IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Wednesday, 2018-05-23

juicememmh, have to go to sleep now.00:04
juicemeI'll continue tomorrow to think about the data00:04
*** Pali has quit IRC00:09
*** Pali has joined #maemo-meeting00:09
eLtMosenn8 juice00:09
*** Pali has quit IRC00:30
*** Pali has joined #maemo-meeting00:33
*** Pali has quit IRC01:27
*** eLtMosen1 has joined #maemo-meeting01:50
*** eLtMosen has quit IRC01:53
*** eLtMosen1 has quit IRC03:23
*** xes has quit IRC03:49
*** xes has joined #maemo-meeting04:06
*** xes has quit IRC04:34
*** xes has joined #maemo-meeting04:56
*** xes has quit IRC08:49
*** xes has joined #maemo-meeting08:57
*** Pali has joined #maemo-meeting09:16
*** Pali has quit IRC09:41
*** eLtMosen1 has joined #maemo-meeting11:22
*** jskarvad has joined #maemo-meeting11:25
*** eLtMosen1 has quit IRC11:57
*** eLtMosen1 has joined #maemo-meeting12:31
*** eLtMosen1 has quit IRC12:31
*** eLtMosen has joined #maemo-meeting13:17
*** jskarvad has quit IRC17:21
*** jskarvad has joined #maemo-meeting17:24
*** Pali has joined #maemo-meeting18:25
*** jskarvad has quit IRC20:18
*** xes has quit IRC20:54
*** xes has joined #maemo-meeting21:21

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