IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Tuesday, 2017-09-12

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sicelogood evening22:06
*** eLtMosen has joined #maemo-meeting22:21
juicemesicelo o/22:32
juicemeI'm sorry I cannot attend much today.22:32
sicelohow are you juiceme / eLtMosen22:33
juicemeI'm quite well, now, just need to do some things22:33
eLtMosenHi sicelo and juice!22:34
siceloi have wondered occasionally if the meeting time does not perhaps need revising22:34
juicemebut there's one thing I was asked ahain, so let's keep it on the front;22:34
juicemethat's the TMO access from TOR, specifiallly because most if not all TOR exit points are on blackist22:35
juicemethere were 2 solutions deiscussed previously, and both have problems.22:35
juiceme1.) creating native TOR access (hidden service) for TMO22:36
siceloyes, i also wanted to bring that up last week :-)22:36
juiceme2.) allowing read-only access to forum from blacklisted IP's22:36
juicemethe problem with 1.) is how to do it safely, it is quite risky indeed if it means we'll need to allow tunneling inside our VM's. that's a no-no-22:37
siceloaiui, 2 would probably be best, but it's not exactly asy in our forum software22:37
juicemethe problem with 2.) is that nobody knows how to do that for midgard, it might be crazily difficult or extremeley easy...22:38
juicemeour midgard is heavily patched beast with nobody really sure what is safe to twiggle:)22:38
juicemebut anyway, tht's my thngs today, over&out22:39
eLtMosenregarding meeting times, why not use this channel and log more often to collect topics? Then we actually have something to discuss during meetings :D23:10

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