IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Tuesday, 2016-05-03

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eekkelundHello, am I on time? :)22:03
reinobI think so :)22:03
reinobBTW welcome to the council!22:03
eekkelundGood, and thanks! :)22:03
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reinobhi pichlo!22:08
reinobwelcome to the council!22:08
pichlothanks ;)22:09
pichlosorry I'm late, technical difficulties22:09
pichloI'm connecting from a cage ;)22:10
reinobyou're not late. I mean, there's AFAIK no hard deadlines. juiceme usually comes a bit later, others never show up.. :)22:10
reinobdefine cage22:10
pichloIce rink22:10
pichlothere is public wifi but doesn't work very well22:10
eekkelundHi pichlo :)22:11
pichloand as far as 3G us concerned, the building is a Faraday's cage22:11
reinobah OK :)22:11
pichlohi eekkulund22:11
eekkelundWhats going on in ice rink? Ice hockey?22:12
pichlomy daughter's lesson22:12
pichloI am the designated driver22:12
reinobsocker dad, sort of.. me too, but for ballet and piano :)22:12
pichlomy kids have some activity every evening of the week, except Friday22:13
pichloI can just about make Tuesdays during the skating thingy ;)22:14
pichlothat might put a damper on my attendance but I will try ;)22:15
reinobdon't worry. in many cases there's been nothing to discuss so we've just hanged around here.22:15
reinobwe could briefly discuss something and then continue per e-mail, which I personally find more convenient22:15
pichloabout 1930-2030 UK time is perfect for me22:16
pichlootherwise offline22:16
pichloemail is good22:16
reinobcould be arranged. in my case it would be OK (19:30 UK is 20:30 DE where we bring the kids to bed, but it's usually my wife doing it..)22:17
reinobekkelund: would 20:30 (you're SE right?) be OK for you?22:17
pichloI mght re-connect after my kids go to bed, usually 2100-213022:18
eekkelundIm FI and it is oko:)22:18
pichlotoo late for you?22:18
reinobthen we just need to check with Win7Mac and juiceme22:19
reinobin case they don't show up in 10min (when pichlo would need to leave) we can call it a meeting and continue next week22:19
reinobBTW at some point we'll need to appoint a chairman..22:20
reinobtradition is a newcomer has to do it :)22:20
pichlochairman, vice-chairman, sergeant at arms, treasurer...22:21
reinobnah, just chairman. basically a minute-writer :)22:21
reinobbut in the last term HtheB (chairman) was almost never there and juiceme wrote the minutes22:22
pichloI remember Wkiwide (Oksana) writing them too22:23
pichloor was that before?22:23
reinobbefore, wikiwide is/was not in the current council22:23
reinob.. I think..22:23
reinobwin7mac, peterleinchen, htheb, juiceme and me was it22:24
pichlopretty much the same now, only peterleinchen=pichlo and HtheB=eekkelund22:25
pichlowhy are some nicks highlighted but not others?22:26
reinobwe need to write some guide/tutorial for the council, like what to do after election (chairman, irc cloaks, access rights, etc.)22:26
reinobI see nothing highligthed (irssi)22:27
reinobyou mean22:27
reinobpichlo: this?22:27
pichlosorry, gotta go22:31
pichlosee you in 30-40 min22:32
eekkelundsee you :)22:32
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Win7MacHi :)22:41
eekkelundHello :)22:41
Win7Maccongrats all!22:41
Win7Macand welcome to council!22:42
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Win7Macsorry for being late, reading log now22:42
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eekkelundThanks :)22:43
reinobwas about to say pichlo had left and would come back later but I see he's connected now22:43
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Win7Macso any volunteers for chairman?22:48
reinobI would candidate only if neither pichlo nor eekkelund want to..22:50
* Win7Mac is looking at eekkelund...22:50
reinob(and I'd be happy if one of them would volunteer!)22:50
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Win7Macme too22:50
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eekkelundWhat are chairmans duties? :)22:51
Win7Macwriting meeting minutes and announcing things22:52
Win7MacI believe there are different templates out there22:53
Win7Macpeterleinchen and juiceme have them I believe22:53
reinobplus IMHO whenever there's something to vote/decide amongst us to take the "chairman" role and make sure all have voted, etc.22:53
juicemesorry am late!22:53
Win7Machi juiceme!22:53
juicemehiya all... had some emergency repair I had to finish for tomorrow when am taking my car to the annual inspection :)22:54
juicemehad to fix it before morning...22:54
juicemehow's it been?22:55
reinobWin7Mac and I are hoping that eekkelund or pichlo take the role of chairman22:55
eekkelundHmm if pichlo don't want mayybee I could.. Only because Win7Mac was looking at this direction:D22:56
reinobbut pichlo is away at the moment22:56
eekkelundHi juiceme :)22:56
reinobBTW pichlo said he could be available from 19:30-20-30 UK (so 20:30-21:30 DE and 21:30-22:30 FI)22:57
reinobwould that be OK for you guys?22:57
Win7Macok for me22:58
juicemeeekkelund, welcome to council :)22:58
eekkelundok for me also22:58
eekkelundThanks :)22:58
juicemeso pichlo's away for a while22:58
juicemehave you discussed meeting days yet?22:59
juicemetuesday is kind-of-traditional but could be something else too22:59
reinobfor now the day has been fixed to tuesday (i.e. not discussed)22:59
juicemetuesday is kind of nice for many people since it is usually a day of no special signifigance :)23:00
reinobI would be OK with tuesday or thursday23:00
juicemethose are OK for me too23:00
juicemewednesday not so good23:00
eekkelundtuesday and thursday are good23:01
juicemehmm, about nicks & cloaks; new council members should get cloaks.23:02
reinobso we let pichlo decide if tuesday or thursday then?23:02
juicemeeekkelund, have you registered your nick?23:03
eekkelundthats good question, how to check?23:03
juicemethat is precondition for getting a cloak, so that no-one can steal it from you :)23:03
juicemewell, do /msg nickserv help23:04
reinobif you do something like /msg NickServ identify <your-password> when connecting, then you've registered it23:05
reinobor you use sasl (I do that, with znc)23:05
juicemethe nickserv will tell you how to do it, I think the command is just to say 'register' on the nickserv window. ANd you need to provide a password23:05
juicemereinob, yes23:06
juicemeeekkelund, what the cloak means;23:06
juicemeif you do for example /whois juiceme23:07
juicemeyou see I am cloaked, my info reads "juiceme [~juice@Maemo/community/council/juiceme]"23:07
reinobjuiceme: btw, why /who reinob shows the hostname but /who juiceme doesn't?23:08
juicemethe cloak enables you to do various things, for example you are able to go to channel ##maemo-admin where various sysadmin things are discussed23:08
juicemereinob, to me it shows just cloak, no hostmane...23:09
juiceme"#maemo-mee reinob    H   0  ~reinob@Maemo/community/council/reinob [B. Reino]"23:10
juicememust be because of your client?23:10
eekkelundhmm I feel irc noob. maybe because I am :)23:10
juicemeno problem :)23:10
reinoband if you /who juiceme? (maybe the client does that, or only shows if you /who yourself)23:10
juicemeif I do that, I see myself cloaked...23:11
juicemeam running irssi23:11
reinobeekkelund: me too! I used irc briefly in the 90s and then now with maemo council23:11
reinobme too (irssi), I see this:23:12
juicemewell, I used to hang in IRC a lot in the nineties... then there was some years less (but still did it) and now a fair bit more :)23:12
reinob22:07 -!- reinob [~reinob@Maemo/community/council/reinob]23:12
reinob22:07 -!-  ircname  : B. Reino23:12
reinob22:07 -!-  channels : #maemo-meeting23:12
reinob22:07 -!-  server   : [NL]23:12
reinob22:07 -!-           : is using a secure connection23:12
reinob22:07 -!-  hostname :
reinob22:07 -!-  idle     : 0 days 0 hours 1 mins 42 secs [signon: Tue May  3 09:59:03 2016]23:12
reinob22:07 -!-  account  : reinob23:12
reinob22:07 -!- End of WHOIS23:12
eekkelundI have just used it to read news and convos :D Haven't participated myself so much23:12
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juicemereinob, ah now I get what you mean!23:13
juicemeI cannot see your "hostname:" line23:14
juicemeinstead I see mine; "hostname :"23:14
juicemepichlo_, welcome back!23:14
reinobOK! not that I care much. OK so it's client-side23:14
juicemeand welcome to council, pichlo_23:14
juicemeI apologise I was away when you first popped in tonight23:15
juicemeso, eekkelund, what client are you using?23:16
juicemenot that it matters a lot, but at least I find it easier to use a standard console client rather than a web-form client23:17
eekkelundIm using console23:17
eekkelundScreen running on my cloud23:17
reinobnow that I'm an android user (!) I find juicessh to be very usable, even for things like irssi within tmux23:18
reinoband it's got juice in its name. it must be good23:18
juicemeokay, so not so irc-newbie as you are pretending to be :)23:18
juicemereinob, yes, juice in anything makes it good!23:18
reinobI do irssi via znc both running on tmux on my vps23:18
juicemegood way that. I am using screen since I just never bothered to switch to tmux even as it supposedly is the better way :)23:19
reinobI use only 0.1% of its possibilities. but it does the job well (just like screen would do anyway)23:20
eekkelundtmux?:D i think i am quite irc noob23:22
pichlo_anybody still around?23:22
juicemepichlo_, sure23:22
reinobyes, we are all here!23:22
pichlo_me signing in and out was my Jolla in a moving car ;)23:22
reinobwe've discussed thursday as an alternative day, in case it suits you better. for all of us it would be OK23:23
juicemepichlo_ are you still in a car?23:23
pichlo_Thursday not much better23:23
pichlo_no, at home23:24
Win7Macpichlo is back!23:24
pichlo_why am I suddenly with and underscore after my nick?23:24
Win7Machi and welcome!23:24
pichlo_thanks! ;)23:25
reinobthat's irc-voodoo. I think it's your alternative nick, because you probably logged in when pichlo was still formally logged on23:25
reinobor something23:25
juicemethe underscore is because the nick you logged in was taken at the mment you logged in23:25
juicemepichlo_, try "/nick pichlo"23:25
juicemethat should help23:25
*** pichlo_ is now known as pichlo23:26
reinobI recommend running a bouncer (znc) permanently (on a server) so you can connect and disconnect as you like without having any effect23:26
pichlosounds too advanced for me23:26
juicemepichlo, same question to you I asked eekkelund, have you registered your nick?23:26
pichloI need to graso the basucs first23:26
juicemeyes, of course23:27
reinobOK then first make sure your nick is registered23:27
pichlodamn Jolla keyboard23:27
pichloit SUCKS!!!23:27
juicemepichlo, do "/msg nickserv help"23:28
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reinoband then "register <a-password>"23:28
juicemeand nickserver will tell you what it can do23:28
Win7Macpichlo, use a pc, your're at home ;)23:28
juicemegood command is "register <password> <email-address>"23:29
pichlotoo awkward23:29
pichlomy PC is a laptop but I find even that too clumsy23:29
juicemewhy registering is important; then you are password-protected, and nobody can steal your nick23:30
pichloI use it only when there is absolutely no other option23:30
juicemeafter that's done, I'll request Maemo cloaks for you and you can access ##maemo-admin channel23:30
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pichloOK, I can look it up timorrow at work23:31
juicemeOksana, welcome!23:31
pichlothat's about the only place I use a PC23:31
pichlohi, Oksana ;)23:31
juicemepichlo, what, no laptop "home?23:31
reinobhe prefers the jollaphone23:31
juicemeI couldn't live without one23:31
juicemethat indeed gains respect23:32
pichlono, I prefer ANY mobile device23:32
reinobI hate it but I find my new android (moto g3) much more usable than the jolla23:32
juicememobile device is pretty neat but without a hwkbd so much is lacking23:32
reinobonly the neo900 would beat it23:32
pichloyou should see our house, you woukd understand23:32
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pichlono place to put a laptop23:33
juicemewell, the Jolla tablet with a bluetooth KBD is fairly good23:33
Oksanahello :-) Meeting finished ? ;-)23:33
reinobwe're just warming up :)23:33
pichloevery horizontal surface is vertically piled up with STUFF23:33
Win7Machi Oksana23:34
juicemeOksana, not really, just warming up :)23:34
reinobyou live in an ikea model house? :)))23:34
juicemepichlo laptop is used sitting with it in your lap :)23:34
eekkelund_weird, I registered my nick and screen stopped responding23:34
reinobweird, indeed23:35
eekkelund_Cant attach to screen anymore23:35
reinobkill it and start again?23:35
juicemeodd... maybe you mistyped password?23:35
pichlothis is getting very involved23:35
pichloregistering, attach...23:35
pichloalready over my head23:36
reinobattach is to his terminal multiplexer (there!)23:36
reinobyou only need to register with nickserv23:36
Oksanamobile devices have their advantages, but a server at home can be useful (just like a landline phone ;-) )23:36
pichlonow I see why no ine uses IRC23:36
pichlono one23:37
reinobeverybody uses IRC! they even keep reinventing it! :)23:37
eekkelund_it didn't even ask my password, I just VERYFY(ied) my nick with command what freenode sent to me23:37
juicemeOksana, true.... I even have the landline but no-one never calls to it!23:37
juicemepichlo plenty of people use IRC all the time23:37
pichloreinvented URC with a friendly interface is a better URC ;)23:38
juicemeall these wazapps ant their ilk is just poorly copied IRC23:38
pichloIRC, dammit!23:38
pichlonever used wazzap23:38
pichloalways ysed Skype23:38
pichloit's brilliant23:38
pichlomuch simpler23:39
juicemewhy tthey are reinventing it, is just by companies that want to take control, not allow the wild and free irc undiluted :)23:39
pichlomade fir idiots like me23:39
juicemewell skype is also contolled by 1 company23:39
juicemeas well as Slack23:39
reinobby THE ONE company23:39
juicemebut there are alternatives to Slack, plenty. stuff that you can run in your own intranet23:40
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pichlomaybe, but it works and is easy to use23:40
juicemeeekkelund, welcome back.23:40
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pichlounlike this abomination :(23:40
eekkelundyay thanks :)23:40
eekkelundand now registered23:41
juicemeyou should never trust something that apperas to be easy to use. they are just hiding the horrid deatials from view...23:41
Win7Macpichlo, you'll sort it out23:41
juicemedetails even23:41
pichloI won't even try untul I get sime sleep first23:41
juicemeya, it is just typoing chars to screen anyway :)23:41
reinobbut what pichlo thinks is horrible is nothing compared to what happens on irc in the background!23:41
Win7Macok, not now23:41
pichloI've been up since 3am ;)23:42
juicemeooo, so go to bed, then23:42
juicemejust before that23:42
Win7Macok then let's get the important stuff done23:42
OksanaAre there test-echo numbers available for whatsapp-something developers?
juicemethe some basics; do we already have chairman?23:42
juicemeand agree on meeting time?23:42
Win7Macmeeting date stays on tuesday?23:43
reinobfor now yes23:43
juicemeOksana, I have not been following whatsapp development.23:43
juicemetuesday is OK, what about time?23:43
pichloactiin items: chairman, nicks registering, what else?23:43
pichlomeeting times can stay23:44
reinobas I said before, I candidate as chairman only if neither pichlo nor eekkelund candidate, which I would prefer.23:44
Win7MacSo tuesday 20:30 CET/CEST23:44
pichlofine with me23:44
reinob19:30 UK 20:30 DE 21:30 FI23:44
reinobregardless of DST23:44
juicemeI suppose it's OK.23:44
Win7Macthanks reinob, exactly23:45
juicemeI hate DST like plague it is23:45
reinobme too, just whatever you clock says23:45
Win7Macme too23:45
eekkelundIt's okay23:45
juicemeso, chairing?23:45
reinobpichlo: do you wish to candidate as chairman?23:45
pichlonot really23:46
reinob(minute-writing, announcing stuff, moderating internal voting..)23:46
juicemeas is customary, others can help with the minutes23:46
pichlobut if you twist my arm...23:46
reinoband eekkelund: what about you?23:46
Win7Macpichlo already seems quite busy...23:46
eekkelundif pichlo won't.. then I could23:47
pichloyeeey! ;)23:47
juicemeeekkelund, I'll guide you into it, no problem23:47
Win7Macthat was a definate maybe?23:47
reinobpichlo: would you prefer eekkelund or yourself?23:47
reinobeekkelund: would you prefer pichlo or yourself?23:47
pichloyou really like me in the corner, don't you?23:48
reinobI hate doing this, believe me :)23:48
reinobor you both candidate and then we all vote23:48
reinobbut it's hard to choose one over the other!23:49
OksanaTor blocked on TMO? Recommendation to devs to support devuan, not debian? and an inquiry to techstaff respectively warfare and xes about expected lifecycle of server HDDs until preemtive service swap would be in order to...23:49
pichloI don't mind doing it as such, but I'm afraid I'll screw it uo horribly23:49
* Win7Mac slaps eekkelund ;)23:49
* Oksana would vote for somebody who hasn't ever done it before; it's easy, and a useful skill23:50
* juiceme seconds Oksana23:50
* reinob finds both perfectly suitable23:50
eekkelundI think because juiceme promised to guide, I think I could do it :D23:50
* Win7Mac prefers eekkelund or reinob23:51
pichloeven if the vast majority of what you say sounds like ancient Egyptian?23:51
eekkelundBut I don't prefer myself over pichlo!:D23:51
Win7Macancient Egyptian...23:51
juicemeancient Egyptian... how?23:51
Win7Maci guess writing and formatting texts on a jolla is no joy...23:52
reinobnow it's meta-egyptian because you didn't understand pichlo23:52
juicemeahhhahha :)23:52
pichloI'll try to dig up an ultra-portable PC by the next meeting23:53
Win7Maca tab?23:53
pichlodon't see much difference between a tab and a Jolla23:54
juicemepichlo, try to get an IBM or Lenovo T-series device... just love those and they are incredibly cheap nowdays23:54
eekkelundwhat client you use pichlo?23:54
reinobI have to leave in like two minutes, so we can just assume both candidate and just vote? we're 5 and we're confirmed23:54
juicemeOK, I vote for eekkelund23:55
reinobI vote for pichlo23:55
pichlome too! ;)23:55
eekkelundjuiceme: just changed my 10yo t60 to this t420 :)23:55
eekkelundpichlo :D23:55
reinobOK 3 against 2 for eekkelund, right?23:56
juicemeokay... so it is decided?23:56
reinobeekkelund, do you accept?23:56
Win7Maceekkelund, do you accept?23:56
reinob(HtheB should be here doing this)23:56
eekkelundyes I accept.23:57
Win7MacRIGHT... :(23:57
juicemeyes, too bad HtheB was not able to attend23:57
juicemeeekkelund, excellent.23:57
Win7Mache never was...23:57
pichlothanks, eekkelund23:57
juicemeAll hail to our new chairman!23:57
Win7Maceekkelund, excellent, thanks!23:57
reinobOK. Congratulations to eekkelund. Thanks pichlo for candidating! :) and thanks all for being here.23:57
reinobsorry I took a bit of a chairman-ish role, but I'm going to bed right now23:58
juicemeallright, now we have most of the important stuff done23:58
reinobGood night23:58
eekkelundNp I promise I won't screw this up badly ;D23:58
juicemeI'll ask the mailing list to be changed!23:58
eekkelundreinob GN23:58
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juicemeeekkelund, pichlo, send me your email addresses in private23:58
juiceme(unless you want to announce that publicly)23:59
pichlojuiceme, you have my email23:59
pichloI used to announce my candidacy23:59
juicemeah, sure23:59

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