IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Tuesday, 2016-11-08

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eekkelundHellou :)21:37
reinobHellau :)21:39
reinobnot much. busy with work, family, and still more family :)21:40
eekkelundAlso busy with  school, work and gf :D21:41
eekkelundWe got logo for regatta !:)21:41
reinobyay! it looks pretty nice21:41
eekkelundYea I like it also :)21:42
reinobI saw in the wiki that there are some links about development and sdk's, etc. don't know who did it but thanks :)21:49
eekkelundThere is only links for N900:/21:54
reinobwill (try to) have a look in the coming days21:59
reinobgotta go now. will connect again in a while21:59
eekkelundIs anybody around?:/22:23
reinobI'm back, but to be honest, I feel like shutting down, watching the news and falling asleep :)22:26
reinobwe can check in 30min or so if anyone else is around22:27
eekkelunddeal :D22:32
reinobstill nobody here :)22:58
reinobcheck again at 22:3022:58
eekkelundHmm yea22:59
juicemesorry, I was away...23:14
juicemethere is so much snow now, I was doing shovelling and when I got in I completely forgot23:15
juicemethere's word in finnish, "lumityƶt" which I am not sure if similar concept exists in finnish, it literally means "snow-works"23:16
juicemesorry, I mean "if  similar concept exists in english" :)23:17
eekkelundhellou !:)23:25
juicemelooks to me the regatta now has plenty of social media coverage :)23:29
eekkelundYea! Thanks to James:) And it could always have more ;)23:31
reinobhi juiceme!23:48
reinobIm signing off now. gotta sleep :)23:49
eekkelundBye :D23:49
juicemeokay, gnite!23:49
reinobtomorrow's going to be a busy day..23:49
juicemesleep tight :)23:49
juicemerighto, I'll sign out too.23:51
eekkelundnite :)23:51

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