IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Wednesday, 2018-01-10

eekkelundjuiceme, pleasure :D I don't think that our employee would sponsor that..00:03
juicememe neither, and that's why I asked :)00:03
eLtMosencan you get "educational extra vacation" for visiting congresses like employees do in germany?00:04
juicemewell it had to be pretty defined congress I think, and even if it'd be possible I would most probably have to pay for it myself00:05
juicemeI'd love to go to some FOSS-oriented con really, and could even try to argue it's necessary since I'm working pretty much fulltime with GPL stuff nowdays00:06
siceloi told myself, after the experience of DebConf/PyCon, that I would attend any interesting conference as long as i afford it money-wise (or if there is some funding).00:09
siceloi will be sleeping shortly00:11
sicelore - council business - i have the credentials for the twitter account belonging to Council that i got from reinob.00:12
eekkelundSo for next weeks meeeting, what agenda should we have? what are the topics that we should address?:)00:12
eLtMosenschedule for the competition is needed00:13
siceloi will need to transfer the credentials to someone that you designate00:13
eekkelundI vote for mosen to take care of the twitter account x)00:14
juicemethat's OK by me :)00:14
eLtMosenyes, will accept00:14
eLtMosenhow to transfer?00:15
juicemearranging the next competition is the mid-range target00:15
juicemeis private chat secure enoough?00:16
juicemefor the transfer; I'd assume it is00:16
eLtMoseni guess00:16
siceloat least it says you're using a secure connection here on IRC :-)00:17
sicelolet me fire up laptop to get them00:17
eekkelundmosen could/should change the password after change then00:19
eekkelundOther topics for next week?00:19
juicemenot really, there is one change in forum user management that'd needs to be done at some point00:20
juicemeso, nite to all, time for me to go to bed00:22
eLtMosenhit the sack, jack :D good nite y'all00:22
eekkelundoh and if somebody wants to develop readonly support for specific blacklisted IP's. I mean here TOR end nodes, so TMO would be accessible from TOR users :D But I doubt that will happen..00:23
eekkelundgood night! :)00:23
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