IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Sunday, 2016-10-09

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Lovsgood day12:10
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* peterleinchen is \o16:54
peterleinchenhey, managed in time :)16:55
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peterleinchenwin7mac, hi16:56
peterleinchenhopefully this time there will be enough peeps?16:58
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peterleinchenbare with me, but possibly must be away some time. give me some time for voting or similar response16:59
reinobI think we have 20 people in the channel. No idea how many are actual members16:59
peterleinchenKen-Young: hi16:59
chem|stWelcome to the 2nd attempt of our annual General Assembly 201617:00
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chem|stplease state your presence for the record17:01
chem|stAgenda is as follows17:01
chem|st1.    Welcome by the Chairman of the Board17:01
chem|st2.    Determination of the proper convocation and the quorum of the General Assembly17:01
chem|st3.    Acceptance of the annual report for the fiscal year and actions of the Executive17:01
klinglerwareHello all17:01
chem|st4.    Election of the Board Directors17:01
chem|st5.    Amendment of Articles of Association §7 and §8, Association Rules17:01
chem|st§1.1, §3.2 and §4.117:01
chem|st6.    Any other business17:01
* reinob is present17:01
* peterleinchen is present17:02
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Ken-YoungKen Young is present.17:02
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chem|stLovs_: you there?17:02
* juiceme is present17:03
chem|stOksana: ping17:03
* xes is present17:03
chem|stRzR: you there17:04
* Win7Mac is present17:04
Win7Macjust sent a reminder to those not present17:05
chem|stwarfare: ping, are you good again?!17:05
chem|stWin7Mac: we need 2/3 right?17:06
Win7Mac1/3 afaik17:07
reinobhow many members are there in total?17:07
chem|stso reinob 1717:07
reinobwe have 7 confirmed here, so 1/3 is OK 2/3 NOK17:07
juicemedamn, I have eekkelun's telephonenumber but it is in the other device17:08
juicemehave to dig it out of database backup, just a minute17:08
chem|stit is 1/3 so 6 is a quorum17:08
chem|steekkelund: ping17:09
peterleinchenaob (for later): change rules so at a second meeting no qourum is needed???17:09
chem|stso we get to 2. right away before anyone drops: The convocation was properly and with 7/17 Members we have a quorum.17:10
Win7Macwe need at least 6 out of 1617:10
chem|stWin7Mac: oh right, we are 16 not 1717:10
Win7Macand we are 6/1617:11
reinobconfirmed are { chem|st, reinob, peterleinchen, Ken-Young, juiceme, xes, Win7Mac }17:11
reinobmakes 7 in my book17:11
Ken-YoungI may not count17:11
reinobah OK :)17:12
Win7MacKen-Young, you applied for membership?17:12
Ken-YoungProbably not.17:12
klinglerwareklinglerware is here17:12
chem|st3. the annual report of our accounts was audited by Win7Mac and produced by juiceme17:12
chem|stjuiceme: do you have a reduced pdf ready, and a link to it?17:12
juicemeyes, the report is here;
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chem|stthe report + the audit was received by Chair, signed by treasurer (juiceme) and auditor (Win7Mac)17:13
juicemeI just send SMS to eekkelund, too17:13
juicemein the copy I have link to, only my signature17:14
juicemebut it is the same audited by gido17:14
lovsi'm here.  fsck deutsche bahn17:14
chem|stthen please everyone have a quick peak at the report17:14
juicemesorry, this is the link;
juicemethe other one was a previous work copy :)17:15
chem|stthen either reply with "I accept/I deny/I abstain" to accept the annual report17:16
eekkelundsorry i am late:)17:16
reinobI accept17:16
chem|steekkelund: welcome, please find the report linked by juice and vote on its acceptance17:16
chem|stI accept17:17
klinglerwareI accept17:17
juicemeeekkelund, :)17:17
Win7MacI accept17:17
juicemeI accept17:18
juicemeif I am allowed to f17:18
juicemeto do that17:18
chem|stjuiceme: yes17:18
* peterleinchen cannot download (I am on mobile) ...17:18
Ken-YoungI accept (if I count)17:18
lovsi accept17:18
reinob(pending accept/deny/abstain) chem|st, peterleinchen, xes, eekkelund17:19
chem|stKen-Young: you do not countsorry17:19
Ken-YoungOK, I'll shut up.17:19
chem|streinob: I voted and xes is not MCeV17:19
reinob(pending accept/deny/abstain) peterleinchen, eekkelund17:19
lovsguys it can be that i dc again when the train starts moving. and i voted and am in your club i guess17:20
eekkelundI accept:)17:20
chem|stpeterleinchen: well it is audited but you as well can abstain17:20
chem|stpeterleinchen: your vote please17:20
peterleinchenpeterleinchen needs to abstain (but guess I would accept!)17:21
reinob(peterleinchen said at 15:59 "bare with me, but possibly must be away some time. give me some time for voting or similar response")17:21
chem|stso the vote is 7/0/1 Y/N/A17:21
peterleinchensounds sufficient :)17:22
chem|stAs far as other reports go, we have established accounts with PayPal and BitPay (accepting Bitcoin)17:22
juicemeyes, next accounts report will also include bitcoin17:23
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reinobchem|st: after what happened to Neo900, should be regularly pull the money off Paypal to DB or is this not necessary in your opinion?17:23
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chem|stdue to missing documents from warfare we did not apply as NPO and still have to file a taxreport17:23
chem|streinob: yes, I told juiceme to pull funds frequently, at 6. we may discuss stuff further17:24
chem|stany questions?17:24
juicemeIs the accounts report enough for taxation, or is more documents needed?17:24
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chem|stjuiceme: that is not for here, we will check that when it is happening but I guess we need the in/out tables17:26
juicemeok, thanks17:26
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chem|stany questions?17:26
* juiceme has no more questions17:27
chem|stOk, then please vote on relief of the current BoD17:27
Lovsno interest gained?17:27
reinobyou kidding?17:28
juicemeLovs, not at that point yet17:28
* peterleinchen will be awaz for approx. 15-20 min. I do say yes to the changes metioned in the meeting announcements!17:28
peterleinchencurrent board relief by peterleinchen17:28
juicemeand AFAIK paypal grants no interest on savings17:28
peterleinchenread you soon ...17:29
chem|strelief votes please17:29
reinobrelief/entlastung: Yes17:29
* juiceme votes yes for relief17:30
chem|stI absent17:30
chem|steekkelund: klinglerware Lovs juiceme17:31
chem|stLovs: bad connection again?17:31
chem|stjuiceme: absent?17:31
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chem|stI abstain (sry confusing words again)17:32
juicememmmh, yes, I absent (I think it correct)17:32
juicememmmh, yes, I abstain17:32
reinobY5, N0, A2. Missing Lovs17:33
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chem|stLovs: hey again, your vote on relief please17:33
chem|stLovs: ?17:34
chem|stok lets move on to the election then, collect lovs when ready again17:35
chem|stclosing vote 5/0/2 Y/N/A with missing Lovs, we can determine that vote when back17:36
chem|st4. Election of the Board17:36
reinob(otherwise abstain == absent?, or is there a fourth category?)17:36
chem|stI nominate juiceme and Win7Mac17:37
juicemethank you for the confidence. I nominate chem|st17:37
chem|streinob: I can ask at a later point (just call), he is on a train from austria17:37
chem|stI accept the nomination17:37
Win7MacI accept the nomination too17:37
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juicemeI accept the nomination17:38
chem|stany other nominations?17:38
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reinobI'd like to nominate peterleinchen as well17:38
chem|streinob: he is not present and iirc he would not accept17:39
juicemehe's away so cannot accept yet17:39
chem|stLovs: you there now17:39
Lovsconnection seems.stable17:39
chem|stLovs: your vote on relief of the Board please17:39
Lovsyes relieve17:40
chem|stvote is closed with 6/0/2 then17:40
chem|stas there been no mor nominations, please vote on the candidates juiceme / Win7Mac / chem|st17:41
Win7Mac1 by 1 pls17:42
juicemedo we vote once for each?17:42
reinobhow many votes do we have?17:42
chem|stthen juiceme first17:42
Win7Macyes for juiceme17:42
chem|streinob: 1 vote each character17:42
reinobyes for juiceme17:42
juicemeI abstain voting for myself17:43
Lovsyes for juiceme17:43
peterleinchenyes for each candidate17:44
chem|stklinglerware: ?17:44
klinglerwareYes for juiceme17:44
chem|stthat was 7/0/1 y/n/a17:45
RzRchem|st, late but here17:45
juicemeRzR, welcome!17:45
chem|stRzR: wanna vote :)17:45
chem|stthen I'll count you in for juice as well17:45
RzRI nominate freemangordon17:46
chem|stRzR: only available people please17:46
RzRtoo late ?17:46
reinobfreemangordon is not present17:46
RzRjuiceme, ++17:46
chem|stk then vote closes 8/0/1 for juiceme17:46
Win7Macfreemangordon is not even eV member...17:47
chem|stnow votes for Win7Mac please17:47
RzRjust in time17:47
juicemethanks for vote of confidence17:47
* reinob votes for Win7Mac17:47
* juiceme votes YES for Win7Mac17:47
reinob(for the record: peterleinchen declared his vote for all candidates)17:47
Win7MacI abstain17:47
chem|styes for Win7Mac17:47
klinglerwareYes for Win7Mac17:47
* peterleinchen should be online again, voting YES for win7mac17:48
Win7MacRzR please17:49
chem|stthen vote closes 7/0/1 for Win7Mac with rzr gone awol17:50
chem|stthen votes on chem|st please17:51
chem|stI abstain17:51
Win7Macyes for chem|st17:51
klinglerwareYes to chem|st17:51
reinobYes for chem|st17:51
* juiceme votes YES for chem|st17:51
chem|stLovs: eekkelund17:52
reinob(again for the record: peterleinchen declared his vote for all candidates)17:53
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chem|stguys this would take so much less time if you could sit there for 15 minutes without doing something else, we are at 50minutes already17:53
chem|streinob: already accounted17:54
chem|steekkelund: ?17:54
chem|stLovs: still there?17:54
reinobchem|st: thanks. just in case, for the log17:54
Lovsyes. yes for chem|st17:54
chem|stLovs: ta17:54
chem|steekkelund: please17:55
juicemecould be RzR lost onnection17:55
chem|stLovs: tank you17:55
chem|stcounting rzr and eekkelund awol17:56
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chem|stvote is then 6/0/1 for chem|st17:56
chem|stthe new elected board, should you accept, is juiceme Win7Mac and chem|st17:57
peterleinchenchem|st: a personal (late) YES17:57
chem|stupdating vote to 7/0/117:57
Win7MacI accept, thanks for your confidence17:57
chem|stI accept too17:57
juicemeand I accept, thanks!17:58
peterleinchenWin7Mac, chem|st, juiceme Thank you a..17:58
reinobcongrats to the new board! 3x 7 characters!17:58
klinglerwareCongratulations.  Organization is in good hands17:58
RzRgood luck  for future17:58
RzRgreat team great future17:59
chem|stthank you18:00
chem|st5. Changing of bylaws18:00
chem|stany questions or can we just vote?18:00
Ken-YoungReduce the quorum whiole you can!18:00
juicemeCan you shortly summarize the change for record?18:00
chem|stah joerg had a missing bit of translation in the english parts, 6. has somewhere only maemo software mentioned, that is a mistake18:01
peterleinchenreinob: just read logs and thank you for nomination. but guess Win7Mac was right (at least at the moment)18:01
Lovsan executive summary would be nice.18:01
Win7Macthe changes initiated by referendum18:01
chem|stjuiceme: they are in the invitation appendix and therefore already on record18:01
juicemeah OK, thanks18:01
chem|stLovs: executive summary?18:02
* peterleinchen sttarts voting with YES18:02
peterleinchenKen-Young: already mentioned by me at the beginnig to be discussed as AOB18:03
chem|stAmendment of Articles of Association §7 and §8, Association Rules §1.1, §3.2 and §4.1 - like stated in the APPENDIX of the invitation18:03
chem|stdoes anyone have a vote separated out or is it ok for you all to vote on all changes at once18:04
* Win7Mac votes YES on all amandments18:04
* reinob votes OK for the whole18:04
juicemeI say one vote for all is enough18:04
Lovsyes on all.18:04
klinglerwareYes to all18:04
* peterleinchen votes YES for all18:04
eekkelundyes to all18:04
* juiceme votes YES for the changes18:05
chem|stok, then please vote now on: "Amendment of Articles of Association §7 and §8, Association Rules §1.1, §3.2 and §4.1" with YES NO or ABSTAIN18:05
Win7Macwe just did18:05
* juiceme votes YES for the amandment18:05
Win7Macyes again, I guess ;)18:06
reinob(missing RzR only AFAIK)18:06
chem|stwell you cannot cast a vote on something on record with not being asked yet, the first question was does anyone object to call a vote on all at once...18:07
chem|steekkelund: your vote on the amendment?18:07
chem|stWin7Mac: your vote please18:07
eekkelundyes :)18:07
chem|stRzR: ?18:08
reinobWin7Mac wrote "yes again, I guess ;)"18:08
Win7Macagain: YES18:08
chem|stah overread18:08
reinobY8, RzR awol18:08
chem|stwith counting rzr awol to the end then the vote was cast as 8/0/0 Y/N/A18:09
chem|stthank you everybody!18:10
chem|stnow last but not least18:10
chem|st6. Any other business18:11
Win7Macshould we lower the quorum?18:11
peterleinchenreduce/remove quorum need for second/third meeting try?18:11
Lovspeterleinchen: i like that.18:12
peterleinchenfor first try I guess 1/3 sounds reasonable18:12
Win7Mac...f4rom 1/3 to 1/4?18:12
juicemethat could be a possibility, good idea peterleinchen18:12
reinobI think 1/3 is already low enough, despite the low number of members and the relatively low interest in attending18:12
peterleinchenyes but what if we never reach???18:12
reinobtoday we did!18:13
juicemeI would not fear that18:13
reinobwe have 3 board members, 1/4 would just need 1 extra. has some negative touch to it, if you ask me18:13
chem|streinob: ther is no impact on amount of board, board needs a 2/3 to represent18:14
Lovsthen we should question the existence of this association. guys this is our show. and as usual talking to the present is the wrong audience18:14
peterleinchenreinob, sure. that was reason to ask for lowering/reducing only for secolnd/third try.18:14
juicemein a way, yes. it is best to have a meeting that has a sizeable prtion of non-board members present18:14
peterleinchenreinob, we JUST reached quorum today18:15
reinobchem|st: if whole board is present (3), then just one non-board member would be needed. sounds unbalanced, although not necessarily unfair or anything18:15
klinglerwareUnfortunately, I have to logoff.  I do think quorum rules should not be amended for first attempt18:15
peterleinchenand I propose not being member of board18:15
chem|st1/3 is not that hard, but with basically noone showing up but 4 people, we need 6 atm and that is fair18:15
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juicemebut as it happens, I am generally not afaraid that we cannot reach quorum, this time the first try was just bad luck18:16
peterleinchenklinglerware, yes and bye18:16
juicemeklinglerware, bye18:16
reinobjuiceme: exactly. I think 1/3 (6 people = board + 3 non-board) should be within the reasonably expected18:16
peterleinchenI have no objections to not change (just to be discussed/thought about)18:16
juicemereinob, exactly18:16
reinobwe can defer this topic until the next GA, should the situation not improve18:17
chem|streinob: board can change stuff anyway, just not hold an election for itself18:17
peterleinchen3+3=6, first try nolt reached, second try just exact match18:17
reinobchem|st: it's more about the "perceived" balance. board, and this one in particular, is fully OK and trusted.18:18
peterleinchenreinob: true18:18
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chem|stwe have 16 members, if anyhting goes south, find those 16 and make them aware of how bad things are, I am sure some more will show up in a bad situation18:19
reinobI suppose quorum change would need a vote. If you, we might just vote now in case next time quorum is not reached :)18:20
reinobchem|st: yes18:20
chem|streinob: change in quorum needs a 1month headsup invitation for the vote18:20
juicemereinob I don't think it is possible to vote now, without presenting it in advance :)18:20
reinobOK, so the decision to be taken now is whether we want to have a vote in >= one month from now18:20
chem|stnext GA18:21
Win7Macright, changes to bylaws need announcement 1 month ahead18:21
chem|stthat should be in march the latest18:21
chem|streinob: start a tmo discussion! moan about it with council, they write invitations ;)18:22
chem|stanything else?18:22
reinobnot from my side18:22
peterleinchenchem|st, okay, council start a TMO discussion, please18:23
chem|stpeterleinchen: aren't you council?18:23
* peterleinchen says roger and over18:23
chem|st(no idea who is current council)18:23
reinobpeterleinchen is ex-council18:23
peterleinchenchem|st, not anzmore18:23
reinobnow it's juiceme, eekkelund, Win7Mac pichlo and me18:23
chem|styou have been so many turns ;)18:23
peterleinchenjuiceme is the dinosuar! :D18:24
chem|streinob: have a look that it is on its way18:24
reinobchem|st: will do. thanks18:24
juicemeheh, a dino maybe but in excellent shape still :)18:24
peterleinchenjuiceme, YES :)18:25
chem|stone more thing from my side is the funds for the coding competition, any suggestions on how much money we should spend from "old" donations if we run short on prize-fund donations?18:25
juicemebut yes, thanks for everybody who attended this time and made it happen! :)18:25
chem|stI secured HW for about 350eur without knowing how much was donated yet18:26
juicemechem|st, as it happens we do not have any large investments in sights, so it can be fairly large slice, I'd say.18:26
reinobchem|st: as long as there's money for hosting/colo and whatever "core" tasks (bank, notary, etc.) I guess you can use up all of it18:27
chem|stwell large slice, I would say we limit it to something like 500eur max18:27
Win7Macwe should have a reserve IMHO18:27
peterleinchennot knowing about current funds, I would have said no more than 1/418:27
peterleinchenchem|st: sounds good as a hard limit18:28
chem|streinob: with months of no donation I honestly do not wish to run even close to a dry out18:28
Win7Mac500 - 100018:28
peterleinchenas that money was donated for maemo18:28
juicemeI suggest up to 1keur of current funds, depending on how much we get new donations18:29
reinobOK I've only donated like 50 (or 100?) for the CC. If there's any kind of shortage now (CC) or later (unexpected re. infrastructure, taxes, whatever) I hereby pledge to assist with up to EUR 500 no-questions-asked18:29
chem|stok, guess board will discuss this when we know more about how much funds we have, my hopes are still that we do not need to touch any of the core funds18:30
peterleinchenI am more with chemist suggestions18:30
peterleinchenreinob: no questions!!!!!!!!!!!!!18:30
reinob(I mean: for anything the board considers pertinent)18:31
peterleinchenreinob: and THX18:31
juicemeAs you recall from the accounts report, there is about 3,8keur (minus some later IPHH payments) on our accounts18:32
chem|stI am a little worried what you guys think what prizes be, 1k eur would be MCeV funding all categories, we already have 2 Jolla Devices, with 2 more for 350, some people will donate hardware18:32
chem|stand we still have not talked about having our infra completely redundant18:33
Win7Macas juiceme said, depends on CC donations18:33
chem|stwhich easily grows to 2k18:33
Win7Macchem|st, what exactly is needed for that?18:34
chem|stI'd say we discuss that in a month or so when we actually see what cc donations we have18:34
reinobI imagine a membership fee would not be too popular. but maybe worth a thought18:34
chem|stWin7Mac: what we have, again18:34
juicemereinob, with current number of memebers, it probably does not fetch that much :)18:35
chem|stour serverrack is 50% populated, and to have really everything bulletproof we'ed need everything we have, again18:35
reinobhow much have we received as CC donations so far?18:35
chem|stso as this is now getting a bit to far for AOB18:35
chem|stanything else of importance?18:36
Lovsnot from me.18:36
juicemeno, no AOB from me18:37
reinobI'm gonna have to leave now18:38
chem|stclosing the GA 15:3818:38
reinobthanks guys18:38
chem|stthanks eveyone, and have a nice sunday evening18:38
juicemereinob, bye18:38
peterleinchengood bye, was nice to meet you guys :)18:38
Win7Macyeah, thanks everybody18:38
juicemethank you everybody!18:38
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Win7MacI'll prpare the minutes later18:39
chem|stWin7Mac: do you need a roster spreadsheet with votes?18:39
Win7Macno thanks, everything noted18:40
Win7Mac...since I would like to volunteer for secretary... ;)18:41
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juicemeI second that. :)18:41
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juicemeas well, I can continue as treasurer unless somebody else wants to do that?18:42
Lovsthank you guys18:42
chem|stso Win7Mac secretary, juiceme treasurer18:42
juicemeI propse chem|st as chairman18:43
Win7Macyes, that too18:43
chem|stI accept, thanks for the confidence18:44
juicemeexcellent, now we have sorted out board roles too.18:44
chem|stI really lost track of what I need, how...18:44
chem|stI need the changed/updated bylaws signed again18:45
chem|stwe need to file taxes for 2014 & 201518:46
chem|stand I think 14 we need to hand in this year18:46
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chem|stannounce current board and bylaws to court and bank18:47
chem|stfor court it needs to be notarized, bank needs the update from court after approval18:48
chem|stand so on18:48
RzRany chances to meet some of you at next week linux conf in berlin ?18:48
chem|stRzR: did you open a tmo and a tjc for it, there are some guys there18:49
Win7Macchem|st, send me the papers for18:50
Win7MacNPO application18:50
RzRI'll might recognise some of them18:51
chem|stWin7Mac: sent it from my company address it seems, will check tomorrow18:58
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