IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Tuesday, 2017-05-16

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eekkelundHelo :)21:44
sicelohi eekkelund :)21:48
sicelomeeting is in 12 minutes? or 72?21:48
eekkelundShould have started already but we haven't had so fixed starting time :) So should start when others will arrive21:51
juicemesicelo, hiya!22:08
juicemeeekkelund, allo!22:08
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juicemeSicelo009N, hi :)22:12
Sicelo009Nheya juiceme22:12
reinobin my best tradition, I'm afraid I won't be very available this evening22:17
reinobwill try to check every now and then, but can't promise much activity..22:18
eekkelundHi reinob, hi juiceme :)22:19
eekkelundAnything new?:)22:25
juicemereinob, hi!22:26
juicemeOK, so what we have in agenda, not much22:26
juicemefirstly, not all prizes have yet been distributed22:27
juicemeI have not been able to contact nodevel22:27
juicemehe seems to have gone underground, not answering my emails or messages22:30
eekkelundHmm, he hasn't been active either in TMO since february :S22:30
juicemesecond, the GA call; therre is nothing extra on the ageda, just the standard items on the rules so it could be arranged22:31
juicemeeekkelund, indeed, I hope he's not ill or something22:31
eekkelund:// yeah hopefully22:33
eekkelundSo when GA should be? and we should plan that?22:34
reinobre. GA I think we suggested June 18th IIRC22:36
reinobwhich means the announcement should be immediate (1 month in advance)22:36
reinoba week later (25) should also be OK (at least from my side)22:37
juicemeI say we announce early, meaning now22:39
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reinob+1 :)22:42
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eekkelundDoes anybody want to do the announcing?:D23:53
juicemewould you do it?23:55

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