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eekkelund | Evening! | 21:38 |
reinob | hi there! | 21:38 |
sicelo_ | good evening | 21:46 |
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eekkelund | Oh hi, reinob, sicelo! How are you? | 21:58 |
reinob | OK. Busy as always :) | 22:00 |
eekkelund | haha sounds familiar :) | 22:03 |
reinob | I've been absent in the last few weeks. Any update on the council election? | 22:11 |
eekkelund | https://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?p=1528658#post1528658 This is the latest.. no new candidates.. :( | 22:16 |
Guest52865 | hi! | 22:40 |
Guest52865 | oh.. | 22:40 |
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juiceme | there :) | 22:42 |
juiceme | there's some need to try to prod people up a bit, I do believe we have good candidates that just need a little convincing. | 22:44 |
sicelo | true that | 22:46 |
juiceme | sicelo, hi | 22:47 |
sicelo | hi juice :) | 22:47 |
juiceme | https://wiki.maemo.org/Community_Council/Council_election_Q2_2017#Nominees still stands at 3 | 22:49 |
eekkelund | Hi juice! And yeah you are right | 22:59 |
juiceme | eekkelund :) | 23:09 |
sicelo | who do you have in mind to prod | 23:22 |
juiceme | well there are plenty of people, some who have been in the council before and some who have been runners-up. | 23:24 |
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juiceme | maybe we should collect a list and send private message to those | 23:24 |
juiceme | xes_, hi | 23:24 |
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sicelo | i'd agree with that | 23:27 |
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