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eekkelund | Hellou:) | 21:31 |
eekkelund | Nobody? | 22:14 |
reinob | hey! | 22:15 |
reinob | sorry, I forgot and fell asleep (we went skiing today and I'm really tired now :) | 22:16 |
juiceme | hiya! | 22:30 |
juiceme | eekkelund, :) | 22:30 |
reinob | hey :) | 22:30 |
juiceme | reinob :) | 22:30 |
eekkelund | Hey reinob, juiceme :) | 22:30 |
juiceme | how's the christmas time been? | 22:30 |
eekkelund | Travelling..:D | 22:31 |
reinob | busy :) but fine. Back to work next monday.. | 22:31 |
eekkelund | yours? | 22:31 |
eekkelund | Back to work also next monday :) | 22:31 |
juiceme | well, had last week off on a holiday yet didn't go much anywhere :) | 22:31 |
juiceme | visited my brother in Jyväskylä, not farther than that | 22:32 |
eekkelund | I was in Gran Canaria and then couple days at my parents place and now in Russia :) | 23:02 |
juiceme | are you still in some place that's off-reach from the net wxcept for a patchy 3G link? | 23:13 |
eekkelund | haha no:D I am in city with 4g hotspot. Last time I was in summer cottage town middle of no where :) | 23:17 |
eekkelund | anything to discuss about?:) | 23:28 |
eekkelund | offtopic, have you tried tIDE ? ;) | 23:28 |
juiceme | no, have not tried yet. Have followed the discussion closely, though :) | 23:29 |
eekkelund | Tell me when you have! :) And if you have found bugs or have feature suggestions plz tell:) I think I have managed to add all suggestions from thread already, except tablet UI :) | 23:32 |
reinob | I planned to try it during the holidays, but I find I barely use my Jolla anymore. | 23:33 |
juiceme | ah, you have been quick to do the fixes, really! | 23:33 |
juiceme | reinob, what's your current iron, then? | 23:34 |
reinob | I have this issue with (I guess) some update having changed my lock code. Luckily I had disabled it, but if for some reason I lock it then it's bricked | 23:34 |
reinob | I'm hoping to crack (RE) the security code encryption so that I can figure out what my Jolla *thinks* the code is now. | 23:35 |
reinob | juiceme: I use a Moto G3 (Android..) | 23:35 |
reinob | do you guys know if there's a way to flash a Jolla without knowing the lock code (and without sending it to Finland) | 23:36 |
juiceme | hm, I'd assume so but have never tried to do that. | 23:37 |
juiceme | so it's locked and you cannot remember the code? | 23:38 |
eekkelund | Oouch.. Lock code changed by itself? | 23:39 |
reinob | it's not locked (I can use it), and I do remember the code because I never changed it. But for some reason the Jolla doesn't accept it (like when you need to put the security code to change some setting, like the security code itself :),so as long as I don't lock it I'm fine, but I prefer to keep it off so I don't fuck up | 23:39 |
eekkelund | I remeber when I forgot my lock code.. Trying to factory reset from rescue mode:D I could try different lock code 3 times and then I had to wait 10(?) minutes or take battery out | 23:40 |
eekkelund | reinob, You can not change security code to be active if you don't know security code :D One of those settings | 23:42 |
reinob | there's a binary called "encpartition" which does the validation. I know it combines MAC, IMEI and user-given code to generate the encrypted code, which is then stored (in /usr/share/lipstick/devicelock/devicelock_settings.conf I think) | 23:42 |
juiceme | reinob, so somehow you have gotten it mixed up, the lock code itself cannot be modified? | 23:43 |
reinob | I could of course edit the text file and put some random garbage on it, but I wouldn't know the corresponding lock code and probably the phone would be insta-bricked | 23:43 |
juiceme | possibly. :) | 23:44 |
juiceme | are you *absolutely* sure you know the lock code then? maybe your kids changed it or something :) | 23:44 |
reinob | yes I'm sure. My kids are not there yet :) | 23:45 |
reinob | apparently last devlock change: 1478799629 = 10.11.2016 18:40:29 | 23:45 |
reinob | so Nov. 10 but I don't think I did anything special there. Maybe the latest SFOS update? | 23:45 |
juiceme | mmh. Does the encrypting application take user input, when you feed it the code you *think* is correct, does it evaluate to same thing what's on the file? | 23:46 |
juiceme | I have not really looked into the locking mechanism so have no bright ideas | 23:46 |
reinob | the program takes the code as input and returns an exit code. Like 0 = OK, etc. Have to reverse engineer it yet but that's how it works black-box style | 23:47 |
juiceme | ah, so you mean you feed in the lock code, and it internally mangles it and compares to the stored hash and if they match, then it says OK? | 23:48 |
juiceme | so it never outputs the stored hash itself? | 23:48 |
juiceme | I wonder how the hash in the file is created, then | 23:48 |
reinob | the stored hash is at /usr/share/lipstick/devicelock/.devicelock.enc | 23:49 |
reinob | mine is 208eea98d9b80b0d27e8f89f6f147fcd82815e83X | 23:49 |
juiceme | yes, but is it created by the same application? | 23:49 |
reinob | the program (/usr/lib/qt5/plugins/devicelock/encpartition), 37Kb | 23:50 |
reinob | takes the plain-text code (like "12345") computes the hash and compares to the stored one | 23:50 |
juiceme | funny nime for the binary, suggests it could be used to encrypt partitions, hm? | 23:50 |
reinob | with encpartition --check-code 12345 | 23:50 |
reinob | you can do also encpartition --set-code <old> <new> | 23:50 |
juiceme | ah, but it requires the existing one to work :) | 23:51 |
reinob | they're not dumb :) | 23:51 |
reinob | have to see if maybe my MAC and/or my IMEI changed? but this should never happen AFAIK | 23:51 |
reinob | (I mean, MAC yes but I didn't do anything with it) | 23:52 |
juiceme | yes, those should be constant | 23:52 |
eekkelund | Woa cool, new information for me :) | 23:52 |
juiceme | live and learn | 23:52 |
reinob | anyway, have to go. will see if I give tIDE a ride tomorrow (we have a snow storm coming so I'll have some time at home :) | 23:53 |
reinob | next week we check how the competition is going? | 23:53 |
juiceme | but are you sure it uses some device-dependant (mac/imei) to seed the algo? If it doesn't, I could set a code 12345 on my device and give you the hash... | 23:53 |
reinob | I'm not 100% sure. This is based on strings I found in the binary. | 23:54 |
juiceme | yes, need to still post info about the elections, | 23:54 |
reinob | and according to strace() they are read. What the program does with it I don't know (yet) | 23:54 |
juiceme | that maemo.org account is needed to partake in it | 23:54 |
reinob | bye for now. might connect back later (or not :) | 23:55 |
reinob | good night! | 23:55 |
eekkelund | reinob: nice, report then do you like it :) | 23:55 |
juiceme | bye! | 23:55 |
eekkelund | GN :) | 23:55 |
eekkelund | I will update wikipage of competition when I get home :) And post tide as entry :) | 23:56 |
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