IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Tuesday, 2017-05-09

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eekkelundHeyy :)22:15
eekkelundHow has the week been?:)22:16
reinobjust wanted to write to say that I may connect later but right now we have a lot to do (preparing the 1st communion :)22:16
reinobthe week? so far so good. but it's only tuesday :)22:16
reinoband you?22:16
eekkelundOh okay, juice is not yet here so no hurry. I meant the past week, from tuesday :D22:17
eekkelundIt has beeen ok, soon I am also going to be Nokia employee22:18
reinoboh? cool :)22:18
reinobdoing what? if I may ask..22:19
eekkelundWell I have been Comptelian for a year and  now Nokia bought us so I think same stuff. I am partly in ICT servicedesk, so unix virtualmachines, and partly in devops team22:25
juicemeah, so the deal between Nokia <-> Comptel has now been finalized?22:38
juicemeeekkelund, welcome aboard then :)22:39
eekkelundHi! its not finalized finalized but Nokia owns more than 95% of Comptel so it is matter of time :D22:45
juicemewill you stay in Ruoholahti or move up to Kara?22:54
juicemeyou only wish :)22:58
juicemeso, anything new going on?22:59
juicemeI have been again too busy the last week to think about much anything :)23:00
juicemeI only hope the weather gets a bit warmer; when the cycling season starts I will have plenty of idle time to think about things while pedalling :)23:00
eekkelundI have nothing new :) I have started the cycling season!;)23:23
juicemeya! it is really truly cold out there, I have no stamina for cycling... running is a different thing though; ran 9,6km today and 10,5 last sunday :)23:29
juicemeit's easier to keep warm when you go for a run...23:30
juicemeanyway, gnite then!23:30
eekkelundOhhhh wow.. I don't personally like running so.. :D good night!23:31

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