IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Tuesday, 2016-12-13

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pichloHello everybody.21:41
reinobhey pichlo21:41
eekkelundHello pichlo & reinob21:42
pichloSorry I'm late. And that I missed the past few meetings. Did I miss much today?21:42
reinobtoday nothing at all. you were the first to write21:43
reinobguess we're all sorta speechless21:46
pichloIndeed :(21:47
reinobthe one things that I can't keep off my head is: did he have family? (I mean, like downstream)21:48
juicemereinob as far as I know, only upstream.21:48
juicemeI might be wrong though.21:48
reinobI hope you're right. It's bad enough for the parents, but imagine if he had kids21:49
pichlochemist only mentioned his sister21:49
pichloIs anyone going to Hamburg?21:51
pichloI can't :(21:51
reinobI can't21:52
juicemecannot, unfortunately.21:52
reinob(and I'm not sure I would, even if I could. I mean, I didn't actually known him so I'd like like everyone would think "who the fvck is that guy")21:53
eekkelundI can not either21:53
juicemeI hope at least some people from germany can attend. And Niel meant to, he's not that far.21:53
juicemereinob, I don't think that'll be the case, there's hopefully some other Maemoans too21:54
reinobI've only been in two funerals so far (grandparents). Have no idea how things work when out-of-family.21:54
juicemeI'd imagine it is pretty much the same, of course customs vary from one country to other21:55
juicemethere was mention about nominating something in honor of Gido, do you have any ideas?21:57
juicemeI thought, maybe have the ongoing competition in his memory, how do you think?21:57
reinobidea is good though a bit after-the-fact. plus what does it mean at all to do it or have it in his memory? rename the competition?21:59
pichloGood idea, juiceme21:59
juicemei don't know, that's why I am asking.21:59
pichloGood point, reinob21:59
juicemeany other ideas?21:59
reinobsorry, not meant to criticize. I'm clueless plus a bit grumpy perhaps21:59
juicemeyes, no wonder. no offense taken :)22:01
reinobI think chem|st mentioned also a foundation or so. Don't know how that works, but it may be a bit too far fetched (meaning, requiring administration, etc.), and its not like when a billionaire sets up a foundation for something. we'd set something up and then hope for crowdfunding to fund a crowd, if you understand what I mean..22:01
eekkelundGood idea and good point22:01
juicemeyes, there's lots of overhead in a foundation. Of course we could hope that some immensely rich Maemoan would fund it... we got those, don't we :p22:03
pichloI would not want to start a foundation to be honest. I mean, we have one already. How much do we collect annually? What makes us believe that a new one would attract more?22:06
pichloWe may end up dishonouring Gido's name instead...22:07
juicemepichlo, you indeed have a point.22:07
pichloMaybe we can do a two minutes silence.22:08
juicemechem|st mentioned setting TMO background to black (at the time of the memorial service I think)22:09
pichloTake the server offline for two minutes exactly one week after Gido's death.22:10
pichlojuiceme, that would work too!22:10
juicemepichlo, your idea is also OK22:11
pichloThanks. BTW, can someone fix the typo in the memorial plaque on TMO?22:12
reinobblack background plus two minutes silence sounds like a good idea22:13
reinobwhat typo?22:13
reinobhaven't read it in detail22:13
pichloMourning looks better than  moaning.22:13
juicemepichlo, yes, I thought of that too; mourning is the actual word but moaning has a meening too, conveying deep loss22:14
juicemeso I thought it appropriate22:14
eekkelund+1 for black background and silence22:16
pichloI admit I am not a native speaker so I asked. The answer was, moaning is... a bit unusual.22:18
juicemepichlo, true, unusual but acceptable. and BTW I do think you are one of the most native english speakers on TMO...22:23
juicemehow long was it since you emigrated?22:23
chem|sthey guys I am very sick so I make it quick22:38
chem|stin my current state I will not be able to make it on saturday22:38
chem|stthe idea was to have a fund not a foundation22:38
reinobhi chem|st. thanks for everything you've done so far, and gute besserung!22:39
reinobwhat does fund (vs foundation) mean here?22:39
juicemeyes, these things are a heavy load to carry22:40
pichloSorry, been distracted by family duties.22:40
juicemefund I think can be just part of our cashbox22:40
pichlojuiceme, I emigrated in 1998 ;)22:40
chem|stpichlo: the adj for mourning is something completely different, what I meant was to reflect something like to moan in the sense of making the noise22:40
juicemesay, we can name a fund in ido's name, and have that as a separate cash for some needs22:41
chem|streinob: with fund I mean a pott of money specifically reserverd for something22:41
juicemepichlo, exactly, which means you probably speak more fluently and intelligibly than locals :)22:41
reinobOK. then I think it's a good idea. Like a budget post but for some nice purpose22:41
juicemereinob, yes22:42
pichlojuiceme, chem|st, I understand. I did not say it does not make sense. It's just something that makes people stop and think about it.22:42
pichloI am happy leaving it as it is.22:42
juicemespeaking of funds, I just updated the donations page in
chem|stin this case, Gido wanted to have a developer fund where students and not so rich people get a loaner and extraordinary efforts get honoured22:43
juicemecuttently we have 618,54  euros22:43
juicemechem|st, that is extremely good idea and I fully support it!22:43
juicemeoops s/cuttently/currently/22:44
chem|stjuiceme: is the 618.54 incl the devices we already bought?22:44
juicemenope, that's the total income.22:44
eekkelundchem|st, very good idea!22:44
chem|stjuiceme: did not look, did you add the tablet and the other C?22:44
chem|steekkelund: it was his idea, that would be up next for 201722:45
juicemechem|st no, I only have added the donations, not devices yet22:45
juicemebut indeed I eill update the device list too22:45
chem|stwell, how much we pay for what is not really important at this point, just so we know how much we actually be short spending22:46
chem|stlike add a sum of what we spent on the bottom22:46
reinobproblem re. fund is that the maemo community does not earn anything other than from donations from community members themselves.22:47
reinobso we would fund students/developers with money donated by ourselves22:47
reinobI don't know how much we can have in that pot22:47
chem|streinob: that is the idea... have the community fund members that want to contribute22:48
reinobah. I thought you meant more general, like students or developers not necessarily within the community, and we fund something they need, like a computer or a room in a student's home, etc.22:48
juicemereinob, it does make sense. Just like people like to donate to developers22:48
juicemeno, to grant funds from the pot to Maemo Community devllopers in need22:49
juicemethat is how I understood it :)22:50
reinobthen I'm for it. And since this is a good month financially speaking, I promise I'll be generous22:50
juicemeWe have accumulated quite list of prize HW already; 3 JollaC's, 1 Aquafish, 2 Jolla1's, 1 Jolla Tablet and a basketful of TOH's. (I guess the TOH's are to be bundled in with the Jolla1's, no sense in having them alone?)22:52
juicemebut no AsteroidOS watches yet :)22:53
reinobI'll send a TOH as well. I don't use the Jolla much anymore. And now it's even stopped accepting the device lock code. Have started RE'ing the program that checks the code (using MAC address and IMEI among others). Feel 20 years younger now, but I'm not sure my skills are still that good.22:54
reinob(BTW fvck Jolla for screwing this up. I did NOT change my lock code)22:55
eekkelundI'm also in with fund idea. I really like that22:55
eekkelundWoah hw list looks super, just missing that smartwatch..;)22:56
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chem|steekkelund: that was just a proof of concept with an LG Urbane22:59
eekkelundchem|st, I mean asteroidos23:00
juicemechem|st indeed, but what a looker!23:00
eekkelundsfos was build top of asteroid on that LG urbane23:00
chem|stjuiceme: tag heuer connected <323:00
chem|stwhatever you put sfos officially on, I buy it! Here, take my money!23:01
juicemeI'm contemplating on getting the withings atch, when my financial situation gets better (maybe next century, huh!)23:01
eekkelundchem|st +123:02
chem|stjuiceme: did nokia lay off again?23:02
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chem|stguys I drop out again, I will order the flowers tomorrow and notify his sister that only Niels can make it, at least I do not feel like 6h roadtrip atm23:03
reinobOK. all the best!23:03
eekkelundOk, thanks chem|st. GN23:04
juicemechem|st, fortunately not! I'm just having constant backslashes; last aunum 2,5keur for car maintanance, both me and my wife broke a tooth and it costs a plenty to implant new ones, and now the taxman remembered that we did not pay tax on an inheritance that was received 8 years ago...23:05
reinobI drop off too now. Was a long day today.23:06
juicemeokay, sleep well!23:06
reinobjuiceme: hope it's not too bad!23:06
reinobgood night23:06
eekkelundgood night reinob23:06
pichloSorry, I was out again. Had two crazy kids in the bath who needed their hair washed and a grumpy wife frowning at my typing on my Jolla instead if helping ;)23:13
pichloGood night, chem|st and reinob!23:13
pichloUnfortunately my financial situation is rather dire right now, but I hope to recover by Feb/Mar.23:14
pichloI might be able to donate a few €. Perhaps 10. And a TOH, though it dounds like you have enough already.23:16
pichloBTW I don't share juiceme's opinion that a TOH on its own is useless. There is still a market for them.23:17
pichloAnybody still around? I will log out soon too!23:36
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eekkelundYea, it ofc depends if one has Jolla. Without Jolla they are good only for selling23:39
eekkelundGN pichlo :)23:39

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