IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Tuesday, 2016-06-07

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eekkelundHjellou :)21:31
Win7MacAhoi :)21:32
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pichlohello, anybody here?21:52
eekkelundHello pichlo :)21:53
eekkelundHello :)21:54
juicemeeekkelund, thanks for the minutes, look OK to me :)21:58
pichloyes, me too!21:59
Win7Macback again...21:59
Win7Machi everybody22:00
Win7Macyeah, eekkelund, many thanks!22:00
pichlolooks like I missed some interesting discussions last week22:00
pichlosorry, had to cut it short22:00
juicemepichlo, oh which ones?22:00
pichloabout a certain TMO member22:01
juicemeah yes, same thing you had previously raised :)22:04
pichloI did???22:05
pichlodamb, that German guy must be striking again!22:06
eekkelundOh my pleasure :D I posted them to couple h ago :)22:07
pichlowhat what, juiceme?22:08
juicemepichlo> damb, that German guy must be striking again!22:08
juicemethat one22:08
Win7Macsorry, had to finish this post:
pichlojuiceme, you don't know him?22:09
pichlohe follows people about and hides things22:09
pichloAlz... something22:09
juicemeah, that one!22:09
Win7Macwhat? who?22:10
juicemeyes, very good friend of mine, too22:10
juicemeBTW, something for the agenda; chemist sent me tha application form for the maemo community tax-exempt status.22:16
juicemeI need to apply our finanical reports for the past 2 years to complete it, as far as I understood22:16
juicemeso I'll try to sort it out soonish22:16
Win7Macgreat, in fact22:17
Win7Macif warfare doesn't react...22:17
juicemeI think it's not needed, I can handle it22:18
pichlojuiceme, that's great!22:18
pichloI take it you don't have kids, do you? ;)22:18
Win7Mac"not needed"... you read my mail I guess22:19
Win7Macplease let's stayy focussed this time22:19
juicemepichlo, in fact I do... my secret is that I don't sleep that much22:19
juicemeWin7Mac, yes I read, thanks22:20
pichloI wish I could!22:20
Win7Macthanks ;)22:20
juicemewell I do sleep about 5h per day, and that leaves somewhat more active time than for average people.22:20
juicemeGranted there are downsides, I do tend to act like a zombie a lot :)22:21
reinobhi guys22:21
juicemereinob :)22:21
pichloI act like a zombie with my 6-7h :(22:21
Win7Machi reinob22:22
pichlobut I promise to sort out my backlog 'soon' too!22:22
eekkelundHello reinob :)22:22
pichlohi reinob22:22
reinobre. tax-exemption: what does that bring? we don't have any sort of income22:22
pichlogood question22:23
juicemewe have donations, if that counts22:23
pichloI was about to mention that22:23
pichlofor trademark renewal, for example22:24
reinobyup, good enough. I'm convinced..22:24
pichlohow did that end, btw?22:24
pichlosorry the silly question, I lost track22:25
reinobyou mean the tm renewal?22:25
juicemeyes, we got the TM renewal22:25
Win7Macthe real plus is that every donator can get a tax-deduction of that amount22:26
juicemeand ownership has been transferred to us from Nokia22:26
reinobI'm already (mostly) exempt so I don't get any advantage from donations..22:26
eekkelundNiice :)22:26
Win7Macit could be interesting for companies too22:27
juicemebeing tax-exempt meand we're a degistered charity. Like Red Cross :)22:27
pichloall excellent22:28
reinobsave those n900 from dying? fvck the polar bears! :)22:28
juicemewell save22:28
Win7Macthe downside is it'll mean *a lot* more paperwork22:28
juicemewell save 'em both of course22:28
reinobyup, do we have a resident expert? (not me..)22:29
juicemeyour's truly :)22:29
Win7Macand hassle with the finance office22:29
* reinob thought polar bear population is actually increasing, but should avoid the topic22:29
pichlojuiceme, WOW!22:29
juicemewell not an expert really yet, but learning :)22:29
Win7Macso it'll definately mean extra work22:30
juicemeactually I wouldn't be surprised if we had a professional account manager among our maemo users, we'd only need to fish him/her out :)22:30
pichlogood luck with that :(22:31
* Win7Mac is looking at reinob :)22:31
juicememmh, true. and someone doing the stuff for living probably is not want to do it for hobby...22:32
pichlosorry, got to go again22:33
pichloI promise to come back with some news the next time ;)22:34
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reinobwhat do you mean looking at me? I'm not an accountant!22:34
juicemeheh, but you do have considerable expertise on filling out legal docs...22:35
Win7Macwas thinking something around that22:35
reinobnot really, I'm a patent examiner (EPO). Even my German is not that good. My daughters keep correcting me all the time..22:35
Win7Macok then, had some high hopes I guess...22:36
Win7Macno prob22:36
reinoband I don't even have to do the tax declaration, most years anyway22:36
Win7Macwe could ask community, esp. germans/aussies/swiss22:37
juicemewell, I have done taxes every year, even though they have simplifies it in finland over the years22:37
juicemehey, just noticed that dave's thread has been moved to off-topic, excellent.22:39
juiceme(been so busy even have not read TMO for 2..3 days)22:39
* reinob will come back in 10min or so22:40
Win7Mache settled over and is already aggitating in
juicemenow threre's one thing I'm wondering, just thought about it when the thread in question was moved.22:45
Win7Macnow you got me...22:46
juicemeas it is fairly long thread, over 600 pages and been going on for ages, a lot of posts have been thanked and people have gathered thanks.22:46
Win7Macis that lost?22:47
Win7Macwas wondering too22:47
juicemenow what happens to the accumulated thanks'es when the thread is off-topiced?22:47
eekkelundI don't think so22:47
juicemeat least all thanks have disappeared from the posts, don't know about gained points22:47
reinobI don't think I ever posted on that thread, but at least my thanks counter has not changed.22:50
juicemeand this thing is important to know about (how it is handled) since karma points are important part of the community22:50
juicemeI think it might be that persnal points remain.22:51
reinobI want to believe that the thanks counter is kept somewhere and not calculated dynamically based on the current number of thanked posts, etc. so even deleting a thread should not affect the thanks (and hence the karma, which is calculated dynamically)22:52
reinobwe can do a test22:52
juicemefor example @pichlo, he's still got 10561 points and he has gained a lot from that thread too22:52
juicemereinob, exactly my thought22:52
juicemebut still worth finding out for sure22:53
eekkelundLike otsaloma's posts were accidently deleted but he still has his likes :)22:53
Win7Macwould be nice22:53
juicemeah, that's true,22:53
juicemeI think @otsaloma proves the point22:54
Win7Macaccidently deleted?22:54
Win7Macwhat was the issue with otsaloma?22:54
juicemethere was this shitstorm of spam few weeks back22:54
juicemeand mods were very busy deleting the new spams22:55
Win7Macaha :O22:55
juicemeand spammers, there's a feature in moderator toolbox that you can flush all posts by some one and fireban them22:55
juicemeand that tool was misfired22:56
juicemeaccidenatlly deleting @otsaloma22:56
Win7Macand why?22:56
Win7Macwhat did he actually post?22:56
juicemealso, the tool's supposed to have a safety catch that prevents deleting accounts older than a month or so,22:57
juicemebut the safety did not work22:57
juicemehe posted no spam, and nothing related. It was collateral damage, misfire of the heaavy ion beam cannon22:58
Win7Machahahahaha, ok got it22:58
juicemeand database backup could not be used for some reason22:58
juicemeso basically he was wiped out and nuked.22:59
juicemeaccount could be recovered, but all posts were unlinked and could not be saved22:59
Win7Macok, so is this an issue at all we need to adress techstaff?22:59
juicemetechstaff knows about it22:59
Win7Macah, sure23:00
juicemesince the account was recovered23:00
juicemeas for if it can be prevented in the future, idk23:01
eekkelundSo I will change topic :D23:05
Win7Macme/ stares at eekkelund23:05
eekkelundWhat could I (and we) do to make coding competition happen?23:05
eekkelundWin7Mac, I have curtains closed ;)23:06
Win7Macidk really, you could engage in mentioned thread and simply push it23:07
Win7Mac*keep it alive and going23:08
Win7Macand bring the needed organasation forward23:09
eekkelundHmm, I will also push it in Jolla fanclub telegram group23:09
Win7Maclike forwarding devices etc.23:09
Win7MacBe aware that you really need to pull through, no matter if you are in next Council term or not23:11
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juicemeM4rtinK, hi :)23:14
Win7Maccommunity can only assist, I believe, council will support and assist too, but someone needs to pick the topic and lead it23:14
Win7Macat least that's my consideration of the situation23:15
Win7MacI've had my try, Council was with me and we started it, but community response was kind a frustating, at least to me23:16
juicemefair enough. It seems generally populace is really passive. :(23:16
Win7Maci mean everybody wants it23:17
Win7Mac...or would support it, but when it comes to responsibility or actual work... :(23:18
Win7Macwork = organising/spending time23:19
Win7Mac...finally handling devices, postage, tax blabla...23:19
eekkelundWhat could I do in practice?23:19
Win7MacYOU TELL ME!23:20
juicemeraise the awareness on TMO, get people personally signed up to *doing* something, maybe?23:21
Win7MacFirst, I guess, thoroughly think the whole process from beginning to end23:22
Win7Macwhat is needed in practice?23:23
Win7Maci never did a CC myself, so my experience is zero23:23
Win7Macmentioned that we could try contacting former organisers23:24
Win7Macthere are wiki-pages about recent CC's23:24
eekkelund:D Okay. What is needed in practice is also my question :)23:24
Win7Macunderstood and my answer is: think it through thoroughly and do it23:25
Win7Maci can't tell you really23:26
Win7Macstart with
Win7MacIt'd be great if you took the initiative, I'm 100% sure everybody will support you23:28
Win7Macme first, ofc... ;)23:29
Win7Macreally, I'd be very much delighted if you get it going23:29
eekkelundOkay thanks:) I would love to take this but I am not sure am I enough to do it :D23:30
Win7MacThink about, we WILL help, you just need to lead...23:34
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Win7Macsleep over it23:35
Win7MacHtheB too is always helpfull when it comes to send devices around23:35
Win7Macwe "simply" need to organise esp. the ugly stuff like postage, taxes etc.23:37
eekkelundI promise to think, and I would love to see this happen :) I voted to that TMO poll that I would take part so I could take part by helping to organize competition :D23:38
Win7Macwell, that's a start at least, go ahead!23:39
reinobthanks a lot eekkelund!23:39
reinobgotta leave now..23:39
reinobgood night23:39
Win7Macbye reinob23:40
eekkelundBye :)23:40
juicemeOK, so let's close the meeting then for now23:43
juicemenite all!23:43
Win7Macthanks everybody, gnite!23:44
eekkelundGoog night :)23:44

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