IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Tuesday, 2016-10-04

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eekkelundHelo :)21:56
juicemehey ho!22:05
reinobhi. I'm here but not feeling well. will check every now and then, if I don't fall asleep :)22:06
juicemeOK, better health to ya!22:07
eekkelundI need to leave in hour:)22:08
*** pichlo has joined #maemo-meeting22:11
pichloHello there, howdy-dowdy?22:12
juicemeseen better days :)22:12
pichlojuiceme, sorry to hear about your son's bike :(22:13
juicemeyep, it sucks22:13
juicemeand what a coincidence, it was six months the last bike was stolen22:13
juicemeactually 6mo4days, not 6mo sharp as I first remembered22:14
juicemeotherwice, nothing special22:16
juicemeregarding the CC, no donations as of yet to paypal account. (did not check deutche bank)22:17
juicemewhich reminds me, as it was in the news; seems that deutsche bank is on the verge of collapse.22:17
juicemeI don't know if it is safe place to keep monies?22:18
juicemeOTOH, if DB goes down so will all other european banks follow...22:18
juicemeso maybe best withdraw everything, convert to gold and bury it somewhere...?22:19
reinobI did IBAN transfer to DB :)22:21
juicemeyeah, I need to check what's on DB then.22:22
juicemereinob, I can see your donation :)22:26
juicemeand there is another one too.22:27
juicemeSo let's just hope DB does not fold overnight :)22:28
juicemeis it just me or did everyone fall asleep...?22:46
eekkelundno yet :D22:47
juicemehaa :)22:47
juicemeso there's not that much to discuss for now22:47
juicemeBTW, do remember to come in to the MCeV meeting next sunday!22:48
juicemelet's try to get enough members to participate tis time22:49
eekkelundOh yeah! thanks for reminder :)22:51
juicemehey all, unless AOB, I'm checking out and under the blanket soon22:59
eekkelundI think you can go :)23:02
eekkelundgood night23:02
pichloStill not sure what the point of my coming to the GA should be23:02
juicemepichlo, well, to observe if nothing else :)23:03
pichloWell, I can try. I can't promisr more.23:03
juicemewell, nite then!23:04
pichlobye, juiceme!23:04
pichloI'm off too, if OK with everybody23:05
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