IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Wednesday, 2017-07-05

juicemeomg there's loads of duplicate emails...00:04
juiceme141 pairs00:05
sicelowhat could have caused them?00:06
juiceme8 of which are triplets, and even one quadruplet and one kvintet!!!00:06
juicemeI assume same thing as with you, changing of username?00:07
juicemelet me ceck the one with 5 !!! duplicates...00:07
juicemecrazy... the guy has 5 different names and just one email address..00:09
sicelomidgard maybe has no checks for duplicates when registering ... unless our friend here changed usernames that much00:10
juicemewell the registrations are 2011-10-24, 2011-11-04, 2011-11-16, 2011-11-17, 2012-02-1600:11
juicemeso he changed username 4 times, all in space of 4 months00:12
siceloidentity crisis :p00:13
juicemeserious fragmentation of mind :)00:13
juicemeunless it's bunch of brothers/sisters who cannot afford but a single email addess :)00:17
juicemesince, and this is *wrong* I think; the accounts all are active!00:17
juicemeunless your old account, which does not any longer exist in database00:18
siceloare they all actually used for logins?00:19
juicemeyes, all are in use00:20
juicemebut might be long since abandoned, I cannot find any recent activity00:21
juicemethe accounts only exist in maemo/garage, not TMO though.00:26
eekkelundooh interesting! so one email address have gotten 5 different voting tokens?:O00:26
sicelohe probably added in his spam list by now00:28
eekkelundoh okay:o00:29
juicemejeez, and indeed only garage accounts, not TMO00:29
juicemewhich means it's not one of the recent spammers :)00:29
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