IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Tuesday, 2018-02-27

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sicelomight want to look at eeklund's forwarding address17:40
siceloi was forwarding some email to, and got this message back17:40
sicelo<> (expanded from <>): unknown user: "ekkelund"17:40
warfareI've been missing an "e" - ISTR it should be eekkelund@ ..18:38
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eekkelundhello from mwc!:)21:31
eekkelundthanks sicelo, juiceme could you check?21:32
eekkelundoh warfare checked already, thanks!:)21:33
eLtMosenHi eekkelund & sicelo! Good evening21:42
eLtMosenwow eekkelund, how is the weather in barcelona?21:43
juicemeso eekkelund is your council address still wrong, you are not getting the messages?22:14
juicemeheh, some get to travel :)22:17
eLtMosenjuiceme, i saw eekkelund was written with only on e like ekkelund in the forwarder?22:27
eekkelundhavent got any council messages..22:33
eekkelundweather is bad, it was snowing today :Dd22:34
eLtMosenyes, you picked the worst time to visit spain in like 2 decades,lol22:35
eekkelundhaha yeah true!22:37
*** xes_ is now known as xes22:38
eLtMoseni saw wikiwide, adding great remarks to the chen phone support question list. have you seen eekkelund?22:39
eekkelundah no, i havent seen it!22:41
eekkelundi will check when i getto computer, we are atm out:)22:42
xeswarfare: about "money 4 hardware" topic... did i missed any reply?22:42
warfarexes: Nope, there wasn't any.22:43 create the silence during a meeting. Talk about money!23:00
juicememoney is always a good topic!23:01
juicemeI missed that introduction.23:01
juicemeso what's the current state of affairs in the server side, is there a need for update/replacement/repair?23:02
warfarejuiceme: Yes, we have the need for some upgrades. Either a 3rd blade and/or more disks.23:04
warfareWe wondered how much money we have available so we can budget accordingly.23:05
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juicemewell we still have some funds, I can dig out the exact sum but it has not changed much since the last fnancial report23:06
siceloallowed to type it here?23:07
juicemeless than 4 grand :)23:08
juicemebut more than 323:08
siceloyeah :)23:08
juicemeI cannot vouch exactly as there has been some bills to pay and some donations, but the totals has not changed too much23:09
juicemeso warfare, any estimates on how much is needed?23:09
warfarejuiceme: I can spend up to 1k.. ;) I'll talk to xes and we'll come up with 2 plans so we can decide.23:10
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