IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Tuesday, 2017-06-27

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siceloi might miss the meeting today - most likely will be on the road at that time20:59
reinobgood evening!21:48
eekkelundHow are you?:)22:26
reinobOK. and you?22:35
juicemesicelo :)22:36
juicemeeekkelund :)22:36
juicemereinob :)22:37
eekkelundreinob, im goodgood:) Hi juiceme!22:37
reinobhey juiceme!22:38
juicemeso, we finally managed to get 4 candidates and can proceed with elections plan!22:42
reinobyay! :)22:44
juicemeokay, I updated the election wikipage22:55
juicemeI'll post the candidate list to maemo-community now22:55
juicemeokay, it's done :)23:15
reinobe-mail received :)23:15
juicemeso, now it is finally proceeding, and election will be set to motion next week :)23:19
eekkelundalso got email! thanks juice :)23:21
juicemenow, I just remember we were also arranging for the MCeV members meeting, what did we decide again?23:22
reinobhave forgotten already23:26
reinobwe can just fix another day now23:27
juicemeyes, we still have one meeting as outgoing council :)23:30
juicemehey, gnite everyone!23:51

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