IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Tuesday, 2016-09-27

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eekkelundAnybody yet?:)21:45
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pichloHello everybody. Sorry I'm late. What's up?21:47
eekkelundNobody else than you and me. I hope we could decide new timeframe for Competition and I will send email about competition fund raising.21:49
eekkelundI could send email to council now21:49
pichloTomorrow? ;)21:50
eekkelundHaha starting from tomorrow?:D Maybe a bit too soon...21:50
pichloOK, bad jokes aside... I missed past few meetings, what's left to do?21:52
eekkelundBasically nothing, I will send email in couple mins:)21:52
eekkelundhello :)21:54
reinobsorry I'm late21:54
pichloHello reinob.21:54
reinobwas anything discussed last week?21:54
reinobah OK. I searched the logs but couldn't find anything. But I thought maybe it was incompetence combined with using the phone for that..21:57
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reinobbe back in a few minutes. need to change laptop21:59
eekkelundWho else is seeing council email than us?:)22:00
reinobam back22:01
eekkelundreinob do you know^ ?:)22:02
reinobi think just us22:02
eekkelundI sent email22:03
eekkelundWe need to think new timeline :)22:03
juicemeeekkelund, council email goes only to council members22:09
reinobjust started reading e-mail. didnt know jolla would sponsor the "regatta". Cool!22:09
juicemebtw, I have to drop out, just popped in to say it's my wifes birthday now so I try to spend some quality time with her :)22:10
eekkelundYea we got to know just on friday:)22:10
reinobjuiceme: go! :)22:10
juicemeeekkelund, so it is official now?22:10
eekkelundOkay have nice time, if you could also check the email :)22:10
juicemewill do, bye22:10
eekkelundYea it is :)22:11
reinobe-mail is fine22:13
reinobdont know if it would make sense to give an indication of which amount is expected or desirable22:13
reinobjuiceme just gave his blessing as well :)22:15
eekkelundAs council member and developer I am just happy that we have this regatta:) Some action for maemo :)22:18
reinobright :)22:18
chem|streinob: it is said there is no "fixed amount" maybe you like to propose another phrase for that then22:21
eekkelundchem|st has done the negoations with Jolla, so thank you chem|st :)22:24
chem|steekkelund: kind of my job isn't it? ;)22:25
reinobI didnt mean to reword that. Just considering whether it would make sense to add something like "Ideally, we would need a total of EUR XXX so that all winners can receive a worthy prize"22:25
reinobor such22:25
chem|streinob: I did not want to set a target amount22:25
reinobperhaps it's best this way. don't want to create pressure on donors22:26
chem|stif I count right we might receive enough HW donations to have at least all major categories with phones, old and new22:26
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chem|stand juiceme and me need to come up with a resonable amount from core funds after fundraising22:27
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chem|stif it is a dry pott, well, if it is a huge pott, good for e.V.22:27
chem|stI am sure we will have a reasonable prize pool22:28
reinobI'll also try to contribute with something reasonable22:29
chem|stand as this will take a while till prizes actually get handed out, there might be enough time to find us some more sponsors22:29
chem|stI thought about a little pre-regatta design-contest for maemo-mapbagrag-merchandise, maybe a good idea to find some more smaller sstartups22:31
reinobyou mean like coffee mugs, t-shirts and such?22:31
chem|streinob: phone-cases22:32
reinobnever used one :) but nice idea22:32
chem|stmapbagrag did jolla1 and jolla-tablet sleeves22:32
chem|stme neither, but the idea behind mapbagrag is neat, it is all made of graded paper22:33
eekkelundI like the idea :)22:33
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chem|stand as they make custom fit things, we might ask them for a small batch of n900 and n9 sleeves in our design - will need to call them about the idea I guess22:34
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eekkelund+1 from me22:38
eekkelundAbout regatta timeframe22:39
eekkelundI propose following dates: Regatta starting monday 17.10.2016, ending monday 16.1.2016. Voting starting: 01.02.2017, ending:15.02.2017 :) ?22:39
pichloSorry, I was distracted. Family affairs.22:42
pichloCatching up.22:42
chem|stif you start voting on the first anyway... and 20days is not much for a funding round, make it 01.11.-31.01.?22:42
pichloDates +122:42
pichloEmail: Did I miss about categories?22:43
chem|stthat was a while ago22:43
chem|stpichlo: it is in the wiki22:43
pichloOK, gotta catch up then.22:44
chem|stpichlo: it is the old setup of something new something refurbished something ported22:44
chem|stno sub categories for now - we will see how many submissions we'll get22:45
pichloExcellent. Re 20 days. It does not need to finish the day the competition starts.22:45
chem|stpichlo: I'd like to announce at least core prizes with the competition22:45
pichloFundraising can run parallel with the competition, all the way ti the end.22:46
pichloHmm, thoughie22:46
chem|stit raises interest if the people know they gonna get a brand new N922:46
pichloThere ain't no such thing anyway ;)22:47
chem|stor a Jolla Tablet or whatever they gonna send in to us22:47
chem|stpichlo: brand new n9s? check someone found a palette blue and black in china^^22:48
pichloI know. I question how 'new' those are.22:48
eekkelundCategories are something new, fixing&updating, beginner :)22:49
chem|stdx does not sell used or refurbished stuff22:49
pichloAnyway, the email said we have at least 2 devices frim Jolla.22:49
chem|styeah and that will go to sfos categories22:49
chem|stwhat about the actual maemo ones22:49
eekkelundSame categories for mer based and maemo based :)22:50
chem|steekkelund: not categories, what about prizes?! with 20days22:50
chem|stso I am out, for now - I will keep you posted if something happens on my end22:52
eekkelundokay thanks22:52
reinobthanks. see you22:53
eekkelundSo 20 days is not enough?22:53
eekkelundBut between ending or regatta and starting of voting there is no thinking and testing time22:54
eekkelundin chem|st's  propotion22:54
pichloI can donate an N900. Not new but in a decent condition and a box.22:55
eekkelundnice thanks :)22:56
reinobIf we add 15 days (01.11-31.01) we could also add 15 days before the voting (15.02.17-28.02.17)22:56
reinobor so22:56
reinobpichlo: that's great!22:56
eekkelundTrue :)22:56
reinobso we have 15 days for testing and deliberation22:56
pichlo1.11. sounds good.22:57
eekkelundreinob +122:57
pichloAnd the other dates too.22:57
reinobI assume chem|st and juiceme won't have anything against it, so I'd say we go for it and announce with those dates22:58
reinobI'll make sure that the ftp/sftp/e-mail submission is working. Everything that comes via any of those means (or via posting in I could publish on my nextcloud23:02
reinobshould be ready before starting of competition, of course23:03
reinobnow I'll go. I'm really tired today23:03
eekkelundOkay sounds good :)23:07
eekkelundGood night :)23:07
pichloSorry if my posts are incoherent, it's a madhouse here. Can't hear myself thinking over the din the kids make.23:07
pichloLooks like we are in agreement Aren't we?23:08
pichloSo I can log off ;)23:10
pichloBye everyone!23:16
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