IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Tuesday, 2016-09-06

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reinobI'm here :)21:36
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reinobwill be back in a few minutes..21:55
Guest64935oh, I've been guested22:03
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juicemereinob, hi!22:05
juicemeseen anybody aroung?22:15
juicemeI guess eekkelund is still in Russia22:15
reinobI myself was away during the weekend. I missed the GA, but have seen the log and it needs to be repated22:17
juicemeyes, too bad we did not have enough members present.22:18
reinobwas a new date fixed?22:18
juicemeOksana was there earlier, but I guess she fell asleep before that start of the meeting since it was 02 in the morining her time...22:18
juicemewell; --> < Win7Mac> so I'm suggesting 2016-10-08 14:00 UTC for next GA meeting22:19
juicemeso a suggestion but not yet decicded.22:19
reinobah OK. I saw that but wasn't sure if it was merely a suggestion. I think I read chem|st saying it should be this week22:20
juicemewell, there might be something about ti tin the rules, do we need to have some defined time before retrying?22:21
juicemeah chemist says he'll set up a notice again, week before the appointed time.22:22
reinobOK, that should be sufficient.22:22
juicememaybe you was thinkin of this ^^^22:22
juicemethat's saturday, 4 weks plus some days.22:23
juicemeshould be OK with me.22:23
juiceme14:00 UTC is 17:00 finnish time I think.22:24
juicemeah, but when is the darn daylight savings thingy again?22:25
reinobI was wondering about that just now22:25
reinobjust a minute. need to make a bank transfer and I need to focus :)22:25
reinobOK :)22:27
reinobDST ends on 30.10.201622:27
juicemeok, so don't have to worry about that. good.22:27
reinobright. so in Germany it will be at 16:00. In Finland 17:0022:29
juicemeand east australia about midnight22:29
reinobis that where Oksana is?22:30
juicemeyes, thereabouts. Cannot remember what city though22:31
reinobOK. at least it's not a working day so it should be OK for him/her as well22:32
reinobI just hope the weather is bad. Otherwise my wife will surely want to go hiking or something :)22:32
juicemeyes, hopefully so22:32
juicemeheh, just have a go with irc on mobile then :)22:33
reinobI'm not sure she'd be amused if I do that :)22:34
reinoblast week I said I would update the CC wiki with links to SDK, etc.22:35
reinobfrom tomorrow until friday I'll be home alone, so I'll find the 10-20 minutes necessary to take care of that :)22:35
juicemeheh, just checked the MCeV wiki page too, seems it'd need updating also.22:36
juicemeold council still mentioned there22:36
juicemeand so is on
juicemenobody ever got aroung to update those when the current council was elected...22:37
reinobOK I'll do that too22:38
juicemethousnd thanks!22:38
juicemeI really suck at wiki updating, usually I manage to misly something when I do it :)22:38
reinobI have very little experience, but once I get to an editor where I can err.. edit things :) then I'm OK22:41
reinobI'll be back in a few minutes23:12
juicemewell, I think I'll go and catch some sleep :)23:12
reinobgood night!23:17

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