IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Wednesday, 2017-08-02

eekkelundOh I missed conversation! Yeah btw, juiceme, did you bro find a good car? :)00:27
eekkelundAnd TMO cert has been expired!00:27
eLtMoseneekkelund: a really nice 425 bmw00:31
juiceme420 I think00:34
juicemewith 4-wheel drive and all the nice extras :)00:35
juicemeabout the certificate; yes it needs to be renewed00:35
juicemeI am just reading the backlog on TMO that I have missed during the last two weeks00:36
eLtMosenOut of curiousity, why StartCom and not Letsencrypt authority? Is startcom also free?00:39
juicemeI have to confess I am not that familiar with different certificate providers00:40
juicemeI somehow believed they would cost hundreds of euros per year00:41
juicememaybe it has changed?00:41
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eekkelundOh cool! I am not personally so fan of bmw's but if it is good for your bro, awesome!00:45
eLtMosenletsencrypt is completely free. But if a renewal at startcom is also free, better not change a running system.00:46
eekkelundLetsEncrypt certs are free, and I remeber we had some conversation about this and maemo infra admins had some input. Somehow startcom was better ig not only choice?:D00:47
juicemeseems they give out certs for just one year?00:48
juicemeit was created on 08/01/201600:48
juicemeexpired on 08/01/201700:48
juicemeI don't remember who renewed it last year, chemist mybe?00:49
eLtMoseneekkelund: same for me with bmw but i was impressed with that model (420 is correct).00:50
eekkelundI dont remember either, infra guys might remember :)00:50
eekkelundHahah :D00:50
eekkelundHey what about the GA meeting?00:51
eLtMosenGeneral Assembly is: Tech guys +  Maemo e.V. board + ??00:53
juicemeGA is the members of MCeV (see
juicemeoops, win7mac is still mentioned even as he has passed on, maybe that needs to be changed00:58
juicemeOkay, updated the new council to that page, need to fix other parts of the wiki too :)01:02
eLtMosenGA Topic: As a late honor to Win7Mac it would be possible to grant him the first "honorable member" status.01:14
eLtMosenoh, its "Honorary member" to be correct01:16
juicemeyes, that is a good idea01:19
eLtMosenAccording to german law, he is still a person in that regard and no current maemo e.V. rules would have to be changed.01:22
juicemeyes, I think that's OK everywhere; a person can be awarded a honorary position posthumously.01:24
juicemeOK, now I fixed the council page, please review; (
eLtMosenOh, i guess i am going to write my first wikipedia article sometime this year ;)01:28
juicemeexcellent idea, why hide our candle when we can brightly advertise! :)01:29
juicememosen, upload your picture there if you want to. Not mandatory, though.01:30
eLtMosenhmm i do not understand, which picture, where to upload?01:34
juicemethere's now your name in current council01:34
juicemelog in wiki with your maemo credentials, there's "upload file" in the righthand menu01:35
eLtMosenah, sure01:35
juicemethen you can just put that in the place in the page where it now says "No_picture.gif"01:37
eLtMosendone ;)01:55
juicemeoo, good!02:02
juicemeheh, reason I'm still awake is I started update of Jämsänjoki to my Jollaphone, and bricked it... now am repairing.02:03
juicemeit indeed was a good idea not to upgrade while I was travelling :)02:04
eLtMoseni am still on will try on weekend. Did you disable all patches or put helmet on and thrugh the wall?02:18
juicemewell, I just checked I have enough space, did btrfs purge and went right on.02:23
juicemeI have no suck patches that should blow it. and should have had enough space too...02:23
juicemeit deownloaded OK, albeit slowly, and started update. t managed to install 487 out of 725 updates when it went wrong02:26
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eekkelundsorry, I went to sleep yesterday..:) ooh eLtMosen, very good ideas! ^wikipedia and honorary member!13:23
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