IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Tuesday, 2016-05-31

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eekkelundHelo anybody here?:)21:38
reinobhello. I'm here but currently quite busy. Will connect back in a few minutes21:38
eekkelundJust came home21:39
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pichloHello everyone! Sorry I'm late. What did I miss?22:08
eekkelundHi :) Nothing yet22:08
Win7Machi pichlo22:09
pichloPhew! ;) BTW the later I came the sooner I will leave. Not feeling tip top today. Manflu.22:10
pichlohi Wi7Mac22:10
Win7Macany topics from your side, pichlo, eekkelund?22:11
pichlois it possible to edit the line I just posted?22:11
pichlopity :(22:11
reinobI'll join in ~10min22:11
pichlono news from me, sorry22:11
eekkelundCoding competition22:12
Win7Macit's auto-logged...
eekkelundHow we can make it happen?:)22:12
Win7MacI wanted a Coding competition too, but we figured it is very cumbersome22:13
pichloeekkelund, what do you propose for prizes?22:13
Win7Maccommunity feedback was also quite low22:14
pichloI am happy to contribute cash if necessary. But I can't give too much. €20 tops.22:15
Win7MacI guess we could manage to collect donations (cash + devices)22:16
Win7MacMC eV also has some cash and would be willing to fund prices22:16
pichloThat poll does not look as bad as you make it sound.22:16
reinobhey there22:17
pichloMostly yes and maybe22:17
eekkelundWin7Mac: mm true :/ Maybe we need more marketing? Also with sfos people; TJC,telegram group maybe?22:17
eekkelundpichlo: devices? cash?22:17
reinobI can only report that in the end I didn't get around to asking techstaff about tor and ssl22:17
reinobsurprise family visit22:17
pichlohi reinob, similar here22:18
eekkelundBTW I got N950 yesterday ::))22:18
Win7Maceekkelund, nobody will stop you ;)22:18
pichlosurprice influx of work22:18
pichloeekkelund, congrats, I guess ;)22:18
Win7Maceekkelund, how much was it?22:19
eekkelundDevices = donations if we get, maybe Raspberry Pis?22:20
eekkelundThanks, it was not much...............22:21
pichloRe prizes, I suggest cash. There are no coveted devices around like the N950 used to be and everyone already has a Jolla. RasPi might work though.22:21
reinobI can contribute cash as well.22:21
Win7Maceekkelund, lucky you, how's the condition?22:21
eekkelundIf lucky we would be lucky Jolla C/AquaFish phones also?22:23
eekkelundWin7Mac veryvery good. Sadly previous owner didnt remember device lock so it is locked now....22:24
eekkelundIt has some early version of meego. But I think i have to flash it, if I can22:24
eekkelundhopefully I can22:25
reinobno experience with N950, but good luck!22:25
eekkelundThanks. I was super lucky to get it.22:25
eekkelundWe could maybe ask from Jolla those Jolla C phones or co-organising competition?22:28
pichloI was thinking along the line of €100, €50 and €25 for 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize.22:30
pichloAssuming no silly categories.22:30
pichloOne comoetition. Full stop.22:30
eekkelundWhy no categories?22:31
pichloSorry, gotta go.22:31
pichloToo complicated. Too many prizes.22:31
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reinobI also find that, while in itself a good idea, more than one or two categories will result in too few candidates in each one...22:32
Win7Macprobably not co-organising, but we should contact Jolla in case22:33
Win7Macwe had some mails going round some time ago, let me forward them to you22:35
juicemeoh, am bit late again22:37
Win7Macthe later the evening, the better the visitors... ;)22:37
juicemesure :)22:39
juicemeeekkelund, regarding flashing the N950 it goes just like N9; when you do a full reflash you can rid yourself of the lock code.22:40
eekkelundHi juiceme :)22:40
juicemeAnd, this one I am not sure, but I guess you should do back-to-back-closedmode-openmode flash too, just like on N9 to make sure aegis will not trouble you :)22:41
reinobjuiceme: that's good news! (re. 950)22:41
juicemeI only wish I had one :)22:41
eekkelundpichlo: I think there should be categories. Not everyone is app developer or kernel developer or porter. Not everyone likes sfos or meego or maemo or nemo..22:41
eekkelundjuiceme: not straight to openmode?22:42
juicemeor actually, wish I had one back-in-the-day when it was the hottest thing :)22:42
juicemeWell you cannot flash "straight" to openmode. At least not N922:43
juicemeWhen you flash os+emmc to get device clean of lock code and all previous content, it always goes to closed mode automaticall22:44
Win7Macre CC: we drafted something last year:
juicemeIf you flash it open after that, you will be left with the residue of closed-mode aegis keys all over the devicew22:45
juicemeso the trick is to do it back-to-back;22:45
juicemefirst flash os+emmc22:45
juicemethen immediately flash openmode kernel22:46
eekkelundthanks Win7Mac22:46
juicemeand make sure the device does not boot between the flashes22:46
eekkelundjuiceme, I didnt know this.22:47
juicemewhy this works; when the device boots up first time after a flash, it will create the keysets and a whole lot of shit22:47
juicemeif you force the first boot to be open mode, then all keys are created for open mode :)22:47
eekkelundah yeah22:48
Win7Macforwarded last mail re CC22:48
juicemeeekkelund, I call it back-to-back flashing. It's all documented in the wikis and ubiboot documentation22:48
juicemeWin7Mac, coding competition, yes.22:49
eekkelundThanks juiceme :)22:49
eekkelundjuiceme, what you think about coding competetion?22:49
juicemeThe problem was it was received so unenthusticly we decided not to run the competition then. Might change?22:49
juicemeI'd love it22:50
juicemebut if there are no contestants... :(22:50
Win7Maci wouldn't exactly call it 'dead' yet, but it will mean *a lot* of organising22:50
juicemeyes, we might take off from where we got to last time, we already have categories and rules thought out, now just need to get people involved in it22:51
eekkelundAnd what about prizes?:)22:53
juicemewell, everyone likes cash22:54
eekkelundtrue :D22:54
juicemebut devices are nice to play with22:54
Win7Macand some have no access to certain devices22:55
eekkelundTrue x222:55
Win7Maclike cepi22:55
Win7Macor it would be incredibly expensive22:55
Win7Macsourcing some Aquafish/Jolla C would surely be nice though22:56
Win7Macor a JTab22:57
Win7Macare they still sold on that chinese site?22:57
eekkelundNo they are not :/22:58
juicemewell, I think if Jolla managed to get Aquafishen to europe, that could be one alternative22:59
Win7MacAquafishen... :)22:59
juicemeyes, good one, right? :)23:00
Win7Maclove it!23:00
juicemejust like "vaxen" is plural of vax23:00
juicemeeekkelund, just saw your council blog;
Win7Macoh yes, thanks!23:01
eekkelundJolla C = aquafishen23:02
eekkelundhaha thanks, other one is coming23:02
Win7MacNOT to appear in the minutes, please: I am heavily annoyed ba dave999, what about you?23:04
juicemewell, he does repeat the same thing ove&over. maybe thinks it makes it more funny or something.23:05
Win7Macit's harming jolla23:05
juicemeit is just teasing IMHO, he does not really care either way23:06
Win7Mache is influencing people23:06
Win7Macteasing, yes... provocating...23:06
juicemetrue too. someone could take it at face value, not seeing it is just jesting23:06
Win7Mactrolling at it'S finest23:06
Win7Macputting up dumb questions23:07
Win7Macoffending too23:08
juicemebut one thing to his credit, he really just frequents 2 threads or so, not messing up all ovet the place.23:08
Win7Mache is messing up jolla, tha's what he does23:09
Win7Macyeah, 2 or 3 threads are enough for him...23:09
Win7Maceekkelund, your comment?23:10
eekkelundOh sorry23:11
reinobhe may be influencing people who let themselves be influenced. we cannot and should not do anything about that23:11
Win7Mache's not randomly trolling, his posts clearly are directed23:12
juicemeI'd say all people already know of his opinion.23:12
eekkelundYeah, he can be little annoying, I think he is doing it on purpose.:D Just to have fun? But well, I think in TMO we have kinda free speech so should we even do anything?:)23:13
juicemeit is directed, true, but it has become just like pattering of raindrops, kind of meaningless23:13
reinobcould be banned if violating code of conduct. I'd tend to say he doesn't, but I don't read his posts so often23:13
eekkelundI haven't been reading his comments now..:/23:13
juicemeand I don't think it really is hurting Jolla23:13
juicemekind of funny if it COULD do some harm23:14
Win7Mactrolling is prohibited by forum rules23:14
eekkelundI think banning would just give him more speed. Or just drop whole TMO. I dont want either23:14
eekkelundOkay trolling, yeah true23:14
juicememmh. it is moderators job to check if someting is trolling and then give warning/infraction/ban23:15
Win7Macthen mods don't have the nuts...23:16
Win7Macfearing a shitstorm or whatever23:16
Win7Machowever, we could contact them and remind them of our forum rules and to act accordingly23:18
juicemeyes, can do that.23:19
Win7Macreinob, eekkelund, you agree?23:20
juicemeeach section he frequents have different mod I think. but the one you mean is the thread "The Future of Jolla's Tablet" in the "jolla tablet" forum23:20
juicemehowever there's a catch.23:21
juicemehe has started that thread himself...23:21
Win7Macthe title alone is ridiculous23:21
juicemeso in a way, he *has* the right to vent there...23:21
reinobi agree with reminding mods23:21
Win7Macor remove it to off-topic23:21
juicemeoff-topicing it could be appropriate23:22
Win7Macin off-topic, trolling may be tolerated ffs23:22
juicemesince it no longer serves a real purpose23:22
Win7Macand not listed in active topics23:23
juicemeohm sorry23:24
Win7Macmoving it to off-topic may be less reistrictive than banning him23:24
juicememenat to say @jalyst is the moderator on that forum23:24
reinobI'd ask mods to check and decide. I/council itself should IMHO not decide23:24
juicemeagree on that23:25
juicemeWin7Mac, will you discuss this with jalyst?23:25
Win7Macright, mods only have the right to take action23:25
eekkelundWin7Mac agreed^23:26
Win7Macbut if there's a problem, we should act too23:26
Win7Macok, i will23:26
eekkelundreinob agreed^23:27
juicemeso, AOB?23:27
Win7Macnot me ;)23:27
juicemethe TOR access is still ongoing?23:28
reinobcouldnt do anything yet23:28
reinobbut will23:28
juicemeOK, no problem, ongoing.23:29
juicemethe council access AP's can all be closed I think, now that eekkelund can post to blog.23:29
juiceme(I guess you all should be able too)23:30
juicemenew AP:s, start thinking about the competition, talk to mods23:30
juicemebtw, just a sidenote, anybody going to come to Helsinki at 17.6 ?23:31
Win7Macnot me :(23:32
juicemeI got the invitation but unfortunately tht one is just the one weekend I cannot attend, family/relatives business going on then23:32
reinobme neither.23:32
eekkelundnot me :( I have also this weekend family business..23:33
juicemeIf anyone likes to go, I can give my seat to him/her... won't pay for travel, though :)23:34
eekkelundthis weekend=that weekend23:34
juicemeyes :)23:34
juicemeso, OK to close meeting?23:37
eekkelundok for me:)23:37
juicemegnite then!23:37
Win7Macok, sleep well23:38
eekkelundgood night23:38
reinobgood night!23:47

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