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eekkelund | Evening!:) | 21:44 |
reinob | hi there! | 21:45 |
eekkelund | Whats up?:) | 22:04 |
reinob | not much :) | 22:05 |
reinob | happy that the election announcement was posted | 22:05 |
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juiceme | ya! | 22:31 |
juiceme | eekkelund, hi! | 22:31 |
juiceme | reinob, hi! | 22:31 |
juiceme | about the announcement; it still has not appeared on TMO/Community board... | 22:32 |
juiceme | I raised the issue with @chem|st but he says it is not his domain ( == not patr ot TMO, I guess ) | 22:33 |
juiceme | part of | 22:33 |
juiceme | so I suppose one of the other admins could check what's with the autoposting thingy | 22:34 |
reinob | or we post it separately on tmo.. | 22:35 |
juiceme | BTW we do have another issue too, which I kinda have forgotten; | 22:35 |
juiceme | reinob, yes, can do that too | 22:35 |
reinob | which issue? | 22:35 |
juiceme | the Council should call the Maemo General Assembly meeting soonish, too | 22:35 |
reinob | hmm.. | 22:36 |
juiceme | http://wiki.maemo.org/MaemoCommunity_eV#How_to_hold_a_General_Assembly | 22:36 |
eekkelund | juiceme, hi !:) Nice that you asked. I can post it seperatly now, asap. | 22:37 |
juiceme | eekkelund, excellent | 22:37 |
reinob | great! thanks eekkelund | 22:38 |
* reinob reading wiki.. | 22:39 | |
juiceme | so, as next task before we go to elections let's chack the GA schedule and hopefully arrange it asap | 22:39 |
reinob | was there a GA in 2016? I think so, but I'm not sure | 22:42 |
juiceme | I'll have to check my emails if I can find the summons | 22:43 |
juiceme | yes, we had GA http://maemo.org/community/council/maemo_community_e-v--new_invitation_to_the_general_assembly_2016/ | 22:44 |
reinob | OK | 22:45 |
reinob | regarding the date.. the new council should be in place mid-June. We could do the GA on the last sunday of June (25th) | 22:46 |
juiceme | I think this is the IRC log http://mg.pov.lt/maemo-meeting-irclog/%23maemo-meeting.2016-10-09.log.html | 22:47 |
juiceme | Well yes, but they go kind of not-tightly-coupled, I'd say | 22:47 |
juiceme | We can announce the GA and if we have a new council then, one that none of us are in even, then we can advice the new Council on holding it :) | 22:48 |
reinob | we anyway need 4 weeks notice, so earliest would be also about mid-June.. | 22:48 |
juiceme | yes, and June is a bit tricky since people will be on summer leave | 22:50 |
reinob | right. just remembered that I'll be a week off (summer is in August here BTW :) | 22:50 |
juiceme | The list of members-to-be-called is on the MCeV page I mentioned above | 22:51 |
reinob | I'm away 4th-13th June | 22:51 |
juiceme | I just today reserved my summer leave from week 26 onwards, but it is still possible I could postpone it if needed :) | 22:52 |
reinob | how about Sunday 18th? | 22:53 |
eekkelund | Whole June is pretty good for me :) | 22:54 |
juiceme | 18.06 is OK for me | 22:55 |
eekkelund | https://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?p=1527595 | 22:55 |
reinob | be right back. my laptop shutdown because of heat (fan doesn't work properly anymore). will use telephone, and write little :) | 22:55 |
juiceme | eekkelund, excellent, thanks :) | 22:55 |
reinob | hey | 22:56 |
juiceme | reinob, my remedy for those fan-troubles is to blow really hard into the fan opening; usually out comes an amazing amount of dust! | 22:56 |
juiceme | hey ho? | 22:57 |
reinob | :) | 22:57 |
juiceme | at least with lenovos it helps :) | 22:58 |
reinob | its a crappy second hand eeepc.. | 22:58 |
juiceme | heh, I got a couple of those from a colleague for free, but both are missing batteries | 22:59 |
juiceme | I thought of getting them in working condition but have not had time to source what new batteries would cost | 23:00 |
juiceme | on the other hand, another colleague just bought a 2nd-hand Lenovo 220x for 180 euros, and it's got a good battery. It's also almost the size of an eepc except for being a real computer :) | 23:02 |
reinob | I just use this one in case I need to do something outside of home (my real "laptop" is actually highly stationary, due to the hinge being broken -- lenovo ideapad..) | 23:04 |
reinob | but I guess I'll dump this one and get a chromebook or something really simple and light just for ssh'ing around | 23:04 |
juiceme | I'd assume an eepc is good enough for that. Provided you've got the battery for it :) | 23:05 |
juiceme | so hey, shall we try to push the GA meeting on Sunday 18.06 then? | 23:06 |
reinob | battery is quite OK. it's the fan. could see if I can clean it from the inside (I tried blowing already). The BIOS fan control goes nuts, so I do it manually or semi-manually (fancontrol in debian). But sometimes the fancontrol dies and/or is not restarted when waking up (systemd) and I don't notice until it overheats.. | 23:06 |
juiceme | For myself, I'll need to prepare the accounts reports | 23:07 |
reinob | yup 18. June sounds fine. Eekelund OK? | 23:07 |
juiceme | eekkelund ^^^ | 23:07 |
reinob | but yeah, he said June was fine for him | 23:08 |
eekkelund | Yess :) | 23:08 |
juiceme | righto, so then I'll check with chem|st f there's anything that needs to be prepared/announced this time | 23:09 |
reinob | good. Thanks | 23:09 |
reinob | will check later if eekelund has posted the election announcement on tmo. Otherwise I'll do it tomorrow from work | 23:10 |
juiceme | righto. | 23:10 |
reinob | oh he posted it already :) | 23:11 |
reinob | thanks eekkelund! | 23:11 |
juiceme | yes, that was good | 23:12 |
eekkelund | Npnp :) | 23:13 |
reinob | then I guess it's time to say good night :) | 23:13 |
juiceme | yes, gnite all! | 23:14 |
eekkelund | Good night :) | 23:14 |
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