso I went with the highest number :P01:48
merlin1991btw what file in /debian creates the package name?01:51
MohammadAGvte creates 3 (or 4, can't remember) packages01:52
merlin1991there are 5 Package: lines in the vte control01:53
MohammadAGthen 5 packages :P01:54
MohammadAGit's 2AM :)01:54
merlin19912 am, where do you live?01:54
merlin19911 am for me atm :)01:54
MohammadAGLand of, (hmm channel logged), peace, right01:55
merlin1991sry but I have no idea what IL stands for :D01:55
* merlin1991 looks @ google maps in the timezoneare and still has no idea01:56
MohammadAGIsrael lol01:56
* merlin1991 failed :D01:56
MohammadAGJaffa, HAM starts updating, meaning, HAM fixed :)01:57
MohammadAGslight tiny problem though01:57
merlin1991well, I'm from austria01:57
MohammadAGit says mp-fremantle-generic-pr is corrupt01:57
MohammadAGand it said community-ssu-enabler was corrupt01:57
MohammadAGso I'm guessing the whole batch of packages - is corrupt01:57
MohammadAGor my connection's sucking badly01:57
MohammadAGlol read that as australia and was like, 1 AM, wtf?01:58
merlin1991I'll just assume 3.90.7 is the version in pr 1.302:02
merlin1991I just played russian roulette with my pc, have 4 same looking cables here but needed an outlet for the n900 charger, I got lucky though removed something that wasn't the pc :D02:03
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merlin1991your update to the modest light pattern, is that just cosmetic or are they actually malefunctional before the update?02:07
MohammadAGPatternChatAndEmail doesn't exist02:08
MohammadAGi'm not sure why they got it in there02:09
merlin1991okay heading to wiki.meamo.org02:10
merlin1991hm I wonder if I should just add it to or start a new page02:14
merlin1991what do you think?02:14
MohammadAGmaybe a fremantle page would be better02:15
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JaffaOn the wiki page, I'm thinking:10:00 - front page10:04 - links to gitorious, best practices re: cloning upstream repo or uploading source from release tarball10:04 - that stuff around QA, and test plans etc.10:04
JaffaMight make a start on that today10:04
JaffaMohShould community-ssu-enabler depend on mp-fremantle-...-pr = 'PR1.3'?10:05
JaffaBah, netsplit10:06
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Venemo_N900MohammadAG: I upgraded to latest cssu packages. what's new?13:15
JaffaMohammadAG: Re the wiki page, I wrote this whilst there was a netsplit:
JaffaDoes anyone have any thoughts on the proposed wiki structure?15:25
MohammadAGJaffa, can you paste the link again?15:29
JaffaMohammadAG: Re the wiki page, I wrote this whilst there was a netsplit:
MohammadAGJaffa, I was thinking of supplying an empty deb15:36
MohammadAGversion 015:36
MohammadAGthat would be installed with community-ssu-enabler15:36
MohammadAGthen fire up HAM in update mode15:37
JaffaMohammadAG: Cool; rather than trying to do the apt-get trickery and killing processes?15:39
lcukdon't do it.  the universe will implode15:39
JaffaThe reason I asked about the depends was also to ensure that the system was in a known state, so we don't have to worry about anything15:39
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MohammadAGJaffa, yes15:40
JaffaOr maybe any mp-fremantle-...-pr is sufficient. Then we can test upgrades from PR1.1, PR1.2, PR1.315:40
* Jaffa is thinking about limiting the scope of the QA to something manageable.15:42
JaffaCertainly one of the tests for every CSSU release is "flash PR1.3 and upgrade via community-ssu-enabler"15:42
MohammadAGdoes the upgrade work for you?15:50
JaffaMohammadAG: The new release (with fixed vte packages?) or the new community-ssu-enabler, or both?15:51
JaffaI'm getting my spare N900 back to test a reflash upgrade; since my primary N900's running cssu-testing15:53
MohammadAGwell, I reflashed15:53
MohammadAGI'm getting size mismatch15:53
JaffaWhat's changed in community-ssu-enabler, since now I have an SSU update and an enabler update pending in HAM :-)15:54
MohammadAGit showed size mismatch, so I bumped version number15:54
JaffaAh, OK. So should be a no-op15:55
MohammadAGtest the enabler15:55
JaffaUpdating that through HAM now.15:55
Jaffa"Software updates successfully installed"15:56
MohammadAGthat's community-ssu-enabler?15:56
JaffaNow doing the SSU15:56
JaffaOooh, it's got the "restart" flag working :-)15:57
Jaffa"Offline mode activated"15:57
Jaffah-d's just stopped/died/been killed15:58
JaffaStill "updating ..."15:58
MohammadAGhmm, interesting15:58
MohammadAGso it started updating...15:58
MohammadAGit didn't for me15:58
Jaffa"Operating system successfully updated. <some other text about reboot>" and now it's rebooted.15:58
MohammadAGcool, so it worked15:59
MohammadAGmaybe the repo was down yesterday15:59
JaffaThat's a CSSU upgrade.15:59
JaffaNot a "from PR1.3 reflash" upgrade15:59
MohammadAGshould be the same15:59
MohammadAGAgain, I reflashed15:59
MohammadAGupdating repos15:59
Jaffa"Operating system successfully updated" HildonNote on restart.16:00
MohammadAGham config persisted after reflash16:01
MohammadAGnot enough battery power16:05
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MohammadAG Jafaf16:09
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JaffaMohammadAG: "Size mismatch" - that basically is the downloaded package doesn't have the same filesize as that reported in Packages, correct?16:34
X-FadeThis means that you have overwritten a package.16:34
X-FadeInstead of uploading a new version.16:34
MohammadAGshouldn't it be rejected if I did that?16:34
X-FadeHey, I have given you "I know what I'm doing" status ;)16:35
X-FadeIf you mess it up, it breaks :)16:35
MohammadAGcan you reindex, or should I bump version number?16:35
X-FadeI can't reindex myself as that is akamai infra. I can ask to reindex, but that can take quite a while.16:36
X-FadeSo yeah, bumping is probably quicker.16:37
MohammadAGwhat's importing time again?16:37
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X-FadeMohammadAG: Every 5 mins16:38
* MohammadAG tries to remember16:39
MohammadAGhildon-desktop was updated, hildon-home was reversed16:39
MohammadAGhildon-status-menu is corrupt16:39
MohammadAGmeh, need to bump a lot of packages :p16:40
MohammadAGX-Fade, fixed, thanks16:51
X-FadeMohammadAG: I did nothing, really ;)16:51
MohammadAGyou pointed out the issue :p16:51
MohammadAGwas about to call my ISP16:51
X-FadeProblem is that the deb gets cached for days and the Packages file isn't.16:52
MohammadAGbut why doesn't it reject packages?16:52
X-FadeSo if you overwrite a package, your checksums mismatch.16:52
X-FadeYou only have a very barebones version of the process.16:52
X-FadeImagine strings, tape and a few other handy items. All combined to make it work :)16:53
MohammadAGX-Fade, can I have two version of a package?16:53
MohammadAGin the repo16:54
MohammadAGactually, nevermind, that isn't needed16:54
MohammadAGI still need to remove nokia's package16:54
X-FadeMohammadAG: I never clean and I think the builder doesn't check.16:54
MohammadAGI'll include a -10kb deb16:55
MohammadAGshouldn't do any harm16:55
MohammadAGthat way, the user updates with HAM instead of the awkward method used now16:55
X-FadeLike the diablo SSU does?16:56
MohammadAGnot sure what that does, but HAM works better on diablo :p16:57
MohammadAGwhen that's done16:59
MohammadAGI think we're ready for a release16:59
MohammadAGX-Fade, how do I compare dpkg version numbers again?17:02
X-Fadedpkg --compare-versions X gt Y17:02
MohammadAGJaffa, I recall you mentioned there's a way to launch HAM with update parameters17:08
MohammadAGhildon-application-manager-util update-system <-- always returns Operation Failed17:08
JaffaMohammadAG: There's a DBus call or something done by the applet.17:53
* Jaffa doesn't have the source to hand now, though17:53
MohammadAGdbus-send --print-reply --type=method_call /com/nokia/hildon_application_manager
MohammadAGquestion is, does that check of updates, or only show the view18:21
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MohammadAGmerlin1991, nice work on the wiki :)18:42
Jaffamerlin1991: Agreed with MohammadAG18:42
merlin1991thx :)18:42
Jaffamerlin1991: I wrote this whilst there was a netsplit:
Jaffamerlin1991: Thoughts welcome as the new docs guy ;-)18:43
MohammadAGblocker: the dbus call above does NOT check for updates18:43
MohammadAGshall I use apt-get update?18:43
JaffaMohammadAG: When and how HAM decides to check for updates somewhat confuses me.18:43
JaffaMohammadAG: Is it possible to force apt to work despite the lock? ;-)18:43
MohammadAGthere shouldn't be a lock18:44
JaffaMohammadAG: i.e. mv the lock out of the way, run apt-get update (since you know HAM is blocked currently installing you, and do an apt-get update)18:44
MohammadAGwe were installing a deb before running that18:44
MohammadAGwe still need an icon18:44
JaffaMohammadAG: Ah18:44
JaffaMohammadAG: OK, so running apt-get update and then launching the view?18:44
MohammadAGI decided automating it all would be a waste of time18:44
MohammadAGthis is a one-time thing18:44
MohammadAGthere's hildon-application-manager-util check-for-updates18:45
MohammadAGnot sure how that differs from apt-worker check-for-updates18:45
merlin1991when did I turn into the new docs guy? ;)18:50
merlin1991but I think the proposed wiki structure looks good18:52
lcuki concur, it was yesterday.18:52
MohammadAGyeah, we just need versioned changelogs18:52
lcukmerlin1991, could you write up something official to state that18:52
MohammadAGi.e, the wiki page atm shows all changes18:52
MohammadAGwhat if we release PR1.3.3.7-2?18:52
merlin1991hehe, thats why the page says "Changelog of the Community SSU source on in comparison to the PR1.3 release " atm :D18:53
MohammadAGyou can assume the first release is PR1.3.3.7 :p18:53
MohammadAGI suggest we use the same changelog page for all updates18:54
MohammadAGand have a tree18:54
MohammadAG1. PR1.3.3.718:54
merlin1991I'd have a tree under each module18:54
MohammadAG  1. hildon-desktop18:54
MohammadAG  2. hildon-home18:54
merlin1991so you can compare pr1.3 to now on each module18:54
merlin1991so have18:54
merlin1991hildon desktop18:54
merlin19911 pr 1.3.3718:54
MohammadAGthat'll get messy if we upgrade 100 packages later on :)18:55
MohammadAGmay I edit the wiki?18:55
merlin1991sure, it's a wiki after all :D18:55
merlin1991lcuk, what I should enslave myself? :D18:55
lcuklol merlin199118:56
merlin1991maybe add a (upcoming) to hte PR
merlin1991or do we have all that released already? I didn't have a look at the debs :D18:59
MohammadAGreleased already lol18:59
MohammadAGit's actually usable now18:59
MohammadAGwe're just prettifying it19:00
merlin1991I guess I should try to install it on my device then19:03
MohammadAGmerlin1991, maybe you should post the changelog on tmo?19:03
MohammadAGJaffa, I think I should use apt-worker check-for-updates19:04
merlin1991so what's the currently working way to get all this stuff on my device?19:05
merlin1991.install and ham, or .install and apt-get, or something else?19:05
MohammadAG.install and icon in menu19:07
merlin1991"icon in menu"?19:10
merlin1991ah wait19:10
merlin1991looked like it was done, but it wasn't19:10
* merlin1991 blames ham19:10
JaffaMohammadAG: There's probably overlap between a Changelog and a Release log. We should mark what's in -testing (what's been released so far) and what's publicly released (nothing yet)19:17
JaffaMohammadAG: Does enabler therefore say "Run this icon in the menu to install"? The text still talks about X Terms, I think...19:18
MohammadAGJaffa, yeah, we're not releasing yet are we? :)19:19
merlin1991enabler talked about xterm19:24
merlin1991and run this icon if no term19:24
merlin1991I had to reboot my n900, the uptime was already at 22 days :(19:36
merlin1991MohammadAG, assuming there is a new update in the community testing repo, how would I get that now? just over the ham updates?19:37
MohammadAGyes, that's how it's planned :)19:40
MohammadAGthat's what I'm doing now actually19:40
MohammadAGmoving the first update from terminal to HAM19:40
merlin1991and also dir listing disabled, wtf? :D19:40
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MohammadAGask X-Fade19:44
MohammadAGit kinda annoys me too :p19:44
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MohammadAGoops - bug in hildon-desktop20:07
MohammadAGkeyboard shortcuts are lost20:08
MohammadAGgconf-schemas --register hildon-desktop-keys.schemas fixes it - added to postinst20:08
merlin1991what keyboard shortcuts? :D20:12
merlin1991waah ctrl shift x is gone20:12
merlin1991how would I get the shortcut back now, run that command as root?20:19
MrBawbgconf key /apps/osso/hildon-desktop/key-actions/preset_shift_ctrl20:23
MrBawbI guess all hotkeys were turned off when installing the new hildon-desktop?20:24
merlin1991running mohammads command + reboot brought them back :)20:25
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merlin1991I dunno if that's default baviour (never checked before) but I can only spawn 1 xterm from the apps menu, while with ctrl+shift+x I can as many terms as I want to20:26
MohammadAGyeah, default20:27
MohammadAGMrBawb, register schemas20:27
MohammadAGotherwise you'll lose other ones too :)20:27
MrBawbMohammadAG: ok20:27
JaffaMohammadAG: No, indeed - we're not releasing yet. I'm just thinking that if Changelog is broken up into releases, we mark which is the testing release and which is the stable release. Only one of them exists now ;-)20:27
MohammadAGanyways, updated pushed20:27
MohammadAGJaffa, why not split the wiki into two pages?20:28
MohammadAGChangelog/testing changelog/release20:28
JaffaMohammadAG: Cos stuff'll be moving between them, n'est pas?20:28
JaffaMohammadAG: i.e. shouldn't Changelog ultimately go all the way back?20:28
JaffaMohammadAG: Or maybe there's Changelog/PR1.3.3.7 and Changelog/PR1.
Jaffaand then Changelog/Testing and Changelog/Stable are redirects to the appropriate versions.20:29
merlin1991MohammadAG, whatabout the reverted commit I found in hildon-status-menu yesterday?20:29
JaffaAnd there's a template included on PR1. (i.e. current testing) says "this is the testing release"20:29
MohammadAGJaffa, what if we have releases as subversions, and the final release is the number without the subrelease20:36
MohammadAGi.e testing would be PR1.3.3.7-X, final would be PR1.3.3.720:36
MohammadAGwe'll eventually have to go to PR1.3.420:36
MohammadAGmerlin1991, I'll revert the revert :)20:37
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JaffaMohammadAG: dpkg doesn't work lik that, though. It'd consider earlier than
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MohammadAG<MohammadAG> Jaffa, dpkg won't be using those numbers21:25
MohammadAG<MohammadAG> Nokia didn't, why should we? :)21:25
MohammadAG<MohammadAG> version will still be 20.2010.36-2maemoXX21:25
MohammadAG<merlin1991> time for chantakeover :D <-- over my dead nickname :P21:25
JaffaMohammadAG: True, but it'd still bed a pretty weird numbering scheme IMHO. But then you *do* like you -N suffices ;-)21:29
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MohammadAGJaffa, community-ssu-enabler ready for launch22:24
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JaffaMohammadAG: Cool. Need someone to write an announcement and call for testers.23:12
MohammadAGwe'll do that soon, just need to tweak mp-fremantle-community-pr a bit23:13
JaffaAnd get andre__ to create a Bugzilla product (with components corresponding to those on
JaffaCall for contributions, too? Wiki/website, patches, contributions from Nokians etc...23:14
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