IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Tuesday, 2016-03-22

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juicemeseems peterleinchen & reinob are away tonight22:11
Win7Macyeah, just read it too22:11
juicemeno progress on the announcements then?22:12
Win7Macsince we all agree that time is due, could you prepare election announcement?22:12
Win7Macseems not22:12
*** HtheB has joined #maemo-meeting22:12
Win7Machi HtheB, long time no see...22:12
juicemeI can do the council election announcement, but last time we agreed that some native german speaker should do the GA announcement, right?22:13
juicemeHtheB :)22:13
Win7Macnative german would surely help. Please bare with me, my 21y-old cat is about to leave soon22:16
juicemeso sorry to hear that :(22:17
juicemebut 21y is a good age for a cat22:17
juicemelong good life I suppose22:17
Win7Macspent last 20 years together... yes, 21 is pretty good an age, oldest living cat is 2722:18
HtheBWin7Mac; hi!22:20
Win7Macvery weak kidneys and a broken heart, not much hope really, but she still eats + drinks22:20
Win7Machi HtheB22:20
HtheBThats a good age22:20
HtheBbut sad that he's leaving :(22:20
Win7Macat least she suffers no pain it seems22:21
juicememy dear cat died last year, only 14y. got cancer of colon22:21
Win7Macoh, sorry to hear22:22
Win7Maccancer really is a nasty thing22:22
juicemeit is always so sad with pets, you can only do so much :(22:22
Win7Macat least my cat despite her age does not have it22:22
juicemethe sickness took her in 3 month, in the end she was very ill but not for long22:23
Win7Mac3 months only... :(22:24
HtheBhmm :(22:25
HtheBI have a bird, he's now 1,522:25
Win7Macthe problem always seems to be that when you realize it, it's basically too late for a cure22:25
juicemeyes, and usually intestinal surgery is not possible for pets even.22:29
juicemeI think at least some birds are fairly long-lived, parrots up to 40y ?22:29
HtheBI have a Lovebird22:53
HtheBwhich are like 13-15 max22:53
Win7Maca lovebird? - they're supposed to live as acouple, hence the name22:57
juicemeHtheB so just one bird then?22:58
Win7Macand mine is a lovecat...22:58
Win7Maca lovebug in fact23:03
juicemeregarding the elections; last time the nomination period was 5 weeks I think as we did not get enough candidates, normally it is 2 weeks.23:07
juicemeso if I make announcement now, and nomintions start the same day and last until april 9th23:08
juicemein the elections rules there is no contemplation period altough I think we have had that in at least few latest elections23:10
Win7Macor and scroll down to Association Rules (General Regulations) (eglish translation) ยง 4.1 Council Elections23:11
juicemeso a week of election, april 9th...16th23:11
Win7Macyou have my faith, so go ahead23:11
juicemeyes, that way we could have it done in a fairly rapid schedule.23:12
juicemehowever again there's the thing with getting enough candidates :)23:13
Win7Macsorry, I'm out next time23:14
juicemeanyway, I'll do the announcement along those lines. (will check the dates & durations tomorrow)23:14
juicemehow come?23:14
Win7Macnot sure really23:14
juicememmmh, not much special has happened during this council. noting tragedig anyway23:15
Win7Macbut I feel it's also time for me to say goodbye to maemo soon too :(23:15
Win7Macno, nothing tragic23:15
Win7Mac but let's wait first what my next device will be ;)23:16
juicemeokay, any plans yet for that?23:16
Win7Macpretty much anything non-google and non-apple23:17
juicemesince I bet there's not likely to be any community associated with the major mfg.s devices...23:17
Win7MacPreferrably SFphone successor, but will it happen?23:17
juicemenothing like Maemo anyway :)23:17
juicemegood question, still open. I think fairphone is getting close to official23:18
Win7MacSince I rooted my mom's tablet and learned that you can pretty much live without google, I might go through the hassle next time. Or Cyanogenmod...23:19
juicemeI'd need to try that in my hands before making decision, though. Nad thats pretty difficult since you cannot buy it from a local store....23:19
Win7MacIs Intex Aqua Fish ready for shipment (in EU)?23:21
juicemeI think not. Unless some distributor takes to sell it in europe. Intex themselves do not want to sell outside India23:22
Win7Macand will there be support?23:22
juicemein europe? probably not23:23
Win7MacHW seems quite ok23:23
Win7Macbut 1st of all, it sports SF23:23
juicemeyeah, did see the prototype.23:23
juicemepretty OK, and addresses the main weaknesses of the original sbj device; 2G memory + better camera23:24
juicemeno electrical connections to TOH though... :(23:25
Win7Macno prob for me23:25
juicemewhich fairphone *does* have :)23:25
Win7Macdon't care really23:25
Win7MacI'm not THAT much of a nerd...23:26
juicemeit's more or less speciality, not necessary for majority of people23:26
juicemeI am :)23:26
Win7Macand that's deffo a good thing23:26
juicemejust love the possibilities, the concept itself is so neat23:27
Win7Macright, I'm just not willing and able to learn all the stuff required23:28
juicemeand it has been done pretty well. I have TOHOLED & TOHKBD and they just rock, nothing else available for competiting devices23:28
Win7MacI love crystalclear tutorials though ;)23:28
juicemeyes :)23:28
Win7MacI was really lucky with my mom's model, there was a very fine thread on xda23:30
Win7Macfor that spec. device23:30
juicemenow what did we do before da internetz was invented :p23:31
Win7Maci can hardly remember...23:31
Win7Macphone boxes + btx...23:32
juicemeyes, nowdays it is so mindblowingly ubiquous23:32
juicemebut hey, I'll drop off & go to bed now23:33
Win7Macsleep well23:34
juicemesee you later...23:34
Win7Macsee ya23:34
Win7Macand thanks23:34
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