IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Tuesday, 2017-06-20

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reinobhi there!21:38
sicelo_good evening21:46
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eekkelundOh hi, reinob, sicelo! How are you?21:58
reinobOK. Busy as always :)22:00
eekkelundhaha sounds familiar :)22:03
reinobI've been absent in the last few weeks. Any update on the council election?22:11
eekkelund This is the latest.. no new candidates.. :(22:16
*** Guest52865 is now known as juiceme22:42
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juicemethere :)22:42
juicemethere's some need to try to prod people up a bit, I do believe we have good candidates that just need a little convincing.22:44
sicelotrue that22:46
juicemesicelo, hi22:47
sicelohi juice :)22:47
juiceme still stands at 322:49
eekkelundHi juice! And yeah you are right22:59
juicemeeekkelund :)23:09
sicelowho do you have in mind to prod23:22
juicemewell there are plenty of people, some who have been in the council before and some who have been runners-up.23:24
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juicememaybe we should collect a list and send private message to those23:24
juicemexes_, hi23:24
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siceloi'd agree with that23:27

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