IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Thursday, 2019-03-07

*** Pali has quit IRC01:01
chem|stsicelo: it will start raining shit if they don't act03:53
chem|stwarfare: juiceme_ you finally failed the deadline for me being actually able to provide you with anything _after_ a GA, I will be gone... come up with something... fast03:56
*** xes_ has joined #maemo-meeting04:18
*** xes has quit IRC04:19
sicelotried emailing him? and/or pm on tmo?07:10
*** Pali has joined #maemo-meeting09:38
*** Pali has quit IRC09:39
*** Pali has joined #maemo-meeting09:44
*** Pali has quit IRC09:56
*** jskarvad has joined #maemo-meeting10:40
*** xes_ is now known as xes10:42
*** Pali has joined #maemo-meeting18:48
*** jskarvad has quit IRC22:32
chem|stsicelo: since 201723:24
chem|stI stepped down almost 2 years ago, now I am moving, notified them a year ago, now it is urgent and still no reaction23:27

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