IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Friday, 2011-01-07

*** povbot has joined #maemo-ssu16:08
mgedmin is up, as requested by lcuk on #maemo a few days ago16:12
lcuk++ mgedmin :D16:12
MohammadAGthanks mgedmin, much appreciated :)16:12
* lcuk will get you a cup of Earl Grey next time we meet16:12
*** crashanddie has quit IRC19:49
*** merlin1991 has joined #maemo-ssu20:16
wmaroneI should dig through modest and find out where this bug is20:49
*** ZogG_work has joined #maemo-ssu21:50
*** MohammadAG has quit IRC22:04
*** MohammadAG has joined #maemo-ssu22:07
*** MohammadAG has quit IRC22:48
*** MohammadAG has joined #maemo-ssu22:48
*** ZogG_work has quit IRC22:55
*** lizardo has quit IRC23:11

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