IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Tuesday, 2017-01-17

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eekkelundGood evening :)21:48
eekkelundAnything new?:)21:58
reinobnot really21:58
eekkelundHmm, should we start to think how it is choosen which prize goes to which winner ?:)22:06
reinobdo we have a list of prizes? (including cash)22:07
eekkelundDo you want to make twitter post on council's account?:D Same kind of like SFOS Berlin?22:11
eekkelundTwo weeks time to submit entry for mccXVI ?:D22:11
reinoblooking at the list of prizes (we have 13 devices, plus 2 TOHKBD, plus money) vs the number of submissions (11), it looks like everyone should get a device and some extra cash :)22:18
reinobre. twitter: I think you are the resident expert here :)22:19
eekkelundMoneys have gone to physical prizes. But how it is decided who wins what?22:22
eekkelundHaha... :D22:22
reinobre who wins what: I don't know. we need to decide if all categories are worth the same or if we apply to weighting22:24
reinoband then how many winners per category22:24
reinoband the distribution amongst the winners in each category. So if category-1 has X "points" (devices and/or cash) then e.g. winner-1 has 50%, winner-2 35% and winner-3 15%22:25
reinob(for example)22:25
reinobor we rank the winners in some order (winner-1-of-cat-1, winner-1-of-cat-2, ... winner-3-of-cat-3) and ask them one by one,in that order, to pick a prize (some people may prefer a N900 rather than a JollaC, etc.)22:27
eekkelundHmm yea, this is something what we all should think and discuss22:29
eekkelundI don't have idea how we should do this22:29
reinobwould be nice if juiceme and pichlo could join now, but I think pichlo is always too early and juiceme too late :)22:31
reinobshould I send an e-mail tomorrow?22:31
eekkelundYea..:) Oh yes please, that would be nice!22:35
reinobI'll set a reminder and hopefully I will get around to doing that while I'm at work (it's surprising how busy one is at home vs at work :)22:35
eekkelundokay:) Haha so home is busier place?:D22:37
reinobchildren, cats, cooking, cleaning, paying bills, shopping, etc.22:42
reinobat work it's just "work" and it's easy(ier) to manage. more linear :)22:42
reinobhave to leave now. will check back in 30min or so22:44
eekkelundhaha I understand :D Okay, lets see if we get others to join :)22:54
reinobnot much happened :)23:23
reinobI'm going to have to leave anyway. It's getting late and tomorrow will be a long day (24h I believe :)23:23
reinobhopefully I'll send the e-mail with a proposal or two for the prize distribution23:23
reinobGood night!23:23
eekkelundGood night!:)23:35
eekkelundI will also myself go.23:35

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