IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Saturday, 2016-07-30

*** M4rtinK has joined #maemo-meeting02:41
*** Pali has quit IRC03:17
*** M4rtinK has quit IRC06:36
*** Pali has joined #maemo-meeting12:31
*** Oksana has quit IRC13:02
*** Oksana has joined #maemo-meeting13:03
*** M4rtinK has joined #maemo-meeting14:34
*** M4rtinK has quit IRC15:00
*** Win7Mac has joined #maemo-meeting18:10
Win7Macanybody present who can help with new post under ?18:11
Win7Macwant to post invitation to e.V. GA18:12
Win7Macam logged in, but no "new article" button... :(18:14
Win7Macok, found the hidden button, post created19:14
Win7Macbut it doesn't show on TMO, thought it should auto-post there?19:15
Win7Machuh, all good now19:25

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